Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Biblia 4,484
- Historia 3,818
- Moral cristiana 2,829
- Teología dogmática 2,423
- Sermones 2,362
- Derecho canónico 2,003
- Iglesia Católica 1,643
- Teología 1,465
- obras anteriores a 1800 1,258
- Obras anteriores a 1800 1,209
- Derecho 898
- Derecho Canónico 867
- Historia eclesiástica 841
- Crítica e interpretación 750
- Història 696
- Filosofía 691
- Tomás de Aquino 681
- Medicina 674
- Església Catòlica 660
- Liturgia 651
- Sermones españoles 613
- Patrística 612
- Derecho civil 593
- Bíblia 571
- Pleitos 561
- Comentarios 559
- Virgen María 526
- Ascetismo 525
- Obres anteriors al 1800 523
- Vida cristiana 510
4161por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table des matières -- Signes et abréviations conventionnels -- Signes et abréviations -- Principaux groupes de pays de l'OCDE -- Classification -- Comparaisons internationales -- Tableau 1. …”
Publicado 2019
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4162por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Comptes nationaux révisés -- La croissance s'essouffle mais de nouveaux signes de reprise apparaissent -- Tableau 1. Demande et production -- Graphique 1. …”
Publicado 1999
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4163por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Investissement direct étranger dans les économies émergentes de l'OCDE, 1996-98 -- Des signes de reprise sont apparus tout récemment... -- ...préparant la voie à une amélioration des perspectives économiques... -- Tableau 4. …”
Publicado 2000
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4164por Sadock, Benjamin J., 1933-Tabla de Contenidos: “…The patient-doctor relationship -- Human development throughout the life cycle -- The brain and behavior -- Contributions of the psychosocial sciences -- Clinical neuropsychologiclal testing -- Theories of personality and psychopathology -- Clinical examination of the psychiatric patient -- Signs and symptoms in psychiatry -- Classification in psychiatry and psychiatric rating scales -- Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders -- Neuropsychiatric aspects of HIV infection and AIDS -- Substance-related disorders -- Schizophrenia -- Other psychotic disorders -- Mood disorders -- Anxiety disorders -- Somatoform disorders -- Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Factitious disorders -- Dissociative disorders -- Human sexuality -- Gender identity disorders -- Eating disorders -- Normal sleep and sleep disorders -- Impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified -- Adjustment disorders -- Personality disorders -- Psychosomatic medicine…”
Publicado 2007
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
4165Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Spielrein and JungThe 'art complex' has animal roots; Not repression but transformation of the drive; Art, an autonomous drive; Chapter 3 Art is rooted in participation mystique; Empathy and abstraction; Worringer's theory of art; Participation mystique; The five phases of the individuation process; Art and participation mystique; Chapter 4 Art reveals itself in symbols; Fantasy thinking; Symbols and signs; Differences between Freud and Jung; The collective unconscious and its archetypal trajectories; Nature and culture; The symbol forms the transition between nature and culture…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4166por Hollin, Clive R.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Types of Crime Reliability of Information; Summary; Chapter 3: Explaining Criminal Behaviour: Biology and Personality; Biological Theories; Genetic Transmission; Family Studies; Twin Studies; Adoption Studies; Biological Correlates of Criminal Behaviour; Central Nervous System; Electroencephalogram recording; Neurotransmitters; Laterality; 'Soft' signs of CNS functioning; Autonomic Nervous System; Functioning and responsiveness; Hormonal Physiology; Summary; Crime and Personality; Chapter 4: Explaining Criminal Behaviour: Learning, Cognition and Age; Learning by Association…”
Publicado 1992
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4167Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Acquired autism -- Acuity -- Affective Development -- Agraphia -- Antigluten Therapy -- Aphasia -- Articulation -- Autistic Savants -- Behavior Plan -- Behavioral Assessment -- Birth Complications -- Body Mapping -- Boraker autism Phenotype -- Bruxism -- Capgras Syndrome -- Carnosine -- Ceiling Effect -- Circle Of Communication -- Cluster Analysis -- Consequence-Based Interventions -- Deaf-Blind -- Decoding Skills -- Dendrite -- Desensitization -- Developmental Disabilities -- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) -- Diazepam -- Dichotic Listening -- Direct Instruction -- Discourse Management -- Dopamine -- Dual Diagnosis -- Dysbiosis -- Dystoria -- Early Development -- Eating Disorders -- Echolalia -- Ecological Validity -- Emergence Of Mind -- Empathy -- False-Belief Task -- Family Therapy -- Febrile Convulsions -- Feingold Diet -- Feral Children -- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- Figurative Language -- Finger Tapping Test -- Food Intolerance -- Fragile X Syndrome -- Functional Analysis -- Gait Abnormalities -- Generative Complexity -- Handicap -- Hanen Approach -- Heavy Metals -- Hemispheric Specialization -- Heredity -- Holistic Orientation -- Integration -- Intelligence Testing -- Intelligent Testing -- Intelligence -- Quotient -- Joint Attention Deficits -- Joubert Syndrome -- Kinesthetic Sense -- Learned Helplessness -- Learning Disabilities -- Learning Styles -- Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome -- Librium -- Limbic System -- Literacy -- Meningitis -- Metabolic Testing -- Methylphenidate -- Negative Priming Effect -- Neurofibromatosis -- Neurochemistry -- Neurological Soft Signs -- Neuropsychology -- Nuclear Autism -- Observational Studies -- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -- Occupational Therapy -- Para-educator -- Paraphasia -- Parent -- Effectiveness Training -- Pedantic Speech -- Peer Relationships -- Peer Tutoring -- Perceptual Coherence -- Perceptual Development -- Perfectionistic -- Prosopagnosia -- Psychoactive Medications -- Psychobiology -- Psycholinguistics -- Psychomotor seizures -- Psychosocial -- Psychotherapy -- Public Policy Perspectives -- Reading Disorders -- Real-Life Rating Scale -- Receptive Language Disorders -- School Aged Programs -- Scoliosis -- Self Help Skills -- Seizure Disorders -- Self-Concept -- Self-Injurious Behavior -- Self-Support -- Sensory Ability -- Sensory Integration And Praxis Test -- Service-Research Interaction -- Stereotypic.…”
Libro electrónico -
4168Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter Six: The Transition in Al-Anbar, IraqIntroduction; A Brief History of the Conflict in Al-Anbar Province; Pre-Transition Strategy, 2005-2006; Insurgent Strategies in the Pre-Transition Period; External Powers Supporting the Anbar Insurgents; Counterinsurgency and Transition, 2006-2008; The Transition in Anbar: Contributing Factors; False Starts and Missed Opportunities on the Road to Transition; External Actors' Understanding of the Changing ConflictDynamics; Setting the Stage for and Managing the Transition; Transition Process Components; Signs the Coalition Forces Were "Winning"…”
Libro electrónico -
4169Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Protein NutritionCalcium Nutrition; Fiber, Particle Size, and Chewing Activity; Feed Bunk Management and Cow Behavior; Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition; Additives; 2 Nutritional Management of the Prepartum Dairy Cow; Introduction; Calving Facilities; Signs of Calving; Calving Problems; Calving Assistance; Examination; Guidelines to Determine if There Is Room; Preparation of the Cow for Pulling the Calf; Rotation of the Calf; Care of the Calf Immediately After Delivery; Artificial Respiration; Care of the Dam After Delivery; Colostrum; 3 Calving Management: A Team Approach; Introduction…”
Libro electrónico -
4170por Stoker, J. J. 1905-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Formulas for κ and τ; 11. The sign of τ; 12. Canonical representation of a curve; 13. …”
Publicado 1989
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4171Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Electrolyte disturbancesDiarrhea; Nasogastric tube-associated problems; References; 8 Referral of the Horse with Colic; Importance of early referral; Indications; Signs of abdominal pain; Shock; Tachycardia or increasing heart rate; Nasogastric reflux; Evidence of intestinal obstruction or poor intestinal motility; Preparation; Patient; Client; References; 9 Clinical Laboratory Data; Indications; Hematology; Erythrogram; Leukogram; Clinical chemistry; Acid-base evaluation; Electrolytes; Hepatobiliary assessment; Renal parameters; Metabolic indicators; Coagulation; Platelets…”
Libro electrónico -
4172Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- About the Authors -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Welcome to Our Garden -- Dear Parents and Educators -- Before We Begin -- The Seed Growth Metaphor -- Tehia -- Lucretia -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 2 SOIL: The Groundwork -- Tehia -- Race -- Racism -- White Space -- Whiteness -- Racial Ignorance -- Microaggression -- Justice -- Belonging -- Antiracism -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 3 SEED: Self-Assessment -- How We Learn -- Tehia -- Cognitive Load -- How We Grow -- Lucretia -- How We Begin -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 4 ROOT: Build Racial Competency and Understanding -- Amy, White Mom of Five -- Tehia -- How to Become Rooted -- Becoming Rooted Together -- For Parents and Educators of Color to Consider -- For White Parents and Teachers to Consider -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 5 SPROUT: Early Growth and Signs of Hope -- Lucretia -- Tehia -- How to Sprout -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 6 BUD: See and Celebrate Growth -- Lucretia -- How We Started with the Staff -- How We Started with the Students -- Elementary -- Middle Level and High School -- Parents -- Seeing and Celebrating Growth -- Tehia -- How to Bud -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice -- 7 WEED: Uproot Growth Inhibitors -- Susan, Latinx High School Teacher -- Extraction -- Perfection -- Isolation -- Denying the Dignity of Others -- Fear of Discomfort -- Lack of Fortitude -- Lack of Self-Care -- Punishing Ideological Differences -- Imbalanced Teaching -- Valuing Ideology over Empathy -- Ignoring How Children Experience Race/ism -- Bystander -- Not Noticing and Confronting White Supremacy Norms -- White Tears -- Thinking We're Done -- Reflection and Practice -- Reflection -- Practice…”
Libro electrónico -
4173por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Executive summary -- OECD-Kazakhstan collaboration on the OECD Skills Strategy project -- Key findings and recommendations for improving Kazakhstan's skills performance -- Improving the activation of skills of vulnerable populations -- Fostering participation in adult learning of all forms -- Building an effective skills information system -- Strengthening the governance of the skills system -- 1 Key insights and recommendations for Kazakhstan -- Skills matter for Kazakhstan The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented economic shock for Kazakhstan -- Integration in global value chains can help diversify Kazakhstan's economy in the long term -- Digitalisation can increase productivity and create high-skilled jobs but may lead to some employment losses in lower-skilled occupations -- Kazakhstan benefits from a demographic dividend but will be exposed to population ageing in the long run -- Skills should be at the core of the policy response -- The OECD Skills Strategy project in Kazakhstan -- The performance of Kazakhstan's skills system -- Developing relevant skills Youth's skills are being developed inclusively, but overall performance could improve -- Kazakhstan has an inclusive tertiary education system, but the skills of young tertiary graduates could improve -- Kazakhstan has a weak culture of adult learning -- Using skills effectively -- The activation of skills in the formal labour market could improve -- Despite some signs of improvement, skills are not used intensively in the workplace or in daily lives -- Strengthening the governance of skills systems -- Kazakhstan can build a more effective skills information system Kazakhstan needs to adopt a whole-of-government approach to skills policies -- Kazakhstan needs to continue improving stakeholder engagement -- Kazakhstan should strengthen financing arrangements -- The policy context in Kazakhstan -- Priority areas and recommendations -- Improving the activation of skills of vulnerable populations -- Opportunity 1: Improving the accessibility and quality of public employment centres -- Opportunity 2: Strengthening the effectiveness of active labour market programmes for vulnerable populations Opportunity 3: Promoting family policies for a more equitable sharing of unpaid and paid work -- Fostering participation in adult learning of all forms -- Opportunity 1: Strengthening the supply and quality of adult learning opportunities -- Opportunity 2: Increasing motivation to engage in adult learning -- Opportunity 3: Removing barriers to participation in adult learning -- Building an effective skills information system -- Opportunity 1: Strengthening skills assessment and anticipation tools -- Opportunity 2: Creating an enabling environment for an effective skills information system --…”
Publicado 2021
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4174por Wiegers, Karl E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Responsibility #4: To Make Timely DecisionsResponsibility #5: To Respect a Developer's Assessment of Cost and Feasibility; Responsibility #6: To Set Requirement Priorities; Responsibility #7: To Review Requirements Documents and Evaluate Prototypes; Responsibility #8: To Promptly Communicate Changes to the Requirements; Responsibility #9: To Follow the Development Organization's Change Process; Responsibility #10: To Respect the Requirements Engineering Processes the Analysts Use; What About Sign-Off?; 3. Good Practices for Requirements Engineering; Requirements Elicitation…”
Publicado 2009
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4175por BOEHME, Ann J.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contracts; The Contract; Purpose and Content of a Contract; Amending a Contract; Signing a Contract; Checklist-Contracts; 4. Suppliers and Services; The Convention and Visitors' Bureau; Airlines and Group Travel Agencies; Destination Management Companies; Ground Transportation; Speakers and Speakers' Bureaus; Music Licensing; Vendors as Potential Partners; Checklist-Ground Transportation or Tour Operator; Checklist-Hiring a Speaker; Checklist-Airline Services…”
Publicado 1998
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4176Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Body Language: Learn how to read others and communicate with confidence -- Contents -- Introduction -- Recognizing and Interpreting Physical Signs and Signals Takes Practice -- Look For Clusters of Gestures Before Making a Declaration of Meaning or Intent -- What's In It For Me? …”
Libro electrónico -
4177por Olsson, Mikael. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Contents at a Glance""; ""Contents""; ""About the Author""; ""About the Technical Reviewer""; ""Introduction""; ""Chapter 1: Hello World""; ""Choosing an IDE""; ""Creating a project""; ""Adding a source file""; ""Hello world""; ""Using namespace""; ""Chapter 2: Compile and Run""; ""Visual Studio compilation""; ""Console compilation""; ""Comments""; ""Chapter 3: Variables""; ""Data types""; ""Declaring variables""; ""Assigning variables""; ""Octal and hexadecimal assignment""; ""Using variables""; ""Variable scope""; ""Default values""; ""Integer types""; ""Signed and unsigned integers""…”
Publicado 2013
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4178Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 3 - Supermarkets and Data BrokersSign up Here for Privacy Violation; Data Mining all the Way to the Womb; Broken Privacy; Yes but so What!…”
Libro electrónico -
4179Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…AppreciationGratitude; Dont try to figure it out; Understanding is a rational goal; Pause when agitated; Look to the source; You dont need to be vigilant; Be kind to yourself; Lighten up; Follow your wisdom; The power of principles revisited; 22 Capitalizing on Chaos, Complexity and Uncertainty; The current wave-shift; Early signs of the 4th wave; Understanding the nature of THOUGHT; The experience economy; The critical 4th-wave factor; 23 The Art of Sustainable Change; Separate realities; 24 Inspired Action; Acknowledgments; Further Explorations; CLARITY; Clarity certification programmes…”
Libro electrónico -
4180Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- TOPP Competencies for Live Online Producers -- See What the Participants See -- A Note About Audio: Using Phone or Using Computer -- Adobe Connect: Critical Features -- WebEx Training Center: Critical Features -- Checklist for Other Live Online Platforms -- Conclusion -- 2 Have Them at Hello: Warm-Ups and Welcomes -- Take a Tour -- Trivia -- Pumpkin Carving -- Vacation Plans -- Inquiring Minds Want To Know -- Sign In -- Brain Teasers -- Mazes and Word Searches -- Conclusion -- 3 Let's Do This: Breaking the Ice -- Around the World via Recipes -- Open Up -- How Many Can You Name? …”
Libro electrónico