Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 72
- Computer-aided design 67
- Data processing 56
- Computer graphics 53
- History 42
- Research 42
- Design 41
- Development 33
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 30
- Application software 29
- Technique 29
- United States 29
- Programming 28
- Arquitectura 27
- SketchUp 27
- Engineering graphics 26
- Medical care 25
- Prevention 25
- Drawing 24
- Digital techniques 23
- Health aspects 23
- Arduino (Programmable controller) 20
- Web sites 20
- Engineering models 19
- Evaluation 19
- SolidWorks 19
- Computer programs 18
- Història 18
1641Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Finding Additional Sources of HelpThe Bottom Line; Chapter 3: Setting Up and Using the ; Setting Up a Work Area; Specifying Units; Fine-Tuning the Measurement System; Setting Up the Drawing Limits; Looking at an Alternative to Limits; Understanding Scale Factors; Using Polar Tracking; Setting the Polar Tracking Angle; Exploring the Drawing Process; Locating an Object in Reference to Others; Getting a Closer Look; Modifying an Object; Planning and Laying Out a Drawing; Making a Preliminary Sketch; Using the Layout; Erasing the Layout Lines; Putting on the Finishing Touches…”
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1642Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Microphone Sound Generating ElementsTypes of Microphones; Phantom Power; Microphone Accessories; Microphone Placement; Communication (Intercom) Systems; Electrical Power; Program Transmission; Backup Plans; Location Sketch; Budgeting for the Remote; Chapter 6. Pre-production and Set-up; Production Meetings; The Show Format; Equipment Set-up; Setting Up a Camera; Cabling; Camera Meetings; Facilities Check; Schedule; Rehearsals; Part 3: Creating the Production; Chapter 7. …”
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1643Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The closing phaseDetermining the needs; Gathering business requirements; The sales by state analysis; The sales trend analysis; The sales and quantity per product analysis; Determining the target audience and devices; Sketching our dashboard; Building the prototype; Dashboard creation process; Preparing the dashboard workspace; Summary; Chapter 3: UI Components; Before we start; Preferences; The Document tab; Grid tab; Excel options; Document properties; Adding our first chart component (pie chart); Linking chart with data; Configuring the main chart properties; Introducing other chart types…”
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1644por Omura, GeorgeTabla de Contenidos: “…Getting HelpUsing the InfoCenter; Exploring the AutoCAD 2014 Welcome Screen; Finding Additional Sources of Help; The Bottom Line; Chapter 3: Setting Up and Using the Drafting Tools; Setting Up a Work Area; Specifying Units; Fine-Tuning the Measurement System; Setting Up the Drawing Limits; Looking at an Alternative to Limits; Understanding Scale Factors; Using Polar Tracking; Setting the Polar Tracking Angle; Exploring the Drawing Process; Locating an Object in Reference to Others; Getting a Closer Look; Modifying an Object; Planning and Laying Out a Drawing; Making a Preliminary Sketch…”
Publicado 2013
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1645por Coles, AndrewTabla de Contenidos: “…MIDASTECHNICALANALYSIS; Contents; Introduction; Biographical Sketch, Paul H. Levine; Acknowledgments; PART I: STANDARD MIDAS SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE CURVES; CHAPTER 1 MIDAS and Its Core Constituents: The Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) and Fractal Market Analysis; MIDAS and Its Two Key Backdrops: VWAP and Fractal Market Analysis; The MIDAS Approach as a Genuine Standalone Trading System; Summary; CHAPTER 2 Applying Standard MIDAS Curves to the Investor Timeframes; Definitions of Timeframes-The Triple Screen Trading Methodology; MIDAS Curves within the Triple Screen System…”
Publicado 2011
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1646por Asch, DavidTabla de Contenidos: “…The great escapeINTERLUDE: Finding images for free; 9 Art & design; Soft textured portrait; Perceptions of a distant sun; Hollywood glamor; Creating a wax seal; The Graphic Novel filter; Notebook sketching; Wanted: preferably alive; Rapid stained glass; Blueprint for design; Neon signs with layer styles; You spin me round; Saving files for the Internet; Making things move; Glossary; Downloadable content; Index…”
Publicado 2013
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1647Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Selecting a PenPrototyping the Grip; Paper Sketch to SVG conversion; Importing into Tinkercad; Rescaling and Adjusting the Imported SVG; Testing the Prototype; Developing the NeoPixel Shell; Prototyping the Circuit; Solder the PCB Headers; NeoPixel Animation; Download the Code; Install the NeoPixel Library; NeoPixel Ring Code; Connect the NeoPixel Ring; Breadboard the Circuit; Attach Jumpers to the Battery Box; Power, Ground and PCB Connections; Pen Test; Transferring the Circuit; Hardwire the Headers; Spray-Paint the Mint Tin; Trace the Base; Cut the Wiring Holes…”
Libro electrónico -
1648por Arnowitz, JonathanTabla de Contenidos: “…Dependency DiagramStep 1: Prioritize Requirements; Step 2: Highlight Key Tasks; Step 3: Identify Needs; Swim Lane Diagrams; Step 1: Identify User Tasks; Step 2: Identify User Roles; Step 3: Layout User Roles and Task Flows; Step 4: Identify and Visualize Interrelationships; Usage Scenarios; Step 1: Sketch Out Plot; Step 2: Choose Cast; Step 3: Outline Plot; Step 4: Mark Points in Outline; Summary; References; CHAPTER 5 DEFINE PROTOTYPE CONTENT AND FIDELITY; Prototype Fidelity; Low Fidelity; High Fidelity; Prototype Content; Information Design…”
Publicado 2007
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1649por Campbell, Marc (Writer on technology)Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Chapter 3: Organizing the Content; Defining the Scope; Stating the Goals; Identifying the Audience; Consulting the Cards; Creating Content Cards; Organizing Content into Categories; Compiling the Outline; Chapter 4: Sketching the Interface; What Makes a Good Design?; Organizing the Layout; Looking at Side-Nav Layouts; Looking at Top-Nav Layouts; Designing the Navigation; Tackling the Main Navigation; Using text hyperlinks; Using static images…”
Publicado 2006
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1650por Simmons, C. H.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Parametric designSheet metalwork application; Pipework systems; Communicating design concepts; Chapter 4 Principles of fi rst and third angle orthographic projection; First angle projection; Third angle projection; Projection symbols; Drawing procedure; Reading engineering drawings; Projection exercises; Straight line examples; First angle projection examples with plotted curves (Fig. 4.22); Pictorial sketching from orthographic views; Geometric solids in third angle projection; Sectional views in third angle projection; Dimensioning examples (first angle projection)…”
Publicado 2004
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1651Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lesson 2 - Advanced Animation: Manipulating keyframes to create more refined animationskeyframe basics; the Work Area; Anchor Point overview; Pan Behind tool; motion control moves; the Graph Editor; Speed versus Value Graphs; panning and zooming time; editing graph curves; easing animations; Graph Editor Sets; Separate Dimensions; Motion Sketch; Smoother; Auto-Orient; Motion Blur; Roving Keyframes; Time-Reverse Keyframes; Hold keyframes; time display and timecode; Lesson 3 - Layer Control: Learning how to trim layers and enhance them using Blending Modes and effects; layers and stacking order…”
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1652por Gerhard, MarkTabla de Contenidos: “…The Bottom LineChapter 3: Creating Shapes with Splines; Drawing with Splines; Modifying a Shape Using Sub-object Levels; Outlining and Extruding Splines; Combining and Extruding Primitive Splines; Joining Closed Splines with Boolean Tools; Creating a Solid Form with Splines; Introducing the Spline Types; Editing Splines; Placing and Beveling Text; The Bottom Line; Chapter 4: Editing Meshes and Creating Complex Objects; Creating Openings in a Wall with Boolean Operations; Tracing a Sketch; Editing Meshes; Using Instanced Clones to Create Symmetrical Forms; Attaching Objects to a Mesh…”
Publicado 2009
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1653Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anatomical ResearchGeneral Creature Attributes; Head and Face; Upper Torso; Central Torso; Lower Torso; Tail; Biomechanical Input; Head and Face; Upper Torso; Central Torso; Lower Torso; Tail; Planning and Preparation; Print Screen; Thumbnail Sketching; Joint Placement Diagrams; Controller Diagrams; Topology and Looping Checks; Model and Scene Clean; The Final Save; Chapter 4: Base Rig; The ROOT Node; Custom Attributes; Joint and Bone Placement; Location Information Data Node; Test Skinning; Save Skinning; Bone Shaping; Range of Motion (ROM) Files; Motion Set List (MSL) Files…”
Libro electrónico -
1654Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “….; » try this; chapter 2: step away from the computer: for research & brainstorming; » research; » brainstorming; » sketches; » try this…”
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1655por Glebas, FrancisTabla de Contenidos: “…; How to Use Framing to Tell a Story; Camera Mobility; Alternative Approaches; A Trick for Planning Scenes; Proximity; Point of View: Subjective Camera; The Town of Dumb Love and SketchUpTM…”
Publicado 2009
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1656Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…; All the world's a stage; A winter wonderland; The great escape; Interlude: Finding images for free; 9 Art & design; Soft textured portrait; Perceptions of a distant sun; Hollywood glamour; Creating a wax seal; The Graphic Novel filter; Notebook sketching; Wanted: preferably alive; Rapid stained glass; Type-based art; Blueprint for design; Neon signs with layer styles; You spin me round; Saving files for the Internet; Making things move; Glossary; Downloadable content; Index…”
Libro electrónico -
1657por Warren, John-DavidTabla de Contenidos: “…Semi-ConductorsDatasheets; Integrated Circuits; Packages; Through-Hole Components; IC Sockets; Surface-Mount Components (SMT or SMD); Arduino Primer; Arduino Variants; Standard Arduino; Arduino Mega; Clones; Arduino IDE; The Sketch; Variable Declaration; The Setup Function; The Loop Function; Signals; Digital Signals; Digital Inputs; Digital Outputs; Special Case: External Interrupts; Analog Signals; Analog Inputs; Analog Outputs (PWM); Duty-Cycle; Frequency; Homemade PWM Example; Building Circuits; Circuit Design; Schematics; Prototyping; Breadboard; Perforated Prototyping Board (Perf-Board)…”
Publicado 2011
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1658por Wilcher, DonTabla de Contenidos: “…Assembly of the Electronic Singing Bird Circuit on a BreadboardCreating the Interactive Control Software; What Is a Sketch?; Final Testing of the Electronic Singing Bird; Further Discovery Methods; Chapter 2: Mini Digital Roulette Games; Parts List; How It Works; Forward Biasing a LED; LED Circuit Analysis; The LED Bar Display; Mini Roulette Game, Version 1; Adding the Game Software; The Seven-Segment LED Display Basics; Testing the Seven-Segment LED Display; Build an Arduino-based Seven Segment LED Display Flasher-Tester; The 7447 BCD-to-Decoder IC Basics…”
Publicado 2012
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1659por Graham, Wayne, 1977-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Project ReviewFeature Cull; Planning Milestones; Code; Deployment; User Testing; Launch; Summary; Chapter 5 Essential Game Components; Types of Graphics; Graphics Tools; Graphics Design Process; Sketch; Refine; Produce; Techniques; Lighting; Depth; Color; Focus and Blur; Movement; Drop Shadow; Audio; Creating Sounds; Software; Hardware; Recording; Royalty-Free Sounds; Preparing Your Audio; Understanding Copyright; Creative Commons-BY(CC-BY); Creative Commons-BY-Share Alike (CC-BY-SA); Creative Commons 0 (CC0); Gnu General Public License (GPL); Apache 2.0; MIT; Dual/Multi License; Summary…”
Publicado 2012
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