Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 72
- Computer-aided design 67
- Data processing 56
- Computer graphics 53
- History 42
- Research 42
- Design 41
- Development 33
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 30
- Application software 29
- Technique 29
- United States 29
- Programming 28
- Arquitectura 27
- SketchUp 27
- Engineering graphics 26
- Medical care 25
- Prevention 25
- Drawing 24
- Digital techniques 23
- Health aspects 23
- Arduino (Programmable controller) 20
- Web sites 20
- Engineering models 19
- Evaluation 19
- SolidWorks 19
- Computer programs 18
- Història 18
1661por Anderson, ChrisTabla de Contenidos: “…Deciding When to Use Silverlight; Comparing to HTML-Based Applications; Comparing to Rich Desktop Applications; Comparing to Other Microsoft Platforms; WPF; Windows Forms; ASP.NET; Comparing to Adobe Flash/Flex; Comparing to HTML5; Introducing Business Applications; Summary; CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Silverlight; Collecting the Required Tools; Visual Studio; Expression Blend 5 and SketchFlow; Silverlight 5 Tools; WCF RIA Services; Silverlight Toolkit; SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition; Silverlight Spy (and .NET Reflector)…”
Publicado 2012
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1662por Wheat, DaleTabla de Contenidos: “…Blinky LightsRoom for Expansion; The Mechanical Form Factor; Universal Serial Bus (USB): Signals Plus Power; Summary; CHAPTER 5 Arduino Software; Open Source Software; Multiplatform Support; The Arduino Heritage; Installing the Software; The Process, or "How to Arduino"; A Tour of the User Interface; The File Menu; The Edit Menu and the Edit Context Menu; The Sketch Menu; The Tools Menu; The Help Menu; Summary; CHAPTER 6 Optimizations; How Will You Know It Worked?…”
Publicado 2011
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1663Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…animation paths/advanced power slideranimation timeline; editing animation with f-curves; animating materials; looping animation; motion clips; align to spline; rail splines; point level animation; animation layers; old fashioned motion graphics; Rendering; 3D to 2D; rendering the viewport; interactive render region; picture viewer; render settings; anti-aliasing; options; ambient occlusion; caustics; cel rendering; depth of field; highlights; vector motion blur; global illumination; multi-pass rendering; physical render engine; physical camera; sketch and toon; team render; MoGraph…”
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1664por Greenberg, IraTabla de Contenidos: “…; Bits and Bytes; Mnemonics; Java; Processing; Quick Tour; Processing Menu System; Edit Menu; Sketch Menu; Tools Menu; Help Menu; Additional Menus; Summary; Chapter 2 Art by Numbers; Algorithms; Pseudocode Example; Generative Algorithm…”
Publicado 2013
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1665por Bloom, Susan RuddickTabla de Contenidos: “…Impressionist ClonerPastel Cloning; Oil Paint Cloning; More Oil Painting; Bristle Oil Cloner; Combining a Variety of Media into One Painting; Adding Texture to Your Painting; Old Masters Inspiration; Photocopy-Inspired Painting; Auto-Painting: Painting in a Hurry; Smart Stroke Painting; Make Virtually Any Brush a Cloner; Illustrative Sketch Technique; Painting Approach with Blenders; Edges and Cloning; Painterly Edge Effects; Chapter Six: Assembling a Collage in Photoshop®; My Scanner Is a Camera; Simple Collages; Collage with Lighting Effect; Suspend True Scale; Themed Collages…”
Publicado 2010
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1666por Bokmiller, DonTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5: Multiplatform Interoperability: Working with 2D and 3D Data2D Data Types; MicroStation 2D DGN; DXF; 2D Data for Standard Details; 2D Data for Plans, Sections, and Elevations; 3D Data Types; Revit Project File; Revit Family File; ADSK; IFC; AutoCAD DWG; SketchUp; Other File Formats; Point Clouds; The Bottom Line; Chapter 6: Parameters; Understanding Parameter Basics; Choosing the Correct Parameter; Naming Parameters; Using Type Parameters; Using Instance Parameters; Setting Parameter Discipline, Type, and Grouping; Using Parameters in Families; Dimensional Parameters Lock Function…”
Publicado 2013
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1667por Harper, Jeffrey M.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Placing and Beveling TextThe Bottom Line; Chapter 4 Editing Meshes and Creating Complex Objects; Creating Openings in a Wall with Boolean Operations; Hiding Shapes That Get in the Way; Creating the Shape of the Opening; Subtracting the Opening from the Wall; Creating Multiple Openings in a Single Wall; Making Changes to the Opening; Tracing a Sketch; Using a Bitmap Image; Scaling the Image Plane to the Model's Size; Tracing the Image; Building Objects from Traced Lines; Editing Meshes; Creating a Tapered Wall; Converting the Spline to a Mesh; Moving a Single Mesh Vertex…”
Publicado 2012
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1668por Bokmiller, DonTabla de Contenidos: “…2D Data for Standard Details2D Data for Plans Sections and Elevations; 3D Data Types; Revit Project File; Revit Family File; ADSK; IFC; AutoCAD DWG; SketchUp; Point Clouds; The Bottom Line; Chapter 6 Parameters; Understanding Parameter Properties; Parameter Naming; Type Parameters; Instance Parameters; Parameter Discipline, Type, and Grouping; Using Parameters in Families; Dimensional Parameters Lock Function; Parameter Types; Type Catalogs; Formulas; Coded Parameters; Lookup Tables; Using Shared Parameters; Using Parameters in Projects; Project Parameters; Parameters in Schedules…”
Publicado 2012
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1669Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Animation Workflow; High-Rez 3D; Low-Rez 3D; Workflow; An Idea, a Sketch, Lots of Research, and New Inspiration; Research; Modeling; UV Layout; Texture; Rigging and Skinning; Animation; Lighting and Rendering; Flexibility in the Process; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Maya Philosophy; A Bit of History; So What Is It?…”
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1670por Nordin, DaniTabla de Contenidos: “…Getting Your Hands Dirty with UXUser Experience: Bringing UX Design to an embedded team; Study the organization you're working with; It's not about looks; Let go of the outcome; User Experience: Techniques for Drupal; Mind mapping; User personas; User Flows; Functional Breakdowns; Screen Sketches and Wireframes; Wireflows; Content Strategy Documents; UX Techniques and Drupal: Practical issues to hammer out; Go Deeper: User Experience and Project Management; Books; Websites; Chapter 3. …”
Publicado 2011
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1671por Swenson, ErikTabla de Contenidos: “…L1: Basic ThemeL2: Brand Adaptation; L3: Custom Brand Adaptation; L4: Custom Design; Summary; CHAPTER 4 Creating the Visual Design; Design Preparations; Review Final Wireframes; Review Requirements; Review UX/Creative Brief; Establish Review Cycles and Schedules; Creating the Design; Create Sketches; Photo-Editing Tools; Base SharePoint Design; Adobe Photoshop Basics; Photoshop Tools; Photoshop Windows; Design Grids; Base Shell Styles; Web Part Styles; Content Frame; Final Polish; Conducting Design Reviews; What to Include; How to Organize; Who Should Attend; Summary…”
Publicado 2011
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1672Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Revisiting the series configExploring PlotOptions; Styling tooltips; Formatting tooltips in HTML; Using the callback handler; Applying a multiple-series tooltip; Animating charts; Expanding colors with gradients; Zooming data with the drilldown feature; Summary; Chapter 3: Line, Area, and Scatter Charts; Introducing line charts; Extending to multiple-series line charts; Highlighting negative values and raising the base level; Sketching an area chart; Mixing line and area series; Simulating a projection chart; Contrasting a spline with a step line; Extending to the stacked area chart…”
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1673por Garofalo, RaffaeleTabla de Contenidos: “…Database SchemaApplication Configuration; Visual Studio Solution; Resources and Third-Party Components; Summary; Chapter 3: Microsoft Expression Blend; Overview; Blend Workspace; Workspace Panels; Drawing; Shapes and Objects; Text and Text Effects; Animations; Styling and Templating Controls; Modifying Properties; Creating Styles; Design-Time Data; SketchFlow and the Mockups; Summary; Chapter 4: Creating the Views; Overview; Creating a Mock-up and Prototyping; The Main Screen; The List Views; The Details Views; The View Models; Base ViewModel Implementation; Details ViewModel; List ViewModel…”
Publicado 2011
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1674Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1 The Successful Investigator The Basics Investigator If You Have The Pig, You Have It Made Investigation Success Chapter 2 The Case Initiation Jurisdiction, Venue, And Purview Believable, Reliable, Or Credible Source Of Information Dollar Loss Seriousness/Harm Case Load Resources Funding/Finances Investigators' Desire Investigative Priorities Projected Remedy Prosecutor's Prerogative Media Or Public Interest Political Interests Chapter 3 Conducting Thorough Investigations Questions To Answer Seven Questions - The Five W's And Two H's Before, During, And After Chapter 4 Expanding Investigative Efforts Comparisons NCIC Resources Seven Questions: The Five Ws And Two Hs Plus "Else" Currently, Previously, Or In The Future Thinking Like Others Three Investigative Exploration Approaches Follow The Same Blueprint Chapter 5 Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Systemic Weaknesses Examples Of Suggestions For Improvement Chapter 6 Summary Reports Types Of Investigative Reports Official Files And Working Files Other Reports Preparing To Write Length Of Reports Attachments And Exhibits To Reports Reports Should Stand Alone Report Formats Common Report Writing Mistakes Chapter 7 The Investigator's Toolbox: Resources, Tools, and Techniques Investigative Resources Organizations Other Professionals Public Records Investigative Tools And Techniques Search Warrants Subpoenas Interceptions And Tracking Devices NCIC Mail Covers Trash Covers Undercovers Photogrpahy, Video, And Audio Recordings Laboratory Analysis Informants Polygraphs And Deception Detectors Analysis And Audits Other Case Files And Police Reports Ask Chapter 8 Interviewing Interviews And Interrogation Rapport Listen And Then Talk Note Taking Corroboration Word Choice Planning Body Language Props Finish The Job Empathy Statement Analysis Pronouns Partial Truths Equal Deception Specificity Minimizing Can't Recall Think Plural Interview Notes Interview Room Sketches And Photographs Chapter 9 Case Planning Plans Change Murphy's Law Private Investigations Administrative Responsibilities Case Files Electronic Case Folder Working File Official File The Investigative Plan In Summary Juggling A Case Load And Time Management Time Management Chapter 10 Large Scale Investigations Communication Planning The Interview Log Re: Strategy The Final Summary Report Attachments And Exhibits Post Draft Report Report Distribution Investigative Notes And Evidence Chapter 11 Making Presentations Graphics, Charts, Visual Aids, Photos And Videos Investigator's Appearance And Voice A Copy For The Prosecutor Presentations To Supervisors Indictments, Convictions, And Dollar Recoveries Chapter 12 Providing Testimony Dealing With The Opposing Counsel Visual Aids In Court Make Sure You Understand The Question Chapter 13 Closing the Case Old Case Files Evidence Recommendations For Improvement Suspensions, Debarment, And Improvement Plans Chapter 14 Personal and Professional Growth Training Networking Physical Fitness Morale Insurance And Representation Preparing For The Future Teddy Roosevelt Conclusion Appendix Samples of Case Presentation Visual Aids About the Author Index …”
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1675por Gerhard, MarkTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 4: Editing Meshes and Creating Complex ObjectsCreating Openings in a Wall with Boolean Operations; Tracing a Sketch; Editing Meshes; Using Instanced Clones to Create Symmetrical Forms; Attaching Objects to a Mesh; Smoothing Meshes; Creating and Modifying Objects Using Box Modeling; Creating Clones with Array and Snapshot; The Bottom Line; Chapter 5: Working with External Design Data; Creating Topography with Splines; Setting Up an AutoCAD Plan for 3ds Max; Importing AutoCAD Plans into 3ds Max Design; Exploring the File Link Manager; Importing a Truss…”
Publicado 2010
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1676Publicado 1997Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Integration Panel -- Executive Committee -- Programmatic Goals -- THE REVIEW PROCESS -- Tier 1: Scientific Peer Review -- Tier 2: Programmatic Review -- Consumer Participation -- Award Negotiation and Processing -- Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress -- 5 The Funded Portfolio of the 1993/1994 and 1995 BCRP Award Cycles -- RESEARCH PROJECTS -- INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCEMENT -- TRAINING AND RECRUITMENT -- Breast Cancer Centers and Mammography/Breast Imaging Projects -- Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions -- Opportunities for Minorities and Women -- FUNDING FOR PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION -- DISTRIBUTION OF AWARDS AMONG RESEARCH AREAS -- 6 Critique -- ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND PROGRAM OVERSIGHT -- APPLICATION PROCESS -- SCIENTIFIC PEER REVIEW -- PROGRAMMATIC REVIEW -- AWARD NEGOTIATION AND PROCESSING -- MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PROGRESS -- CONSUMER PARTICIPATION -- FUNDED PORTFOLIO -- 7 Conclusions and Recommendations -- CONCLUSIONS -- RECOMMENDATIONS RELATED TO PROGRAM ACHIEVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT -- Major Recommendations -- Other Recommendations -- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS -- References -- APPENDIX A Individuals Who Provided Testimony to the Committee -- USAMRMC -- BCRP SUPPORT -- BREAST CANCER FUNDING INSTITUTIONS -- PEER REVIEW ORGANIZATIONS -- BCRP EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES -- CONSUMER ORGANIZATIONS/ADVOCACY GROUPS -- INTEGRATION PANEL MEMBERS -- OTHER IOM STAFF -- APPENDIX B Individuals Who Provided Written Responses to Committee Questions -- PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES -- EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES -- CONSUMER GROUPS -- APPENDIX C ''Dear Colleague" Letter -- APPENDIX D Responses to "Dear Colleague" Letter -- APPENDIX E Tissue Bank Letter and Questionnaire -- Glossary and Acronyms -- Biographical Sketches…”
Libro electrónico -
1677Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Preface xi -- List of Abbreviations xiii -- Part I Wireless Communications Theory 1 -- 1 Historical Sketch of Wireless Communications 3 -- 1.1 Advancement of Wireless Communications Technologies 3 -- 1.2 Wireless Communications, Lifestyles, and Economics 6 -- References 9 -- 2 Probability Theory 11 -- 2.1 Random Signals 11 -- 2.2 Spectral Density 16 -- 2.3 Correlation Functions 18 -- 2.4 Central Limit Theorem 25 -- 2.5 Problems 28 -- Reference 30 -- 3 Wireless Channels 31 -- 3.1 Additive White Gaussian Noise 31 -- 3.2 Large?]…”
Libro electrónico -
1678Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…1.2 The Positive Economics of Income Distribution1.3 Value Judgments and Redistribution; 1.4 Concluding Reflections; Acknowledgments; Chapter 2: Inequality, Income, and Well-Being; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 A Brief Historical Sketch; 2.3 Inequality of What?; 2.4 Multidimensional Inequality and Dominance; 2.5 Applications; 2.6 Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Chapter 3: Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Preliminaries: Dimensions, Indicators, and Weights; 3.3 Multidimensional Poverty Measurement; 3.4 Multidimensional Inequality Measurement…”
Libro electrónico -
1679por Coombs, Ted“…Going well beyond the basics of search, this in-depth resource shows you how to access and apply every one of Google's features -- things like Gmail, Google Maps, and SketchUp -- while also explaining how to program Google, become a Froogle merchant, and much more. …”
Publicado 2007
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1680Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- Figure 1.1. Green's sketch plan of Kawa. -- Figure 1.2. Brick layout and bonding types A-O. -- Figure 1.3. …”
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