Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Planetes 51
- Sustainable development 44
- Environmental aspects 40
- History 35
- Social aspects 32
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 28
- Vida en altres planetes 25
- Economic aspects 24
- Climatic changes 23
- Sustainability 22
- Astronomia 20
- Planets 19
- Congressos 17
- Management 17
- environnement 16
- Business & Economics 15
- Computer Science 14
- Research & information: general 14
- Social responsibility of business 14
- Technological innovations 14
- Development 13
- Engineering and Technology 13
- Leadership 13
- Philosophy 13
- Physical Sciences 13
- Remote sensing 13
- Desarrollo sostenible 12
- Descripcions i viatges 12
- Economics 12
- Environmental Sciences 12
1221Publicado 2022“…"Evaluation is increasingly important for finding sustainable solutions for the people and the planet, based on a systematic analysis of what works, for whom, and under what circumstances, and to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as they pertain to the environment. …”
Libro electrónico -
1222Publicado 2018“…"Since we first arrived on the planet, we've been telling each other stories, whether of that morning's great saber-tooth tiger hunt or the latest installment of the Star Wars saga. …”
Libro electrónico -
1223Publicado 2022“…Launch a successful online store in moments with the help of the most popular ecommerce platform on the planet As the platform of choice for over 1 million businesses in over 175 countries, Shopify powers everything from small local stores to multi-million-dollar ecommerce operations. …”
Libro electrónico -
1224Publicado 2004“…Il n’y a plus grand-monde pour mettre encore en doute le bouleversement profond qui est en train de modifier l’équilibre climatique de notre planète. Force est cependant de constater que cette prise de conscience, indispensable, ne suscite que fort peu d’initiatives pour renverser le cours d’une évolution inquiétante. …”
Libro electrónico -
1225Publicado 2020“…It gave theoretical expression to a material and cultural reality that was just then getting properly started - globalisation and postmodernity - whilst highlighting the geo-spatial limits to accumulation imposed by our planet. However this landmark publication, author Robert Hassan argues, did not address the arrival of digital technology, the quantum leap represented by the move from an analogue world to a digital economy and the rapid creation of a global networked society. …”
Libro electrónico -
1226Publicado 2024“…They show only where the data say that we have already been, never where we might venture together for the first time.To meet today's grave challenges to our species and our planet, we will need something new from AI, and from ourselves.Shannon Vallor makes a wide-ranging, prophetic, and philosophical case for what AI could be: a way to reclaim our human potential for moral and intellectual growth, rather than lose ourselves in mirrors of the past. …”
Grabación no musical -
1227por Mason, Colin, 1926-“…This book is powerful and essential reading for all people concerned with the future of humanity and planet earth…”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
1228por Olson, Eric G., 1967-“…He also identifies new opportunities to drive value by “instrumenting the planet,” and introduces new technologies that make this possible. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
1229Publicado 2011“…Since water is the source of life and essential for all life on the planet, the use of this resource is a highly important issue. …”
Libro electrónico -
1230Publicado 2015“…They successfully populated every energetic niche on the planet with products so technologically advanced and complex that to this day many attribute their design and manufacture to deities. …”
Libro electrónico -
1231Publicado 2014“…While every new generation has faced its share of disruption in technology, economics, politics and society, no other generation in the history of mankind has had the ability to connect every human being on the planet to each other and in the process to provide the opportunity for each person to be fully educated, socially and economically engaged. …”
Libro electrónico -
1232Publicado 2012“…Fruit de deux années d'enquête, cet ouvrage montre comment une série d'erreurs, de rêves fous et de négligences a mené la planète financière au bord du gouffre. Un scénario qui peut se reproduire n'importe où, n'importe quand si on n'en tire pas d'urgence les enseignements. …”
Libro electrónico -
1233por Mishra, Vivek. author“…Beginning Apache Cassandra Development introduces you to one of the most robust and best-performing NoSQL database platforms on the planet. Apache Cassandra is a document database following the JSON document model. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
1234Publicado 2022“…Il dresse ensuite un état des lieux de la planète, panorama impeccablement documenté et actuel des principales entités étatiques et des enjeux régionaux saillants. …”
Libro -
1235Publicado 2020“…It has changed our lives and infrastructures profoundly, marking a significant shift in how we make our way in the world.The book offers accessible descriptions of GPS and location-based services, including the use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and RFID for position determination out of satellite range; remote sensing, which uses satellite and aerial platforms to monitor such varied phenomena as global food production, the effects of climate change, and subsurface natural resources on other planets; geographic information systems (GIS), which store, analyze, and visualize spatial data; spatial databases, which store multiple forms of spatial data; and spatial statistics and spatial data mining, used to analyze location-related data…”
Grabación musical -
1236Publicado 2011“…We have come to the end of Economic Growth, Version 1.0, a world economy based on consumption and waste, where we lived beyond the means of our planet's ecosystems and sources.The Great Disruption offers a stark and unflinching look at the challenge humanity faces--yet also a deeply optimistic message. …”
Disco musical -
1237Publicado 2009“…"Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. …”
Disco musical -
1238Publicado 2022“…It's time to take our lives back with a plan and process for getting on the other side of the international crises that have plagued our planet. Easier is about turning the corner and moving forward: a message that's never been more on point. …”
Libro electrónico -
1239Publicado 2022“…Children today face significant challenges in response to living in a globalised world and the impact of environmental threats to the planet. As such, there is an increasing need for schools to have a global perspective and to cultivate a critical sense of environmental and social responsibility in students. …”
Libro electrónico -
1240Publicado 2007“…Loin d'être éclipsée par chacune des nouvelles technologies censées la remplacer, la radio s'affirme toujours comme étant le média de proximité par excellence tout en faisant désormais le tour de la planète mieux qu'aucun autre. Comment les journalistes peuvent-ils utiliser toutes les possibilités qu'offre la radio? …”
Libro electrónico