Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 693
- Application software 600
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 492
- Historia 486
- History 440
- Java (Computer program language) 404
- Computer Science 396
- Python (Computer program language) 308
- Computer programming 291
- Classes socials 233
- Web site development 227
- Design 223
- Programming 222
- Història 212
- Microsoft .NET Framework 193
- Education 188
- Management 181
- Web sites 178
- Computer software 177
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) 171
- Clases sociales 170
- Ensenyament 158
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 155
- Computer programs 154
- Object-oriented programming (Computer science) 154
- C# (Computer program language) 151
- Social aspects 138
- C++ (Computer program language) 133
- Social conditions 128
- Software engineering 122
6603Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…An anonymous Apex executionAddressing problems; Developer console exercises; Summary; Chapter 2: Architecting Sustainable Triggers Using a Trigger Framework; An overview of triggers; Context is king; Trigger variables; An example trigger; Safety in numbers; Infinite cosmic power, itty bitty safety rope; The SFDC-trigger-framework; A cautionary note; Using the framework; Summary; Chapter 3: Asynchronous Apex for Fun and Profit; Using batchable classes; Additional extensions; Schedulable classes; Monitoring; Scheduling from Apex; Testing schedulable classes; Exploring @future annotated methods…”
Libro electrónico -
6604por Brown, Jeff ScottTabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a DomainIntroducing Dynamic Scaffolding; The Create Operation; The Read Operation; The Update Operation; The Delete Operation; Static Scaffolding; Generating a Controller; Generating the Views; Being Environmentally Friendly; Configuring Data Sources; The DataSource.groovy File; Configuring a MySQL Database; Configuring a JNDI Data Source; Supported Databases; Deploying the Application; Deployment with run-war; Deployment with a WAR file; Summary; CHAPTER 3 Understanding Domain Classes; Persisting Fields to the Database; Validating Domain Classes; Using Custom Validators…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
6605Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…maxlengthmedia; method; min; multiple; name; novalidate; pattern; placeholder; poster; readonly; rel; required; reversed; rows; rowspan; scope; selected; size; src; start; step; type; value; width; wrap; Chapter 3: CSS Concepts and Applications; Basic selectors; The simple selector; The type selectors; The universal selector; The attribute selectors; The class selectors; The ID selectors; Combinators; Descendant combinator; The child combinator; The adjacent sibling combinator; The general sibling combinator; The selector specificity; Pseudo-classes; The link pseudo-classes…”
Libro electrónico -
6607por Powers, ShelleyTabla de Contenidos: “…How RDF Vocabularies Differ from XML VocabulariesDefining the Vocabulary: Business and Scope; Defining the Vocabulary: Elements; The PostCon Domain Elements; Prototyping the Vocabulary; Adding Repeating Values; Adding a Container; Adding in a Value; Formalizing the Vocabulary with RDFS; What Is a Class and What Is a Property?; Defining the Vocabulary Classes; Defining the Properties; Integrating the Dublin Core; An Overview of the Dublic Core MetaData Element Set; Dublin Core in RDF/XML; Qualified Dublin Core; Mixing Vocabularies; Using DC-dot to Generate DC RDF…”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
6608por Inc, Apple ComputerTabla de Contenidos: “…Interface BuilderGraphical "Hello, World"; Open the main nib file; Other Tools; Command-Line Tools; Exercises; Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C; Introducing Objects; Classes of Objects; Inheritance; Creating and Using Objects; Working with Multiple Objects; Methods and Messages; Arguments in Messages; Nested Messages; How Messaging Works; Objective-C-Defined Types; Creating New Classes; Defining the Song Interface; Defining the Song Implementation; Using the Song Class; Overriding Methods; Calling Superclass Methods; Object Creation; Designated initializers; Object Deallocation…”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
6609por Smith, Ben (Software engineer) authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; About the Cover Image Artist; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1 Object-Oriented Programming; Encapsulation; Polymorphism; Inheritance; Data Hiding; ActionScript as an Object-Oriented Language; Defining an External Definition; Parts of a Class; The Constructor; Custom Namespaces; Declaring the Namespace Identifier; Applying a custom namespace; Opening a namespace within a class; Constructing an Interface; Change; General Terms and Definitions; Summary; Key Points…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
6610por Anderson, ChrisTabla de Contenidos: “…; Understanding XAML Syntax, Document Structure, and Features; Core XAML Syntax; Creating an Object Hierarchy; Defining Namespaces; Assigning Property Values to Controls; Attribute Syntax; Content Element Syntax; Property Element Syntax; Collection Syntax; Attached Properties; XAML Namespace Properties; x:Class; x:Name; x:Key; x:ClassModifier and x:FieldModifier; Design-Time Properties; Markup Extensions; Namescopes; Controls; Base Control Classes; DependencyObject…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
6613por Bryant, JayTabla de Contenidos: “…Multiple InheritanceModeling Behavior through Interfaces; Abstract Classes; Methods in Abstract Classes; Static Members; Polymorphism; Our Animals in Java; A Lesson about Granularity; Pass-by-Reference and Pass-by-Value; Summary; CHAPTER 7 Writing a User Interface; Java Swing: The Basics; A Basic Swing Application; A Larger Swing Application; Summary; CHAPTER 8 Writing and Reading Files; Working with File Objects; Opening a File; Deleting a File; Working with Temporary Files; Creating a Directory; Deleting a Directory; Deleting Multiple Directories; Writing and Reading Content…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
6614Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Comparable and WritableComparable interfacesStoring data; Serialization and Containers; Compression; General-purpose file formats; Column-oriented data formats; RCFile; ORC; Parquet; Avro; Using the Java API; Summary; Chapter 3: Processing - MapReduce and Beyond; MapReduce; Java API to MapReduce; The Mapper class; The Reducer class; The Driver class; Combiner; Partitioning; The optional partition function; Hadoop-provided mapper and reducer implementations; Sharing reference data; Writing MapReduce programs; Getting started; Running the examples; Local cluster; Elastic MapReduce…”
Libro electrónico -
6615Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mobile-First Web DevelopmentSummary; Media Queries: Browser Support; Chapter 3: Selectors; Attribute Selectors; New Attribute Selectors in CSS3; Beginning Substring Attribute Value Selector; Ending Substring Attribute Value Selector; Arbitrary Substring Attribute Value Selector; Multiple Attribute Selectors; The General Sibling Combinator; Summary; Selectors: Browser Support; Chapter 4: Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements; Structural Pseudo-classes; The :nth-* Pseudo-classes; :first-of-type, :last-child, and :last-of-type; :only-child and :only-of-type; Other Pseudo-classes; :target; :empty…”
Libro electrónico -
6616por Serrano Mena, Alejandro. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Functions as ParametersHigher-Order Functions; Anonymous Functions; Partial Application of a Function; More on Modules; Module Imports; Smart Constructors and Views; Diving into Lists; Folds; Lists and Predicates; Lists Containing Tuples; List Comprehensions; Haskell Origami; Summary; Chapter 4: Using Containers and Type Classes; Using Packages; Managing Packages with Cabal and EclipseFP; Sandboxed Environments; Containers: Maps, Sets, Trees, Graphs; Maps; Sets; Trees; Graphs; Obtaining Help; Ad-hoc Polymorphism: Type Classes; Declaring Classes and Instances; Built-in Type Classes…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
6617por Cozens, SimonTabla de Contenidos: “…Object Database PitfallsTangram; Tangram CRUD: create, read, update, delete; Database Abstraction; Trivial Mapping; Class::DBI; Relationships; Class::DBI extensions; Other Contenders; Practical Uses in Web Applications; Class::DBI and the Template Toolkit; Maypole; Other Application Frameworks; Conclusion; Natural Language Tools; Perl and Natural Languages; Handling English Text; Pluralizations and Inflections; Converting Words to Numbers; Modules for Parsing English; Splitting Up Text; Stemming and Stopwording; Categorization and Extraction; Bayesian Analysis; Keyword Extraction and Summary…”
Publicado 2005
Libro electrónico -
6618Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Adding Members of a class -- Support for additional information for members -- Attaching relationships between classes -- Labels and Cardinalities for Relationships -- Adding Labels -- Adding Cardinality -- Using Annotations and comments -- Adding Annotations -- Adding Comments in Class Diagram code -- Adding Interaction to Class Diagrams -- Why add Interactivity to a class diagram? …”
Libro electrónico -
6619por Alessi, PatrickTabla de Contenidos: “…; The SQLite Library; SQLite and Core Data; Building a Simple Database; Designing the Database; Creating the Database; Populating the Database; Tools to Visualize the SQLite Database; Connecting to Your Database; Starting the Project; The Model Class; The DBAccess Class; Parameterized Queries; Writing to the Database; Displaying the Catalog; Viewing Product Details; Moving Forward; Chapter 3: Displaying Your Data: The UI Table View…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
6620por Gibson, Robert. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Using Buttons and Labels""; ""JButton Class Hierarchy""; ""The Layout of the Land""; ""Buttons! …”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico