Mostrando 6,861 - 6,880 Resultados de 13,297 Para Buscar '"The Mechanic"', tiempo de consulta: 0.11s Limitar resultados
  1. 6861
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; How Authors' Minds Make Stories; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1 Simulation; From Deictic Shift to Simulation; The Function-Approximating Mechanisms of Simulation; Levels, Means, Processes, and Topics of Simulation; A Theoretical Note on Rules and Networks; The Resurrection of Quentin Compson; Simulating Minds: Elements of Emma Woodhouse's Neural Network; Conclusion; 2 Story Development, Literary Evaluation, and the Place of Character; Universal Genres; Development Principles; Evaluation Principles; Conclusion; 3 A Narrative Idiolect…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 6862
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Most -- Unconscious emotional processing : perception of visual stimuli -- Caught by the evil eye : nonconscious information processing, emotion, and attention to facial stimuli / Daniel Lundqvist & Arne Ohman -- Nonconscious emotions : new findings and perspectives on nonconscious facial expression recognition and their contents / Beatrice deGelder -- Visual emotion perception : mechanisms and processes / Anthony P. Atkinson & Ralph Adolphs -- Emotional behavior -- Conscious and unconscious emotion in nonlinguistic vocal communication / Michael J. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 6863
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Apparent "free will "caused by representation of module control -- S2 axiomatic system -- Reactivity of human cortical oscillations reflecting conscious perception in binocular rivalry -- Experimentally induced verbal slips in Japanese -- A basic neural mechanism for acoustic imaging -- A role of attention in formation of brain map for accomplishing spatial tasks -- Consciousness and the intercortical correlation function of electroencephalograms -- The unconscious information processing appeared on the visual ERPs during pattern matching task of masked target -- A computational model of personality -- A hypothesis concerning a relationship between pleasantness and unpleasantness -- Automaticity f visual attention -- Working memory and the peak alpha frequency shift on magnetoencephalography (MEG) -- Modularity and hierarchy…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 6864
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The European Rule of Law Standard, the Nordic States, and EU Law -- PART FOUR: ENFORCING THE RULE OF LAW IN THE EU: CURRENT MECHANISMS AND PROSPECTS -- 12. The Rise of Procedural Rule of Law in the European Union - Historical and Normative Foundations -- 13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 6865
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6 Genomic Consequences of Ovarian Cancer with Respect to DNA Damage and Repair Mechanism by Sonali Verma, Gresh Chander, Ruchi Shah and Rakesh Kumar. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 6866
    Publicado 1992
    Libro electrónico
  7. 6867
    por Oever, Annie, author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Contents -- Editorial -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: Researching Cinema and Media Technologies -- PART I Philosophy of Technology: Reassessing Key Questions -- The Philosophy of Technology in the Frame of Film Theory: Walter Benjamin’s Contribution -- Toward an Archaeology of the Cinema/ Technology Relation: From Mechanization to “Digital Cinema” -- Technē and Poiēsis: On Heidegger and Film Theory -- Stiegler’s Post-Phenomenological Account of Mediated Experience -- What Are Media? …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 6868
    por FMN 2010
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) Management in Content Centric Networks -- A QoE Fuzzy Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks -- Multimedia Sharing over the Internet from a Mobile Phone -- Over Provisioning-Centric QoS-Routing Mechanism for the Communication Paradigm of Future Internet 4WARD Proposal -- Video Quality Assessment in Future Multimedia Networking -- QoE as a Function of Frame Rate and Resolution Changes -- How to Build an Objective Model for Packet Loss Effect on High Definition Content Based on SSIM and Subjective Experiments -- An Edge-Preserving Motion-Compensated Approach for Video Deinterlacing -- Video Distribution in Future Multimedia Networking -- Recording and Playout of Multimedia Conferencing Sessions: A Standard Approach -- Personalized TV Service through Employing Context-Awareness in IPTV/IMS Architecture -- Extended UPnP Multimedia Content Delivery with an HTTP Proxy -- Demonstration on Future Multimedia Networking -- Abare: A Coordinated and Autonomous Framework for Deployment and Management of Wireless Mesh Networks -- CAPIRE: A Context-Aware Points of Interest REcognition System Using a CBIR Approach -- Determining QoS in the Video Telephony Service in an IP Environment -- Strategies for Planning Large Capillarity Broadband Networks Based on ADSL2+ Technology: A Case of Study for QoS-Aware Triple Play Services -- Efficient Transmission of 3D Video Using MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Compression Technology -- Session Level Analysis of P2P Television Traces -- A Software Architecture for Adapting Virtual Reality Content to Mobile Devices…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 6869
    por Engström, Viljam
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Experimenting with Social Media in Preservice Teacher Education at Makerere University in Uganda -- Part IV: Societal Practices -- 9 The Constitutional Court of South Africa as an Agent of Social Justice -- 10 Community Perceptions of Social Justice in Benefit Distribution Mechanisms of Forestry Carbon Projects in Uganda -- 11 Leveraging and Regulating Pension Funds for Sustainable Development and Socially Responsive Investments in the Namibian Economy -- 12 Law, Clinics, and Social Innovation in Africa: Addressing Justice Gaps -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 6870
    Publicado 1992
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Denoth -- Dream recall in brain-damaged patients: a contribution to the neuropsychology of dreaming through a review of the literature / Fabrizio Doricchi & Cristiano Violani -- The visual appearance of dreams / Allan Rechtschaffen & Cheryl Buchignani -- Bizarreness in dreams and waking fantasy / Ruth Reinsel, John Antrobus, & Miriam Wollman -- Associative mechanisms in dream production / C. Cipolli, D. Battaglia, C. …”
  11. 6871
    Publicado 1982
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Why short subjects are harder to find than long ones Charles Read and Peter Schreiber; 4. On mechanisms of language acquisition: can features of the communicative environment account for development? …”
  12. 6872
    Publicado 1998
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Experiment 23: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. Subject Index…”
  13. 6873
    por Wilson, Stephen
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Physics, nonlinear systems, nanotechnology, materials science, geology, astronomy, space science, global positioning system, and cosmology : Physical science research agendas and theoretical reflections ; Atomic physics, nanotechnology, and nuclear science ; Materials and natural phenomena: nonlinear dynamic systems, water, weather, solar energy, geology, and mechanical motion ; Space ; Global positioning system (GPS) -- 4. …”
  14. 6874
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Protection against being passed over or disinherited in Roman law / Reinhard Zimmermann -- Passing over and disinheritance in the days of the Ius Commune / Sebastian Lohsse -- Customary mechanisms of family protection : late medieval and early-modern law, Thomas Rèufner -- Compulsory portion in France / Câecile Pâeráes -- Forced heirship in Italy / Alexandra Braun -- Forced heirship in Spain / Sergio Câamara Lapuente -- Forced heirship and family provision in Latin America / Jan Peter Schmidt -- Compulsory portion and other aspects of family protection in Austria / Christiane Wendehorst -- Compulsory portion in Germany / Reinhard Zimmermann -- Compulsory portion and family provision in the Netherlands / Wilbert D. …”
  15. 6875
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Development of vaccine adjuvants : a historical perspective / Gary Ott and Gary Van Nest -- Antigen processing and presentation / Subash Sad -- Mechanisms of adjuvant action / Nils Lycke -- Aluminum-containing adjuvants : properties, formulation, and use / Stanley L. …”
  16. 6876
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Biomechanics of fractures and fracture fixation -- Classification of fractures -- The epidemiology of fractures -- Bone and joint healing -- Biological and biophysical technologies for the enhancement of fracture repair -- Principles of nonoperative fracture treatment -- Principles of internal fixation -- Principles of external fixation -- Management of the multiply injured patient -- Initial management of open fractures -- Gunshot and wartime injuries -- Principles of mangled extremity management -- Amputations -- Bone and soft tissue reconstruction -- Outcome studies in trauma -- Imaging considerations in orthopaedic trauma -- Computer-aided orthopaedic surgery in skeletal trauma -- Principles of osteoporosis and fragility fractures -- Stress fractures -- Pathologic fractures -- Periprosthetic fractures -- Systemic complications -- Principles of complex regional pain syndrome -- Orthopaedic infections and osteomyelitis -- Principles of nonunion treatment -- Principles of malunions -- Acute compartment syndrome -- Hand fractures and dislocations -- Carpus fractures and dislocations -- Distal radius and ulna fractures -- Radial and ulnar shaft fractures -- Elbow fractures and dislocations -- Distal humerus fractures -- Humeral shaft fractures -- Proximal humerus fractures -- Clavicle fractures -- Scapular fractures -- Glenohumeral joint subluxations, dislocations, and instability -- Acromioclavicular joint injuries -- Sternoclavicular joint injuires -- Principles of spine trauma care -- Cervical spine fractures and dislocations -- Thoracolumbar spine fractures and dislocations -- Pelvic ring fractures -- Acetabulum fractures -- Hip dislocations and fractures of the femoral head -- Femoral neck fractures -- Intertrochanteric fractures -- Subtrochanteric fractures -- Femoral shaft fractures -- Distal femur fractures -- Patella fractures and extensor mechanism injuries -- Tibial plateau fractures -- Knee dislocations and fracture-dislocations -- Tibia and fibula fractures -- Pilon fractures -- Ankle fractures -- Talus fractures -- Calcaneus fractures -- Fractures and dislocations of the midfoot and forefoot…”
  17. 6877
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Birgit Weitemeyer -- Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Enforcement of Security Interests and Insolvency / Urs Peter Gruber – Cryptocurrencies / Jens-Hinrich Binder -- Legal Perspectives on the Streaming Industry / Christina Möllnitz -- The Legal Regulation of Drones / Stephan Hobe -- Freedom of Speech and Regulation of Fake News / Eva Ellen Wagner -- Artificial Intelligence Accountability of Public Administration / Nikolaus Marsch, Sofía María Fölsch Schroh -- Administrative Silence / Hermann Pünder, Jens Gerlach -- Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Climate Change / Hanno Kube -- The Criminalisation of Hate Speech / Brian Valerius -- Limits of Freedom of Public Authorities with Respect to Obtaining Evidence at the Stage of Investigation / Anne Schneider -- Extraterritorial Application of Statutes and Regulations / Sören Segger-Piening -- Localising the Place of Damage in Private International Law / Wolfgang Wurmnest, Benedikt Wössner -- Specialized Commercial Courts and Their Role in Cross-Border Litigation / Thomas Riehm, Quirin Thomas -- Smart Contracts / Martin Fries -- The Law and Bioethics of End-of-Life Decisions / Bettina Weisser…”
  18. 6878
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A policy and political history of educational supervision -- Foundations in adult development and learning: implications for educational supervision -- Theories of professions and the status of teaching -- Job-embedded learning: how school leaders can use job-embedded learning as a mechanism for school improvement -- Instructional supervision in the era of high-stakes accountability -- Accountability, control, and teachers' work in American schools -- Coming to understand the wicked problem of teacher evaluation -- Discretion and trust in professional supervisory practices -- Managing collaborative inquiry for continuously better practice: a cross-industry perspective -- Observation, feedback, and reflection -- Teacher mentoring in service of beginning teachers' learning to teach: critical review of conceptual and empirical literature -- Peer coaching in education: from partners to faculties and districts -- From supervision to "super vision:" a developmental approach to collaboration and capacity building -- Encouraging reflective practice in educational supervision through action research and appreciative inquiry -- National policy/standards: changes in instructional supervision since the implementation of recent federal legislation -- Teacher performance assessments mandated during the Duncan era -- Principal supervisors and the challenge of principal support and development -- The principal: building the future based on the past -- Necessity is the mother of re-invention: making teaching excellence the norm through policy and established clinical practice -- Improving teacher practice based knowledge: what teachers need to know and how they come to know it -- Shaping the school-wide learning environment through supervisory leadership -- High performing teachers, student achievement, and equity as an outcome of educational supervision -- Supervisory identity: cultural shift, critical pedagogy, and the crisis of supervision -- Conflicts, convergence, and wicked problems: the evolution of educational supervision…”
  19. 6879
    por Oliver, Anne Marie
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Saint Yasin -- Welcome to planet X-- Look with your ears, my friend -- Lunch with Hasan -- A complete darkness -- The disciple (Hahaha) -- A minor jihad -- The gharqad tree -- The evil incident -- The brotherhood -- Splits in the brain -- The miracle sheikh -- The mechanical waving hand of a keffiyah-clad manikin -- Soldier in Chinese hat, planning escape -- The sweet girl -- The antidote -- A babe in the womb -- The crazy girl -- The dark room -- Walls, maze, prison -- An entire cosmology -- A question of style -- It doesn't matter when or how I am killed -- Martyr on a black horse -- Terror in their hearts -- We are worth nothing without a machine-gun -- Children, but they are men and heroes -- Al-Aqsa massacre video -- Blood, blood, blood -- A collaborator breaker accused of something close to collaboration -- A daring shock of jet-black hair coyly peeking out beneath her veil -- Monkeys and pigs and servants of evil -- The mad dogs of language -- A notice of the end of the world -- A death on the path of God -- The green line -- The fixer -- Ghosts with guns -- The last words of Hamza Abu-Surur -- The smile of the martyr -- A still blue river -- The killing of Haim Nachmani -- The last words of Salah 'Uthman -- A happy man -- The last words of Muhammad al-Hindi -- Intimate of heart -- Al-Hindi and Abu-Surur meet -- Circle and vow, the trainer's soliloquy -- A tourist in the dunya -- A khanjar, floating -- A second appearance -- Any number compared to infinity -- The paradise hotel -- The gun dance -- A few hours later; or, the trail of a dagger…”
  20. 6880
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…12.6.2 Classification According to Categories Based on Material Removal Accuracy -- 12.6.3 Classification According to Hybrid-Micromachining Purposes -- 12.6.4 Classification of Hybrid Micromanufacturing Processes -- 12.7 Materials Are Used and Application of Hybrid-Micromachining -- 12.8 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 13 Material Removal in Spark-Assisted Chemical Engraving for Micromachining -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Essentials of SACE -- 13.2.1 Instances of SACE Micromachining -- 13.3 Genesis of SACE Acronym: A Brief Historical Survey -- 13.4 SACE: A Viable Micromachining Technology -- 13.4.1 Mechanical μ-Machining Techniques -- 13.4.2 Chemical μ-Machining Methods -- 13.4.3 Thermal μ-Machining Methods -- 13.5 Material Removal Mechanism in SACE μ-Machining -- 13.5.1 General Aspects -- 13.5.2 Micromachining at Shallow Depths -- 13.5.3 Micromachining at High Depths -- 13.5.4 Micromachining by Chemical Reaction -- 13.6 SACE μ-Machining Process Control -- 13.6.1 Analysis of Process -- 13.6.2 Etch Promotion -- 13.7 Conclusion and Scope for Future Work -- References -- Index -- EULA…”
    Libro electrónico