Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 120
- Organització del Tractat de l'Atlàntic Nord 58
- Historia 47
- Història 38
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization 25
- Politics and government 23
- History and criticism 21
- OTAN 17
- Atlas 16
- Social conditions 15
- Foreign relations 14
- Geografía 13
- Social aspects 13
- United States 13
- Civilization 12
- Economía 12
- Política mundial 12
- Economic conditions 11
- Religion 11
- Arqueología 10
- Colonies 10
- Comercio 10
- Congressos 10
- Europe 10
- Mapes 10
- Commerce 9
- Novela norteamericana 9
- Política militar 9
1341Publicado 2015“…The essays by European, American and Latin American scholars provide critical evaluations of a wide range of concepts, including trans-national and post-national, international, trans-atlantic, trans-pacific, as well as hemispheric, inter-American and comparative American studies. …”
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1342Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Occidental 'Policeness' and Subaltern Global Cops -- International Broker or Postcolonial Intermediary? Atlantic Policing of Global Insecurities -- 'If They Build It, Will They Come?' …”
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1343Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ La Catedral de Barcelona i el pa al segle XV: la Pia Almoina i la Casa de Caritat / Pa i política als segles XVI i XVII / El Consell municipal i el proveïment de cereals a la baixa edat mitjana / De la pastera a la taula: el pa a Barcelona durant l’edat mitjana / Vi i tavernes a la baixa edat mitjana a través de les ordinacions / Abastar de carn la ciutat a finals de l’edat mitjana / Pastures per als ramats de Barcelona als segles XVI-XVIII / La pesca i el proveïment de peix fresc / La confraria de pescadors de Barcelona, 1575-1650 / El comerç atlàntic i el proveïment de bacallà / L’horta i la volateria als mercats / El proveïment del pa sota el règim de Nova Planta / El pa al segle XVIII: continuïtats i canvis / De l’economia moral de les subsistències a l’economia de mercat: els debats a la França de finals del segle XVIII / Liberalisme i proveïment alimentari a la ciutat de Barcelona, 1820-1823 / La transformació liberal en l’àmbit jurídic i es seus efectes en els mercats alimentaris de Barcelona: el cas de la Boqueria / Les revoltes populars i les polítiques de proveïment alimentari a mitjan segle XIX / Les polítiques alimentàries dels ajuntaments del Sexenni, 1868-1874 / La construcció de mercats a la segona meitat del segle XIX: una resposta a diversos reptes / El control sanitari dels aliments a través dels escorxadors i les vaqueries urbanes Joaquim M Puigvert Solà -- Municipi i associacions de venedors i botiguers a principis del segle XX / Dos decrets liberalitzadors a l’evolució del consum de carn, 1800-1935 / El proveïment de cereals i farina de Barcelona durant el segle XIX / Les vaqueries, les empreses lleteres i el control municipal / El cooperativisme de consum: una temptativa d’autoabastiment proletari, 1866-1931 / Alimentació, salut i nivells de vida a la Barcelona industrial, 1820-1936 / Nutrició i gènere a la Barcelona obrera / Alimentació i salut de la població infantil…”
Accés lliure
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1344Publicado 2011Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico
1345Publicado 2020“…This book brings together the cumulative results of a three-year project focused on the assemblies and administrative systems of Scandinavia, Britain, and the North Atlantic islands in the 1st and 2nd millennia AD. In this volume we integrate a wide range of historical, cartographic, archaeological, field-based, and onomastic data pertaining to early medieval and medieval administrative practices, geographies, and places of assembly in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland, and eastern England. …”
Libro electrónico -
1346Publicado 2015Libro electrónico
1347por Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies“…Continuing the success achieved in the previous year, the technical program also included an industrial track, with contributions illustrating challenges faced and solutions encountered by industrialists from both sides of the Atlantic. Furthermore, the conference was accompanied by an exhibition where vendors presented their products for supporting reliable-software development…”
Publicado 2006
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1350por NATO Advanced Research Workshop on How Can the Internet Help People Cope in the Aftermath of a Traumatic Event
Publicado 2010Libro electrónico -
1351Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…L'iconografia degli apparati festivi -- 5.1 Allegoric dinastiche e quadri sotto il baldacchino: il valore dei ritratti reali 5.2 Alcide dell'Austriaco Atlante». Le simbologie dell'istituto del viceregno e le rappresentazioni del suo territorio -- 5.3 Invocando il divino aiuto, Scenogra e in anni di cili per feste religiose -- 6. …”
Libro electrónico -
1352Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Geospatial analysis of persistent organic pollutant deposits in the Arctic ecosystems and environment -- Chapter 8 Hydrological probabilistic model MARCS and its application to simulate the probability density functions of multi-year maximal runoff: the Russian Arctic as a case of study -- Chapter 9 Student contribution: Assessment of Atmospheric Circulation in the Atlantic-Eurasian Region and Arctic Using Climate Indices. …”
Libro electrónico -
1353por Menke, WilliamTabla de Contenidos: “…Determining the minimum number of factors; 8.3. Application to the Atlantic Rocks dataset; 8.4. Spiky factors; 8.5. Time-Variable functions; Problems; Chapter 9: Detecting correlations among data…”
Publicado 2012
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1354Publicado 1991Tabla de Contenidos: “…Population -- Methylmercury dose, blood levels, and population risks -- Conclusions and Recommendations for Changes in Risk Assessment Practices -- ESTIMATING HUMAN INTAKE OF CONTAMINANTS FROM SEAFOOD AND SOME ASSOCIATED RISKS -- Review of Data Bases Available for Estimating Exposures -- FDA Total Diet Study -- FDA Pesticide Monitoring Files -- National Marine Fisheries Service Survey -- Fisheries of the United States, 1987 -- Exposures from Sport, Subsistence, and Tribal Fishing -- Exposures from Commercial Seafood -- Dietary Intake of Seafood of Various Species -- Inorganic Contaminant Exposures and Suggested Acceptable Intake -- Use of NMFS Survey of Trace-Element Data -- Antimony -- Arsenic -- Cadmium -- Chromium -- Lead -- Mercury -- Selenium -- Estimates Of Cancer Risks From Organic Contaminants -- Comparison of Imported and Domestic Seafood -- Exposures from Sport, Subsistence, and Tribal Fishing -- Puget Sound Contaminated Recreational Fish Study -- Regional Studies of Contaminants -- Atlantic Coast Bluefish Contamination…”
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1355Publicado 2021Libro electrónico
1356Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…West African languages and creoles worldwide -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Stable features -- 7.3 Methods and sampling -- 7.4 African languages and their connections -- 7.5 West African languages and Atlantic creoles -- 7.6 West African languages and Asian creoles -- 7.7 Creoles and their lexifiers -- 7.8 Transmission of stable features in creoles and non-creoles -- 7.9 Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- Note -- References -- Chapter 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
1357Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Wong -- International Convention For The Prevention Of Pollution From Ships MARPOL 2012 (and Annexes I, II,III,IV,V,VI) / Gian Maria Farnelli -- Convention On The Prevention of Marine Pollution By Dumping of Wastes And Other Matter 1972 And 1996 Protocol / Gian Maria Farnelli, Attila Tanzi -- The Convention for the Protection of The Marine Environment of The North-East Atlantic / Meagan S. Wong -- Convention on the Protection Of The Marine Environment Of The Baltic Sea 1992 / Gian Maria Farnelli -- Barcelona Convention for The Protection of The Marine Environment And The Coastal Region Of The Mediterranean and its Protocols / Vladislav Lanovoy -- Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution 1992 / Elizabeth A. …”
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1358Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ceramics, Social Practices and Symbolism Along the Atlantic Coast (2500-1650 BC) - Julien Ripoche and Theophane Nicolas ; Author Biographies…”
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1359por Nehl, Markus“…Reflecting on the ethics of narration, this study is particularly attentive to the risks of representing anti-black violence and to the intricacies involved in (re-)appropriating slavery's archive »An important contribution to the study of this new generation of neo-slave narratives that continues to develop with no end in sight as it engages the history and afterlife of chattel slavery on a transnational level, recasting the African Atlantic at the beginning of a still young century from nuanced postslavery perspectives.« Paula von Gleich, Amerikastudien, 62/4 (2018)…”
Publicado 2016
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1360Publicado 2016“…Men like John Henry Livingston, (Rutgers president from 1810-1824), the Reverend Philip Milledoler, (president of Rutgers from 1824-1840), Henry Rutgers, (trustee after whom the college is named), and Theodore Frelinghuysen, (Rutgers's seventh president), were among the most ardent anti-abolitionists in the mid-Atlantic. Scarlet and black are the colors Rutgers University uses to represent itself to the nation and world. …”
Libro electrónico