Mostrando 901 - 920 Resultados de 1,061 Para Buscar '"The Wake"', tiempo de consulta: 0.08s Limitar resultados
  1. 901
    por Ferrini, Paul
    Publicado 1998
  2. 902
    Publicado 2017
    “…Mike reports sleeping seven to eight hours a night, waking up in the middle of the night and experiencing some early waking during which time he continues to lie in bed. …”
    Vídeo online
  3. 903
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Data for All -- Copyright -- brief contents -- contents -- front matter -- foreword -- preface -- acknowledgments -- about this book -- liveBook discussion forum -- about the author -- about the cover illustration -- 1 A history of data -- 1.1 A concerning situation -- 1.1.1 Life cycle of a video, picture, text, email, or file -- 1.1.2 All your online actions create permanent records of your activity -- 1.1.3 Intelligent choices -- 1.2 An example: Genetic testing and reporting -- 1.2.1 Genetic sequencing -- 1.3 The beginnings of modern data -- 1.3.1 Commercial data and analytics: Data as a valuable commodity -- 1.3.2 How our data rights and right to compensation were diverted -- 1.3.3 Let's jump forward to the late 20th century... in the UK -- 1.4 Modern data in the present day -- 1.4.1 The dangers of social media -- 1.4.2 People are waking up to the abuse of our data -- 1.4.3 And here we find ourselves -- 1.5 The new and current view and value of data -- 1.5.1 Data is the new sand -- 1.5.2 Data is the new sun -- 1.5.3 Data is the new gold -- 1.5.4 Data is the new currency -- 1.5.5 Data is the new plastic -- 1.5.6 Data is the new bacon -- 1.5.7 Data is the new future -- 1.6 Wrapping up -- Summary -- 2 How data works today -- 2.1 Where does data originate? …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 904
    Publicado 2017
    “…She describes marked sleep problems with early waking, not having deep sleep, inadequate amount of sleep, difficulty going to sleep, restlessness, racing mind, difficulty staying asleep, and never feeling rested or refreshed upon waking. …”
    Vídeo online
  5. 905
    por Harris, Sam
    Publicado 2015
  6. 906
    por Gatti, Rathishchandra R.
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1 Self-Powered Sensory Transducers: A Way Toward Green Internet of Things -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Need of the Work -- 1.3 Energy Scavenging Schemes in WSAN -- 1.3.1 Photovoltaic or Solar Cell -- 1.3.2 Temperature Gradient -- 1.3.3 Pressure Variations -- 1.3.4 Plant Microbial Fuel -- 1.3.5 Wind/Liquid Flow -- 1.3.6 Vibrations -- 1.3.7 Friction -- 1.4 Self Powered Systems and Green IoT (G-IoT) -- 1.5 Application Area and Scope of Self-Powered System in G-IoT -- 1.5.1 Terrestrial Applications -- Agriculture -- Smart Home and Cities -- Industry -- Medicines -- Environment Monitoring -- Structural Monitoring -- Indoor Applications -- Arial Vehicles -- Military Applications -- Underwater Applications -- Submarine and Event Localization -- Water Contamination -- Intelligent Water Distribution and Smart Meter -- Underground Applications -- Coal and Petroleum Mining Application -- Underground Structural Monitoring -- 1.6 Challenges and Future Scope of the Self-Powered G-IoT -- 1.6.1 Challenges Pertain to Energy Efficient Design and Protocols -- 1.6.2 Size and Cost of the Harvester -- 1.6.3 Energy-Efficient Routing and Scheduling Protocols -- 1.6.4 Design of Application-Specific Passive Wake-Up Receivers -- 1.6.5 Redefined Protocol with Application-Specific Goals -- 1.6.6 Embedded Operating Systems -- 1.6.7 AI and Cloud-Assisted Lifetime Prediction Techniques -- 1.6.8 Design of Energy-Efficient/Harvested Service-Oriented Architecture -- 1.6.9 Smart Web Interfaces for Monitoring -- 1.6.10 Cross Layer Exploitations with Energy Harvesting -- 1.6.11 Security Aspects and Need of Standardization…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 907
    por McDermott, Alice, 1953-
    Publicado 2020
  8. 908
    Publicado 2018
    “…Last Year at Betty and Bob's: A Novelty is the first in a series of novellas emerging from a writing practice that taps the cusp of consciousness between dreaming and waking. A storyline, or genealogy, tinted a shade of RGB blue, is…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 909
    Publicado 2015
    “…It helps build resilience, optimism, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, wisdom, motivation and much more! It wakes us up to the power of feeling good, thinking positively and acting generously…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 910
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…References -- Chapter 6 Photovoltaic Systems -- 6.1 PV Solar Cells and Solar Module -- 6.1.1 Semiconductor Technology -- 6.2 Solar Cell Characteristics -- 6.2.1 Equivalent Circuit -- 6.2.2 Solar PV Module -- 6.2.3 Series and Parallel Connections of Cells -- 6.2.4 Solar PV Panel -- 6.2.5 PV Array -- Design of PV System -- 6.3 Maximizing Power Output of PV Array -- 6.3.1 Solar Tracking -- 6.3.2 Design of Simple Automatic Solar Tracker -- 6.3.3 Load Matching for Optimal Operation -- 6.4 Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm -- 6.4.1 Constant‐Voltage Method -- 6.4.2 Hill‐Climbing/Perturb and Observe Techniques -- Perturb and Observe -- 6.4.3 Incremental Conductance (IC) -- 6.5 Types of Solar Cells and Technologies -- 6.5.1 Crystalline Solar Cells -- Monocrystalline Solar Cells -- Polycrystalline Silicon Cells -- 6.6 Thin‐Film Solar Cells -- 6.6.1 Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells (a‐Si) -- 6.6.2 Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) -- 6.6.3 Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) -- 6.6.4 Copper Indium Selenide (CIS) -- 6.6.5 Crystalline Silicon (c‐si) Thin‐Film Solar Cells -- 6.7 Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems -- 6.8 New Emerging Technologies -- 6.9 Solar PV Systems -- 6.9.1 Grid‐Connected PV System -- 6.9.2 Grid‐Connected System without Battery Storage -- 6.9.3 Grid‐Connected System with Battery Storage -- 6.10 Design and Control of Stand‐Alone PV System -- 6.10.1 Battery Rating -- 6.11 Summary -- References -- Chapter 7 Wind Energy -- 7.1 Wind as Source of Energy -- 7.1.1 Origin of Wind -- 7.1.2 Wind Power Potential -- 7.2 Power and Energy in Wind -- 7.3 Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines -- 7.3.1 Momentum -- 7.4 Types of Wind Turbines -- 7.4.1 Horizontal‐Axis Wind Turbines -- Horizontal‐Axis Wind Turbines with Wake Rotation -- 7.4.2 Vertical‐Axis Wind Turbines -- 7.4.3 Main Components of Wind Turbine -- Drive Train…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 911
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Why an atomic mutex lock and wait? -- 6.3.3 Waking Up Waiting Threads -- 6.4 Windows Condition Variables -- Handling timed waits. -- 6.5 C++11 condition_variable Class -- Another form of the wait() functions -- 6.6 Examples of Idle Wait -- 6.6.1 Synchronizing with an IO Thread -- 6.6.2 Timed Wait in C++11 -- 6.6.3 Barrier Synchronization -- Problem: this barrier cannot be reused -- Solution: a reusable barrier -- Comments -- 6.7 C++11 Futures and Promises -- 6.7.1 std::future&lt -- T&gt -- Class -- std::asynch() function -- Basic std::future member functions -- 6.7.2 std::promise&lt -- T&gt -- Class -- Chapter 7: Cache Coherency and Memory Consistency -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Cache Coherency Issue -- 7.2.1 False Sharing Problem -- 7.2.2 Memory Consistency Issue -- 7.3 What is a Memory Consistency Model? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 912
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gerstenberger -- 17. In the wake of Wellhausen : the growth of a literary-critical school and its varied influence / Rudolf Smend -- 18. …”
  13. 913
    Publicado 2015
    “…This issue will bring together papers revealing the development, structure, and physiology of neuronal circuits involved in sensory perception, sleep and wakefulness, behavioral selection, and motor command generation in a range of species from the nematode to the primate…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 914
    Publicado 2017
    “…She describes difficulty staying asleep, going to sleep, and early waking with complaints that during the day she is tired and sluggish. …”
    Vídeo online
  15. 915
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.5.2 Single- und Dual-Port -- 4.5.3 SAS-Stecker und -Kabel -- 4.6 Fibre Channel -- 4.6.1 Architekturen -- 4.6.2 Fibre Channel over Ethernet -- 4.7 iSCSI -- 4.8 DAS und NAS -- 4.9 Storage Area Network -- 4.10 Fragen zu diesem Kapitel -- Kapitel 5: Stabilität durch Fehlertoleranz -- 5.1 RAID -- 5.1.1 RAID-Level -- 5.1.2 Duplexing -- 5.1.3 Übersicht RAID -- 5.2 Energieversorgung -- 5.2.1 Grundlegende Betrachtungen -- 5.2.2 USV -- 5.2.3 Notstromgruppen -- 5.2.4 Einsatzszenarien -- 5.2.5 Rotationsenergiestromversorgungen -- 5.3 Clustering -- 5.3.1 Network Loadbalancing -- 5.3.2 Multiprocessing -- 5.3.3 Cluster -- 5.4 Hardwareredundanz -- 5.4.1 Steckkarten -- 5.4.2 Netzteile (Power Supply) -- 5.4.3 Kühlsystem/Lüfter -- 5.4.4 Arbeitsspeicher -- 5.5 Fragen zu diesem Kapitel -- Kapitel 6: Server installieren und aktualisieren -- 6.1 Sicherheitsmaßnahmen -- 6.1.1 Statische Entladung (ESD) -- 6.1.2 MSDS -- 6.1.3 Heben und Tragen -- 6.2 Installation eines Servers -- 6.2.1 Der Installationsplan -- 6.2.2 Dokumentation -- 6.3 Server umbauen -- 6.4 Was bei einem Umbau zu beachten ist -- 6.4.1 Ersatz des Motherboards -- 6.4.2 Prozessor -- 6.4.3 BIOS -- 6.4.4 Speicheraufrüstung -- 6.4.5 Festplatten -- 6.4.6 SATA-/SAS-Controller -- 6.4.7 Erweiterungskarten -- 6.5 Fragen zu diesem Kapitel -- Kapitel 7: Hardware im Netzwerk -- 7.1 Die wichtigsten Übertragungsmedien -- 7.1.1 Twisted-Pair-Kabel -- 7.1.2 Unshielded Twisted Pair -- 7.1.3 Shielded Twisted Pair -- 7.1.4 Koaxialkabel -- 7.1.5 Lichtwellenleiter -- 7.2 Netzwerkkarten -- 7.2.1 Wake on LAN -- 7.2.2 Adapter Teaming -- 7.3 Lasst die Leitungen sich verbinden -- 7.3.1 Repeater -- 7.3.2 Bridge -- 7.4 So funktionieren Switches -- 7.4.1 Methoden der Durchleitung -- 7.4.2 Spanning Tree Protocol -- 7.4.3 Managed Switches -- 7.5 Konvertieren und Verbinden -- 7.5.1 Medienkonverter -- 7.5.2 Modems -- 7.5.3 Multiplexer…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 916
    por Cattini, Roland
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 2.1 Server als Definitionssache -- 2.2 Von Hosts und Servern -- 2.3 Warum ein PC kein Server ist -- Kapazität‌: -- Ausbaubarkeit‌: -- Physische Sicherheit‌: -- Eignung für den Dauerbetrieb‌: -- Lebenszeit von Systemen und Verfügbarkeit der Ersatzteile: -- 2.4 Bauformen von Servern -- 2.5 Alles eine Frage der Höheneinheit -- 2.6 KVMs -- 2.7 Out-of-Band-Management -- 2.8 Fragen zu diesem Kapitel -- Kapitel 3: Serverhardware -- 3.1 Die Architektur von Servern -- 3.1.1 Etwas Historie zu Beginn: PCI -- 3.1.2 PCI-X‌ -- 3.1.3 PCI Express -- 3.1.4 Die Weiterentwicklungen bei Intel -- 3.1.5 Die Bussysteme im Vergleich -- 3.1.6 Chipsets im Vergleich -- 3.2 Prozessoren für Server -- 3.2.1 Technische Funktion der CPU -- 3.2.2 Hardware-Virtualisierung via Prozessor -- 3.2.3 Mehrkernprozessoren -- 3.2.4 Cache-Speicher (Pufferspeicher) -- 3.3 Der Arbeitsspeicher -- 3.3.1 Unterschiedliche Funktionsweisen -- 3.3.2 Aufbau von RAM-Bausteinen -- 3.3.3 Fehlerbehandlung -- 3.3.4 Aktuelle RAM-Typen -- 3.3.5 Single Channel, Dual Channel, Quad Channel -- 3.3.6 Bauformen -- 3.4 Kühlung von Servern -- 3.4.1 Wärmeleitpaste -- 3.4.2 Lüfter -- 3.4.3 Kühlkörper -- 3.4.4 Wasserkühlung -- 3.5 Hot-Plug-Architekturen -- 3.6 Die wichtigsten Übertragungsmedien -- 3.6.1 Twisted-Pair-Kabel -- 3.6.2 Unshielded Twisted Pair -- 3.6.3 Shielded Twisted Pair‌ -- 3.6.4 Koaxialkabel -- 3.6.5 Lichtwellenleiter‌ -- 3.7 Netzwerkkarten -- 3.7.1 Wake on LAN‌ -- 3.7.2 Adapter Teaming -- 3.7.3 Medienkonverter -- 3.8 Virtuelle Netzwerkkomponenten -- 3.9 BIOS in ROM? …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 917
    Publicado 2017
    “…Pleasant about being interviewed, Karen demonstrates mid-sleep waking and difficulty staying asleep, attributing this to disturbances from her adolescent son's "reverse sleep pattern." …”
    Vídeo online
  18. 918
    Publicado 2013
    “…"The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. …”
  19. 919
    Publicado 2003
    “…The studies in Of Corpse: Death and Humor in Folklore and Popular Culture examine specific interactions of text (jokes, poetry, epitaphs, iconography, film drama) and social context (wakes, festivals, disasters) that shape and generate laughter. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 920
    por Mirchandani, Vinnie
    Publicado 2012
    “…But industry after industry is waking up to the opportunity of ""smart"" products and services for their increasingly tech-savvy customers. …”
    Libro electrónico