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  1. 8401
    por Jiménez Padilla, Bernabé
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Riesgos en el almacenamiento y transporte de cargas -- 5. Riesgos asociados al medio de trabajo -- 6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 8402
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Oración de indigencia -- Transporte masivo -- Latrinae -- algraffitalipoemaalgraffitialpoemaal -- SELlAMiEoNToA -- Mesalina -- Etanófilo -- cerøtro -- Epitafio…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 8403
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adding to the disparities More supplements ; Unemployed frontier workers ; Atypical frontier workers ; Exporting unemployment benefits ; A Kafka novel ; Sickness ; Applicable legislation ; Non-discrimination and residence ; The Dutch transition ; Further non-discrimination ; Technicalities ; 4 Services ; Broadcasting ; Posted workers ; Variety ; Infringement in the insurance sector ; Public works ; Lawyers ; Broadcasting again ; Remuneration ; Transport services ; Tourists ; IV The 1990s ; 1 Workers and citizens ; Worker ; Advantages ; Education ; Taxes…”
  4. 8404
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Problem Recognition and Adoption; Design of the Performance-Based Accounting System; Implementation and Monitoring; Effectiveness; Refinement; A Note About Terminology; Research Approach; Cases Examined in This Study; Child Care; Education; Health Care; Public Health Emergency Preparedness; Transportation; Organization of This Monograph…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 8405
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter Eight - The MSHCP's Effects on the Permitting Process forTransportation and Development ProjectsAnalytic Approach; Features of the MSHCP That May Speed or Slow the Permitting Process; Stakeholder Perceptions of the Features of the MSHCP That MayAccelerate or Slow Permitting Processes; Chapter Nine - Conclusion; Value of Land Needed for the Reserve; Land-Acquisition Strategy; The Adequacy of Revenues to Fund the Plan; Additional Revenue Options; Prospects for Achieving the Habitat-Conservation Goals of theReserve; The MSHCP's Benefits for Infrastructure Construction; Moving Forward…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 8406
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…1 Introduction: Overview of Our Research on Impacts of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident on Fish and Fishing Grounds -- Part I Seawater and Plankton -- 2 134Cs and 137Cs in the Seawater Around Japan and in the North Pacific -- 3 Temporal Changes in 137Cs Concentration in Zooplankton and Seawater off the Joban–Sanriku Coast, and in Sendai Bay, After the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Accident -- Part II Sediments and Benthos -- 4 Three-Dimensional Distribution of Radiocesium in Sea Sediment Derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant -- 5 Radiocesium Concentrations in the Organic Fraction of Sea Sediments -- 6 Bottom Turbidity, Boundary Layer Dynamics, and Associated Transport of Suspended Particulate Materials off the Fukushima Coast -- 7 Investigation of Radiocesium Translation from Contaminated Sediment to Benthic Organisms -- Part III Marine Fish -- 8 Detection of 131I, 134Cs, and 137Cs Released into the Atmosphere from FNPP in Small Epipelagic Fishes, Japanese Sardine and Japanese Anchovy, off the Kanto Area, Japan -- 9 Radiocesium Concentration of Small Epipelagic Fishes (Sardine and Japanese Anchovy) off the Kashima-Boso Area -- 10 Why Do the Radionuclide Concentrations of Pacific Cod Depend on the Body Size? …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 8407
    por Oliker, Olga
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Governance and Criminalization in Central Asia and South CaucasusGovernance, Criminalization, and Instability in Central Asia and South Caucasus; Conclusions; Chapter Five - Natural Resources and Potential Conflict in the Caspian Sea Region: Sergej Mahnovski; Introduction; Fossil Fuel Production in the Caspian Sea Region; Natural Gas; Fossil Fuel Transport to Markets; Crude Oil; Natural Gas; Energy Relationships in the Caspian Sea Region; The Role of Water and Electricity in Central Asia; Can Natural Resources Contribute to Armed Conflict?…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 8408
    por McCombs, Jennifer Sloan, 1970-
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Evaluations of EffectivenessConclusions; Chapter Four: Costs of Summer Programming; Evidence from the Literature; Cost Estimates for Select Summer Learning Programs; Sources of Cost Variation Across Programs; Core Services: Central Office and Site-Based Instructional and Administrative Costs; Supportive Services: Meals, Facilities, and Transportation; How Summer Costs Compare to School-Year Costs; Financial Sources for Summer School Programming; Federal Funding Sources; State Funding Sources; Private Funding Sources; Putting It All Together: Achieving Stable Funding Streams; Conclusions…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 8409
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6 Trading North: Glass-working beyond the edge of the empireIntroduction; Materials and analytical methods; Results and discussion; Opaque red glass; Opaque yellow glass; Blue glass; Clear glass; Other colours; Bead fabrication; Discussion and conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 7 Into Africa: The biography of Roman vessel glass in the Sahara Desert; Introduction; Manufacture and provenance; Trade and transport; Use and re-use; Curation, fetishism and discard; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 8 HIMT, glass composition and commodity branding in the primary glass industry…”
  10. 8410
    por Chitty, John
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Essentials of Tortoise Medicine and Surgery; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Part I Introduction; 1 Biology; 1.1 Species and Family Overview; 1.2 Natural History; 1.3 Sex Determination and Incubation of Eggs; 1.4 Physiology/Anatomy; 1.5 Chelonian Behaviour; 2 Husbandry; 2.1 The Husbandry Review; 2.2 Hibernation; 3 Practice Needs; 3.1 Equipment; 3.2 Economics; 3.3 Hospitalisation; 3.4 Instructions for Receptionists; 4 Examination; 4.1 Transport Guidelines; 4.2 History and Examination Techniques; 4.3 Handling; 4.4 Zoonoses; 5 Basic Techniques; 5.1 Venipuncture and Sample Handling…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 8411
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Canopy traits for enhacing radiation capture and RUEIncreasing radiation interception per unit nutrient uptake; Canopy traits to increase photosynthetic capacity per unit nutrient uptake; Conclusions; Chapter 5 Senescence and Nutrient Remobilization in Crop Plants; Introduction; The senescence process; Degradation and transport; Regulation of senescence; Conclusions: the dilemma of senescence; Chapter 6 Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur Nutrition on Grain Composition and Properties of Wheat and Related Cereals; Introduction; Effect of nitrogen on grain protein content…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 8412
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…MAINTAINING MICROBIAL QUALITY OF FRUITSPostharvest and Storage Considerations; FRUIT SAFETY; Associated Pathogens and Sources of Contamination; Microbiology Safety Issues and HACCP; HEALTH IMPLICATIONS; FUTURE PERSPECTIVES; REFERENCES; 5 Nutritional Quality of Fruits; INTRODUCTION; MACRONUTRIENTS; Water; Carbohydrates; Fiber; Fats; Proteins; MICRONUTRIENTS; Vitamins; Minerals; BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS; Carotenoids; Flavonoids; Phytosterols; REFERENCES; Part 2 Postharvest Handling and Preservation Technologies; 6 Postharvest Storage Systems: Biology, Physical Factors, Storage, and Transport…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 8413
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Caching -- Supplying the Cache-Control header in Express applications -- Discovering and exploring RESTful services -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Preparing a RESTful API for Production -- Documenting RESTful APIs -- Testing RESTful APIs with Mocha -- The microservices revolution -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Consuming a RESTful API -- Consuming RESTful services with jQuery -- Troubleshooting and identifying problems on the wire -- Cross Origin Resource Sharing -- Content Delivery Networks -- Handling HTTP status codes on the client side -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Securing the Application -- Authentication -- Basic authentication -- Passport -- Passport's basic authentication strategy -- Passport's OAuth Strategy -- Passport's third-party authentication strategies -- Authorization -- Transport layer security -- Self-test questions -- Summary -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 8414
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Corres Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy at Nano Scale Anna Chiara De Luca, Giuseppe Pesce, Giulia Rusciano, and Antonio Sasso Plasmonic Nanostructures and Nano-Antennas for Sensing Anuj Dhawan and Tuan Vo-Dinh Overcoming Mass-Transport Limitations with Optofluidic Plasmonic Biosensors and Particle Trapping Hatice Altug, Ahmet Ali Yanik, Alp Artar, Arif Engin Cetin, Min Huang, and John H. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 8415
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-Setting up an OMFS Facility -- Legal Issues in OMFS -- Research & Publication -- Salivary Gland Disorders -- Salivary Gland Tumours -- Obstructive Salivary Gland disease and Sialendoscopy -- Primary Assessment & Care of the Maxillofacial Trauma Patient -- Soft Tissue Injuries -- Dento Alveolar Fractures & Wiring techniques -- Plating Systems & Principles of ORIF -- Mandibular Fractures -- Condylar Fractures of the Mandible -- Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Condylar Fractures -- Maxillary Fractures -- Zygomatic Complex Fractures -- Orbital Fractures -- Frontal & NOE Fractures -- Gunshot Injuries -- Panfacial Trauma -- Residual Deformities -- MPDS -- Internal Derangements of TMJ -- TMJ Ankylosis -- Dislocation/ Subluxation -- Alloplastic Reconstruction -- Diagnosis & Planning -- Facial Asymmetry -- Mandibular Procedures -- Maxillary Procedures -- SFOA -- OSAS -- Complications in Orthognathic Surgery -- Cleft Lip -- Cleft Palate -- Alveolar Bone Grafting -- Cleft Maxillary Hypolplasia -- Cleft Rhinoplasty -- Transport Distraction Osteogenesis -- Distraction Osteogenesis: Craniofacial , Pediatric -- Rare Facial Clefts -- Hemifacial Microsomia / Treacher Collins -- Craniosynostosis -- Pre malignant Lesions and Conditions -- Carcinoma Diagnosis & Treatment Planning -- Principles of Surgical Management of Oral Cancer -- Sarcoma -- Adjunctive Therapy -- Access Surgeries/Osteotomies -- Soft Tissue Reconstruction -- Hard Tissue Reconstruction…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 8416
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contexto del sector -- Instituciones -- Ejecutivo -- Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM) -- Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) -- Ministerio de Justicia (MINJUS) -- Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC) -- Organismos autónomos -- Organismos reguladores -- Autoridad en materia de competencia y protección del consumidor -- Poder Legislativo -- Gobiernos subnacionales -- Poder Judicial -- Institución de auditoría suprema -- Política y proceso regulatorio -- Proceso legislativo -- Proceso normativo en el Poder Ejecutivo -- Contexto del sector y principales reformas regulatorias -- Notas -- Referencias -- Capítulo 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 8417
    por OECD
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…SME and entrepreneurship policy in the Slovak Republic -- overall assessment and recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship performance in the Slovak Republic -- The Slovak economy has a relatively large share of micro firms -- The Slovak economy has very high business dynamism -- SME productivity is low and stagnant or falling -- Relatively few small firms export or innovate -- Entrepreneurship rates are high -- Policy recommendations -- The business environment for SMEs and entrepreneurship -- Macro-economic conditions have been favourable but COVID-19 is having a severe impact on SMEs Regulatory reforms need to be continued -- The innovation system does not favour SME innovation -- SME development is hindered by skills shortages -- Some transport and digital infrastructure gaps need to be addressed -- Relatively high social security payments may hinder small firm growth -- Equity finance and alternatives to debt finance are limited -- The spillovers from trade and foreign direct investment openness are currently limited -- Policy recommendations -- Regulatory environment -- Innovation and R&D -- Education/skills -- Taxation -- SME access to finance Trade and foreign direct investment -- Strategic framework and delivery arrangements for SME and entrepreneurship policy -- There is no overarching SME and entrepreneurship policy document -- SME and entrepreneurship policy lacks a lead unit, a cross-government co-ordination mechanism and an SME advisory council -- A policy portfolio examination would help assess the mix of spending -- Use of business identification number information could support evaluation -- A connecting hub would strengthen the policy delivery system -- Policy recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship programmes A business diagnostic tool and client management approach would strengthen business development services -- SME innovation support should include actions to strengthen university-SME links -- Internationalisation programmes are at a basic level -- Entrepreneurship training and skills programmes lack a co-ordinated approach -- New sector skills councils and changes to the dual training system are strengthening SME skills -- Access to finance programmes are now supporting a wider range of instruments -- The Office for Public Procurement promotes SME participation…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 8418
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Waste streams 119 -4.7. Transport 121 -4.8. Development of fast reactors and advanced fuel cycles 123 -4.9. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 8419
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Blowdown/seismic/transportation loads 51  -3.18. Assembly holddown force 52  -3.19. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 8420
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modal composition of commuter transport""; ""Better business regulation could boost growth and job creation""; ""Figure 18. …”
    Libro electrónico