Mostrando 9,161 - 9,180 Resultados de 18,649 Para Buscar '"They Live"', tiempo de consulta: 0.11s Limitar resultados
  1. 9161
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- "Every Theory Needs a Reference to Lived Experience" : An Interview with Jean-Pierre Meunier -- Introduction -- Part One: Introduction to the General Structures of Experience -- Part Two: The Film Experience -- General Conclusion -- Stages of an Encounter with Filmic Identification -- Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis : Jean-Pierre Meunier's Theory of Identification in the Cinema -- The Missing Link: Meunier on Imagination and Emotional Engagement -- 'Me, Myself, and I': On the Uncanny in Home Movies -- Remembering Cinema: On the film-souvenir -- You Talkin' to Me? …”
  2. 9162
    Publicado 1990
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Food and Standard of Living: An Analysis Based on Sri Lankan Data10. The Intrafamily Distribution of Hunger in South Asia; 11. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 9163
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Migration, Integration and the State in Germany / 'To Live as Germans Among Germans.' Immigration and Integration of 'Ethnic Germans' in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic / Aussiedler in Germany: From Smooth Adaptation to Tough Integration / PART II: HERE AND THERE: DIVERGENT COMPARISONS -- Polish Berlin: Differences and Similarities with Poles in the Ruhr Area, 1860-1920 / A Passage from India: Trajectories of Economic Integration in London and Mediterranean Europe / Afro-Caribbean Migrants in France and the United Kingdom / PART III: INSTITUTIONS AND INTEGRATION -- Trade Unions and Immigrant Incorporation: The US and Europe Compared / No More than a Keg of Beer: The Coherence of German Immigrant Communities / Religious Newcomers and the Nation-State: Flows and Closures / American Immigrants Look at their Americanisation / PART IV: CONCLUSION -- Drawing Up the Balance Sheet / About the Authors -- References -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 9164
    por Rao, Vikram
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chemical industry prodigals can return -- The ethane dilemma -- The Alaska pipeline is dead; long live the Alaska pipeline -- Transport liquids from gas: Economical now -- Natural gas vehicles: A step in the right direction -- Advantage methanol -- Informing on policy -- Turning the Pennsylvania two-(mis)step into a waltz -- Will cheap natural gas hurt renewables? …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 9165
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…chapter 1 European approaches to enterprise education / chapter 2 U.S. approaches to entrepreneurship education / chapter 3 Reflections and evaluation of Chinese enterprise education -- The role of institutions from the perspective of learners / chapter 4 Entrepreneurship education effectiveness -- What we can learn from education and organisation studies / chapter 5 In search of relevance -- The value of work based learning / chapter 6 Work placements and sandwich programmes -- The case of MacEwan University’s Supply Chain Co-op programme / chapter 7 Digital transformation at the New York Times -- The usefulness of the live case intervention method / chapter 8 International short-term study programmes -- An institutional roadmap to sustainable student engagement / chapter 9 Learning-apprenticeship methodologies -- Virtuous relation between international entrepreneurial teaching and entrepreneurial attributes / chapter 10 University knowledge exchange and enterprise education as a regional economic driver in the UK / chapter 11 The changing nature of the graduate employment market -- The fourth industrial revolution / chapter 12 Leaving the comfort zone -- Building an international dimension in higher education…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 9166
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Taking BDD Further -- Chapter 11. Living Documentation: reporting and project management -- Chapter 12. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 9167
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 2 Inspires and Motivates Others; Grit, Fire, and Wisdom; Takes Initiative; From School Lunch Lady to Union Leader; Communicates Powerfully; Inspires and Motivates; Caring Enough to Try; Inspires and Motivates Others; Builds Relationships; Superwoman's View; Drives for Results; Collaboration and Teamwork; Living and Breathing the Vision; Innovates; Champions Change…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 9168
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: stability : or how we base technology on science -- King Canute and the butterfly : how we create the illusion of being in control -- Feedback patterns and thresholds : how the relative sizes of things govern our behaviour -- Digilogy: cause, effect, and information : how transmitted information shapes the world from the bottom up -- All the roads to nowhere : how keeping things in balance is the essence of control -- Zero and the building blocks of Babel : how to forge the atoms of reliable infrastructure -- Part II: certainty : living with incomplete information -- Keeping it together by pulling it apart : how weak coupling strengthened human infrastructure -- Seeing is disbelieving : how to explain what we see and make use of it -- The equilibrium of knowing or how not to disagree with yourself -- Clockwork uncertainty : the arms race between reason and complexity -- Part III: promises : the chemistry of autonomous cooperation -- The concept of promises : or why behaviour comes from within -- The human condition : how humans make friends to solve problems -- Molecular and material infrastructure : elastic, plastic and brittle design -- Orchestration and creative instability : or why the conductor does not promise to blow every trumpet…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 9169
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- The Research Data Repository Facility / Violaine Rebouillat, Joachim Sch̲pfel -- The Landscape of Research Data Repositories in France / Joachim Sch̲pfel -- The International Community: The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS) / Fraṅoise Genova, Mark G Allen -- Data INRAE - The Networked Repository / Esther Dzaľ Yeumo -- SEANOE - A Thematic Repository / Fřďric Merceur, Loic Petit de la Villeon, Sybille Van Iseghem -- Nakala - A Data Publishing Service / Sťphane Pouyllau -- The National Repository Option / Louki-Ǧronimo Richou, Joachim Sch̲pfel -- Comparative Study of National Research Services / Hugo Catherine -- Mendeley Data / Wouter Haak, Juan Garc̕a Morgado, Jennifer Rutter, Alberto Zigoni, David Tucker -- Figshare - A Place Where Open Academic Research Outputs Live / Mark Hahnel -- Community-Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (COREF) - A Project for Further Development of re3data / Nina Weisweiler, Gabriele Kloska -- Issues and Prospects for Research Data Repositories / Joachim Sch̲pfel -- Appendices. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 9170
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Acknowledgements -- Conventions -- List of Illustrations -- Notes on the Contributors -- 1 Re-discovering Objects: Material Culture on the Silk Roads -- Kelsey Granger and Imre Galambos -- 2 Insight into the Lives of Soldiers along the Hexi Corridor during the Western Han Dynasty -- Arnaud Bertrand -- 3 Writing beyond Han Boundaries: a Scribal Primer at the Niya Site -- Christopher J. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 9171
    por Rajkovich, Nicholas B.
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Designing Resilient Coastal Communities with Living Shorelines -- 11. Adapting Inland Floodplain Housing to a Changing Climate: Disturbance, Risk, and Uncertainty as Drivers for Design -- 12. 4D! …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 9172
    Publicado 2000
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Event-Driven, Personalizable, Mobile Interactive Spaces -- EasyLiving: Technologies for Intelligent Environments -- Beyond the Control Room: Mobile Devices for Spatially Distributed Interaction on Industrial Process Plants -- PowerView Using Information Links and Information Views to Navigate and Visualize Information on Small Displays -- A Comparison of Free Interaction Modes for Mobile Layout System -- Real-World Graphical User Interfaces -- Lessons Learned from the Design of a Mobile Multimedia System in the MOBY DICK Project -- Notable: At the Intersection of Annotations and Handheld Technology -- Creating Web Representations for Places -- A Context-Sensitive Nomadic Exhibition Guide -- Exploiting Location-Based Composite Devices to Support and Facilitate Situated Ubiquitous Computing -- Location-Aware Information Delivery withComMotion -- CybreMinder: A Context-Aware System for Supporting Reminders -- Using Handheld Devices in Synchronous Collaborative Scenarios -- Smartcards: How to Put Them to Use in a User-Centric System -- Using Dynamic Mediation to Integrate COTS Entities in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment -- EVENTMANAGER: Support for the Peripheral Awareness of Events -- Safety and Comfort of Eyeglass Displays…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 9173
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anderson -- Intratextuality and intertextuality in the Gospel of John / Jean Zumstein -- John is dead; long live John! / Robert Kysar -- Magnificient but flawed: the breaking of form in the Fourth Gospel / Mark Stibbe -- The word of bare life: workings of death and dream in the Fourth Gospel / Tat-siong Benny Liew -- Resurrection dysfunction, or one hundred years of cinematic attempts at raising a Stiff (John 11:1-46) / Jeffrey L. …”
  14. 9174
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bishops' pastoral on crime and criminal justice: from atomism to community justice / Reconstructing the moral claim of racially unjust mass incarceration / The systemic erasure of the Black/dark-skinned body in Catholic ethics / Anti-blackness and white supremacy in the making of American Catholicism / White privilege / The Black Lives Matter Movement: justice and health equity / Mujerista theology: a challenge to traditional theology / Faith of our mothers: Catholic womanist God-talk…”
  15. 9175
    por Hesselbein, Frances
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…More Hesselbein on Leadership; Contents; Foreword: A Call to Serve; Introduction; Part I The Personal Side of Leadership; A Long and Exuberant Journey; The Defining Moment; Peter Drucker's Light Shines On; Seeing Things Whole; From Hierarchy to Wholeness; Seeing Life Whole; The Art of Listening; Part II Building and Sustaining Strong Organizations; The Key to Cultural Transformation; Leadership by Example; Leadership on the World Wide Web; Celebrating Our Shared Journey; The Inspiring Journey We All Share; An Antidote to Cynicism; Changing Hearts, Changing Minds- Changing Lives…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 9176
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 2: Corporate LMS Features -- Chapter 3: Academic LMS Features -- Chapter 4: LCMS-LMS Features -- Chapter 5: Relevant Technology Standards and Specifications -- Part 2: How to Select, Implement, and Operate an LMS -- Chapter 6: Selecting the Right LMS for Your Organization -- Chapter 7: Planning Your Implementation and Configuring the LMS -- Chapter 8: Integrating Your LMS With Other Systems and Migrating Legacy Data -- Chapter 9: Testing Your LMS and Going Live -- Chapter 10: Operating Your LMS With Standards and Governance -- Part 3: Beyond the LMS -- Chapter 11: LMS Trends: Current and Future -- Chapter 12: The LMS's Role in the Learning and Performance Ecosystem -- Appendix A: Key Takeaways From Each Chapter -- Appendix B: Glossary of IT Technical Jargon -- Appendix C: Glossary of Terms With Different Meanings for L&amp -- D and IT -- References -- About the Author -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 9177
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Managers and the management process: everyone becomes a manager someday -- Management learning: great things grow from strong foundations -- Ethics and social responsibility: character doesn't stay home when we go to work -- Managers as decision makers: there is no substitute for a good decision -- Plans and planning techniques: get there faster with objectives -- Controls andn control systems: what gets measured happens -- Strategy and strategic management: insight and hard work deliver results -- Organization structure and design: it's all about working together -- Organizational cultures, innovation, and change: adaptability and values set the tone -- Human resource management: nurturing turns potential into performance --Leadership: a leader lives in each of us -- Individual behavior: there's beauty in individual differences -- Motivation: respect unlocks human potential -- Teams and teamwork: two heads really can be better than one -- Communication: listening is the key to understanding -- Diversity and global cultures: there are new faces in the neighborhood -- Globalization and international business: going global isn't just for travelers -- Entrepreneurship and small business: taking risks can make dreams come true…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 9178
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Figures and Tables -- List of Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Temporalities: Beyond Transition -- 1 The Epidemiologic Transition Turned Upside Down: Britain's Mortality History as an Imaginative Resource for Africa -- 2 Contingent Futures, Continuous Pasts: Experts, Activists and Social and Disease Transitions (1950-80s) -- 3 Maternal Health, Epidemiology and Transition Theory in Africa -- 4 Pathologies of Modernisation: Epidemiological Imaginaries and the Smoking Epidemic in Postcolonial Africa 5 Sugar and Diabetes in Postwar South Africa -- Numbers and Categories -- 6 Validity of Measures for Chronic Disease in African Settings -- 7 Estimating and Monitoring the Burden of Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Ghana Local Biologies and Knowledge Systems: 'New Diseases' in Context -- 8 The Para-Communicable: Living Between Infectious and Non-Communicable Conditions -- 9 Transitioning Societies: Non-Communicable Disease and 'The First 1000 Days' in South Africa -- 10 In Tandem: Breastfeeding Knowledge and Thinking from Southern Africa 11 Narrowed Passages, Increased Pressures: Adult -- Hypertension and Paediatric HIV in Botswana -- 12 Malignant Stories: The Chronicity of Cancer and the Pursuit of Care in Kenya -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 9179
    por Tisdale, Stacey, 1966-
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The True Cost of Happiness; Contents; Acknowledgments; Preface; PART I: A LOOK INSIDE; Chapter 1: Working Together; Chapter 2: A Little Awareness Goes a Long Way; Chapter 3: The Big Picture; Chapter 4: The Price of Pleasing Mom and Pop; Chapter 5: Social Messages; Chapter 6: The Songs We Play in Our Heads; Chapter 7: Life Planning for Two; Chapter 8: Teach Your Children Well; Chapter 9: The Truth about Change; PART II: THE NUMBERS; Chapter 10: Your Bottom Line; Chapter 11: Saving Money; Chapter 12: Debt; Chapter 13: Living Longer and Stronger; Chapter 14: Covering Your Assets…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 9180
    por Wempen, Faithe
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating support materials -- Ch. 20. Preparing for a live presentation -- Ch. 21. Designing user-interactive or self-running presentations -- Ch. 22. …”
    Libro electrónico