Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 120
- Organització del Tractat de l'Atlàntic Nord 58
- Historia 47
- Història 38
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization 25
- Politics and government 23
- History and criticism 21
- OTAN 17
- Atlas 16
- Social conditions 15
- Foreign relations 14
- Geografía 13
- Social aspects 13
- United States 13
- Civilization 12
- Economía 12
- Política mundial 12
- Economic conditions 11
- Religion 11
- Arqueología 10
- Colonies 10
- Comercio 10
- Congressos 10
- Europe 10
- Mapes 10
- Commerce 9
- Novela norteamericana 9
- Política militar 9
1381por Costa, Nelson, 1975-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- 1.1 Historical Perspective -- 1.1.1 Electromagnetism -- 1.1.2 The Hertz Transmitter -- 1.1.3 Tesla and Wireless Power -- 1.1.4 Lodge and Tunable Circuits -- 1.1.5 Marconi and Trans-Atlantic Communication -- 1.2 MIMO Communications -- 1.3 MIMO Channel Models -- 1.3.1 The Channel Model Spectrum -- 1.3.2 Wideband MIMO Channel Models -- 1.4 Software Defined Radio -- 1.5 Overview -- 1.5.1 Chapter 2: Multiple Antenna Channels and Correlation -- 1.5.2 Chapter 3: Correlative Models -- 1.5.3 Chapter 4: Cluster Models -- 1.5.4 Chapter 5: Channel Sounding -- 1.5.5 Chapter 6: Experimental Validation -- 1.5.6 Appendices: Background and Definitions -- Chapter 2: Multiple Antenna Channels and Correlation -- 2.1 The Radio Channel: Definitions -- 2.1.1 The Physical Channel -- 2.1.2 The Analytical Channel -- 2.2 Channel Classifications -- 2.2.1 Linear Time-Invariant Channels -- 2.2.2 Time-Invariant Narrowband Channels -- 2.2.3 Time-Varying Wideband Channels and Bello's Model -- 2.2.4 The Tapped-Delay Line Model and the Physical Channel -- 2.2.5 Narrowband Diversity Channels -- 2.2.6 The Narrowband MIMO Channel -- 2.2.7 The Wideband MIMO Channel -- 2.2.8 The Wideband MIMO Channel Recast Using Tensors -- 2.3 Summary of Channel Classifications -- 2.4 Second-Order Statistics of Multiple Antenna Channels -- 2.4.1 Second-Order Statistics of the Vector Channel -- 2.4.2 Second-Order Statistics of the Narrowband MIMO Channel -- 2.5 Second-order Statistics of the Wideband MIMO Channel -- 2.5.1 Eigenvalue Decomposition of the Wideband Correlation Matrix -- 2.6 Spatial Structure of Multiple Antenna Channels -- 2.6.1 SIMO Channels and Beamformers -- 2.6.2 MIMO Beamformers -- 2.7 Summary and Discussion -- 2.7.1 Channel Classifications -- 2.7.2 Multi-Antenna Channels -- 2.7.3 Spatial Structure and the APS -- 2.8 Notes and References -- 2.8.1 Channel Classifications -- 2.8.2 Second-Order Statistics of Multi-Antenna Channels -- 2.8.3 The Spatial Structure of Multi-Antenna Channels…”
Publicado 2010
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1382por Buchstein, HubertusTabla de Contenidos: “…Conclusion: A message across the Atlantic -- Chapter 10: Practicing Antisemitism and Analyzing Antisemitism -- 1. …”
Publicado 2024
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1383Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Post-Pandemic Changes -- Identify the Dimensions to Evolve and Choose the Order -- Full Spectrum Creativity -- Implications -- How to Get More Positive Deviance -- Chapter 18 Incentives: Show Me How They're Paid and I'll Tell You What They Do -- Chapter 19 Leadership: Starting with the Core Leadership Team -- Strengths -- Implications for You -- General Atlantic's Talent Playbook -- Team Synergies over Individual Strengths -- Fit -- Decision-Enabling -- Executive Onboarding -- Tool 19.1 Team and People Assessment -- Chapter 20 People: Acquire, Develop, Encourage, Plan, Transition -- Guest Contributor Ericka Stevens -- Align Everything Around Your Core Focus and Burning Imperative -- Implement ADEPT Talent Management -- When Things Aren't Working, Don't Wait -- Three Types of Leaders -- Strategic Priorities -- Bosch and Seeo -- Summaries of Related Efforts -- Strong Performers and the Three Goods -- Position Profiles and Potential -- Keeping Your Head -- Tool 20.1 Future Organizational Capability Planning -- Tool 20.2 Talent Management -- Tool 20.3 Recruiting Brief -- Chapter 21 Politics: What Current and New Leaders Need to Know Organizationally and Personally -- A Different Approach -- Hygiene -- Working Through the Politics -- Acquired Company Leaders -- Working for a Boss Who Didn't Want You -- Part VII The Change Management Playbook -- Chapter 22 Integration Leadership: Start Here -- Stand Up Your Transition, Transformation, or Project Management Offices -- Chief of Staff -- Project Management Office (PMO) -- Transformation Officers -- Guest Contributor Jeff Scott -- Chapter 23 Change Management: Leading Through the Point of Inflection -- Platform for Change -- Picture of Success -- Call to Action -- Message -- Change Management at Albertsons -- Generate Early Wins -- Manage Through the Dips -- Guest Contributor Dennis Stratton…”
Libro electrónico -
1384Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Comment First -- Write Self-Documenting Code -- Keep It Small -- Stay Focused -- Avoid Side Effects -- Validate Results -- Practice Offensive Programming -- Use Exceptions -- Write Exception Handlers First -- Don't Repeat Code -- Defer Optimization -- Summary -- What You Learned in This Chapter -- Chapter 11 Algorithms -- Algorithm Study -- Algorithmic Approaches -- Decision Trees -- Knapsack -- The Eight Queens Problem -- Exhaustive Search -- Backtracking -- Pruning Trees -- Branch and Bound -- Heuristics -- Greedy -- Divide and Conquer -- Recursion -- Dynamic Programming -- Caching -- Randomization -- Monte Carlo Algorithms -- Las Vegas Algorithms -- Atlantic City Algorithms -- State Diagrams -- Design Patterns -- Creational Patterns -- Structural Patterns -- Behavioral Patterns -- Design Pattern Summary -- Parallel Programming -- Artificial Intelligence -- Definitions -- Learning Systems -- Natural Language Processing -- Artificial Neural Network -- Deep Learning -- Expert System -- Artificial General Intelligence -- Algorithm Characteristics -- Summary -- What You Learned in This Chapter -- Chapter 12 Programming Languages -- The Myth of Picking a Language -- Language Generations -- First Generation -- Second Generation -- Third Generation (3GL) -- Fourth Generation -- Fifth Generation -- Sixth Generation -- IDEs -- Language Families -- Assembly -- Imperative -- Procedural -- Declarative -- Object-Oriented -- Functional -- Specialized -- Language Family Summary -- The Best Language -- Summary -- What You Learned in This Chapter -- Chapter 13 Testing -- Testing Goals -- Reasons Bugs Never Die -- Diminishing Returns -- Deadlines -- Consequences -- It's Too Soon -- Usefulness -- Obsolescence -- It's Not a Bug -- It Never Ends -- It's Better Than Nothing -- Fixing Bugs Is Dangerous -- Which Bugs to Fix -- Levels of Testing -- Unit Testing…”
Libro electrónico -
1385Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
1386por Papasquiaro, Mario SantiagoTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Vuelo más allá del aliento en el que escribo -- He cumplido minuciosamente mi destino -- William Shakespeare llega a Chilpancingo -- CONTRARRELOJ -- Sólo la novela vende -- SALIVA DE SAN JUAN AUTISTA -- AUTORRETRETE IZADO -- DE LA DESGRACIA A LA GRACIA -- LE POÈTE -- EVANGELIO DEL POLVO -- LA ÚLTIMA BALADA DEL SOL -- Por más que tiemblen los tabiques de la entraña -- TROVADOR CÁTARO -- FRAY BERNARDINO'S CHRONICLE -- LAS MEMORIAS DE PETER PAN -- O SEA : NO -- REMEMBER -- CINEMA-VERITÉ -- ALESBIÁNATE ESOPO -- VIVA ENCARNACIÓN & -- FUGA -- SEGUNDA PARTE -- ARTE POÉTICA X -- Esta es París reina del mundo -- LUZ & -- MÁS LUZ -- CONVICCIÓN ATLANTE -- ESTOY SANGRANDO POR LOS 5 SENTIDOS -- CORRESPONDENCIA INFRA -- ROUSSEAUNIANA -- BARCELONA-ROSA DE FUEGO -- Es duro el precio / & -- este vapor amargo / -- 3 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1977 -- SINAÍ -- VISIÓN EN EL SINAÍ -- TIERRA COLORADA -- MAREMOTO -- Estamos filmando la 2a versión del Ángel ebrio -- REVOLUCIONES & -- ESTATUS / IBAN & -- VENÍAN -- ERUPCIÓN CASCADA -- SEXUS -- DESCRIPCIÓN DE 1 ESPINA -- AROMAS DE TIJUANA -- CALLES SALVAJES -- CABARET VOLTAIRE -- 1 LUCA -- XEW -- 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1985 -- CAMINO A OBSERVATORIO -- ROTAS LAS SILLAS: DEBRAYADO EL ESCENARIO -- El aire se ha quedado sin pescuezo -- ¿QUIÉN TE HA DADO EL DERECHO DE CREER QUE LA VIDA ES COMO TÚ CREES QUE ES? …”
Publicado 2008
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
1387por Cousseau, Florian“…While most of the presentations fell within that chronological period and were concerned with the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean basin, wider geographical and chronological comparisons were also included. …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
1388por Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing InstituteTabla de Contenidos: “…Eng. 2016, 4(4), 69; doi: 10.3390/jmse4040069 .176 -- Christine Szpilka, Kendra Dresback, Randall Kolar, Jesse Feyen and Jindong Wang Improvements for the Western North Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico ADCIRC Tidal Database (EC2015) Reprinted from: J. …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -