Mostrando 1,421 - 1,440 Resultados de 2,168 Para Buscar '"Sketch"', tiempo de consulta: 0.10s Limitar resultados
  1. 1421
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6 From a mother's worry to Soldiers' Mothers' action: building collective action on personal concerns7 Opposition substitutes: reflections on the collective action in support of the European University at St Petersburg; 8 Political culture in Russia from a local perspective; 9 Soviet modernity: the case of Soviet fashion; PART III Culture; 10 Spiritus loci: two East Karelian folklore epic traditions; 11 Autogenesis in Russian culture: an approach to the avant-garde; 12 Two hundred years of poshlost': a historical sketch of the concept…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 1422
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- A brief tour of ML algorithms -- Netflix - making recommendations -- Shadow draw - real-time user guidance for freehand drawing -- Shutterstock - image search based on composition -- iOS keyboard prediction - next letter prediction -- A typical ML workflow -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Introduction to Apple Core ML -- Difference between training and inference -- Inference on the edge -- A brief introduction to Core ML -- Workflow -- Learning algorithms -- Auto insurance in Sweden -- Supported learning algorithms -- Considerations -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Recognizing Objects in the World -- Understanding images -- Recognizing objects in the world -- Capturing data -- Preprocessing the data -- Performing inference -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Emotion Detection with CNNs -- Facial expressions -- Input data and preprocessing -- Bringing it all together -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Locating Objects in the World -- Object localization and object detection -- Converting Keras Tiny YOLO to Core ML -- Making it easier to find photos -- Optimizing with batches -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Creating Art with Style Transfer -- Transferring style from one image to another -- A faster way to transfer style -- Converting a Keras model to Core ML -- Building custom layers in Swift -- Accelerating our layers -- Taking advantage of the GPU -- Reducing your model's weight -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Assisted Drawing with CNNs -- Towards intelligent interfaces -- Drawing -- Recognizing the user's sketch -- Reviewing the training data and model -- Classifying sketches -- Sorting by visual similarity -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Assisted Drawing with RNNs -- Assisted drawing…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 1423
    por Allan, Alasdair
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction to the Arduino; The Arduino; Powering the Board; Input and Output; Communicating with the Board; Installing the Software; Connecting to the Board; Blinking an LED; Uploading the Sketch; Making a Serial Connection; Summary; Chapter 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 1424
    por Kaffka, Thomas
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Impressum -- Einleitung -- Teil I: Einführung in den 3D-Druck -- Kapitel 1: 3D-Druck heute -- 1.1 Automobilindustrie -- 1.2 Schmuck -- 1.3 Architektur -- 1.4 Textilindustrie -- 1.5 Kunst -- 1.6 Raumstation ISS -- Kapitel 2: Der 3D-Drucker -- 2.1 Der 3D-Drucker, der zu Ihnen passt -- 2.1.1 Funktionsweise eines FDM-Druckers -- 2.1.2 Andere 3D-Druckverfahren -- 2.1.3 Kaufberatun‌g (Features versus Preis) -- 2.2 3D-Drucker »out of the box« aufbauen und kennenlernen -- 2.2.1 Sicherheits- und Betriebshinweise -- 2.2.2 Das erste Einschalten -- 2.3 Ablauf eines 3D-Druckprojekts -- 2.3.1 Erstellen des 3D-Modells -- 2.3.2 Vorbereiten des 3D-Modells für den Druck -- 2.3.3 Drucken des 3D-Modells -- 2.3.4 Nachbereitung (Finalisieren) des Objekts -- 2.4 Zusätzlich nötiges Zubehör -- Kapitel 3: 3D-Modelle downloaden -- 3.1 3D-Modelle aus dem Internet downloaden -- 3.2 MyMiniFactory -- 3.3 Thingiverse -- Kapitel 4: 3D-Modelle mit Software erstellen -- 4.1 Paint 3D -- 4.1.1 Überblick über Paint 3D -- 4.1.2 Das Modell erstellen -- 4.1.3 Fertige Modelle verwenden -- 4.2 3D Builder -- 4.2.1 Überblick über 3D Builder -- 4.2.2 Bearbeitung eines 3D-Modells -- 4.3 SketchUp Free -- 4.3.1 Überblick über SketchUp Free -- 4.3.2 Ein Modell mit SketchUp Free erstellen -- 4.4 Blender -- 4.4.1 Überblick über Blender -- 4.4.2 Ein Modell mit Blender erstellen -- 4.5 MakeHuman - Menschen modellieren -- 4.5.1 Überblick über MakeHuman -- 4.5.2 Mit MakeHuman ein Modell erstellen -- 4.6 Alternative Programme -- Kapitel 5: 3D-Objekte einscannen -- 5.1 Überblick über verschiedene Scan-Verfahren -- 5.1.1 Fotogrammetrie -- 5.1.2 Infrarotscanner -- 5.1.3 Streifenlichtscanner -- 5.1.4 Laserscanner -- 5.2 Objekt per Fotogrammetrie einscannen -- 5.3 Objekt per Infrarotscanner einscannen -- 5.3.1 Scanner Kinect for Xbox One -- 5.3.2 Scanner Kinect for Xbox 360.…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 1425
    por Snow, Catherine E.
    Publicado 2002
    Libro electrónico
  6. 1426
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Richard Seaford, John Wilkins, and Matthew Wright: Introduction1: Richard Seaford: The Psukhê from Homer to Plato: A Historical Sketch2: Katja Maria Vogt: Imagining Good Future States: Hope and Truth in Plato's Philebus3: Richard Sorabji: Freedom and Will: Graeco-Roman Origins4: R. …”
    Revista digital
  7. 1427
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Preface -- Executive Summary -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Concepts, Definitions, and Guidelines for Measurement -- 3 A Theoretical Model of Elder Mistreatment -- 4 The Occurrence of Elder Mistreatment -- 5 Risk Factors for Elder Mistreatment -- 6 Screening and Case Identification in Clinical Settings -- 7 Evaluating Interventions -- 8 Research Ethics -- 9 Moving Forward -- References -- APPENDIX A Elder Mistreatment Measures and Studies -- APPENDIX B Analysis of Elder Abuse and Neglect Definitions Under State Law -- APPENDIX C Elder Abuse and Neglect: History and Concepts -- APPENDIX D Biographical Sketches -- 10 Elder Mistreatment: Epidemiological Assessment Methodology -- 11 Ethical and Policy Issues in Research on Elder Abuse and Neglect -- 12 The Clinical and Medical Forensics of Elder Abuse and Neglect -- 13 Financial Abuse of the Elderly in Domestic Settings -- 14 Elder Abuse in Residential Long-Term Care Settings: What Is Known and What Information Is Needed? …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 1428
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…FrontMatter -- Preface -- Acknowledgment of Reviewers -- Contents -- Introduction and Summary -- Context and Overview -- 1 Meeting the Global Water Challenge -- 2 Green Chemistry: The Impact on Water Quality and Supplies -- 3 Methylmercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems: A Widespread Problem with Many Challenges for the Chemical Sciences -- Water Quality and Supply: Analysis and Treatment -- 4 Desalination: Limitations and Challenges -- 5 Organic Contaminants in the Environment: Challenges for the Water/Environmental Engineering Community -- 6 AquaSentinelSM: Biosensors for Rapid Monitoring of Primary-Source Drinking Water -- Business Opportunities and Responsibilities -- 7 Some New Approaches at the Orange County Water District -- 8 A Perspective from a Water Company -- 9 Sustainable Development: Role of Industrial Water Management -- 10 Water Solutions and Strategies in the Chemical Industry -- 11 Classifying Drinking Water Contamination for Regulatory Consideration -- Appendixes -- Appendix A Workshop Participants -- Appendix B Biographical Sketches of Workshop Speakers -- Appendix C Origin of and Information on the Chemical Sciences Roundtable -- Appendix D For Further Reading…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 1429
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Willis -- 9 The Impact of Technology on Living Environments for Older Adults--Ann Horgas and Gregory Abowd -- 10 Personal Vehicle Transportation--Joachim Meyer -- Appendixes -- Appendix A Workshop Materials -- Appendix B Biographical Sketches…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 1430
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Front Matter""; ""Reviewers""; ""Contents""; ""Acronyms and Abbreviations""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Overview of the BioWatch Program""; ""3 Public Health's Perspective on the Role of BioWatch in the Decision-Making Process""; ""4 Potential Technologies for the BioWatch Program""; ""5 Final Thoughts""; ""Appendix A: References""; ""Appendix B: Biographical Sketches of Workshop Participants""; ""Appendix C: Workshop Agenda""; ""Appendix D: Registered Attendees""; ""Appendix E: Technology Readiness Levels in the Department of Defense""…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 1431
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Appendix A: Need for the Study Appendix B: Workshop and Public Meetings: Agendas and Participants; Appendix C: Links to Questionnaires of the National Crime Victimization Survey; Appendix D: Selected Surveys Measuring Rape: An Overview; Appendix E: Statistical Rationale Behind Some Initial Findings on the Relative Statistical Plausibility of a Multiple-Frame Approach to Estimating the Victimization Rate of Rape and Sexual Assault; Appendix F: Biographical Sketches of Panel Members and Staff; Committee on National Statistics…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 1432
    Publicado 1999
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""APPENDIX A List of Workshop Participants""""APPENDIX B Biographical Sketches of Workshop Speakers""; ""APPENDIX C Origin of and Information on the Chemical Sciences Roundtable""…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 1433
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""6 Patients, Clinical Decisions, and Health Information Management in the Information Age""""7 Applying Evidence for Patient-Centered Care: Standards and Expectations""; ""8 Team-Based Care and the Learning Culture""; ""9 Incentives Aligned with Value and Learning""; ""10 Common Themes and Opportunities for Action""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A: Workshop Agenda""; ""Appendix B: Biographical Sketches of Workshop Participants""; ""Appendix C: Workshop Attendee List""; ""Appendix D: The Learning Health System Series: Workshop Common Themes""…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 1434
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modernity – Between Self-Reflection and Crisis -- Autopoiesis and (Prosaic) Heroism: Of Gods and Overmen (and Giant Insects) -- III Literature – Self and Narrativity -- Narrative Voice, Heteropoiesis, and the Outside -- Paradoxes of Self-Creation and Narrativity in the Symbolist Novel -- On Recognition, Duplication, and Self-Creativity in Colonial Contexts: Hegel, Fanon, Tournier -- “Sketch for a Self-Analysis”: Self-Reflexivity in Bourdieu’s Approach to Literature -- IV Creative Self – Text and Fine Art -- Changes of the Pictorial Form and the Development of the Self -- Why Doesn’t Laocoön Scream? …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 1435
    por Palkovitz, Robin Joseph, 1954-
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…8 Being a Father and Being a Husband: The Effects of Fathering on Intimate Relationships9 Fathers in Families: The Effects of Engaged Fatherhood on Relationships with Relatives; 10 The Social World of Fathers: Friends and Community Involvement; 11 Provisional Balances: The Effects of Fathering on Work and Career Development; 12 Costs-Benefits Analyses; 13 Provisional Balances Revisited; Appendix 1: Interview Schedule; Appendix 2: Biographical Sketches of Study Participants; References; Author Index; Subject Index; Participant Quote Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 1436
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction Part I: First steps with Processing for Android -- Chapter 1: Installing the Android Mode -- Chapter 2: The Processing Language -- Chapter 3: From Sketch to App Store -- Part II: Drawing and Interaction -- Chapter 4: Drawing Shapes, Images, and Text -- Chapter 5: Touchscreen Interaction -- Chapter 6: Live Wallpapers -- Part III: Sensors -- Chapter 7: Reading Sensor Data -- Chapter 8: Driving Graphics and Sound with Sensor Data -- Chapter 9: Geolocation -- Part IV: Wearables and Watch Faces -- Chapter 10: Wearable Devices -- Chapter 11: Visualizing Time -- Chapter 12: Visualizing Physical Activity -- Part V: 3D and Shaders -- Chapter 13: 3D in Processing -- Chapter 14: Lighting and Texturing -- Chapter 15: GLSL Shaders -- Part VI: Extended Reality: VR and AR -- Chapter 16: Basics of VR -- Chapter 17: Basics of AR -- Chapter 18: Interactive Experiences in XR -- Part VII Appendixes -- Appendix A: Gradle and Android Studio Integration -- Appendix B: Processing libraries for Android…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 1437
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Appendix H: Biographic Sketches of Committee Members, Consultant, and Staff""…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 1438
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""10 Program Scoring and Rationale""""11 New and Emerging Research in Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishing Safety and Health""; ""12 Recommendations for Program Improvement""; ""Glossary""; ""References""; ""Appendixes""; ""A: Framework for the Review of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health""; ""B: Committee Methods for Gathering Information""; ""C: Information Provided by the NIOSH AFF Program""; ""D: Biographic Sketches of Committee Members""; ""E: Methods for Identifying the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Workforce Population""…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 1439
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction to the dietary reference intakes -- Applying the dietary reference intakes -- Macronutrients, healthful diets, and physical activity -- Energy -- Physical activity -- Dietary carbohydrates : sugars and starches -- Fiber -- Dietary fat : total fat and fatty acids -- Cholesterol -- Protein and amino acids -- Water -- Vitamin A -- Vitamin B6 -- Vitamin B12 -- Biotin -- Vitamin C -- Carotenoids -- Choline -- Vitamin D -- Vitamin E -- Folate -- Vitamin K -- Niacin -- Pantothenic acid -- Riboflavin -- Thiamin -- Calcium -- Chromium -- Copper -- Fluoride -- Iodine -- Iron -- Magnesium -- Manganese -- Molybdenum -- Phosphorus -- Potassium -- Selenium -- Sodium and chloride -- Sulfate -- Zinc -- Arsenic, boron, nickel, silicon, and vanadium -- Acknowledgments ; Biographical sketches ; Methods ; Glossary and acronyms ; DRI values for indispensable amino acids by life stage and gender group ; Conversions ; Iron intakes and estimated percentiles of the distribution of iron requirements from the Continuing survey of food intakes by individuals (CSFII), 1994-1996 -- Standard deviation of requirements for nutrients with an EAR -- Estimates of within-subject variation in intake -- Summary tables, dietary reference intakes…”
  20. 1440
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Exercise 3.2: Edit the Floor BoundaryExercise 3.3: Create Sloped Floors; Exercise 3.4: Create an Opening with the Opening by Face Tool; Exercise 3.5: Create an Opening with the Shaft Opening Tool; Creating Roofs; Exercise 3.6: Create a Roof by Footprint; Exercise 3.7: Create a Roof by Extrusion; Exercise 3.8: Create Slope Arrows; Exercise 3.9: Create Multiple Roof Slopes; Adding Ceilings; Exercise 3.10: Add Automatic and Sketch Ceilings; Exercise 3.11: Create a Bulkhead; Exercise 3.12: Add Lights and Rotate the Grid; Exercise 3.13: Slope the Ceiling; Now You Know…”
    Libro electrónico