Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Transport 612
- Transportation 522
- Transporte 430
- Business & Economics 369
- Transportation Economics 287
- Transportes 246
- Transporte acuático 230
- Historia 215
- Economic conditions 143
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 139
- Computer networks 126
- History 123
- Environmental aspects 116
- Economics 115
- Ferrocarriles 114
- Economic policy 112
- Technology: general issues 109
- History of engineering & technology 108
- Innovaciones tecnológicas 108
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport 106
- Research & information: general 104
- Investigación científica 102
- Management 99
- Derecho marítimo 98
- aspectos económicos 93
- Environment 91
- Transporte ferroviario 89
- Urbanismo 89
- Transportes urbanos 87
- Història 86
8601por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…EEA) member states according to the "Altmark Criteria"; Box 4.2. The public transport sector in Poland; Box 4.3. Methods for measuring the cost of public service obligations; Box 4.4. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
8602por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Non-financial Sectors""; ""a) Auditing""; ""b) Air Transport""; ""c) Gaming""; ""Chapter 4""; ""Privatisation""; ""4.1. …”
Publicado 2001
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8603por Hoffman, Steve, 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying Sales Tax Savings in Other States Employment Tax and Fringe Benefits; Excise Tax; Overseas and International Tax; In Summary; 3 Compliance; Policies; Enforcing Policies; Give Them the Right Tools for the Job; Centralize the Tax Responsibilities; Keep Tax at the Forefront of Your Mind; Fringe Benefits; No Additional Cost Services; Qualified Employee Discounts; Working Condition Fringes; De Minimis Fringes; Qualified Transportation Fringes; Examples of Common Fringe Benefits; University-Owned Automobiles; University-Owned Airplanes; Professional Dues, Publications, and Meetings…”
Publicado 2013
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8604por Hart, Douglas C.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lenses in GeneralPrime Lenses; Anamorphic Lenses; Lens Mounts; Zoom Lenses; Special Lenses; Macro Lenses; Tele-Extenders; Wide-Angle Adapters; Proxars (Plus Diopters)/Split Diopters; Cleaning Lenses; Matte Boxes/Sunshades; Lens Flare; Transporting Lenses; Condensation on Cold Lenses; Changing Lenses; Chapter 8 Filters; Sizes and Shapes of Filters; How Filters Work; Color Correction Filters; Color Compensation Filters; Neutral Density Filters; Graduated Filters; ""Attenuator"" Filters; Diffusion Filters; Polarizing Filters; Special Effects Filters; Behind-the-Lens Filters…”
Publicado 1996
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8605Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Titel; Impressum; Inhalt; Vorwort; Teil A Einstieg und Installation; Kapitel 1: Neuerungen und Grundlagen; Neuerungen im Überblick; Änderungen der Serverrollen im Überblick; Edge-Transport, Koexistenz und bessere Datenbankverfügbarkeitsgruppen; Systemvoraussetzungen im Überblick; Öffentliche Ordner und Exchange Admin Center; Clientanbindung und Hochverfügbarkeit; Outlook im Web - Die neue Outlook Web App; Das bleibt in Exchange 2016 unverändert; Outlook 2016 mit Exchange 2016; Clutter und Outlook 2016 - Besserer Überblick im Postfach; ReFS und Database Divergence Detection…”
Libro electrónico -
8606Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Purpose -- A brief history -- Ancient technology -- Early devices -- Modern revolution -- Physiology and psychology -- Physics of light -- Perception of light -- Design elements -- Design team -- Design process -- Budget based -- Concept based -- Collaboration -- Functions of media design -- Informative -- Environmental -- Emotive -- Special effect -- Textural -- Live effects and interactivity -- Source material -- Stock content -- Copyright -- Royalty/royalty free -- Public domain -- Fair use -- File sharing websites -- Custom content -- Non linear editor -- Composition -- File size/compression -- Codecs -- Alpha channel/matte -- Storage and transport -- Streaming video -- Resolution -- Pixel density/raster -- Perceived resolution -- Aspect ratio -- Interlaced or progressive scan -- Frame rate -- Refresh rate -- Display surface -- Screen properties -- Gain -- Contrast ratio -- Viewing angle -- Texture -- Rear or front projection -- Non-traditional materials -- Video and LED walls -- Monitor -- Rear projection -- Rear projection cube -- Laser phosphor display -- Panel -- Transparent display -- Electro-wetting and electrophoretic technology -- Projectors -- Historical devices -- Cathode ray tube -- Projector anatomy -- DLP -- Single chip -- 3-chip -- LCOS -- Illumination technology -- Metal halide -- Xenon -- Solid state -- Lens -- Fixed -- Zoom -- Source -- Analog source -- Digital source -- Tape based and optical disk systems -- Hard disk and solid state systems -- Camera -- Streaming media -- Computer based systems -- Slide -- Cue -- Timeline -- VJ sampling -- Object oriented programing environment -- Media server -- Distribution -- Analog sunset -- Digital rights management -- Extended display information data -- Video signal interfaces -- Cable -- Copper -- Adaptive copper -- Fiber -- Passive / active adapters -- VOIP -- HDBASE-T/ Audio video bridging -- Passive splitter -- Distribution amplifier -- Wireless -- Scaling -- Scan converting -- Resolution multiplier -- Control -- Switchers -- Passive -- Glitch free -- Seamless -- Mixers -- Matrix routers -- Computers -- Control communication -- Timecode -- OSC -- Encoders -- Serial communication -- Virtual network computing -- Artnet/ethernet -- CITP protocol -- Media server extensions layer -- Syphon/spout -- Network -- Internet protocol -- Switches and routers -- Wireless bridging -- System management -- Data transfer and file sharing -- Information preservation -- Presentation -- Optical alignment -- Keystone correction -- Pixel adjustment -- Gamma -- Color correction -- Brightness -- Lumens and nits -- Stacking -- Contrast ratio -- Video black -- Ambient light -- Trouble shooting -- Grounding and shielding -- Skew -- Signal strength -- Sync -- Genlock -- Edid/handshake -- Digital artifacts -- Dropped frames -- Latency -- Content playback errors -- Display errors -- Control errors -- Network errors -- Preventive maintenance -- Advanced projection design -- Video mapping and masking -- Masking irregular shaped objects -- Mapping 3D objects -- Blending -- Moving fixtures -- 3D projection -- Passive optics -- Active shutters -- Interactive projection -- Image tracking -- Blob detection -- Sensors -- Encoders -- Particle generation and cellular automatons -- Holography -- Pepper's ghost -- Light field display -- Atmospheric projection -- Large scale imaging -- Augmented reality…”
Libro electrónico -
8607Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Redirection and Interception with ICMPPreventing Packet Capture; Dynamic Address Inspection; DHCP Snooping; Preventing VLAN Hopping; Detecting Packet Capture; Wireshark; Wireshark Basics; Filtering and Decoding Traffic; Basic Data Capture-A Layer-by-Layer Review; Physical-Data-Link Layer; Network-Internet Layer; Transport-Host-Host Layer; Application Layer; Other Network Analysis Tools; Summary; Key Terms; Exercises; Fun with Packets; Packet Analysis with tcpdump; Packet Filters; Making a One-Way Data Cable; Chapter 4 Detecting Live Systems and Analyzing Results; TCP/IP Basics…”
Libro electrónico -
8608Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
8609Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Unusual HTTP trafficSimple Mail Transfer Protocol; Usual versus unusual SMTP traffic; Session Initiation Protocol and Voice Over Internet Protocol; Analyzing VOIP traffic; Reassembling packets for playback; Unusual traffic patterns; Decrypting encrypted traffic (SSL/TLS); Summary; Practice questions:; Chapter 5: Analyzing Transport Layer Protocols; The transmission control protocol; Understanding the TCP header and its various flags; How TCP communicates; How it works; Graceful termination; RST (reset) packets; Relative verses Absolute numbers; Unusual TCP traffic…”
Libro electrónico -
8610Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editor IX -- Recent Advances in Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Innovative Materials in Removal of Water Contaminants 1 -- Recent Advances in the Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials for the Removal of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: A Review 9 -- Dependence of Structural, Morphological and Magnetic Properties of Manganese Ferrite on Ni-Mn Substitution 29 -- Investigation of Structural, Morphological and Magnetic Properties of MFe2C>4 (M = Co, Ni, Zn, -- Cu, Mn) Obtained by Thermal Decomposition 45 -- Impact of Ni Content on the Structure and Sonophotocatalytic Activity of Ni-Zn-Co Ferrite Nanoparticles 57 -- Selective Recovery of Cadmium, Cobalt, and Nickel from Spent Ni-Cd Batteries Using Adogen® 464 and Mesoporous Silica Derivatives 73 -- Selective Recovery of Cadmium, Cobalt, and Nickel from Spent Ni-Cd Batteries Using Adogen® 464 and Mesoporous Silica Derivatives 73 -- Adjusting Some Properties of Poly(methacrylic acid) (Nano)Composite Hydrogels by Means of Silicon-Containing Inorganic Fillers 95 -- Sulfonated Pentablock Copolymer Coating of Polypropylene Filters for Dye and Metal Ions Effective Removal by Integrated Adsorption and Filtration Process 115 -- Granulation of Bismuth Oxide by Alginate for Efficient Removal of Iodide in Water 129 -- One-Step Carbonization Synthesis of Magnetic Biochar with 3D Network Structure and Its Application in Organic Pollutant Control 145 -- Spark Plasma Sintering-Assisted Synthesis of Bi2Fe4Oy/Bi25FeO40 Heterostructures with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Removal of Antibiotics 169 -- Preparation of a Z-Type g-C3N4/(A-R)Ti02 Composite Catalyst and Its Mechanism for Degradation of Gaseous and Liquid Ammonia 181 -- Size Effect in Hybrid Ti02:Au Nanostars for Photocata lytic Water Remediation Applications 199 -- The Synergistic Effect of Adsorption-Photocatalysis for Removal of Organic Pollutants on Mesoporous Cu2V207/Cu3V20g/g-C3N4 Heterojunction 217 -- One-Step Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Biochar Based on N-Doping Co-Activation Method and Its Application in Water Pollutants Control 233 -- Photocatalytic Performance of Undoped and Al-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles in the Degradation of Rhodamine B under UV-Visible Light:The Role of Defects and Morphology 255 -- Recovery of the N,N-Dibutylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquid from Aqueous Solutions by Electrodia lysis Method 275 -- Water-Tree Characteristics and Its Mechanical Mechanism of Crosslinked Polyethylene Grafted with Polar-Group Molecules 287 -- Sensitivity of the Transport of Plastic Nanoparticles to Typical Phosphates Associated with Ionic Strength and Solution pH 301 -- Impact of Acetate in Reduction of Perchlorate by Mixed Microbial Culture under the Influence of Nitrate and Sulfate 315 -- Effective Removal of Methylene Blue on EuVC^/g-C-j^ Mesoporous Nanosheets via Coupling Adsorption and Photocatalysis 327 Effects of Acidic Environments on E>ental Structures after Bracket Debonding 343.…”
Libro electrónico -
8611Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…The burden of insufficient physical activity without the link with BMI -- Notes -- 4 Policy options to increase physical activity -- Increasing physical activity levels can have considerable health and economic benefits -- Policy makers can choose from a range of options to increase physical activity levels -- School-based programmes -- Workplace-based programmes -- Interventions in the health care sector -- Interventions in the sports sector -- Urban design, environment and transport policies -- Information and communication policies -- A comprehensive, well-funded package of policies is needed to get people moving -- References -- Glossary…”
Libro electrónico -
8612Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recent trends in international coal trading; Summary; The seaborne hard coal market; Seaborne thermal coal trade; Seaborne met coal trade; Regional analysis; Exporters; Indonesia; Australia; Russia; United States; Colombia; South Africa; Canada; Other countries; Importers; China; Japan; India; Korea; Europe; Others; Special focus: coal transportation in Russia; Coal trading; Regional analysis; United States; China; Derivatives; Prices…”
Libro electrónico -
8614por Cury, IvanTabla de Contenidos: “…AnimationExplosive Experts; Generator Operator; Graphics; Greenspeople; Home Economist; Insurance; Lab; Management Services; Martial Arts; Miniatures; Music and Sound Effects; Rental Facility; Still Photographer; Teleprompter Operator; Transportation; Security; Stunt Work; Teachers; Chapter 10 Useful Forms and Reference Material; Guilds, Unions, Associations, and Internet Sites; Below the Line; Sources; Sample Bid Documents; Sample Research Questions; Job Hunting; Bibliography; Index…”
Publicado 2005
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8615Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ads and PSAs: Copywriting for visual mediaCopywriting versus scriptwriting; Client needs and priorities; The 20-, 30-, and 60-Second miniscripts; Visual writing; Devices to capture audience attention; Define the creative idea or concept; More on ADS and PSAs; Humor; Shock; Suspense; Drama; Kids; Testimonial; Special effects; Sexuality; Recruiting the audience as a character; Writing for audio and radio; Infomercials; Video news releases; Billboards and transportation Ads; Advertising on the world wide web; Formats; Conclusion…”
Libro electrónico -
8616Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Supply Chain Data PipelinesIntegrated, Wall-to-Outside-the-Wall Supply Chain Solution; Chapter 4: Advice to the Executive Considering SAP APO and SCM; Six Short Executive Lessons in ERP; Profile of an SAP SCM Project with a High Likelihood of Success; Part 2: Stocks and Bases: Master Data SCM; Chapter 5: Supply Chain Management Master Data; Locations and Calendars; Products; Resources and Work Centers; Production Process Models and Run Time Objects; Transportation Lanes; External Procurement Relationships; Quota Arrangements; Models and Planning Versions; Transactional Data…”
Libro electrónico -
8617por Roberts, Charles, 1967-Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Capture ButtonsCapture Clip; Capture Now; The Process of Capturing; Scratch Disk Info; Current Frame Timecode Field; The Tape Transport Controls and J-K-L Support; The Jog and Shuttle Wheels; Set the In and Out Points for a Clip; The Clip Duration Timecode Field; Capture Using Capture Clip; Capture Now; Capture Now and Its Relationship with DV Timecode; The Capture Now Process; Using DV Start/Stop Detection; Batch Capture; What Is Offline/Online?…”
Publicado 2004
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8618por Zemon, Stacy, 1960-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Party Favors (Swag)Personal and Travel Items; System Components; Transporting Your Gear; Set-Up Tips; Acknowledgment; Chapter 5. …”
Publicado 2003
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8619Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…THE FOCAL EASY GUIDE TO ADOBE® AUDITIONTM 2.0; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; CHAPTER 1 Setup; Loading Adobe Audition 2.0; Project Setup; Setting Up the Device Hardware; Latency; Preferences/key Commands; New features in Adobe Audition 2.0; CHAPTER 2 The Interface; Introduction to the Audition 2.0 Interface; Multitrack View; The Edit View; CD View; Video panel; Files Panel; Effects Panel; Favourites Panel; Tools Palette; Transport/Time Format/Zoom Window/Session Properties; Audio Mixer Panel; Mastering Rack; Spectral Views; Workspaces; CHAPTER 3 Importing, Recording, Playback…”
Libro electrónico -
8620por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Avant-propos -- Table des matières -- Statistiques de base de l'Afrique du Sud, 2021 -- Résumé -- La reprise est forte, mais des risques demeurent -- Préserver la crédibilité de la politique monétaire et améliorer la dépense publique -- Favoriser une croissance plus inclusive -- Stimuler la productivité pour rehausser les niveaux de vie -- Favoriser une croissance plus verte -- 1 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- La reprise est engagée, mais les risques sont orientés à la baisse -- La pandémie a mis le système de santé à rude épreuve -- La reprise économique est tirée par la consommation privée et la demande extérieure -- Les perspectives restent entourées de risques considérables -- Un savant dosage des politiques macroéconomiques est nécessaire pour promouvoir la croissance -- Des politiques monétaires et prudentielles légèrement accommodantes restent pertinentes -- Le secteur bancaire a tenu bon face à la crise -- La stabilisation de la dette publique passe par une croissance plus forte et un accroissement des recettes publiques -- Il ne suffira pas de maîtriser les tensions sur les dépenses -- La réforme des entreprises publiques est nécessaire pour réduire leur incidence budgétaire -- La lutte contre la corruption est essentielle -- Augmenter les recettes fiscales tout en réduisant les inégalités et en stimulant la croissance -- Renforcer la politique sociale post-COVID-19 -- Des réformes favorisant une croissance vigoureuse, rapide et inclusive -- Lutter contre le frein à la croissance que représentent les pénuries d'électricité -- Atténuer les changements climatiques : la transition vers la neutralité carbone -- Des investissements dans les infrastructures sont nécessaires pour accroître la productivité -- Il faut développer l'infrastructure des transports publics…”
Publicado 2022
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