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  1. 8341
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…YemenZambia; Zimbabwe; SUMMARY TABLES AND ENERGY INDICATORS; Production; Net imports; Primary energy supply; Electricity generation; Electricity consumption; Final consumption; Consumption in industry; Consumption in transport; GDP; Population; Energy production/TPES; Net oil imports/GDP; TPES/GDP; TPES/population; Oil supply/GDP; Oil supply/population; Electricity consumption/GDP; Electricity consumption/population; MULTILINGUAL GLOSSARIES…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 8342
    por OCDE, OECD /.
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mozambique -- Myanmar -- Namibia -- Nepal -- Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Oman -- Pakistan -- Panama -- Paraguay -- Peru -- Philippines -- Qatar -- Romania -- Russian Federation -- Saudi Arabia -- Senegal -- Serbia -- Singapore -- South Africa -- South Sudan -- Sri Lanka -- Sudan -- Suriname -- Syrian Arab Republic -- Chinese Taipei -- Tajikistan -- Tanzania -- Thailand -- Togo -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tunisia -- Turkmenistan -- Ukraine -- United Arab Emirates -- Uruguay -- Uzbekistan -- Venezuela -- Viet Nam -- Yemen -- Zambia -- Zimbabwe -- COUNTRY NOTES AND SOURCES -- PART III - SUMMARY TIME SERIES -- Production -- Refinery output of oil products -- Net imports -- Final consumption -- Consumption in industry -- Consumption in transport…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 8343
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Executive summary 7 Introduction  11 Immediate response by NEA member countries  15 -Initiating events 16 -Loss of safety functions 18 -Accident management  23 -Defence-in-depth 24 -Emergency preparedness and planning 27 -Radiological protection 28 -Post-accident recovery and clean-up 29 -Regulatory infrastructure 30 NEA initial considerations and approach 31 NEA actions in follow-up to the Fukushima Daiichi accident  35 -Nuclear regulation 35 --Accident management  35 --Defence-in-depth (DiD) concept and implementation  36 --Review of precursor events 37 --Regulation of nuclear site selection 37 --Crisis communication 37 -Nuclear safety  38 --Human performance under extreme conditions 38 --Filtered containment venting 38 --Hydrogen management 39 --Robustness of electrical systems 39 --Spent fuel pool accident conditions 40 --Risk analysis for natural external hazards 40 --High seismic loads on metallic components  40 --Software tools for the estimation of fission product releases 41 -Joint research projects  42 --Benchmark Study of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (BSAF)  43 --Hydrogen Mitigation Experiments for Reactor Safety (HYMERES) 43 --PWR transient tests under postulated accident scenarios (PKL phase 3)  44 --Advanced Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS) 45 -New reactors 45 -Radiological protection 46 --Radiological protection aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident 46 --Nuclear emergencies  47 --Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE)  48 -Support for the ICRP dialogue initiative  49 -Legal framework and liabilities 49 Direct support to Japan by the NEA 51 Key messages  53 -Assurance of safety  53 -Shared responsibilities 53 -Human and organisational factors 54 -Defence-in-depth (DiD)  54 -Stakeholder engagement 55 -Crisis communication 55 -International aspects of emergency preparedness 56 -Trade and transport issues 56 -Research and development 56 -International co-operation and the NEA contribution  56 Conclusions 59 Acknowledgements 61 List of acronyms and abbreviations 63…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 8344
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Remerciements -- Statistiques de base de la Croatie, 2022 -- Résumé -- L'économie de la Croatie fait preuve de résilience -- La dette publique diminue, mais les tensions liées au vieillissement démographique restent un défi majeur -- Il faut accélérer la transition écologique -- Améliorer l'environnement des affaires peut être bénéfique pour l'investissement et la productivité -- Renforcer l'emploi et les compétences peut faire augmenter les revenus et améliorer le bien-être -- 1 Parvenir à une convergence durable -- 2 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- La Croatie devra encore relever certains défis pour pérenniser son rattrapage -- La flambée d'inflation a ralenti la croissance -- Le vigoureux redressement de la Croatie après la pandémie de COVID-19 a été freiné par la flambée des prix -- L'inflation recule progressivement -- Le secteur financier semble solide, mais la vigilance reste de mise -- Le budget renouera avec les déficits, sur fond de durcissement des conditions monétaires -- La croissance devrait rester soutenue -- Des finances publiques saines en appui à une croissance plus soutenue -- Améliorer l'affectation et l'exécution des dépenses -- Fournir des biens et services publics à de nombreux organismes publics et échelons de l'administration -- Mieux gérer l'investissement public et les marchés publics -- Doter la fonction publique des effectifs nécessaires pour garantir sa performance -- Élargir la base d'imposition pour dynamiser les recettes -- Stimuler la transition énergétique pour améliorer la qualité de l'environnement -- Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre -- Abaisser le niveau, actuellement élevé, des émissions dues aux transports -- Multiplier les sources d'énergie renouvelables et restreindre la consommation d'énergie -- Abaisser le niveau, actuellement élevé, des émissions dues aux déchets…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 8345
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El mercado interno de aves y sus cadenas productivas -- Los primeros eslabones de una cadena productiva -- Compra minorista, mayorista y transporte -- Casas comerciales y venta de plumas -- Otros mercados de plumas en Colombia -- La rentabilidad de la "plumería" colombiana -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 8346
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Author -- About the Reviewer -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting Started with the ESP8266 -- Starting with the ESP8266 chip -- Installing Arduino IDE -- Downloading the Arduino Software IDE -- Configure Arduino IDE -- Installing the ESP8266 SDK -- How to install a library -- Libraries from the Arduino's repository -- Library is not in the repository -- It is time for your first program -- Seeing the result -- Connecting ESP8266 to Wi-Fi -- Getting data from the internet -- Sending data to the internet -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Building and Configuring Your Own MQTT Server -- Message Queue Telemetry Transport -- Quality of service -- Security -- Retain messages and last will -- Basic terminology -- Wildcards on topics -- Introducing Mosquitto broker -- ESP8266 and MQTT -- Publishing data from the ESP8266 -- Receiving MQTT messages in the ESP8266 -- Securing Mosquitto -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Building a Home Thermostat with the ESP8266 -- SPIFFS -- SPIFFS objects -- Directory object -- File object -- Temperature sensor -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Control Appliances from the ESP8266 -- Using the WiFiManager library -- Adding parameters to the WiFiManager setup page and saving them into the file -- ESP8266 and Infrared communication -- Hardware components -- Software and libraries for this project -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Using ESP8266 to Build a Security System -- Passive infrared sensor -- How PIRs work -- Testing the PIR module -- Connecting the PIR module to the internet -- The ESP8266 PIR security code -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Securing Your Data -- Enabling encryption on mosquitto -- Installing the openssl package -- Generating your own certificates -- Securing a connection between ESP8266 and an MQTT broker -- Working offline…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 8347
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Editors; Contributors; Part I - Modelling and Simulations of Manufacturing Systems; Chapter 1 - Modelling Manufacturing Systems with Place/Transition Nets and Timed Petri Nets; Chapter 2 - Modelling Manufacturing Systems in a Dioid Framework; Chapter 3 - Modelling Manufacturing Systems and Inventory Control Systems with Hybrid Petri Nets; Chapter 4 - Hybrid Models for the Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems; Chapter 5 - Freight Transportation in Distributed Logistic Chains; Part II - Supervisory Control of Manufacturing Systems…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 8348
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sustainable Ways to Manage Waste in Healthcare FacilitiesAnanya Tewari, Shyamala Mani -- 17. Sustainable Transport Solutions in the Health Sector Shailendra P. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 8349
    Publicado 1997
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 13. Telematics and Transport Policy: Making the ConnectionChapter 14. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 8350
    por Greenfield, Howard
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; How IP Fits In; Types of IP Networks; Internet Protocol Addresses; Key Parts of an IP Network; Transport Protocols; Multicasting; Reality Check; Summary; Chapter 6 Video Compression; Why Compress?…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 8351
    por Bijaoui, Pierre
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Optimizing Exchange 20035.1 Introduction to Exchange 2003 Optimization; 5.2 System Optimization for Exchange 2003; 5.3 Memory Optimization for Exchange 2003; 5.4 Network Optimization for Exchange 2003; 5.5 Storage Optimization for Exchange 2003; 5.6 Mail Transport Optimization; 5.7 In Summary; Chapter 6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 8352
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Design science research in enterprise information systems: Proceedings of the CONFENIS 2011 workshopA framework for a meta-design artefact on design science methodology; Business intelligence in corporate information system: Integral approach; EIS based on business rules in oil transportation industry with situational analysis implementation; Designing enterprise information systems using scrum for governance; Enterprise Information Systems in various domains; IT adaptation in relation to data management in small, medium-sized and large companies…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 8353
    Publicado 2015
    Libro electrónico
  14. 8354
    por Amatore, Christian, author
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mise en forme et mise en oeuvre -- 3. Métallurgie et transports -- 4. Métallurgie et énergie nucléaire -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 8355
    por Institute of Medicine (U.S.).
    Publicado 1994
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""METHODS""; ""WATER AND ELECTROLYTE ABSORPTION""; ""Glucose-Stimulated Na+ Absorption""; ""Fructose Versus Glucose""; ""ANION TRANSPORT""; ""EFFECTS OF EXERCISE""…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 8356
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Challenges facing Canada's largest city: Inequality and governance -- Piloting the possibilities for the inclusive city -- Increasing the supply and quality of affordable housing in Toronto -- Transport -- Economic development -- Realising the inclusive city? …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 8357
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction 1 Reader-Response Criticism 1.1 Reading as a Journey 1.2 Rosenblatt's Transactional Theory 1.3 Frames 1.4 Iser's Model of Meaning-Making 1.5 The Overdetermination of Literary Texts 2 Transaction in Educational Settings 2.1 The Ease of Reading 2.2 The Teacher of Literature as a Facilitator 2.3 Reading in Stages Stage 1: Framing Stage 2: Reading Stage 3: Think-Tank Stage 4: Lockstep Stage 5: Rereading Stage 6: Conclusions Stage 7: Closure 2.4 Learner Texts & Activities 3 Cognitive (Literary) Studies 3.1 The Return of the Reader 3.2 Mental Models 3.3 Emotions & Empathy 3.3.1 The Feeling of What Happens 3.3.2 Types of Reading-Related Feelings 3.3.3 Transportation 3.3.4 Empathy 3.4 Embodied Cognition & Enactivism 3.5 Conceptual Metaphors & Blending 3.5.1 Basic Principles 3.5.2 Metaphors 3.5.3 Metonymies 3.5.4 Blending 3.6 Blending & Literary Studies 4 Cognitive Approaches to Comics 4.1 Synopsis 4.2 Definitions 4.3 Cartooning 4.4 An Art of Tensions 4.4.1 Words vs. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 8358
    Publicado 1992
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Environmental Neurotoxicology -- Copyright -- Preface -- Contents -- Executive Summary -- MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM -- NEUROTOXICITY TESTING -- SURVEILLANCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL NEUROTOXICOLOGY -- BIOLOGIC MARKERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL NEUROTOXICOLOGY -- NEUROTOXICITY RISK ASSESSMENT -- 1 Introduction: Defining the Problem of Neurotoxicity -- NEUROLOGIC RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICANTS -- MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM OF NEUROTOXICITY -- DETECTION AND CONTROL OF EXPOSURE TO NEUROTOXICANTS -- SCOPE OF THIS REPORT -- 2 Biologic Basis of Neurotoxicity -- CELLULAR ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY -- Structure of the Neuron -- The Nerve Impulse -- Synaptic Transmission -- Synaptic Messengers -- GENERAL ASPECTS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION -- Metabolism -- Blood-Brain Barrier -- Development -- Plasticity -- Trophic Interactions -- VULNERABILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM TO CHEMICAL TOXICANTS -- Complexity of Structural and Functional Integration -- Limitations on Repair -- Accessibility to Lipid-Soluble Toxicants -- Dependence on Glucose -- Axonal Transport -- Synaptic Transmission -- Ion Channels -- EXAMPLES OF NEUROTOXIC MECHANISMS -- Pyrethroids -- γ-Diketones -- MPTP -- SUMMARY -- 3 Biologic Markers in Neurotoxicology -- CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS -- Biologic Markers of Exposure -- Biologic Markers of Effect -- Biologic Markers of Susceptibility -- VALIDATION OF BIOLOGIC MARKERS -- USE OF BIOLOGIC MARKERS IN RISK ASSESSMENT -- SUMMARY -- 4 Testing for Neurotoxicity -- APPROACH TO NEUROTOXICITY TESTING -- Difficulties in Neurotoxicity Testing -- The Testing Strategy -- Characteristics of Tests Useful for Screening -- Application of the Screen and Later Tiers -- CURRENT METHODS BASED ON STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS -- CURRENT IN VITRO PROCEDURES -- Biochemical Assays -- Tissue Culture -- Plausibility of an In Vitro Screening Battery…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 8359
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Polak -- Managing Brexit : trade agreements binding on the UK pursuant to its EU membership / Panos Koutrakos -- Come fly with me? : Brexit and air transport / Wybe Douma -- Outside the opt-out : the consequences of the UK's withdrawal from the EU for the external action in the area of freedom, security and justice / Paula García Andrade -- Copy-pasting or negotiating? …”
  20. 8360
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Energy Steven Ferrey 24. Transportation Paolo Bifani, David Vivas-Eugui, and Hiafeng Wang 25. …”