Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 691
- Application software 556
- Management 480
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 453
- History 380
- Computer networks 299
- Computer programs 291
- Computer Science 278
- Data processing 255
- Design 238
- Photography 235
- Cloud computing 234
- Python (Computer program language) 234
- Leadership 233
- Digital techniques 217
- Programming 212
- Computer programming 202
- Taxation 196
- Security measures 193
- Computer software 192
- Computer security 188
- Web site development 187
- Examinations 186
- Historia 184
- Database management 180
- Artificial intelligence 178
- Business & Economics 177
- Operating systems (Computers) 175
- Web sites 166
- Machine learning 149
3481Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Alter -- Sāmkhya in transcultural interpretation: Shri Anirvan (Śrī Anirvāna) and Lizelle Reymond / Maya Burger -- Christian responses to yoga in the second half of the twentieth century / Anand Amaladass -- Following the transcultural circulation of bodily practices: modern yoga and the corporeality of mantras / Beatrix Hauser -- Living4giving : politics of affect and emotional regimes in global yoga / Anne Koch -- Spaces of yoga: towards a non-essentialist understanding of yoga / Suzanne Newcombe -- Nāga, Siddha and sage: visions of Patañjali as an authority on yoga / Gudrun Bühnemann…”
Libro electrónico -
3482Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…107 Brzozowski and Cioran: The Legend of Young Poland and The Transformation of Romania 133 Brzozowski and the Italians 139 Brzozowski and Rorty: Coping with the Contingent Self 159 Stanisaw Brzozowski and Romantic Revision (Meyer Howard Abrams, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom): Prolegomena 187 Brzozowski as Precursor to Contemporary Studies on Cyprian Norwid's Legacy 209 Brzozowskianism: The Trouble with the "Great" Brzozowski and His Followers 237 "actually speaking, this man converted me": Jerzy Liebert, Brzozowski, and the Question of a Modern Religous Poetry 249 Stanisaw Brzozowski as Harbinger and Enabler of Modern Literary Theory in Poland and the West 273 The Stalinist Reception of Stanisaw Brzozowski's Philosophy: The Case of Pawe Hoffman 303 Brzozowski and the Question of Engagement: On a Different Concept of the Autonomy of Art 321 Brzozowski or Plots of the Future 339 Epilogue 351 Contributors 359…”
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3483Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- CONTENTS -- Acknowledgments -- Welcome -- The Founding Illustrators of the Famous Artists School -- 1 THE ART OF THE STORY -- The Big Idea: Developing Pictorial Concepts -- Character, Plot, and Setting -- Mood, Movement, and Emotion -- Compositional Strategies -- 2 MAKING IT PERSONAL -- Infusing Yourself into Your Drawings -- Drawing Upon the World around You -- Gathering Inspiration -- The Importance of Empathy -- 3 DRAWING AS A TOOL FOR SEEING -- The Importance of Doodling -- Sketching for Greater Clarity -- The Construction of Form -- Considering the Common Object -- 4 COMPOSING FORBEST EFFECT -- Making Compositional Choices -- Establishing a Center of Interest -- Light, Shadow, Tone and Value -- The Role of Rhythm and Movement -- 5 THE WELLDESIGNEDIMAGE -- Form Follows Function -- The Eloquence of Simplicity -- The Use of Visual Symbols -- Repetition, Variety, and Novelty -- 6 DRAWING THE FIGURE -- Casting and Posing Your Characters and Models -- The Expressive Face -- Hands, Gestures, and Body Language -- The Figure in Motion -- 7 AN EYE FOR COLOR -- The Basics of Color -- Making Color Choices -- Using Color to Evoke Mood, Character, and Atmosphere -- Famous Artists Behind the Scenes: Materials and Methods -- About the Authors -- Image Credits -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- F -- G -- H -- L -- M -- N -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- W.…”
Libro electrónico -
3484Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Don't take miracles for granted -- Make peace with paradox -- Remember you're OK -- Follow the safety announcements -- Quit playing the game you'll never win -- Live life on purpose -- Are you failing any of the 7 Cs? …”
Libro electrónico -
3485por Masterson, MichaelTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Eight stories, eight successes -- Audrey Maxwell: how a good employee can become a great partner, build a dream house and become a millionaire in seven years -- Alan Silver: converting selling skills into millions of dollars worth of equity in five years -- Bruce Buffer: giving up a six-figure income to generate a seven-figure net worth -- Justin Ford: achieving a radical financial transformation: how to go from bankruptcy to millionaire in six years -- Ken Morris: coming to America and cashing in on the American dream: from $10,000 to $10,000,000 in six years -- Monica Day: getting started: how to boost your income from $26,000 to $134,000 in three years -- David Keller: you don't need a medical degree to make a million dollars -- Brad Solomon: even accountants can get rich: how to achieve a $4 million in six years -- The baby boomer challenge: why 50- and 60-year-olds need to follow the seven years to seven figures plan -- Lessons about the Internet from a compulsive money maker…”
Publicado 2006
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3486Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 3 Bringing Acknowledgment-and Its Benefits- to Your Workplace -- 4 The 5 Cs: The Acknowledgment Practice That Works Miracles -- Part 2 Mastering the 7 Principles of Acknowledgment for "High-Interest" Benefits -- 5 When Someone Deserves Acknowledgment, Give Generously -- 6 When Merit Is Recognized, Trust and Loyalty Will follow -- 7 Take the Antidote for Envy -- 8 Energize with Acknowledgments -- 9 Validate with Acknowledgments -- 10 When Employees Feel Valued, They Stop Playing Hooky -- 11 When You Want to Acknowledge People, There Are Many Ways to Do So -- Part 3 Grateful Leadership in Action -- 12 Grateful Leader Profiles -- 13 "Knock Your Socks Off" Power of Acknowledgment Exercise for LeadersTM -- 14 Acknowledgment Around the World -- 15 True Stories About Acknowledgment -- Appendix A. …”
Libro electrónico -
3487por Berkun, ScottTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 15 The Future of Work, Part 2Life Without E-Mail; Chapter 16 Innovation and Friction; Chapter 17 The Intense Debate; Chapter 18 Follow the Sun; Chapter 19 The Rise of Jetpack; Chapter 20 Show Me the Money; Chapter 21 Portland and the Collective; Chapter 22 The Bureau of Socialization; Chapter 23 Exit Through Hawaii; Chapter 24 The Future of Work, Part 3; Epilogue: Where Are They Now?…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
3488por Meyer, Eric A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: 1.Selectors -- Basic Style Rules -- Element Selectors -- Declarations and Keywords -- Grouping -- Grouping Selectors -- Grouping Declarations -- Grouping Everything -- Class and ID Selectors -- Class Selectors -- Multiple Classes -- ID Selectors -- Deciding Between Class and ID -- Attribute Selectors -- Simple Attribute Selectors -- Selection Based on Exact Attribute Value -- Selection Based on Partial Attribute Values -- A Particular Attribute Selection Type -- Using Document Structure -- Understanding the Parent-Child Relationship -- Descendant Selectors -- Selecting Children -- Selecting Adjacent Sibling Elements -- Selecting Following Siblings -- Pseudo-Class Selectors -- Combining Pseudo-Classes -- Structural Pseudo-Classes -- Dynamic Pseudo-Classes -- UI State Pseudo-Classes -- The :target Pseudo-Class -- The :lang Pseudo-Class -- The Negation Pseudo-Class -- Pseudo-Element Selectors -- Styling the First Letter -- Styling the First Line --…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
3489Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…BASICS Model Assessment: Workflow AnalysisFollowing the Operator (Staff) -- 13. BASICS Model AssessmentSMED: Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) -- 14. …”
Libro electrónico -
3490Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adriaan Reland (1676-1718) and his formative years : a prelude to De religione mohammedica / Henk J. van Rinsum -- Adriaan Reland's legacy as a scholar of Islam / Lot Brouwer -- Follow the light : Adriaan Reland (1676-1718) on Muhammad / Christian Lange -- Adriaan Reland and Dutch scholarship on Islam : scholarly and religious visions of the Muslim pilgrimage / Richard van Leeuwen -- The first Dutch translation of Ḥavy ibn yaqẓān, Reland's annotated version and the mysterious translator S.D.B. / Remke Kruk and Arnoud Vrolijk -- Adriaan Reland's fascination with the languages of the world / Toon van Hal -- Digging without dirt : Adriaan Reland's explorations of the Holy Land / Ulrich Groetsch -- "Geleerdster der landbeschryveren"? …”
Libro electrónico -
3491por Rumbaut, Rolando E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Platelet adhesion to vascular walls -- Adhesion to subendothelium following vascular injury -- Von Willebrand factor (vWF) -- Collagen -- Other subendothelial components -- Endogenous mechanisms preventing platelet adhesion to endothelium -- Nitric oxide -- Prostacyclin -- Ecto-adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) -- Endothelial surface layer -- Mechanisms of platelet adhesion to endothelium -- Endothelial P-selectin-dependent mechanisms -- Endothelial vWF-dependent mechanisms -- Other mechanisms --…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
3492Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Jealousy of Roads: Construction, Circulation, and Competition on East Africa's Transport CorridorsHugh Lamarque -- 11. Following the Tracks: Chinese Development Finance and the Addis-Djibouti Railway CorridorYunnan Chen -- 12. …”
Libro electrónico -
3493por Decker, Hannah S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Eruption of Discord Following the Midstream Conference; 10. Clinicians vs. …”
Publicado 2013
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3494Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Obsessional symptoms following adolescent psychosis: ""Brenda""; Chapter 3. …”
Libro electrónico -
3495por Grupo Europeo de Investigación Interdiscipinar sobre los Orígenes del Cristianismo.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Die mythische erzählung des Markusevangeliums und die historische Jesusforschung / Continuity or discontinuity between Jesus and groups of his followers? Practices of contact with the supernatural / Los primeros grupos de discípulos en Galilea / Del movimiento campesino de Jesús al grupo Q. …”
Publicado 2006
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca del Instituto Diocesano de Teología y Pastoral de Bilbao, Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias)Libro -
3496Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…When Social Media Become Hostile Media: An Experimental Examination of News Sharing, Partisanship, and Follower Count…”
Libro electrónico -
3497por Stelzner, Michael A.“…The book explains how to(a) create excellent content OR talk about excellent content,(b) get content in front of the right people,(c) capture names and grow a following,(d) use leverage to build partnerships and relationships,(e) sell, and(f) repeat the process.Following a combination of the methods outlined in this book will bring you both a large community of potential customers as well as an understanding of how to best sell and promote yourself to this valuable group"--…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
3498Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Support Through Coaching and Mentoring -- Support Through Outside Associations and Opportunities -- The Bare Minimum -- What to Do Next -- Additional Resources -- 11 FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES -- Manager Reviews -- Coaching Sessions -- Follow-Up Sessions -- Ideas for Continuing Learning -- Key Points -- What to Do Next -- SECTION IV-WORKSHOP SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND ONLINE SUPPORT -- 12 LEARNING ACTIVITIES -- Learning Activities Included in Leadership Training -- 13 ASSESSMENTS -- Using Other Standard Assessments -- Using 360-Degree Paper Assessments -- Assessments Included in Leadership Training -- 14 HANDOUTS -- Handouts Included in Leadership Training -- 15 ONLINE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS -- Access to Free Supporting Materials -- Customizable Resources -- Working with the Files -- PDF Documents -- PowerPoint Slides -- ABOUT THE AUTHOR -- ABOUT ATD…”
Libro electrónico -
3499por Soskin, David, 1954-“…Net Profit provides much needed inspiration and reassurance for would-be start ups and established businesses who want to do more online"-- "Online business is big again. Following the 2002-2003 dot com crash, there was a great deal of scepticism about the exuberance and hype that had led to the crash"--…”
Publicado 2010
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
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