Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 1,416
- Application software 1,183
- Management 1,058
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 914
- History 852
- Computer Science 614
- Computer networks 595
- Python (Computer program language) 572
- Computer programs 570
- Historia 568
- Data processing 551
- Cloud computing 538
- Leadership 538
- Design 477
- Security measures 452
- Computer software 435
- Programming 424
- Web site development 415
- Computer security 414
- Operating systems (Computers) 406
- Business & Economics 393
- Machine learning 393
- Web sites 379
- Database management 367
- Artificial intelligence 365
- Computer programming 363
- Java (Computer program language) 340
- Social aspects 340
- Information technology 325
- Examinations 319
7862Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…What's a crucial conversation? And who cares? -- Mastering crucial conversations : the power of dialogue -- Start with heart : how to stay focused on what you really want -- Choose your topic : how to be sure you hold the right conversation -- Master my stories : how to stay in dialogue when you're angry, scared, or hurt -- Learn to look : how to notice when safety is at risk -- Make it safe : how to make it safe to talk about almost anything -- State my path : how to speak persuasively, not abrasively -- Explore others' paths : how to listen when others blow up or clam up -- Reclaim your pen : how to be resilient when hearing tough feedback -- Move to action : how to turn crucial conversations into action and results -- Yeah, but : advice for tough cases -- Putting it all together : tools for preparing and learning…”
Grabación no musical -
7863Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Going Home: What Makes A Difference?""; ""5. Adoption: Who is Adopted and How Do They Do?""; ""6. Adoption: What Makes A Difference?""…”
Libro electrónico -
7864Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8 Assessment of Chronic Pain SufferersChapter 9 Psychological Interventions for Acute Pain; Chapter 10 Psychological Interventions and Chronic Pain; Chapter 11 Psychological Perspectives on Pain: Controversies; Chapter 12 Ethics for Psychologists Who Treat, Assess, and/or Study Pain; Author Index; Subject Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7865por Walmsley, JanTabla de Contenidos: “…8 Managing Inclusive Research9 Who Uses it and How?; 10 What Has Been Achieved?…”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
7866Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Illustrations; Contributors; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Political Emotions and Public Feelings; Chapter 1 On Affect and Protest; Chapter 2 Televising Guantánamo: Transmissions of Feeling During the Bush Years; Chapter 3 Babies Who Touch You: Reborn Dolls, Artists, and the Emotive Display of Bodies on eBay; Chapter 4 The Transmission of Gothic: Feeling, Philosophy, and the Media of Udolpho; Chapter 5 Feeling Bad in 1963; Chapter 6 Three Poems and a Pandemic; Chapter 7 In the Air; Chapter 8 Archive, Affect, and the Everyday: Queer Diasporic Re-Visions…”
Libro electrónico -
7867por Barreca, ReginaTabla de Contenidos: “…Power, Politics, and Women's Humor8. She Who Laughs, Lasts: The Importance of Defining and Using Our Own Humor; Notes; Bibliography…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
7868Publicado 1996Tabla de Contenidos: “…Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of illustrations; Contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Who will count as a counselor?: gleanings and tea-leaves; The emergence of counselling as a profession; Accreditation and registration; Counselor competence; Future developments in ethical standards for counselling; Sexual exploitation in counselling; Evaluating counselling; Counselling in primary care; Counselling in the workplace; Working with abuse survivors: the recovered memory debate; Working with the depressed person; Smoking cessation counselling: the Stages of Change model…”
Libro electrónico -
7869Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Contents -- Notes on contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: framing and comparing unpaid care work -- Accessing nursing home care: family members’ unpaid care work in Ontario and Sweden -- Body-work-that-isn’t: supporting nursing home residents’ autonomy in self-care and sexual expression -- “They make the difference between survival and living”: social activities and social relations in long-term residential care -- Residents who care: rethinking complex care and disability relations in Ontario nursing homes -- Family workers: the work and working conditions of families in nursing homes -- Staff perspectives on families’ unpaid work in care homes -- Contextual conditions and social mechanisms in rural communities and care homes -- Bringing the outside in and the inside out: the role of institutional boundaries in nursing homes -- Conclusion: a labour of love is still labour -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7870Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Compelled to act: teachers who Include LGBTQ+ history -- 9. Innovations at the grassroots level: LGBTQ+ history in high school classroom instruction -- 10. …”
Libro electrónico -
7871por Shernoff, David J.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Connecting to “The How” of Classroom Engagement: Instruction and Optimal -- 7. Connecting to “The Who”: The Primacy of Supportive -- 8. Connecting to “The What”: Engaging Approaches to Traditional Subject Matter -- 9. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
7872Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…The role of private security in Somalia; 3 Private security beyond the private sector: community policing and secret societies in Sierra Leone; 4 The underbelly of global security: Sierra Leonean ex-militias in Iraq; 5 Who do you call? Private security policing in Durban, South Africa; 6 Security Sector Reform as Trojan Horse? …”
Libro electrónico -
7873Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Remerciements -- Avant-propos -- Violences anti-genre et procès d'ensauvagement -- Dédicace -- Introduction -- L'homosexualité et ses doubles en Afrique postcoloniale -- Chapitre 1 -- Panique homosexuelle et figures du procès postcolonial -- Chapitre 2 -- Occulte, pouvoir et homosexualité -- Chapitre 3 -- Naissance d'une cause et lutte pour la reconnaissance : entre droits de l'homme et lutte contre le sida -- Chapitre 4 -- Mobiliser les men who have sex with men africains : solidarités globales, impasses locales et tensions postcoloniales -- Chapitre 5 -- Quête identitaire et internationalisation du marché homosexuel -- Conclusion -- Raison nationaliste et luttes sexuelles en postcolonie -- Bibliographie -- Liste des acronymes et abréviations -- Glossaire des mots camerounais…”
Libro electrónico -
7874por Institute of Medicine (U.S.).Tabla de Contenidos: “…1 Front Matter; 2 1 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations; 3 2 Introduction; 4 3 Who Breastfeeds in the United States?; 5 4 Nutritional Status and Usual Dietary Intake of Lactating Women; 6 5 Milk Volume; 7 6 Milk Composition; 8 7 Infant Outcomes; 9 8 Maternal Health Effects of Breastfeeding; 10 9 Meeting Maternal Nutrient Needs During Lactation; 11 10 Research Recommendations; 12 Appendixes; 13 A Detailed Abstracts of Studies in Industrialized Societies Relating Breastfeeding with Infant and Child Mortality; 14 B Detailed Abstracts of Studies in Developing Societies Relating Breastfeeding with Infant and Child Mortality; 15 C Summary of Composition Data for Macronutrients of Human Milk; 16 D Biographical Sketches of Committee Members; 17 Acronyms; 18 Glossary; 19 Index…”
Publicado 1991
Libro electrónico -
7875por Institute of Medicine (U.S.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- Current regulatory arena -- Common rule and HIPAA -- Shortcomings of current regulations and guidances -- Context -- Data deindentification -- Impediment to quality improvement and learning -- Varied interpretation -- Misaligned incentives -- Lack of harmonization with international standards -- Informed consent forms -- Informed consent process -- Consent tools -- Beyond consent -- HITECH -- Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking -- Patient perspectives on research protections -- Ethical challenges of genetic advances -- Patient consent for use of archived biospecimens -- Return of research results -- Clinically actionable findings -- Context matters -- Who pays -- Biospecimens from deceased participants -- The changing context of research and care -- Oversight in a learning health care system -- Oversight of pragmatic trials -- Multisite studies and IRB review -- Central IRBs -- New England Reliance Agreement -- Value of local IRBs -- Educational needs -- Research needs -- Wrap-up…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
7876Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Characters and characterization in the Gospel of John : reflections on the status quaestionis / A narrative-critical approach to the Fourth Gospel / The weave of the tapestry : character and theme in John / A comprehensive approach to understanding character in the Gospel of John / Eyewitness testimony and the characters in the Fourth Gospel / 'Who are you?' : comparison/contrast and Fourth Gospel characterization / Three ambiguities : historical context, implied reader, and the nature of faith / Misunderstanding, Christology, and Johannine characterization : reading John's characters through the lens of the prologue / The Fourth Gospel's characterization of God : a rhetorical perspective / John the Baptist : witness and embodiment of the prologue in the Gospel of John / Theological complexity and the characterization of Nicodemus in John's Gospel / The woman of Samaria : her characterization, narrative, and theological significance / Martha and Mary : levels of characterization in Luke and John / 'Whom Jesus loved' : anonymity and identity. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7877por McCraw, Thomas K.Tabla de Contenidos: “…L'Enfant terrible, 1883-1926: Innovation and economics -- Prologue: Who he was and what he did -- Leaving home -- Shaping his character -- Learning economics -- Moving out -- Career takeoff -- War and politics -- Gran Rifiuto -- Annie -- Heartbreak -- The adult, 1926-1939: Capitalism and society -- Prologue: What he had learned -- New intellectual directions -- Policy and entrepreneurship -- The Bonn-Harvard shuttle -- Harvard -- Suffering and solace -- The Sage, 1939-1950: Innovation, capitalism, and history -- Prologue: How and why he embraced history -- Business cycles, business history -- Letters from Europe -- To leave Harvard? …”
Publicado 2007
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7878Publicado 1996Tabla de Contenidos: “…Peter Lombard's "on those who repent at the end": theological motives and pastoral perspective in the redaction of sentences 4.20.1 / Thomas Tentler…”
Libro -
7879Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Who needs community anyway? / Austin Williams -- Faking civil society / Dave Clements -- A green unpleasant land / Alastair Donald -- Public space : designing-in community / Richard Williams -- New new urbanism / Austin Williams -- Density versus sprawl / Karl Sharro -- Salvation by brick? …”
Libro -
7880por Montiglio, Silvia, 1960-Tabla de Contenidos: “…: recognitions in two Roman novels -- The Satyrica : recognition and capture -- The Golden ass : recognition and return -- From the pagan novels to early Jewish and Christian narratives : refashioning recognition -- Telling my whole life with his words : recognitions in Apollonius of Tyre -- "Who are you?" : Joseph and Aseneth, or it is impossible to recognize a convert -- Recognition of family and recognition of god in the pseudo-Clementine recognitions -- Dress and recognition a novelistic motif becomes Christian -- The Greek novel in the history of the recognition motif -- Tragedy and comedy -- Future influences : highlights…”
Publicado 2013