Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Malalts terminals 266
- Cura 123
- Operating systems (Computers) 112
- Mort 108
- Linux 70
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 61
- Computer networks 60
- Computer Science 52
- Aspectes religiosos 50
- Tractament pal·liatiu 50
- Aspectes psicològics 49
- Development 49
- Application software 45
- Computer programming 45
- Terminal care 42
- Enfermos terminales 39
- Management 39
- Security measures 37
- TFC 36
- Examinations 35
- Cloud computing 32
- Computer security 31
- Cuidados paliativos 31
- Python (Computer program language) 31
- Programming 30
- Certification 29
- Església Catòlica 28
- Mac OS 27
- History 26
- Law and legislation 26
2101Publicado 2015“…Rimbalzando da Louis-Ferdinand Céline e il suo Viaggio al termine della notte – nella lettura coraggiosa e controcorrente che ne propone lo scrittore francese Philippe Forest – al romanzo barocco e alle sue trasgressioni per poi indagare la teoria del genere attraverso i secoli, il volume raccoglie una serie di interventi di studiosi del romanzo per mettere a punto una visione diversa della sua evoluzione. …”
Electrónico -
2102por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.“…The assay was validated on the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and the zebrafish (Danio rerio); however zebrafish does not allow the detection of androgenic activity. At termination of the 21-day exposure period, depending on the species used, one or two biomarker endpoint(s) are measured in males and females as indicators of oestrogenic, aromatase inhibition or androgenic activity of the test chemical; these endpoints are vitellogenin and secondary sexual characteristics. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
2103por Otsuka, Yasuhiro“…The number of new mobile terminals and USB modems on the market is stimulating much wider use of mobile broadband by consumers. …”
Publicado 2009
Capítulo de libro electrónico -
2104Publicado 2014“…Get a grip onObjective-C fundamentals including using the terminal, Xcode, variables, and functions Familiarize yourself with object-oriented concepts, creating multiple instances of a class, and how to work with data types and expressions Program logic and decision statements, understand Polymorphism, and implement protocols and delegation Includes ten hours of Objective-C video training. …”
2105Publicado 1973“…The book starts by providing an introduction to computers and discussing the aspects of terminal usage, programming languages, and the stages in writing and testing a program. …”
Libro electrónico -
2106Publicado 2014“…Microsoft Exchange Server ist die Groupware- und Messaging-Technologie von Microsoft und ermöglicht eine produktive und sichere E-Mail-Kommunikation sowie Kollaboration (Termin-, Kontakt-, Aufgabenverwaltung) in und für Unternehmen. …”
Libro electrónico -
2107por Li, Angui“…Now it has been widely used in office spaces, subway stations, high-speed railway stations, international airport terminals, and other large spaces. This book introduces attachment ventilation in detail to eliminate the cooling/heating load of the occupied zone and provide an expected environment for the air-conditioned zone. …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
2108Publicado 2008“…The second part concerns the traditional theory of beams focusing on the four fundamental cases: beam under axial forces, terminal couples, torsion, bending and shear. The Readers addressed by this volume are mainly the undergraduate students of Engineering Schools…”
Libro electrónico -
2109Publicado 2022“…If you've seen __main__ at the end of a Python script and wondered why that is there it is to avoid side effects when importing and allowing you to run the file as a script on the terminal. If you want more details, watch this short video where we work with a Python script to find out those side effects and how the Python script can change once the if condition with __name__ is done at the end. …”
Video -
2110Publicado 2015“…Luis (Luis Bermejo), profesor de literatura en paro, trata de hacer realidad el último deseo de su hija Alicia (Lucía Pollán), una niña de 12 años enferma de cáncer terminal: tener el vestido oficial de la serie japonesa de dibujos animados "Mágical Girl Yukiko". …”
2111Publicado 2005“…; ¿sabemos cómo encarar la recta final de la vida o qué hacer ante un diagnóstico terminal?; ¿conocemos qué necesidades tiene un adulto o un niño que se está muriendo?…”
Libro -
2112Publicado 2019“…Textual criticism works on the author manuscripts and all the marks left by him, which document the process of textual representation conditioned by the author's intention and the linguistic system he/she uses, since the most primitive form (sketches) to its terminal level or final form. Also, textual criticism considers the existent manuscript (if present), or conjecture its original form (if absent), and then the tradition derived from it, studying the departures from the tradition when compared to the original (if present); or reconstruct the closest lesson to what the original would have been (if absent). …”
Libro electrónico -
2113Publicado 2018“…Human CD8+ T cells expressing NK receptors and receptors found on innate immune cells, and designated as NK-like or innate CD8+ T cells, have been long considered as terminally differentiated lymphocytes responsible for tissue inflammation and destruction. …”
Libro electrónico -
2114por Brooks, Mary R.“…At the same time port policy makers and container terminal operators have to match capacity to demand carefully to avoid costly overinvestment, a task complicated by rapid technological change in liner shipping markets with the introduction of larger vessels, rising fuel prices and restructuring through mergers and alliances…”
Publicado 2014
Capítulo de libro electrónico -
2115por Tyrväinen, Timo“…If this outcome persists in the long run, the primary problem related to the functioning of the wage setting mechanism is not necessarily the speed of adjustment but rather the equilibrium in which adjustment terminates. The countries examined are the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Finland. …”
Publicado 1995
Capítulo de libro electrónico -
2116por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development“…Chacun des examens-pays se termine par un résumé et des recommandations…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
2117Publicado 2015“…This course is designed for users that already have a familiarity with the use of a UNIX-like terminal. You will start by learning how to install and configure Elasticsearch, then jump into learning how to run searches and aggregations. …”
2118“…«Il cammino della sinodalità è il cammino che Dio si aspetta dalla Chiesa del terzo millennio»: papa Francesco ha pronunciato questa frase nel suo discorso del 17 ottobre 2015, commemorando il cinquantesimo anniversario dell’istituzione del Sinodo dei vescovi. Il termine "sinodalità" sta ricevendo un grande impoulso da parte del magisterio dell ́attuale Pontefice e, in particolare, anche grazie al recente documento della Commissione teologica internazionale intitolato La sinodalità nella vita e nella missione dell Chiesa, che quei viene presentato. …”
Acceso al texto completo
Artículo -
2119Publicado 2012“…This includes the nature of slow light propagation, its bandwidth limitation, coupling of modes and particular kind terminating photonic crystals with metal surfaces allowing to propagate in surface plasmon-polariton waves. …”
Libro electrónico -
2120Publicado 2001“…Romantic rejection, ostracism, stigmatization, job termination, and other kinds of rejects have the power to compromise the quality of people's lives. …”
Libro electrónico