Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Malalts terminals 266
- Cura 123
- Operating systems (Computers) 112
- Mort 108
- Linux 70
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 61
- Computer networks 60
- Computer Science 52
- Aspectes religiosos 50
- Tractament pal·liatiu 50
- Aspectes psicològics 49
- Development 49
- Application software 45
- Computer programming 45
- Terminal care 42
- Enfermos terminales 39
- Management 39
- Security measures 37
- TFC 36
- Examinations 35
- Cloud computing 32
- Computer security 31
- Cuidados paliativos 31
- Python (Computer program language) 31
- Programming 30
- Certification 29
- Església Catòlica 28
- Mac OS 27
- History 26
- Law and legislation 26
2001por Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health“…The objective of this review is to perform a systematic review of the beneficial and harmful effects of a single oral dose of mifepristone 200 mg and a single buccal dose of misoprostol 800 mcg (four 200 mcg tablets) administered in a sequential regimen for the medical termination of a developing intrauterine pregnancy in women of child-bearing age…”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
2002Publicado 2020“…En este trabajo se pretende analizar la eficacia de estas acciones, así como identificar las variables importantes para que la jugada termine en gol…”
Clic para texto completo. Acceso restringido UPSA
Tesis -
2003Publicado 1990“…The X Window System User's Guide orients the new user to window system concepts and provides detailed tutorials for many client programs, including the xterm terminal emulator and window managers. Building on this basic knowledge, later chapters explain how to customize the X environment and provide sample configurations. …”
Libro electrónico -
2005Publicado 2013“…Take control of your environment with tmux, a terminal multiplexer that you can tailor to your workflow. …”
Libro electrónico -
2006por Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. author“…As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
2007Publicado 2023“…The validity of the test domain can be extended cost-effectively throughout the software development process to achieve meaningful test termination criteria…”
Libro electrónico -
2008Publicado 2010“…Este informe final sobre la TDT pretende resumir el tiempo que va desde su "despegue" simbólico, desarrollado en la Terminal T4 del aeropuerto de Barajas el 10 de diciembre de 2005, hasta el apagado analógico celebrado en abril de 2010, periodo en el que Impulsa TDT ha desarrollado sus actividades…”
Libro -
2009Publicado 2011“…Transient voltages occur on the terminals of superconducting coils and may lead to internal over-voltages. …”
Libro electrónico -
2010Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…VSAT (VERY SMALL APERTURE TERMINAL) -- 9.9. SISTEMAS DE TELEFONÍA CELULAR -- 9.10. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
2011Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…1.10 OUTLINE OF THE REST OF THIS BOOK -- 1.11 METRIC UNITS -- 1.12 SUMMARY -- 2 PROCESSES AND THREADS -- 2.1 PROCESSES -- 2.1.1 The Process Model -- 2.1.2 Process Creation -- 2.1.3 Process Termination -- 2.1.4 Process Hierarchies -- 2.1.5 Process States -- 2.1.6 Implementation of Processes -- 2.1.7 Modeling Multiprogramming -- 2.2 THREADS -- 2.2.1 Thread Usage -- 2.2.2 The Classical Thread Model -- 2.2.3 POSIX Threads -- 2.2.4 Implementing Threads in User Space -- 2.2.5 Implementing Threads in the Kernel -- 2.2.6 Hybrid Implementations -- 2.2.7 Scheduler Activations -- 2.2.8 Pop-Up Threads -- 2.2.9 Making Single-Threaded Code Multithreaded -- 2.3 INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION -- 2.3.1 Race Conditions -- 2.3.2 Critical Regions -- 2.3.3 Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting -- 2.3.4 Sleep and Wakeup -- 2.3.5 Semaphores -- 2.3.6 Mutexes -- 2.3.7 Monitors -- 2.3.8 Message Passing -- 2.3.9 Barriers -- 2.3.10 Avoiding Locks: Read-Copy-Update -- 2.4 SCHEDULING -- 2.4.1 Introduction to Scheduling -- 2.4.2 Scheduling in Batch Systems -- 2.4.3 Scheduling in Interactive Systems -- 2.4.4 Scheduling in Real-Time Systems -- 2.4.5 Policy Versus Mechanism -- 2.4.6 Thread Scheduling -- 2.5 CLASSICAL IPC PROBLEMS -- 2.5.1 The Dining Philosophers Problem -- 2.5.2 The Readers and Writers Problem -- 2.6 RESEARCH ON PROCESSES AND THREADS -- 2.7 SUMMARY -- 3 MEMORY MANAGEMENT -- 3.1 NO MEMORY ABSTRACTION -- 3.2 A MEMORY ABSTRACTION: ADDRESS SPACES -- 3.2.1 The Notion of an Address Space -- 3.2.2 Swapping -- 3.2.3 Managing Free Memory -- 3.3 VIRTUAL MEMORY -- 3.3.1 Paging -- 3.3.2 Page Tables -- 3.3.3 Speeding Up Paging -- 3.3.4 Page Tables for Large Memories -- 3.4 PAGE REPLACEMENT ALGORITHMS -- 3.4.1 The Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm -- 3.4.2 The Not Recently Used Page Replacement Algorithm -- 3.4.3 The First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Page Replacement Algorithm…”
Libro electrónico -
2012Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.2.6 The Fifth Generation-Low-Power and Invisible Computers -- 1.3 THE COMPUTER ZOO -- 1.3.1 Technological and Economic Forces -- 1.3.2 The Computer Spectrum -- 1.3.3 Disposable Computers -- 1.3.4 Microcontrollers -- 1.3.5 Mobile and Game Computers -- 1.3.6 Personal Computers -- 1.3.7 Servers -- 1.3.8 Mainframes -- 1.4 EXAMPLE COMPUTER FAMILIES -- 1.4.1 Introduction to the x86 Architecture -- 1.4.2 Introduction to the ARM Architecture -- 1.4.3 Introduction to the AVR Architecture -- 1.5 METRIC UNITS -- 1.6 OUTLINE OF THIS BOOK -- 2 COMPUTER SYSTEMS -- 2.1 PROCESSORS -- 2.1.1 CPU Organization -- 2.1.2 Instruction Execution -- 2.1.3 RISC versus CISC -- 2.1.4 Design Principles for Modern Computers -- 2.1.5 Instruction-Level Parallelism -- 2.1.6 Processor-Level Parallelism -- 2.2 PRIMARYMEMORY -- 2.2.1 Bits -- 2.2.2 Memory Addresses -- 2.2.3 Byte Ordering -- 2.2.4 Error-Correcting Codes -- 2.2.5 Cache Memory -- 2.2.6 Memory Packaging and Types -- 2.3 SECONDARYMEMORY -- 2.3.1 Memory Hierarchies -- 2.3.2 Magnetic Disks -- 2.3.3 IDE Disks -- 2.3.4 SCSI Disks -- 2.3.5 RAID -- 2.3.6 Solid-State Disks -- 2.3.7 CD-ROMs -- 2.3.8 CD-Recordables -- 2.3.9 CD-Rewritables -- 2.3.10 DVD -- 2.3.11 Blu-ray -- 2.4 INPUT/OUTPUT -- 2.4.1 Buses -- 2.4.2 Terminals -- 2.4.3 Mice -- 2.4.4 Game Controllers…”
Libro electrónico -
2013Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.3.1 FTI SPAM Using GA Algorithm -- Chromosome Generation -- Fitness Function -- Crossover -- Mutation -- Termination -- 5.3.2 Patterns Matching Using SCI -- 5.3.3 Pattern Classification Based on SCI Value -- 5.3.4 Significant Pattern Evaluation -- 5.4 Detection of Congestive Heart Failure Using Automatic Classifier -- 5.4.1 Analyzing the Dataset -- 5.4.2 Data Collection -- Long-Term HRV Measures -- Attribute Selection -- 5.4.3 Automatic Classifier-Belief Network -- 5.5 Experimental Analysis -- 5.6 Conclusion -- References -- 6 Multimodal Context-Sensitive Human Communication Interaction System Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Human-Centered Computing -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Literature Survey -- 6.3 Proposed Model -- 6.3.1 Multimodal Data -- 6.3.2 Dimensionality Reduction -- 6.3.3 Principal Component Analysis -- 6.3.4 Reduce the Number of Dimensions -- 6.3.5 CNN -- 6.3.6 CNN Layers -- Convolution Layers -- Padding Layer -- Pooling/Subsampling Layers -- Nonlinear Layers -- 6.3.7 ReLU -- Fully Connected Layers -- Activation Layer -- 6.3.8 LSTM -- 6.3.9 Weighted Combination of Networks -- 6.4 Experimental Results -- 6.4.1 Accuracy -- 6.4.2 Sensibility -- 6.4.3 Specificity -- 6.4.4 A Predictive Positive Value (PPV) -- 6.4.5 Negative Predictive Value (NPV) -- 6.5 Conclusion -- 6.6 Future Scope -- References -- 7 AI, Planning and Control Algorithms for IoRT Systems -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 General Architecture of IoRT -- 7.2.1 Hardware Layer -- 7.2.2 Network Layer -- 7.2.3 Internet Layer -- 7.2.4 Infrastructure Layer -- 7.2.5 Application Layer -- 7.3 Artificial Intelligence in IoRT Systems -- 7.3.1 Technologies of Robotic Things -- 7.3.2 Artificial Intelligence in IoRT -- 7.4 Control Algorithms and Procedures for IoRT Systems…”
Libro electrónico -
2014por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Des mariages moins nombreux et plus susceptibles de se terminer en divorce -- 2.2.2. Le comportement vis-à-vis de la fécondité…”
Publicado 2004
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2015Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.1 Programming "How-To -- 5.1.1 Program Structure -- 5.1.2 Using Set() -- 5.1.3 Labels and Goto() -- 5.1.4 While() Loops -- 5.1.5 GotoIf() Conditional -- 5.1.6 Gosub() Subroutines -- 5.2 Variables -- 5.2.1 Expanding Variables in an Extension -- 5.2.2 General Considerations -- 5.2.3 Defining Global Variables in extensions.conf -- 5.2.4 Defining Variables with Set() -- 5.2.5 Inheritance of Channel Variables -- 5.2.6 System Channel Variables -- 5.2.7 Manipulating Variables -- 5.3 Special Extensions -- 5.3.1 The h Extension -- 5.3.2 The i Extension -- 5.3.3 The o and a Extensions -- 5.3.4 The t and T Extensions -- 5.3.5 The s Extension -- 5.4 Macros -- 5.5 Deprecated Features -- Chapter 6 Asterisk Extension Language -- 6.1 CLI Commands for AEL -- 6.2 aelparse -- 6.3 Comparing extensions.conf with extensions.ael -- 6.3.1 Line Termination -- 6.3.2 Contexts, Extensions, and Priorities -- 6.3.3 Comments -- 6.3.4 Includes -- 6.3.5 Global Variables -- 6.3.6 Expressions and Variable Assignment -- 6.3.7 Labels, goto, and jump -- 6.3.8 Conditionals -- 6.3.9 Loops -- 6.3.10 Macros -- 6.3.11 Hints -- 6.3.12 Filtering by Caller ID -- 6.4 Choosing between extensions.ael and extensions.conf -- Chapter 7 Protocols -- 7.1 Network Protocols -- 7.1.1 Transmission Control Protocol -- 7.1.2 User Datagram Protocol -- 7.2 Channels -- 7.3 Peers, Users, and Friends -- 7.4 IAX Versus SIP -- Chapter 8 Making Connections -- 8.1 Codecs -- 8.1.1 What Does a Codec Do? …”
Libro electrónico -
2016por Das, Lyla. B.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8: The Interrupt Structure of 8086 -- 8.1 Interrupts of 8086 -- 8.1.1 Interrupt Response of 8086 -- 8.1.2 Interrupt Service Routine and Interrupt Vector -- 8.1.3 Interrupt Vector Table -- 8.2 Dedicated Interrupt Types -- 8.2.1 INT 0 (Divide by Zero Error) -- 8.2.2 INT 1 (Single Stepping) -- 8.2.3 INT 2 (Non Maskable Interrupt) -- 8.2.4 INT 3 (Breakpoint Interrupt) -- 8.2.5 INT 4 (Overfl ow Interrupt) -- 8.2.6 Allocation of Interrupt Type Numbers -- 8.3 Software Interrupts -- 8.3.1 DOS and BIOS Interrupt Routines -- 8.4 Hardware Interrupts -- 8.4.1 NMI -- 8.4.2 INTR -- 8.5 Priority of Interrupts -- 8.6 Interrupt Type Allocation for Current PCs -- 8.6.1 BIOS and DOS Interrupts -- 8.6.2 BIOS 10H Functions -- 8.6.3 Video Adapter -- 8.6.4 History -- 8.6.5 Text and Graphics -- 8.6.6 Character Display -- 8.6.7 Color Configuration -- 8.7 BIOS 10H Functions -- 8.8 Addressing Video Memory Directly -- 8.9 Keyboard Interfacing -- 8.9.1 Computer Keyboard -- 8.9.2 Keyboard Hardware -- Keyboard Controller -- Scan Code -- 8.9.3 Keyboard Interrupt Type 09 -- BIOS INT 09 Routine -- 8.9.4 BIOS 16H Functions -- 8.10 Hooking an Interrupt -- 8.10.1 Terminate and Stay Resident -- 8.10.2 DOS Functions for Interrupt Hooks -- 8.10.3 Hooking Into Hardware Interrupts -- Key Points of this Chapter -- Questions -- Exercises -- Chapter 9: Peripheral Interfacing - I -- 9.1 Trainer Kit -- 9.2 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)-8255A -- 9.2.1 Pin Configuration and Internal Block Diagram -- 9.2.2 Programming the PPI -- 9.3 Modes of Operation -- 9.4 Mode 0 -- 9.4.1 Interfacing 16 Bits I/O Ports to the 8255 -- 9.4.2 Bit Set Reset Mode -- 9.5 Mode 1 -- 9.5.1 Strobed Input Mode -- 9.5.2 Mode 1: Strobed Output -- 9.6 Mode 2 (Strobed Bidirectional Bus I/O) -- 9.7 Centronics Printer Interface -- 9.7.1 History…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
2018Publicado 2022“…Along the way, you'll gain hands-on experience with modern terminals, shells, and commands, use Linux networking, and learn how to manage your workloads, all with the goal of implementing modern Linux observability. …”
Libro electrónico -
2019Publicado 2022“…In this case, argparse can help build all you need to handle inputs in the terminal. We'll see how a single file named that calculates file sizes can make use of argparse to handle the input in the terminal. …”
Video -
2020por Magaña Paz, Carlota ( 1997-)“…Los cuidados paliativos van encaminados a proporcionar al paciente con una enfermedad terminal una mejora en la calidad de vida a través de un abordaje holístico. …”
Publicado 2019