Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Transport 612
- Transportation 522
- Transporte 430
- Business & Economics 369
- Transportation Economics 287
- Transportes 246
- Transporte acuático 230
- Historia 215
- Economic conditions 143
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 139
- Computer networks 126
- History 123
- Environmental aspects 116
- Economics 115
- Ferrocarriles 114
- Economic policy 112
- Technology: general issues 109
- History of engineering & technology 108
- Innovaciones tecnológicas 108
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport 106
- Research & information: general 104
- Investigación científica 102
- Management 99
- Derecho marítimo 98
- aspectos económicos 93
- Environment 91
- Transporte ferroviario 89
- Urbanismo 89
- Transportes urbanos 87
- Història 86
7561por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Health policy in South East Europe -- Preface -- Effective public services in South East Europe -- Anti-corruption policy in South East Europe -- Foreword and acknowledgements -- Environmental policy in South East Europe -- Investment policy and promotion in South East Europe -- Access to finance in South East Europe -- Trade policy and facilitation in South East Europe -- Education and competences in South East Europe -- Tax policy in South East Europe -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Competition policy in South East Europe -- Employment policy in South East Europe -- Executive summary -- Methodology and assessment process -- Digital society in South East Europe -- Research, development and innovation in South East Europe -- Cultural and creative sectors in South East Europe -- Transport in South East Europe…”
Publicado 2016
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7562por Publishing, OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Overview and analysis -- ■ Introduction -- Background and Context -- ■ Policy Options and Trends -- Climate Change Policies in IEA Member Countries -- Policy Focus: The Transport Sector -- Policy Focus: Renewable Energy Production -- ■ Policy Analysis -- Optimising Climate Change Mitigation: A Policy Assessment Exercise -- Impacts of Climate Change Measures on Fossil-Fuel Exporting Countries -- ■ Methodology -- ■ Bibliography -- Section II. …”
Publicado 2002
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7563por Publishing, OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Preliminaries; Contents; Demography; Health expenditure and resources; Health status; Gross Domestic Product; Economic growth and performance; Employment; Part time and self employment; Unemployment; Sectoral contributions to gross value added; Agriculture support estimates; Business statistics; Services value added; Services employment; Transport; Government sector; Taxation; Energy supply; Energy consumption and electricity generation; Environment resources; Environment emissions and pollution; emissions; Prices and interest rates; Direct investment; Institutional investment; Trade…”
Publicado 2004
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7564por International Energy Agency StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…WORLD ENERGY TRENDS: AN OVERVIEW; PART II: STATISTICAL DATA; COUNTRY-SPECIFIC NETCALORIFIC VALUES; GRAPHS AND ENERGY BALANCE SHEETS; SUMMARY TABLES ANDENERGY INDICATORS; Production; Net imports; Primary energy supply; Electricity generation; Electricity consumption; Final consumption; Industry consumption; Consumption in transport; Other sectors' consumption; GDP; Population; Energy production/TPES…”
Publicado 2009
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7565por Meyer Kriesten, KerstinTabla de Contenidos: “…El ejemplo de Santiago de Chile -- Resumen -- Mejoramiento de la infraestructura de transporte -- Barrios cerrados en América Latina y Sanriago de Chile -- Motivos principales y metodología de la investigación empírica -- Evaluación de la encuesta en la "Expovivienda 2003 -- Evaluación de la encuesta con habitantes de condominios en Santiago -- Motivos de la elección de la vivienda -- Lugares de acción -- Estrutura de la población -- Impactos en la estructura socioespacial y funcional -- Bibliografía -- Figura No 1 -- Figura No 2 -- Figura No 3 -- Figura No 4 -- Figura No 5 -- Cuadro No 1.…”
Publicado 2006
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7566Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Purchasing management skill sets in foreign markets -- Freight, logistics, and specialized transportation issues for import/export managers -- Risk management in international business -- Technology in global trade -- Global personnel deployment and structure -- Development resources in the import/export supply chain management -- Foreign trade zones, bonded warehouses, free trade agreements, and business with China -- Essential overview of import/export compliance and security management: post 9/11 -- Export management: incoterms, documentation, compliance, operations, and export supply chain skill sets -- The import supply chain: purchasing, operations, documentation, and compliance management -- Import strategies in maintaining a "compliant and secure" inbound supply chain -- Bureau of customs and border protection: compliance and security expectations: post 9/11 -- Concluding remarks…”
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7567por García-Rincón, JonásTabla de Contenidos: “…Subsurface flow and transport in heterogeneous media -- 3. Evolution of our understanding on LNAPL distribution -- 4. …”
Publicado 2024
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7568por Wilkins, TrevTabla de Contenidos: “…18There and back again - Transport and accommodationReal-life examples; General glossary; Theater glossary; Index…”
Publicado 2007
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7569Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 In Situ Observations Of Vapor-liquid-solid Growth Of Silicon Nanowires; Chapter 2 Growth Of Germanium, Silicon, And Ge- Si Heterostructured Nanowires; Chapter 3 Transition Metal Silicide Nanowires: Synthetic Methods And Applications; Chapter 4 Metal Silicide Nanowires: Growth And Properties; Chapter 5 Formation Of Epitaxial Silicide In Silicon Nanowires; Chapter 6 Interaction Between Inverse Kirkendall Effect And Kirkendall Effect In Nanoshells And Nanowires; Chapter 7 Electrical Transport Properties Of Doped Silicon Nanowires…”
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7570por Huffman, FredTabla de Contenidos: “…Internet & Telecom - A Brief History; 3. Content Transport Network Defined; 4. Network Technology and Methodology; 5. …”
Publicado 2004
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7571Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Spin-Polarized Transport in QuantumDots System with Rashba Spin-OrbitInteraction; Chapter 2: Optical Properties of Spins in CoupledSemiconductor Quantum Dots; Chapter 3: Triangular Triple Quantum Dots Drivenby ac Magnetic Fields; Chapter 4: Spin Polarized Transmission throughSingle and Double Aharonov-BohmRings with Embedded Quantum Dots; Chapter 5: Atomistic Tight-Binding Simulation ofSpin-Orbit-Coupled SemiconductorDevices…”
Libro electrónico -
7572Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Methods and Means for Collection and Transport of Faecal Sludge -- 5. Overview of Treatment Technologies -- 6. …”
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7573por Greenberg, Michael R.Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Environmental Impact Statement after Two Generations Managing environmental power; Copyright; Contents; List of illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 A statement of values and forty years of field trials; 2 Metropolitan new jersey: transportation, sprawl and urban revitalization; 3 Ellis island New York Harbor: time closes in on a national cultural treasure; 4 Sparrows point, maryland:proposed liquefied natural gas facilities; 5 Johnston Island: destruction of the US chemical weapons stockpile…”
Publicado 2012
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7574Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Impact of the Pandemic Effect on the Aviation in the Environmental Quality of the Air Transport and Travelers 32.…”
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7575por Lízalová, VandaTabla de Contenidos: “…Obsah -- Užívané piktogramy -- Úvod -- První pomoc v kontextu Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní školy -- Základní životní funkce, stavy bezprostředněohrožující život -- Úkony zachraňující život, resuscitace -- Vnější a vnitřní krvácení -- Neúrazové stavy – infarkt myokardu, cévní mozková příhoda -- Neúrazové stavy – diabetes, křeče, mdloba, kolaps, akutní zánět slepého střeva, febrilní křeče, invazivní meningokokové onemocnění, astmatické a epileptické záchvaty -- Poranění páteře, poranění končetin, ztrátová poranění, poranění hlavy, hrudníku a břicha -- Tepelná poranění a poranění způsobená elektrickým proudem a bleskem -- Otravy, poleptání, poranění oka, tonutí -- Polohování a transport raněných -- Dopravní nehody -- Seznam použitých zdrojů…”
Publicado 2022
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7576Publicado 2003Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Understanding The Risk -- 3 Input of Oil to the Sea -- 4 Behavior and Fate of Oil -- 5 Biological Effects of Oil Releases -- A Committee and Staff Biographies -- B Definitions and Conversions -- C Natural Seepage of Crude Oil into the Marine Environment -- D Oil and Gas Extraction -- E Inputs of Petroleum Hydrocarbons into the Oceans Due to Transportation Activities -- F Inputs into the Sea from Recreational Marine Vessels -- G Spills from Coastal Facilities -- H Atmospheric Deposition and Air-Sea Exchange of Petroleum Hydrocarbons to the Ocean -- I Estimating Land-based Sources of Oil in the Sea -- J Methods Used To Estimate PAH Loadings to the Marine Environment -- K Regulatory Framework -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7577Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…1: Abordaje del paciente -- 2: Reanimación -- 3: Traumatismos en ninos -- 4: Tratamiento de las heridas -- 5: Urgencias cardiovasculares -- 6: Urgencias respiratorias -- 7: Gastroenterología y hepatologia -- 8: Neurología -- 9: Enfermedades infeccioses -- 10: Endocrinología y metabolismo -- 11: Hematología y oncologia -- 12: Dermatología -- 13: Oftalmología -- 14: Otorrinolaringología y odontologia -- 15: Obstetricia y ginecologia -- 16: Riñón -- 17: Psiquiatría -- 18: Intervenciones en crisis -- 19: Administración y servicio médico de urgències -- 20: Analgesia y sedación -- 21: Intoxicación -- 22: Medio ambiente -- 23: Procedimientos y técnicas habituales -- 24: Cirugía ortopédica y reumatologia -- 25: Genitales masculinos -- 26: Problemas neonatales agudos -- 27: Transporte y rescate…”
Libro -
7578Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cells and genomes -- Cell chemistry and biosynthesis -- Proteins -- DNA, chromosomes, and genomes -- DNA replication, repair, and recombination -- How cells read the genome: from DNA to protein -- Control of gene expression -- Manipulating proteins, DNA, and RNA -- Visualizing cells -- Membrane structure -- Membrane transport of small molecules and the electrical properties of membranes -- Intracellular compartments and protein sorting -- Intracellular vesicular traffic -- Energy conversion: mitochondria and chloroplasts -- Mechanisms of cell communication -- The cytoskeleton -- The cell cycle -- Apoptosis -- Cell junctions, cell adhesion, and the extracellular matrix -- Cancer -- Sexual reproduction: meiosis, germ cells, and fertilization -- Development of multicellular organisms -- Specialized tissues, stem cells, and tissue renewal -- Pathogens, infection, and innate immunity -- The adaptive immune system…”
7579Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Peter's Basilica on the Vatican Hill -- New Rome and the horizons of empire : Hagia Sophia in Istanbul -- 'The third Rome' : the Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin -- "Renovatio Romani Imperii" : Charlemagne's Church of the Holy Mother of God at Aachen -- 'Transported from this inferior to that higher world' : the Abbey of Saint-Denis -- 'To the increce of oure merites' : God's house at Ewelme, Oxfordshire -- The Western caliphate and the Christian monarchs : the Cathedral, Cordoba-- Ultimate authority under attack : the building of Renaissance St Peter's -- The Iberian empires and the evangelization of the world : the Church of Sant' Ignaziio, Rome -- English parish churches exported : the Crimean Memorial Church, Istanbul -- 'A phoenix too soon' : Coventry Cathedral…”
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7580Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pharmacogenetics of Drug Transporters. Pharmacogenomics of Asthma Treatment. …”