Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Mecánica 618
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 343
- Materiales 308
- Technology: general issues 259
- History of engineering & technology 239
- Medicine 216
- Mechanical Engineering 212
- Research & information: general 199
- Law and legislation 196
- Taxation 185
- Propiedades mecánicas 183
- mechanical properties 183
- Mechanical engineering 177
- Development 176
- Física 165
- Engineering and Technology 146
- Physical Sciences 143
- Application software 141
- Management 134
- Computer networks 131
- Engineering 127
- Data processing 124
- History 122
- Security measures 121
- Computer security 113
- microstructure 113
- Economics 112
- Artificial intelligence 107
- Research 104
- Mechanical Engineering - General 103
7041Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Adequacy of this Term in Various Judgments of International Administrative Tribunals -- 5 The Terms and Conditions of Employment of International Civil Servants: implied Terms Recognized by the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal -- Part 2: Resolving Employment-Related Disputes at International Organizations -- 6 To Join or Not to Join: a Comparative Analysis of Joining or Creating an International Administrative Tribunal -- 7 Arbitrating Employment Disputes Involving International Organizations -- 8 The Global Fund to Fight aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria: the Journey of a Public-Private Partnership -- 9 Evolution of the Grievance System of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: lessons Learnt and Way Forward -- Part 3: The Role and Reform of International Administrative Tribunals -- 10 The Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal: the Evolution and Explanation of Changes to the Tribunal's Statute -- 11 The Effectiveness of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in an Era of Adaptation: the Role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Administrative Tribunal -- 12 Building an Administrative Tribunal of an International Financial Institution from Scratch: lessons from the European Stability Mechanism…”
Libro electrónico -
7042por Institute of Medicine (U.S.).Tabla de Contenidos: “…""STATE PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES""""PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE AND DISTANCE MEDICINE""; ""Current Policies""; ""Issues""; ""Policy Options""; ""A Note on Credentialing""; ""MALPRACTICE LIABILITY""; ""Current Policies""; ""Issues""; ""Policy Options""; ""PRIVACY, CONFIDENTIALITY, AND SECURITY""; ""Current Policies""; ""Issues""; ""Policy Options""; ""Technical and Administrative Options""; ""PAYMENT POLICIES FOR TELEMEDICINE""; ""Fee-for-Service Payment and Telemedicine""; ""Per Case or Other Bundled Payment Methods""; ""Capitation Payment/Fixed Budget""; ""Other Financing Mechanisms""…”
Publicado 1996
Libro electrónico -
7043Publicado 1994Tabla de Contenidos: “…Low-Frequency Sound and Marine Mammals -- Copyright -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Executive Summary -- LIMITATIONS OF CURRENT KNOWLEDGE -- CHANGES PROPOSED IN REGULATORY STRUCTURE -- RECOMMENDED RESEARCH -- 1 A Review of Current Knowledge -- CHANGES IN OCEAN SOUNDS AND POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON MARINE MAMMALS -- EVALUATING NOISE INTERFERENCE -- Transmission Loss of Sound in the Ocean -- Ambient Noise Level of the Sea -- Acoustic Characteristics of Marine Mammal Hearing Organs -- THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL RESEARCH -- ORIGINS AND DRAWBACKS OF THE "120-DB CRITERION -- REFERENCES -- 2 Regulatory Barriers and Possible Alternatives -- THE MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT AND ITS INTERPRETATION -- HARASSMENT OF MARINE MAMMALS -- PERMITTING IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITY -- Scientific Research Permits -- Small Incidental Take (SIT) Authorizations -- MAGNITUDE OF POTENTIAL NOISE POLLUTION FROM OCEANIC ACOUSTIC STUDIES -- PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE REGULATORY STRUCTURE -- Using a New Mechanism to Regulate Scientific "Takes -- Utilization of the IACUC System -- Streamlining Existing Regulations -- SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES -- REFERENCES -- 3 Topics for Future Research -- BEHAVIOR OF MARINE MAMMALS IN THE WILD -- Natural, Ecologically Important Signals -- Habituation to Repeated Human-made Sounds -- Differential Responses of Migrating Whales to Various Human-made Sounds -- Responses of Deep-diving Marine Mammals to Low-frequency Sounds -- STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE AUDITORY SYSTEM -- Basic Studies of Audiometry -- Measurements on Ensnared or Beached Marine Mammals -- Replication of Data -- Temporary Threshold Shift -- Basic Studies of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System -- EFFECTS OF LOW-FREQUENCY SOUNDS ON THE FOOD CHAIN -- DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES -- Tag Development…”
Libro electrónico -
7044Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction / The puzzle of addiction / Deriving addiction: an analysis based on three elementary features of making choices / The picoeconomics of addiction / Addiction as a disorder of self-control / Addiction: the belief oscillation hypothesis / Addiction and moral psychology / Identity and addiction / The harmful dysfunction analysis of addiction: normal brains and abnormal states of mind / The evolutionary significance of drug toxicity over reward / Dening addiction: a pragmatic perspective / Diagnosis of addictions / Reconsidering addiction as a syndrome: one disorder with multiple expressions / Developing general models and theories of addiction / Gambling disorder / Food addiction / “A walk on the wild side” of addiction: the history and significance of animal models / Power and addiction / Sociology of addiction / The fuzzy boundaries of illegal drug markets and why they matter / Multiple commitments: heterogeneous histories of neuroscientific addiction research / The epidemiological approach: an overview of methods and models / A genetic framework for addiction / Choice impulsivity: a drug-modiable personality trait / Stress and addiction / Mechanistic models for understanding addiction as a behavioural disorder / Controlled and automatic learning processes in addiction / Decision-making dysfunctions in addiction / The current status of the incentive sensitization theory of addiction / Resting-state and structural brain connectivity in individuals with stimulant addiction: a systematic review / Imaging dopamine signaling in addiction / The neurobiology of placebo effects / Brain mechanisms and the disease model of addiction: is it the whole story of the addicted self? …”
Libro electrónico -
7045Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…High-Speed Chronoamperometry to Study Kinetics and Mechanisms for Serotonin Clearance In Vivo…”
Libro electrónico -
7046Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vallerand and Virginie Paquette -- Effects, mechanisms, and implementation : ways to improve interventions and policies promoting healthy diet and physical activity / Aleksandra Luszczynska -- Epigenetic processes mediating environments, experiences, and mental health : therapeutic and diagnostic implications / Moshe Szyf -- Cardiac-disease-induced-PTSD : settling the diagnostic debate / Noa Vilchinsky -- Mental health consequences of terrorist attacks in adults / Jesús Sanz and María Paz García-Vera -- Are forgiveness and unforgiveness two extremes of the same continuum? …”
Libro electrónico -
7047Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ford -- The social sharing of emotion : illusory and real benefits of talking about emotional experiences / Bernard Rime, Gwenola Herbette and Susanna Corsini -- Theoretical mechanisms involved in disclosure : from inhibition to self-regulation / Melanie A. …”
Libro electrónico -
7048Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Boyd -- Nonapeptide mechanisms of avian social behavior and phenotypic diversity / James L. …”
Libro electrónico -
7049Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contracting out as a governance mechanism: The case of national health insurance in India / Maurya Dayashankar And M Ramesh -- 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
7050Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; To the Reader; Editor; Contributors; Chapter 1: Biological Windows : A Tribute to Ross Adey; Chapter 2: Replication and Extension of Adey Group's Calcium Efflux Results; Chapter 3: Benefit and Hazard of Electromagnetic Fields; Chapter 4: Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields : From Signaling to Healing; Chapter 5: Biophysical Mechanisms for Nonthermal Microwave Effects; Chapter 6: Engineering Problems in Bioelectromagnetics; Chapter 7: Signal Design : Step by Step; Chapter 8: Magnetic Field Influences on the Microcirculation…”
Libro electrónico -
7051Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Joshua -- AR Signaling and the PI3K Pathway in Prostate Cancer -- Daisuke Obinata, Kenichi Takayama, Satoru Takahashi and Satoshi Inoue Crosstalk of the Androgen Receptor with Transcriptional Collaborators: Potential -- Therapeutic Targets for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer -- Kurtis Eisermann and Gail Fraizer -- The Androgen Receptor and VEGF: Mechanisms of Androgen-Regulated Angiogenesis in Prostate Cancer -- Damien A. …”
Libro electrónico -
7052por AISC 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- How to Correctly Prune Tropical Trees -- From Matrix Interpretations over the Rationals to Matrix Interpretations over the Naturals -- Automated Reasoning and Presentation Support for Formalizing Mathematics in Mizar -- Contributions to Calculemus 2010 -- Some Considerations on the Usability of Interactive Provers -- Mechanized Mathematics -- Formal Proof of SCHUR Conjugate Function -- Symbolic Domain Decomposition -- A Formal Quantifier Elimination for Algebraically Closed Fields -- Computing in Coq with Infinite Algebraic Data Structures -- Formally Verified Conditions for Regularity of Interval Matrices -- Reducing Expression Size Using Rule-Based Integration -- A Unified Formal Description of Arithmetic and Set Theoretical Data Types -- Contributions to MKM 2010 -- Against Rigor -- Smart Matching -- Electronic Geometry Textbook: A Geometric Textbook Knowledge Management System -- An OpenMath Content Dictionary for Tensor Concepts -- On Duplication in Mathematical Repositories -- Adapting Mathematical Domain Reasoners -- Integrating Multiple Sources to Answer Questions in Algebraic Topology -- An Integrated Development Environment for Collections -- Proofs, Proofs, Proofs, and Proofs -- Dimensions of Formality: A Case Study for MKM in Software Engineering -- Towards MKM in the Large: Modular Representation and Scalable Software Architecture -- The Formulator MathML Editor Project: User-Friendly Authoring of Content Markup Documents -- Notations Around the World: Census and Exploitation -- Evidence Algorithm and System for Automated Deduction: A Retrospective View -- On Building a Knowledge Base for Stability Theory -- Proviola: A Tool for Proof Re-animation -- A Wiki for Mizar: Motivation, Considerations, and Initial Prototype…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
7053Publicado 1998Tabla de Contenidos: “…International Diffusion of Knowledge: Isolating Mechanisms and the Role of the MNE / Orjan Solvell and Ivo Zander…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Accés restringit als usuaris de la UAB
Libro -
7054Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- Neural circuits of reward and decision making : integrative networks across cortico-basal banglia loops / Haber -- Neurochemistry of performance monitoring / Ullsperger -- Contributions of ventromedial prefrontal and frontal polar cortex to reinforcement learning and value-based choice / Boorman and Noonan -- Decision-making in frontal cortex : from single-units to fMRI / Kennerley and Tobler -- A comparative perspective on executive and motivational control by the medial prefrontal cortex / Laubach -- Top-down control over the motor cortex / Mars, Neubert, and Rushworth -- A role for posterior cingulate cortex in policy switching and cognitive control / Pearson, Hayden, and Platt -- Subcortical contributions to the motivational and cognitive control of instrumental performance by Pavlovian and discriminative stimuli / Liljeholm and O'Doherty -- The influence of dopamine in generating action from motivation / Walton, Gan, and Phillips -- Fronto-basal-ganglia circuits for stopping action / Greenhouse, Swann, and Aron -- Learning, the P3, and the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system / Nieuwenhuis -- The neurocognitive development of social decision-making / Van den Bos and Crone -- Motivational modulation of action control : how inter-individual variability may shed light on the motivation-control interface and its neurocognitive mechanisms / Ridderinkhof, Cohen, and Forstmann -- Pathological changes in performance monitoring / De Bruijn and Ullsperger -- Neural correlates of hierarchical reinforcement learning / Ribas-Fernandes, Niv, and Botvinick -- Reinforcement learning, conflict monitoring, and cognitive control : an integrative model of cingulate-striatial interaction and the ERN / Cockburn and Frank -- An integrative theory of anterior cingulate cortex function : option selection in hierarchical reinforcement learning / Holroyd and Yeung -- Meta-learning, cognitive control, and physiological interactions between medial and lateral prefrontal cortex / Khamassi ... …”
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7055Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.5.2 Survivability, Availability, and Reliability 122 -- 5.6 Sovereignty, Privacy, Security, Interoperability, and Management 123 -- 5.6.1 Data Sovereignty 123 -- 5.6.2 Privacy and Security 123 -- 5.6.3 Heterogeneity and Interoperability 124 -- 5.6.4 Monitoring, Orchestration, and Management 124 -- 5.7 Trade-Offs 125 -- 5.8 Conclusion 126 -- References 126 -- 6 Incentive Schemes for User-Provided Fog Infrastructure 129 /George Iosifidis, Lin Gao, Jianwei Huang, and Leandros Tassiulas -- 6.1 Introduction 129 -- 6.2 Technology and Economic Issues in UPIs 132 -- 6.2.1 Overview of UPI models for Network Connectivity 132 -- 6.2.2 Technical Challenges of Resource Allocation 134 -- 6.2.3 Incentive Issues 135 -- 6.3 Incentive Mechanisms for Autonomous Mobile UPIs 137 -- 6.4 Incentive Mechanisms for Provider-assisted Mobile UPIs 140 -- 6.5 Incentive Mechanisms for Large-Scale Systems 143 -- 6.6 Open Challenges in Mobile UPI Incentive Mechanisms 145 -- 6.6.1 Autonomous Mobile UPIs 145 -- Consensus of the Service Provider 145 -- Dynamic Setting 146 -- 6.6.2 Provider-assisted Mobile UPIs 146 -- Modeling the Users 146 -- Incomplete Market Information 147 -- 6.7 Conclusions 147 -- References 148 -- 7 Fog-Based Service Enablement Architecture 151 /Nanxi Chen, Siobh©Łn Clarke, and Shu Chen -- 7.1 Introduction 151 -- 7.1.1 Objectives and Challenges 152 -- 7.2 Ongoing Effort on FogSEA 153 -- 7.2.1 FogSEA Service Description 156 -- 7.2.2 Semantic Data Dependency Overlay Network 158 -- Creation and Maintenance 159 -- Semantic-Based Service Matchmarking 161 -- 7.3 Early Results 164 -- 7.3.1 Service Composition 165 -- SeDDON Creation in FogSEA 167 -- 7.3.2 Related Work 168 -- Semantic-Based Service Overlays 169 -- Goal-Driven Planning 170 -- Service Discovery 171 -- 7.3.3 Open Issue and Future Work 172 -- References 174 -- 8 Software-Defined Fog Orchestration for IoT Services 179 /Renyu Yang, Zhenyu Wen, David McKee, Tao Lin, Jie Xu, and Peter Garraghan…”
Libro electrónico -
7056Collaborative annotation for reliable natural language processing technical and sociological aspectsPublicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Callisto; A.1.3. Amazon Mechanical Turk; A.1.4. Knowtator; A.1.5. MMAX2; A.1.6. …”
Libro electrónico -
7057por Tsujimura, TakatoshiTabla de Contenidos: “…OLED Displays; Contents; Series Editor's Foreword; Preface; 1: Introduction; 2: OLED Display Structure; 2.1 OLED DEFINITION; 2.2 OLED DEVICE PRINCIPLES AND MECHANISMS; 2.2.1 Basic Device Structure; 2.2.2 Light Emission Mechanism; 2.2.3 Emission Efficiency; 2.2.4 Lifetime and Image Burning; 3: OLED Manufacturing Process; 3.1 MATERIAL PREPARATION; 3.1.1 Basic Material Properties; 3.1.2 Purification Process; 3.2 EVAPORATION PROCESS; 3.2.1 Principle; 3.2.2 Evaporation Sources; 3.3 SHADOW MASK PATTERNING; 3.4 ENCAPSULATION; 3.4.1 Dark Spot and Edge Growth Defects…”
Publicado 2012
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7058Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.3.20 Charging reference points3 IMS concepts; 3.1 Overview; 3.2 Registration; 3.3 Mechanism to register multiple user identities at a go; 3.4 Session initiation; 3.5 Identification; 3.5.1 Identification of users; 3.5.2 Identification of services (public service identities); 3.5.3 Identification of network entities; 3.6 Identity modules; 3.6.1 IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM); 3.6.2 Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM); 3.7 Sharing a single user identity between multiple devices; 3.8 Discovering the IMS entry point; 3.9 S-CSCF assignment…”
Libro electrónico -
7059por Evans, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…1.4.2 Inter-provider SLAs1.5 Intserv and Diffserv SLAs; References; Chapter 2 Introduction to QOS Mechanics and Architectures; 2.1 What is Quality of Service?…”
Publicado 2007
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7060por Poikselka, MiikkaTabla de Contenidos: “…2.3.14 Mm Reference Point2.3.15 Mr Reference Point; 2.3.16 Mp Reference Point; 2.3.17 Mn Reference Point; 2.3.18 Gx Reference Point; 2.3.19 Rx Reference Point; 2.3.20 Charging Reference Points; 2.3.21 Mx, Ix and Iq Reference Point; 2.3.22 Ml Reference Point; 2.3.23 Ut Reference Point; 3 IMS Concepts; 3.1 Overview; 3.2 Registration; 3.3 Mechanism to Register Multiple User Identities at a Go; 3.4 Session Initiation; 3.5 Identification; 3.5.1 Public User Identity; 3.5.2 Private User Identity; 3.5.3 Relationship between Private and Public User Identities; 3.5.4 Identity Generation Without ISIM…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico