Mostrando 15,981 - 16,000 Resultados de 22,106 Para Buscar '"The Master"', tiempo de consulta: 0.15s Limitar resultados
  1. 15981
    Publicado 1939
    Revista digital
  2. 15982
    Publicado 1923
    Revista digital
  3. 15983
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Royce Sadler -- Building 'standards frameworks': the role of guidance and feedback in supporting the achievement of learners / Sue Bloxham -- Involving students in the scholarship of assessment: student voices on the feedback 'agenda for change' / Kay Sambell -- Feedback unbound: from master to usher / Jan McArthur and Mark Huxham -- Feedback and feedforward: student responses and their implications / Mirabelle Walker -- Sustainable feedback and the development of student self-evaluative capacities / David Carless -- Students' social learning practice as a way of learning from tutor feedback / Paul Orsmond, Stephen Merry and Karen Handley -- Integrating feedback with classroom teaching: using exemplars to scaffold learning / Graham Hendry -- An assessment compact: changing the way an institution thinks about assessment and feedback / Chris Rust, Margaret Price, Karen Handley, Berry O'Donovan and Jill Millar -- Fostering institutional change in feedback practice through partnership / Graham Holden and Chris Glover -- Making learning-oriented assessment the experience of all our students: supporting institutional change / Mark Russell, Dominic Bygate and Helen Barefoot -- Achieving transformational or sustainable educational change / Steve Draper and David Nicol -- Conclusion and reflections / Stephen Merry, Margaret Price, David Carless and Maddalena Taras…”
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  4. 15984
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Barbee -- Preparing for child welfare practice : themes, a cognitive-affective model, and implications from a qualitative study / Daniel Coleman, Sherrill Clark -- Preparing social work students for interdisciplinary practice : learnings from a curriculum development project / Bart Grossman, Kathleen McCormick -- Moving toward collaboration : using funding streams to advance partnerships in child welfare practice / Richard Phillips, Patty Gregory, Mardell Nelson -- The California collaboration : a competency-based child welfare curriculum project for master's social workers / Sherrill Clark -- Design teams as learning systems for complex systems change : evaluation data and implications for higher education / Hal A. …”
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  5. 15985
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El aula invertida en la enseñanza de la inmunología en un máster (Enric Espel) 10. Enseñar con el aula invertida: algunas conclusiones (José Luis Medina) Referencias bibliográficas…”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  6. 15986
    Publicado 2006
    Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  7. 15987
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The body-snatcher.--IX. The master of Ballantrae.--X. The wrecker, written in collaboration with L. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 15988
    por Meyer, Flavia
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6: Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Responses to Body Fluid Imbalance during ExerciseChapter 7: Role of Fluid Intake in Endurance Sports; Chapter 8: Effect of Dehydration on Muscle Strength, Power, and Performance in Intermittent High- Intensity Sports; Chapter 9: Effect of Dehydration on Cognitive Function, Perceptual Responses, and Mood; Section III: Special Populations; Chapter 10: Dehydration and the Young Athlete: Effects on Health and Performance; Chapter 11: Water Balance and Master Athletes; Chapter 12: Athletes with Chronic Conditions: Diabetes…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 15989
    por Heller, Jon. author
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: Learn How to Learn -- Chapter 1: Understand Relational Databases -- Chapter 2: Create an Efficient Database Development Process -- Chapter 3: Increase Confidence and Knowledge with Testing -- Chapter 4: Find Reliable Sources -- Chapter 5: Master the Entire Stack -- Part II: Write Powerful SQL with Sets and Advanced Features -- Chapter 6: Build Sets with Inline Views and ANSI Join Syntax -- Chapter 7: Query the Database with Advanced SELECT Features -- Chapter 8: Modify Data with Advanced DML -- Chapter 9: Improve the Database with Advanced Oracle Schema Objects -- Chapter 10: Optimize the Database with Oracle Architecture -- Part III: Write Elegant SQL with Patterns and Styles -- Chapter 11: Stop Coding and Start Writing -- Chapter 12: Write Large SQL Statements -- Chapter 13: Write Beautiful SQL Statements -- Chapter 14: Use SQL More Often with Basic Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 15: Avoid Anti-Patterns -- Part IV: Improve SQL Performance -- Chapter 16: Understand SQL Performance with Algorithm Analysis -- Chapter 17: Understand SQL Tuning Theories -- Chapter 18: Improve SQL Performance -- -- Part V: Solve Anything with Oracle SQL -- Chapter 19: Solve Challenging Problems with Arcane SQL Features -- Chapter 20: Use SQL More Often with Advanced Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 21: Level Up Your Skills with PL/SQL -- Part VI: Appendixes -- Appendix A: SQL Style Guide Cheat Sheet -- Appendix B: Computer Science Topics…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 15990
    por Uphill, Thomas
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewer;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Puppet Infrastructure; The lifecycle of a Puppet run; Puppet configuration; puppet help; puppet resource; puppet apply; puppet parser validate; Logfiles and the catalog; puppet master; puppetserver; jq; Communication issues; Network-related problems; Netcat; SSL-related problems; Summary; Chapter 2: Writing Puppet Manifests; Writing code; Editors; Vim; Emacs; Geppetto; puppet-lint; Testing code; Validating code; Vagrant; Committing code; Git Hooks; Using environments…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 15991
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 7: Exploring Bonds and Other Lending InvestmentsChapter 8: Mastering Mutual Funds; Chapter 9: Choosing a Brokerage Firm; Part III: Getting Rich with Real Estate; Chapter 10: Investing in a Home; Chapter 11: Investing in Real Estate; Chapter 12: Real Estate Financing and Deal Making; Part IV: Savoring Small Business; Chapter 13: Assessing Your Appetite for Small Business; Chapter 14: Starting and Running a Small Business; Chapter 15: Purchasing a Small Business; Part V: Investing Resources; Chapter 16: Selecting Investing Resources…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 15992
    por Thomas, J. Dennis
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Key TermsBasics of Using Flash; Understanding Color Temperature; Using Repeating Flash; Using Bounce Flash; Fill Flash; Simple Light Modifiers; Speedlights versus Studio Strobes; Chapter 4: Advanced Wireless Lighting; Flash Setup for Advanced Wireless Lighting; Setting Up a Master or Commander; Setting the Flash Mode; Setting Up Remotes; Setting Up Remote Groups; Making Adjustments on the Fly; Chapter 5: Setting up a Portable Studio; Introduction to the Portable Studio; Equipment; Transporting Your Portable Studio; Chapter 6: Advanced Flash Techniques; Action and Sports Photography…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 15993
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduzione -- Sezione prima Per un'idea di professionalità -- 1 L'idea di scuola come cornice per la didattica -- 2 Un'idea di professionalità -- 3 Un'idea di sviluppo professionale -- 4 Lo sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti tra Didattica generale e Didattiche disciplinari -- Sezione seconda Le ricerche -- 5 Riconsidering Teacher Professionalism between Exemplariness and Responsibility -- 6 Per un modello ecologico relazionale di scuola e di teacher education -- 7 Sviluppo professionale ed empowerment condiviso tra insegnanti e tra insegnanti ed allievi: qualche via percorribile -- 8 "Di problema in problema": un processo di co-ricerca per la professionalizzazione con gli insegnanti -- 9 "Essenza" e "accidenti" della professionalità del docente di sostegno -- 10 Sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti e ruoli di leadership: lo sviluppo di competenze degli insegnanti in un corso di Master -- 11 Le competenze progettuali degli insegnanti nella scuola dell'autonomia: analisi dei prototipi di un corso di sviluppo professionale DidaSco -- 12 Sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti rispetto alla valutazione e certificazione delle competenze nella scuola del primo ciclo -- 13 L'osservazione peer to peer. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 15994
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 13: Grand Slam Home Runs -- Chapter 14: Defining Excellence -- Chapter 15: Communicating Expectations -- Chapter 16: The Art of Planning -- Chapter 17: Results-Oriented Responses -- Chapter 18: Meetings That Rock! -- Chapter 19: Mastering Your Time -- Chapter 20: Internal Service Excellence -- Chapter 21: Your Leadership Legacy -- Chapter 22: Knowing When and How to Say No -- Chapter 23: Aligning Your Department for Success -- Chapter 24: The Art of Employee One-on-Ones -- Chapter 25: Enlivening Minds at Work -- Chapter 26: Encouraging Collaboration -- Part 3: Using and Promoting Power Hours -- Chapter 27: Selling and Launching Power Hour Training -- Chapter 28: A Year-Long Management Training Curriculum -- Chapter 29: Conclusion -- Appendix: Using the Compact Disc -- About the Author -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 15995
    por Ferraro, Venere
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lesson learnt from surveys and participative workshops – Alba Obiols -- A supporting tool to design with and for EM&Ts: the materials toolkit – Gemma Esteban, Geraldine Kann, Veronica Sarbach, Daniela Amandolese -- Transferring Knowledge from Academia to the Companies: a new method –Aitor Cazón -- Part 2 Field Studies: From Ideation to Applications -- Applying DATEMATS Methods and tools to Nanomaterials: A design challenge by the company Antolin – Robert Thompson -- Applying DATEMATS Methods and tools to ICS Materials in wearable domain: mastering the complexity of hybrid materials – Stefano Parisi -- Applying DATEMATS Methods and tools to Advanced Growing Materials: handling the materials growing and design challenges launched by a company- Anke Pasold -- Applying DATEMATS Methods and tools to Experimental Wood-based Materials: Materiality in ideation process-Pirjo Kääriäinen, Tarja-Kaarina Laamanen -- How can we establish long-lasting collaboration with companies? …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 15996
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editor -- Preface to "Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity" -- Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity: We Need More Knowledge to Develop Conservation Strategies -- Fish Ecology of the Alto Madre de Dios River Basin (Peru): Notes on Electrofishing Surveys, Elevation, Palm Swamp and Headwater Fishes -- Variability in Population Traits of a Sentinel Iberian Fish in a Highly Modified Mediterranean-Type River -- Scientific Methods to Understand Fish Population Dynamics and Support Sustainable Fisheries Management -- Plasticity in Reproductive Traits, Condition and Energy Allocation of the Non-Native Pyrenean Gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in a Highly Regulated Mediterranean River Basin -- Fish Rescue during Streamflow Intermittency May Not Be Effective for Conservation of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow -- Factors Influencing Abundances and Population Size Structure of the Threatened and Endemic Cyprinodont Aphanius iberus in Mediterranean Brackish Ponds -- Fish Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration, Yangtze River Basin, China, Urgently Needs 'Scientific' and 'Ecological' Action -- First Captive Breeding Program for the Endangered Pyrenean Sculpin (Cottus hispaniolensis Bacescu-Master, 1964) -- Interpopulation Variability in Dietary Traits of Invasive Bleak Alburnus alburnus(Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) Across the Iberian Peninsula -- Assessing the Fish Stock Status in Lake Trichonis: A Hydroacoustic Approach -- Changes in the Fish Community of a Western Caribbean Estuary after the Expansion of an Artificial Channel to the Sea -- Hepatic Steatosis in a Bullhead (Cottus gobio) Population from a High-Mountain Lake (Carnic Alps): Adaptation to an Extreme Ecosystem? …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 15997
    por Vermeulen, Ingrid
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Arthur Pond’s (1705–1758) Prints in Imitation of Drawings (1734–1736): Old Masters, Copies, and the National School in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain -- Sarah W. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 15998
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: Learn How to Learn -- Chapter 1: Understand Relational Databases -- Chapter 2: Create an Efficient Database Development Process -- Chapter 3: Increase Confidence and Knowledge with Testing -- Chapter 4: Find Reliable Sources -- Chapter 5: Master the Entire Stack -- Part II: Write Powerful SQL with Sets and Advanced Features -- Chapter 6: Build Sets with Inline Views and ANSI Join Syntax -- Chapter 7: Query the Database with Advanced SELECT Features -- Chapter 8: Modify Data with Advanced DML -- Chapter 9: Improve the Database with Advanced Schema Objects -- Chapter 10: Optimize the Database with Oracle Architecture -- Part III: Write Elegant SQL with Patterns and Styles -- Chapter 11: Stop Coding and Start Writing -- Chapter 12: Write Large SQL Statements -- Chapter 13: Write Beautiful SQL Statements -- Chapter 14: Use SQL More Often with Basic Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 15: Avoid Anti-Patterns -- Part IV: Improve SQL Performance -- Chapter 16: Understand SQL Performance with Algorithm Analysis -- Chapter 17: Understand SQL Tuning Theories -- Chapter 18: Improve SQL Performance -- -- Part V: Solve Anything with Oracle SQL -- Chapter 19: Solve Challenging Problems with Arcane SQL Features -- Chapter 20: Use SQL More Often with Advanced Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 21: Level Up Your Skills with PL/SQL -- Part VI: Appendixes -- Appendix A: SQL Style Guide Cheat Sheet -- Appendix B: Computer Science Topics…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 15999
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Visual strategies and communicative function / Aesthetics and the imitation of antiquity in early Gothic sculpture / Sculptural visualisations in the cathedrals of the Iberian kingdoms (1160-1220) -- The reception of Burgundian models in the second half of the twelfth century and the naturalist redefinition of Romanesque sculpture in Castile / Master Mateo and the Cathedral of Santiago at the end of the twelfth century / Late Romanesque sculpture in the kingdoms of Leon and Castile: continuity or change? …”
  20. 16000
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Run the Master Data Consistency Prechecks -- 4.a. Master Data Inconsistencies Can Be Analyzed Using CVI_MIGRATION_PRECHK -- 4.b. …”
    Libro electrónico