Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 616
- Historia 581
- Development 437
- Social aspects 425
- Application software 372
- Management 322
- Computer networks 241
- Social conditions 238
- Filosofía 224
- Leadership 219
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 214
- Psychological aspects 189
- Examinations 182
- Business & Economics 179
- Operating systems (Computers) 178
- Computer security 168
- Cloud computing 163
- Security measures 162
- Artificial intelligence 158
- Certification 158
- Economic conditions 156
- Design 155
- Philosophy 153
- History and criticism 148
- Crítica e interpretación 147
- Aspectos sociales 141
- Computer software 138
- Computer programs 137
- Psychology 136
10401Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Basic statistics of Brazil, 2022 -- Executive Summary -- Brazil has had a strong recovery -- The new fiscal framework and a tax reform will boost debt sustainability and growth -- Boosting productivity will be key to maintaining strong growth -- Greening growth and building climate-resilient infrastructure will reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- Scaling-up infrastructure investment -- 1 Key Policy Insights -- Introduction -- Following a strong recovery, the economy is growing above the low potential -- Growth remains strong -- Risks are balanced -- The financial system has substantial safety buffers -- Monetary policy has reacted forcefully to persistently high inflation -- Fiscal reforms are needed to stabilise public debt and create fiscal space -- Strengthening fiscal rules will be key for debt sustainability and confidence -- Redesigning the tax system can strengthen growth and equity -- Fighting corruption and tax avoidance will increase tax collection -- Re-organising social protection programmes could strengthen spending efficiency -- A reform of the public administration could create additional fiscal space -- Additional reforms will be crucial to boost productivity and living standards -- Efforts to lower regulatory barriers to domestic competition should continue -- Fostering trade integration and foreign competition would bring substantial benefits -- Labour market policies should facilitate worker reallocation -- Spending on education could be more effective and more equitably distributed -- Greening growth requires reining in deforestation and reforming agriculture -- Further developing biofuels to reduce transport emissions -- Reining in deforestation -- Greening agriculture -- References -- 2 Scaling up infrastructure investment to strengthen sustainable development -- Infrastructure gaps are widespread…”
Libro electrónico -
10402Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Growing a taste for togetherness; Introduction; The emergence of urban agriculture; Tastes of togetherness in lively relations; Tasting the past, adaptive presents and uncertain futures; Playing with the pleasures of taste; Expanding gustatory tastes, making do and encountering the unknown; Conclusion; References; 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
10403The Cult of Saints and Legitimization of Elite Power in East Central and Northern Europe up To 1300.por Pac, GrzegorzTabla de Contenidos: “…Grzegorz Pac -- 9. Many Lives of One Man. Strategies for Building Legitimacy through the Story of St Wenceslas in Early and High Medieval Hagiography (940s-1260s). …”
Publicado 2024
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10404por Hegedus, Tim, 1958-Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Book of Revelation""; ""Revelation 4.6-7: The Four Living Creatures""; ""Taurus Scorpio""; ""Leo Aquarius""; ""Revelation 12. 1-17""; ""Notes""; ""16. …”
Publicado 2007
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10405Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- Introduction: Academic Time -- Autumn Term -- 10 September: Graduation -- 15 September: Everyone Has a Teacher Story -- 17 September: Letter to a New Student -- 20 September: Welcome Week -- 25 September: Goldsmiths and its District -- 27 September: Ratology -- 28 September: Students Not Suspects -- 7 October: Open Day -- 12 October: Stuart Hall Lessons -- 25 October: Teaching -- 31 October: The Uses of Literacy Today -- 5 November: Death by PowerPoint -- 8 November: The Value in Academic Writing -- 20 November: Research Expenses -- 27 November: Extra Curricular -- 29 November: College Green -- 3 December: Meeting John Berger -- 9 December: An Education of Sorts -- 10 December: Class Mobility -- 17 December: Bourdieu Behind Bars -- 29 December: New Year's Honours -- Spring Term -- 10 January: The Diary Disease -- 16 January: Remembering Paul -- 18 January: Recognition -- 25 January: Holding the Fort -- 5 February: Academic Uses and Abuses of Twitter -- 12 February: Generosity as a Strategy for Survival -- 26 February: Professionals and Amateurs -- 7 March: Reading and Remembering -- 10 March: Campus Watch -- 15 March: Writing Routines and the Torture of Starting -- 21 March: That Special Pen -- 1 April: Viral Warning -- 10 April: Ivory Towers -- 16 April: Conference Etiquette -- 19 April: Academic Rights -- 20 April: Casts of Minds -- 27 April: The Devil You Know -- 2 May: Supervision -- 9 May: Thinking Together -- 16 May: The Doublethink of Open Access -- 20 May: Against Intellectual Suicide -- The Summer -- 7 June: Silence Please - Exam in Progress -- 9 June: The Exam Board -- 14 June: On the Occasion of Retirement -- 20 June: The Writer's Desk -- 30 June: The Library Angel -- 4 July: The PhD Viva -- 17 July: Writing and Scholastic Style -- 24 July: 'And What Do You Do for a Living . . .?' -- 19 August: Primo Levi's House…”
Libro electrónico -
10406Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Intrapreneur versus Entrepreneur -- My Journey from Entrepreneur to Intrapreneur to Entrepreneur Again -- An Entrepreneur for Sure -- Settling into Entrepreneurism: Pivoting Through COVID and Making Mistakes -- Fully Embracing Entrepreneurism: Hosting a Podcast and Highlighting Leaders -- Having Passion as an Entrepreneur -- Chapter 2 Heart for God -- Living in Purpose to Achieve the Highest Expression of Self -- Reclaiming My Own Purpose -- You Meet Who You Are Supposed to Meet in Divine Time -- Chapter 3 Know When to Pivot to Survive and Thrive -- The Story of How I Became an Intrapreneur -- Moving on Up -- The Story of How I Became an Entrepreneur -- Chapter 4 Ego: Who, Me? …”
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10407Publicado 1997Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Uncanny Home: Or Living Online with Others; About the Authors; About the Editor; Credits…”
Libro electrónico -
10408por Greenfield, HowardTabla de Contenidos: “…SummaryChapter 7 Maintaining Video Quality and Security; Factors That Affect Video Quality; Conditional Access; Reality Check; Summary; Chapter 8 Sizing Up Servers; Video Servers; Video-on-Demand Servers; Advertising Servers; Live Streaming Servers; Encryption and Rights Management; Reality Check; Summary; Chapter 9 The Importance of Bandwidth; Digital Subscriber Line Technologies; Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer; Home Gateway; Multiple Televisions; How to Calculate Bandwidth; Channel Changing; Bandwidth for a Triple-Play, HD Future; Reality Check; Summary; Chapter 10 Set-Top Boxes…”
Publicado 2009
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10409Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hello?; The Fame Game; Living in the Moment vs. Posting the Moment; Emotional Isolation…”
Libro electrónico -
10410por Jackman, John, 1957-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Make Location LemonadeLow-Budget Lighting Principles; Low-Budget Lighting Process; Using Existing Light and Improvised Cheap Lighting; CHAPTER 12Specialized Lighting; Product Shots; Food Shots; Lightning and Fire; Automobile Interiors; Blue- and Greenscreen; Church and Wedding Lighting; Live Theatre Taping; CHAPTER 13Imagination and Invention; APPENDIX 1 Using a Light Meter for Video; Light Meter Basics; APPENDIX 2 Basic Primer in Signal Monitoring; Waveform Monitor; Vectorscope; APPENDIX3 Addresses of Manufacturers; Glossary; Index…”
Publicado 2010
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10411Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Getting and Spending Money; Whats the Limit to What You Can Achieve?; Living in Excuseville; Taking Action; Part 2 The When; Chapter 6 Get Rich Quick or Get Rich Forever?…”
Libro electrónico -
10412Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Advanced Growing Materials - Designing with Living Matter, Anke Pasold -- 4.2. Didactics for designing in Complex, Open Systems, Anke Pasold -- 4.3. …”
Libro electrónico -
10413por Reina, Dennis S., 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…When You Have Betrayed OthersWhen You Want to Help Others Rebuild Trust; Step 7: Let Go And Move On; Accept What Is So; How You Know When You Are Ready to Move On; Moving On Is Choosing to Act Differently; Integrate and Celebrate; When You Have Been Betrayed; When You Have Betrayed Others; When You Want to Help Others Rebuild Trust; Conclusion: Renewing Confidence, Commitment, and Energy; The Healing Journey; The Outcome: Confidence, Commitment, and Energy; Transforming Others' Lives: Helping Rebuild Trust; Notes; Acknowledgments; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T…”
Publicado 2010
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10414por Jackman, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…Removing SpillFixing Problem Mattes; 11 Live Keying; Switchers, Special Effects, and Keying; The Production Switcher; Digital Video Mixers; Toasters and 'Casters; Dedicated Keyers; Weathercasting; Virtual Studio; 12 Tutorials; Tutorial A: Nonlinear Editors; Tutorial B: After Effects; Tutorial C: Keylight; Tutorial D: Primatte and Walker Effects Light Wrap; Tutorial E: zMatte; Tutorial F: Boris Red; Tutorial G: Ultimatte AdvantEdge; Tutorial H: Serious Magic ULTRA 2; Tutorial I: Apple Shake; 13 Creating New Visions with Changing Technology; So What Works?…”
Publicado 2007
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Publicado 2011
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10416por Sabharwal, NavinTabla de Contenidos: “…""Iterative Capacity Management for Live Services""""Implementation""; ""Monitoring the Plan""; ""Analysis""; ""Tuning""; ""Capacity Review""; ""Chapter 5: Cloud Capacity Management""; ""Capacity Management in Cloud Computing""; ""The Capacity-Utilization Curve""; ""Conventional vs. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
10417por Watson, TonyTabla de Contenidos: “…Institutional theories of organisation and the social construction of realityDiscussion; The Marxian-labour-process strand; Marx and Engels; Marxian industrial sociology and labour process analysis; Discussion; The post-structuralist strand and postmodernism; Postmodernism; Post-structuralist labour process thinking, Foucault, discourse and human subjectivity; Discussion; Sociology, discourses and working lives; Summary; 4. Work, organisation and globalisation; Key issues; The nature of modern societies; The emergence of industrial capitalism; From feudalism to capitalism…”
Publicado 2011
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10418Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Activism and Performance in the Age of Intellectual and Artistic Witch Hunting -- Some Facts ... and Fictions -- Fantasmagorias do Império (Imperial Ghosting) and the Making of Exclusionary Public Spaces -- Acting, the Enclosed, and the Unforeseeable -- Beyond Control, Hopefully -- Conclusion: Exposing Ourselves to Others -- Open Coda: Black Lives Matter and/for the Genealogies of Subversive Artistic Creativity -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
10419Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Hazards of Regeneration: From Morgan’s Legacy to Evo-Devo -- Studying Regeneration in Ascidians: An Historical Overview -- Studying Protista WBR and Repair using Physarum polycephalum -- Studying Porifera WBR using the Calcerous Sponges Leucosolenia -- Studying Ctenophora WBR using Mnemiopsis leidyi -- Studying Placozoa WBR in the Simplest Metazoan Animal, Trichoplax adhaerens -- Collecting and Culturing Kamptozoans for Regenerative Studies -- Collecting and Culturing Bryozoans for Regenerative Studies -- Studying Annelida Regeneration in a Novel Model Organism: The Freshwater Aeolosoma viride -- Studying Annelida Body Regeneration under Environmental Stress in Diopatra neapolitana -- Studying Annelida Regeneration using Platynereis dumerilii -- Collecting and Culturing Lineus sanguineus to Study Nemertea WBR -- Studying Xenacoelomorpha WBR using Isodiametra pulchra -- Studying Echinodermata Arm Explant Regeneration using Echinaster sepositus -- Studying Hemichordata WBR using Ptychodera flava -- Studying Tunicata WBR using Botrylloides anceps -- In Situ Hybridization to Identify Stem Cells in the Freshwater Sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis -- Isolation and Maintenance of In Vitro Cell Cultures from the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi -- Analysis of Spatial Gene Expression at the Cellular Level in Stony Corals -- Studying Stem Cell Biology in Intact and Whole-Body Regenerating Hydra by Flow Cytometry -- Non-Invasive Intra-Vascular Micro-Transfusion in Colonial Tunicates -- Gene Manipulation in Hydractinia -- Manipulation of Gene Activity in the Regenerative Model Sea Anemone, Nematostella vectensis -- Monitoring Telomere Maintenance during Regeneration of Annelids -- Analysis of DNA Double Stranded Breaks using the COMET Assay in Planarians -- Random Integration Transgenesis in a Free-Living Regenerative Flatworm Macrostomum lignano -- RNAi Screening to Assess Tissue Regeneration in Planarians -- Monitoring Chromatin Regulation in Planarians using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by Sequencing (ChIP-seq) -- Assessing Chromatin Accessibility during WBR in Acoels -- Single Cell Transcriptomic Analysis in the Regenerating Cnidarian Nematostella vectensis -- Characterization of Soluble Cell-Free Coelomic Fluid Proteome from the Starfish Marthasterias glacialis -- Using RNA-Sequencing for Transcriptome Profiling of Botrylloides sp. …”
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10420por Robinson, Bryan E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Conclusion; Chapter 3 - Living and Surviving in an Alcoholic Home…”
Publicado 1998
Libro electrónico