Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 31
- Taiwan 24
- China 20
- Foreign relations 19
- Politics and government 19
- Social aspects 15
- Economic conditions 14
- -Comunismo 12
- -Historia 12
- Budismo 12
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 12
- Historia 12
- Research 12
- Education 11
- Engineering 11
- Political aspects 10
- Law 8
- Medicine 8
- Religion 8
- Computer science 7
- Development 7
- Economics 7
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 7
- Foreign economic relations 7
- International law 7
- International relations 7
- Relations 7
- Study and teaching 7
- Technological innovations 7
801por Velde, Paul, authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Deshima, mon Amour -- The Publishing of the Marginalia of the Deshima Diaries -- Dutch Class: The Dutch Language as a Vehicle to Western Science -- The Zealander Jan van der Cruijsse’s “Japanese” Diary (1736-37) -- The Man Who Paved the Way : The Interpreter Imamura Gen’emon Eisei (1671-1737) as the Founder of Dutch Studies -- Janis Reijnhout (1816-1870) laid to rest in the Dutch cemetery in Nagasaki with a Dutch-Japanese inscription -- CHAPTER 2 The Colonial Clash -- Colonial War and Emporial War on Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century -- From Sabang to Merauke: Dutch Imperialism in the Light of a Blazing Discussion -- From Colonial Lobby to Colonial Hobby : The Royal Dutch Geographical Society and the Dutch East Indies, 1873-1914 -- Jacob Haafner’s Treatise on the Disastrous Effects of Missionary Activities World-wide -- CHAPTER 3 The Biographical Embrace -- Who is Afraid of the Historical Biography? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
802por Singh, RobertTabla de Contenidos: “…Chinese Military Developments: Enter the DragonTaiwan; Conclusion: the Limits of Strategic Engagement with China; 8 Russia; Introduction; Resetting Russian-American Relations; Missile Defense, New START, and Afghanistan; Missile Defense; New START; Afghanistan, Central Asia and the ""Post-Soviet Space""; Resetting the Reset?…”
Publicado 2012
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803Publicado 2024“…El té de burbujas es una bebida creada en Taiwán en los años 80 cuya popularidad se ha expandido por todo el planeta en las últimas décadas. …”
Clic para texto completo. Acceso restringido UPSA.
Tesis -
804por Booth, Anne, 1946-“…It is well known that Taiwan and South Korea, both former Japanese colonies, achieved rapid growth and industrialization after 1960. …”
Publicado 2007
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805Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Community College Formation and Foundation -- Defining the Community College Model -- Globalization and Community College Model Development -- Community Colleges in the United States -- Introduction: Community College Models and Their Roles as Humanitarian Institutions -- From Education to Grassroots Learning: Towards a Civil Society Through Community Colleges in Taiwan -- Community Colleges and the Globalization of Higher Education in Postcolonial Zimbabwe -- Indian Community College System: Democratic Response to Globalization -- The Development of the Community College Model in Vietnam at the Time of the Country's Reorganization and International Integration -- Modeling Social Justice Through the Community College -- A Study of Community College Synchronization with the Educational Needs of Local People in Thailand -- Introduction: Economic Conditions Globally Shaping the Community College Models -- Community Colleges in China's Two Systems -- Challenges and Opportunities for Postsecondary Education and Training in Barbados, Bahamas, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago -- Globalization of Higher Education and Community Colleges in Vietnam -- Technological Universities: A Relevant Educational Model for Mexico? …”
Libro electrónico -
806por Bechler, Antonin“…Tels sont les axes qui structurent cet ouvrage évoquant des cinématographies aussi riches que celles du Japon, de la Chine, de Taiwan ou encore de la Corée du Sud et du Nord, de la Malaisie ou des Philippines... …”
Publicado 2018
Electrónico -
807Publicado 2023“…It then offers a series of case studies from around the world, including the United States, Canada, Kenya, South Africa, and Taiwan. These case studies are organized around key elements of environmental justice such as water and air pollution, displacement and gentrification, soil contamination, and transportation accessibility. …”
Libro electrónico -
808por Amnesty Internacional.Tabla de Contenidos: “…MalaisiaMalawi; Maldivas; Malí; Malta; Marruecos y el Sáhara Occidental; Mauritania; México; Moldavia; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; Nicaragua; Níger; Nigeria; Nueva Zelanda; Omán; Países Bajos; Pakistán; Papúa Nueva Guinea; Paraguay; Perú; Polonia; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Qatar; Reino Unido; República Centroafricana; República Checa; República del Congo; República Democrática del Congo; República Dominicana; Ruanda; Rumania; Rusia; Senegal; Serbia; Sierra Leona; Singapur; Siria; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Suazilandia; Sudáfrica; Sudán; Suecia; Suiza; Tailandia; Taiwán…”
Publicado 2007
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
810Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Portadilla -- Página legal -- Contenido -- Índice de figuras -- Índice de fotografías -- Índice de tablas -- Introducción -- Prólogo -- La motocicleta: una alternativa emergente que se consolida en Colombia -- Generalidades de la movilidad en Bogotá -- La motocicleta como modo de transporte en Bogotá -- Análisis de la distribución espacial de origen y destino de viajes en motocicleta para Bogotá -- Problemas asociados a la motocicleta como modo de transporte -- Caso: Bogotá -- Accidentalidad -- Contaminación y salud pública -- Emisiones vehiculares por combustión -- Conflicto con el automóvil, el peatón y el bus -- Ocupación del espacio público -- Problemas regulatorios frente a la tipología de vehículos -- Problemas de seguridad urbana -- Ventajas asociadas a la motocicleta como modo de transporte -- Caso: Bogotá -- La velocidad de viaje -- Análisis de rutas cortas (< -- 5 km) -- Análisis de rutas medias (> -- 5 km y < -- 10 km) -- Criterio de los motociclistas: tiempo de viaje y costo asociado -- La visión de los concesionarios de motocicletas en Bogotá -- Comportamientos recurrentes de los motociclistas en Bogotá -- La motocicleta en el contexto mundial -- Caso China -- Caso India -- Caso Taiwán -- Caso Italia -- Caso España -- Contexto latinoamericano -- Caso Brasil -- Caso Ciudad de México -- Caso Costa Rica -- Caso Buenos Aires -- Estrategias para regular las externalidades negativas asociadas al aumento del parque automotor de motocicletas en Bogotá -- Mejora continua del transporte público urbano -- Rigurosidad en las licencias de conducción -- Respeto y cumplimiento de la ley -- Campañas de seguridad vial -- Infraestructura -- Nuevas contribuciones -- Gestión de la información -- Medidas para pacificar el tránsito -- Zonas de restricción -- Gestión al estacionamiento en vía…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
811Tabla de Contenidos: “…Characteristics of general education in Taiwan's universities and the inspirations to the universities in the MainlandA new model of forecast enrollment using fuzzy time series; The application of 3D technology in vocational education; Reform practice of cooking in higher education-take Sichuan Tourism University as an example; Sports value outlook and physical training behavior of middle school students in China's western ethnic minority regions; The support environment mechanism of clusters ecosystem…”
Libro electrónico -
812por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Klein""; ""3 Towards the Elaboration of Business Climate Indicators for the Italian Economy Paolo Camazza and Giuseppe Parigi""; ""4 Compiling and Comparison of Taiwan's Business Indicators Cheng-Mount Cheng""…”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
813por Schaeffler, JimmyTabla de Contenidos: “…International DVR Growth; 7.1 Canada; 7.2 Asia; 7.3 Australia; 7.4 South Korea; 7.5 Taiwan; 7.6 China; 7.7 Japan; 7.8 India; 7.9 Europe; 7.10 England; 7.11 France; 7.12 Germany; 7.13 South America; 7.14 Brazil; 7.15 Mexico; 7.16 Summary; 8. …”
Publicado 2009
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814Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…The two big problems: taiwan and north koreaChina as an international player by 2020; International china in the coming decade - the two paths; A beijing model; The key factor: what happens within; Notes; 3 The chinese economy in the next decade; Forecasting china; The chinese state; Politics, policy and the state; China and the global economy; The financial sector; Inequality and consumption; Demography; Urbanisation; Conclusion; Notes; 4 China's military in 2020; Introduction: robust economy; Arms embargoes; Combat experience; Confidence and change; Pla: the armed wing of the party…”
Libro electrónico -
815Publicado 2008“…Panourgia and Marcus bring together anthropologists working in various parts of the world (Greece, Bali, Taiwan, the United States) with classicists, historians, and scholars in cultural studies. …”
Libro electrónico -
817Publicado 2017“…The China Story Yearbook 2016: Control surveys the year in China’s economy, population planning, law enforcement and reform, environment, Internet, medicine, religion, education, historiography, foreign affairs, and culture, as well as developments in Taiwan and Hong Kong…”
Libro electrónico -
818Publicado 2003“…Tensions persist on the Korean peninsula, in the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea, and in Kashmir. …”
Libro electrónico -
819por Bassano, Marie“…Dépassant la simple approche française, cet ouvrage réunit 19 contributions qui intéressent d’autres législations (Chine, Taïwan, Espagne) ainsi que le droit international pour questionner les rapports entre normes. …”
Publicado 2020
Electrónico -
820Publicado 2021“…The International Symposium on Future ICT (Future-ICT 2019) in conjunction with the 4th International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec 2019) was held on 17–19 October 2019 in Taichung, Taiwan. The symposium provided academic and industry professionals an opportunity to discuss the latest issues and progress in advancing smart applications based on future ICT and its relative security. …”
Libro electrónico