Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Leadership 23
- Success in business 22
- Literatura alemana 21
- Management 20
- History 16
- Self-actualization (Psychology) 15
- Brecht, Bertolt 13
- Career development 12
- Organizational change 12
- Teatro 12
- Business 10
- Business & Economics 10
- Development 10
- Historia 10
- Psychological aspects 10
- Teatro alemán 10
- Vocational guidance 10
- Application software 9
- Success 9
- Digital techniques 7
- Interpersonal relations 7
- Strategic planning 7
- Business enterprises 6
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 6
- Industrial management 6
- New business enterprises 6
- Psychology 6
- Technological innovations 6
- Biblia 5
- Business planning 5
501Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…: JSF 2.0 -- How do I monitor the traffic between the browser and the server? -- How do I debug a stuck page? -- How do I use testing tools when developing a JSF application? …”
Libro electrónico -
502Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…When separate managers manage -- Naming Your LLC -- Following naming law -- Determining the Availability of a Name -- Checking names in your state -- Conducting a trademark search -- Reserving your name in your state -- Getting the name you want with a DBA -- Getting a trademark for your name -- Knowing what constitutes a good trademark -- Completing Your Identity with a Logo -- Registering your trademark -- Changing Your Name -- Choosing the Best State for Your LLC -- Your State or Not Your State -- That Is the Question -- When "easy" wins out -- When you are operating in multiple states. . . -- When you are stuck with pass-through taxation -- Looking for LLCs Out of State -- Exploring Tax and Privacy Havens -- Wyoming: The birthplace of LLCs -- Delaware: The heavy hitter with the chancery court -- South Dakota: Serious About Attracting Local Business -- Nevada: Still Worth a Mention -- Other Up-and-Coming States -- A Few Caveats. . . -- Working with a State-Required Registered Agent -- Why you need a registered agent -- What your agent should do for you -- How to find an agent -- Evaluating agents -- Chapter 5 Creating and Filing Your Articles of Organization -- Preparing Your Articles -- Meeting your state's requirements -- Provisions that your articles must have -- The antiquated duration provision -- Extra provisions you may want to include -- Provisions for professional LLCs -- Putting it all together -- Choosing who signs -- Filing Your Articles -- Dotting your i's and crossing your t's -- Sending it off -- Dealing with a rejected filing -- Considering Formation Companies -- Chapter 6 Converting Your Current Business into an LLC -- Considering Conversion to an LLC -- Navigating the Tax Implications -- Converting from a sole proprietorship -- Converting from a general or limited partnership -- The big nontaxable event…”
Libro electrónico -
503Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Making an Error Behave the Way You Want -- Part 2 Doing the Math -- Chapter 5 Calculating Loan Payments and Interest Rates -- Understanding How Excel Handles Money -- Going with the cash flow -- Formatting for currency -- Choosing separators -- Figuring Loan Calculations -- Calculating the payment amount -- Calculating interest payments -- Calculating payments toward principal -- Calculating the number of payments -- Calculating the number of payments with PDURATION -- Calculating the interest rate -- Calculating the principal -- Chapter 6 Appreciating What You'll Get, Depreciating What You've Got -- Looking into the Future -- Depreciating the Finer Things in Life -- Calculating straight-line depreciation -- Creating an accelerated depreciation schedule -- Creating an even faster accelerated depreciation schedule -- Calculating a midyear depreciation schedule -- Measuring Your Internals -- Chapter 7 Using Basic Math Functions -- Adding It All Together with the SUM Function -- Rounding Out Your Knowledge -- Just plain old rounding -- Rounding in one direction -- Leaving All Decimals Behind with INT -- Leaving Some Decimals Behind with TRUNC -- Looking for a Sign -- Ignoring Signs -- Chapter 8 Advancing Your Math -- Using PI to Calculate Circumference and Diameter -- Generating and Using Random Numbers -- The all-purpose RAND function -- Precise randomness with RANDBETWEEN -- Ordering Items -- Combining -- Raising Numbers to New Heights -- Multiplying Multiple Numbers -- Using What Remains with the MOD Function -- Summing Things Up -- Using SUBTOTAL -- Using SUMPRODUCT -- Using SUMIF and SUMIFS -- Getting an Angle on Trigonometry -- Three basic trigonometry functions -- Degrees and radians -- Part 3 Solving with Statistics -- Chapter 9 Throwing Statistics a Curve -- Getting Stuck in the Middle with AVERAGE, MEDIAN, and MODE -- Deviating from the Middle…”
Libro electrónico -
504Publicado 2014“…In nicht geringer Anzahl (mehr als 1000 Stück) sind diese auch heute noch inschriftlich erhalten, sei es auf Fresken, Mosaiken, Ikonen, auf so genannten Objekten der Kleinkunst und in Handschriften, in denen sie als Rahmen von Miniaturen fungieren oder Figurengedichte bilden. …”
Libro electrónico -
505por Dave, Parag H.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Design and Analysis of Algorithms -- Copyright -- Preface -- Brief Contents -- Contents -- Timeline of Algorithms -- Algorithm Design -- Introduction -- Objectives -- Basic Concerns -- Relationship Between Algorithms and other Aspects of Software -- The Evolution of Algorithm -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Exercises -- Web Resources -- Problem Solving with a Computer -- Objectives -- Introduction -- Solving a Problem with a Computer -- Statement of the Problem or Problem Definition -- Development of a Model -- Design of the Algorithm -- Checking the Correctness of the Algorithm -- Implementation in Some Programming Language -- Analyze and Study the Complexity of the Algorithm -- Program Testing-Debugging and Profiling -- Documentation preparation -- Some More Examples -- Finding the square root of a number -- Smallest divisor of an integer number -- Generation of prime numbers -- Generation of pseudo-random numbers -- Problem Solving in General -- The STAIR steps for solving problems -- Problem solving as applied to numerical algorithms -- Reduction to known problems -- Strategy if we are stuck -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Exercises -- Web Resources -- Top-Down Design -- Objectives -- Introduction -- Structured Programming -- Control Constructs -- If-Then-Else -- For-Do -- Case -- Repeat-Until -- While-Do -- Goto and ExitLoop -- Procedures and Functions -- Recursion -- Order of Execution of Statements in a Recursive Function -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Exercises -- Web Resources -- Iterative Algorithm Design Issues -- Objectives -- Introductio -- Use of Loops -- Efficiency of Algorithms -- Removing Redundant Computations Outside Loops -- Referencing of Array Elements -- Inefficiency Due to Late Termination -- Early Detection of Desired Output Conditions -- Estimating and Specifying Execution Times…”
Publicado 1900
Libro electrónico -
506Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Renovation Filter -- Dimensioning -- The Navigator and the Project Map -- Organizing the Project Map -- Creating views and organizing them in the View Map -- Organizing the View Map -- Layouts and the Layout Book -- Drawings, sheets, and masters -- Working with Layouts and Master Layouts -- Publisher -- The publishing workflow -- Developing a Publisher Set -- From Navigator to Organizer -- Creating a new Publisher Set -- Publishing all your output in one go -- Summary -- Chapter 15: The Various Visualization Techniques in Archicad -- Creating compelling images with Archicad -- Getting creative with 2D and 3D Views - preparation -- Adding texture to Floor Plans and Elevations using Graphic Overrides -- Taking it a step further with 3D documents -- Creating rendered images -- Surfaces for rendering -- Lighting -- PhotoRendering Settings -- Conceptual images with sketch rendering -- Animation in Archicad -- Using external imaging software -- Model conversion -- Preparing an Archicad View -- Third-party software examples for rendering -- Real-time visualization -- BIMx, an interactive Graphisoft "app" -- External game engine applications -- Summary -- Appendix: Some Final Tips and Tricks -- What to do when you get stuck -- Remember the on-screen feedback -- Going through all the steps again -- Getting help -- What we didn't cover -- Summary -- Index -- Other Books You May Enjoy…”
Libro electrónico -
507por Ebner, JürgenTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Über dieses Buch -- Teil I: Grundlagen von Kali Linux -- Kapitel 1: Einführung -- 1.1 Unterschied zwischen Kali und Debian -- 1.2 Ein Stück Geschichte -- 1.3 Kali Linux - für jeden etwas -- 1.3.1 Varianten von Kali Linux -- 1.4 Die Hauptfeatures -- 1.4.1 Live-System -- 1.4.2 Ein maßgeschneiderter Linux-Kernel -- 1.4.3 Komplett anpassbar -- 1.4.4 Ein vertrauenswürdiges Betriebssystem -- 1.4.5 Auf einer großen Anzahl von ARM-Geräten verwendbar -- 1.5 Richtlinien von Kali Linux -- 1.5.1 Benutzer ohne root-Rechte -- 1.5.2 Netzwerkdienste sind standardmäßig deaktiviert -- 1.5.3 Eine organisierte Sammlung von Tools -- 1.6 Zusammenfassung -- Kapitel 2: Linux-Grundlagen -- 2.1 Was ist Linux und wie funktioniert es? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
508por Kern, Rudolf“…Die Darstellung enthält nicht nur eine vollständige Biographie und Schriftendokumentation Tedescos, sie umfasst auch zahlreiche Kurzporträts seiner Schicksalsgefährten und präsentiert zugleich ein beträchtliches Stück belgischer und luxemburgischer Gesellschaftspolitik und Revolutionsgeschichte im 19.Jahrhundert. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
509Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- CHAPTER 10 Advanced Topics in Pricing -- Nonlinear Pricing -- A Single Two-Part Tariff -- Two Two-Part Tariffs -- Tie-in Sales -- General Justifications for Tie-in Sales -- Tie-in Sales as a Method of Price Discrimination -- Package Tie-in Sales of Independent Products -- Interrelated Demands -- Quality Choice -- Other Methods of Nonlinear Pricing -- Minimum Quantities and Quantity Discounts -- Selection of Price Schedules -- Premium for Priority -- Auctions -- Summary -- Problems -- APPENDIX 10A The Optimal Two-Part Tariff -- APPENDIX 10B Nonlinear Pricing with an Example -- EXAMPLE 10.1 Football Tariffs -- EXAMPLE 10.2 You Auto Save from Tie-in Sales -- EXAMPLE 10.3 Stuck Holding the Bag -- EXAMPLE 10.4 Tied to TV -- EXAMPLE 10.5 Not Too Suite-Mixed Bundling -- EXAMPLE 10.6 Price Discriminating on eBay -- CHAPTER 11 Strategic Behavior -- Strategic Behavior Defined -- Noncooperative Strategic Behavior -- Predatory Pricing -- Limit Pricing -- Investments to Lower Production Costs -- Raising Rivals' Costs -- Welfare Implications and the Role of the Courts -- Cooperative Strategic Behavior -- Practices That Facilitate Collusion -- Cooperative Strategic Behavior and the Role of the Courts -- Summary -- Problems -- Suggested Readings…”
Libro electrónico -
510Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Scale-up Leadership Mindset -- Startup Leaders Can't Get Stuck at 30,000 Feet -- Chapter Two Bridging The transition from manager To executive: How Leaders Got Their First Role -- Making The leadership Transition: You don't Have to be "fully Ready" to go For it -- How They Got Their First Executive Role: Real Stories from Startup Executives -- Mindy Lauck on Being a Non-founder Startup Team Member Promoted to Executive, and Then CEO (twice!)…”
Libro electrónico -
511Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Overcoming the Three Open Problems: The NEONATE Vision -- 4.1. The Stuck Situation -- 4.2. The Vision -- 4.3. Existing Integrated Testing Environments -- 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
513Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…381 Simple Tricks to Resolve Problems 381 Documenting the flow 382 Talking through your code 382 Writing comments for future-you 382 The Debugger 383 Debugging setup 383 Working the debugger 385 Setting a breakpoint 387 Watching variables 388 Improved Error Messages 390 Part 6: The Part of Tens 393 Chapter 26: Ten Common Boo-Boos 395 Conditional Foul-Ups 395 == v = 396 Dangerous Loop Semicolons 397 Commas in for Loops 398 Missing break in a switch Structure 398 Missing Parentheses and Curly Brackets 399 Don't Ignore a Warning 399 Endless Loops 400 scanf() Blunders 401 Streaming Input Restrictions 402 Chapter 27: Ten Reminders and Suggestions 403 Maintain Good Posture 404 Use Creative Names 404 Write a Function 405 Work on Your Code a Little Bit at a Time 405 Break Apart Larger Projects into Several Modules 406 Know What a Pointer is 406 Add Whitespace before Condensing 407 Know When if-else Becomes switch-case 407 Remember Assignment Operators 408 When You Get Stuck, Read Your Code Out Loud 409 Part 7: Appendices 411 Appendix A: ASCII Codes 413 Appendix B: Keywords 419 Appendix C: Operators 421 Appendix D: Data Types 423 Appendix E: Escape Sequences 425 Appendix F: Conversion Characters 427 Appendix G: Order of Precedence 429 Index 431.…”
Libro electrónico -
514Publicado 2002“…Der Band enthält Stücke lateinamerikanischer Autoren, die zur Zeit der Diktaturen der letzten 25 Jahre des 20. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
515Publicado 2009“…Dabei untersucht die Autorin sowohl die nur fragmentarisch erhalten Stücke der griechischen Komödie, als auch vor allem komplett erhaltene Stücke von Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus und Terenz. …”
Libro electrónico -
516por Keel, O.“…Die 700 Stucke wurden so ausgewahlt, dass sie alle wichtigen in Kanaan/Palastina produzierten oder dahin importierten Gruppen und Motive reprasentieren und so eine Art Lehrbuch zu dieser Thematik darstellen. …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
517por Jörns, Klaus-Peter
Publicado 1971Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
518Publicado 2023“…Er zeigt verlassene und zerfallene Gebäude, Räume, in denen sich das Leben früherer Zeiten nur noch erahnen lässt, Natur, die sich Ruinen Stück für Stück zurückerobert hat, Wände mit Rissen, Falten und Flecken und vieles mehr – ein Sortiment des Zerfalls, in neuem Licht präsentiert. …”
Libro electrónico -
519Publicado 2007“…Seine durch szenischen Minimalismus und ein breites Spektrum metadramatischer Formen und Verfahren gekennzeichneten Stücke loten die Grenzzonen des Mediums Theater aus und regen mit ihrer auffälligen Tendenz zur Episierung eine Reflexion des Zuschauers über die eigene Wahrnehmung an. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Tesis -
520Publicado 2009“…Bees erhärtet die von ihm bereits 1993 begründete Unechtheit des Stückes nun von einer anderen Seite: die Ungerechtigkeit des Zeus, die in diesem Stück allenthalben zu Tage tritt, erscheint als bewußte Provokation eines unbekannten Autors gegen den Glauben des Aischylos…”