Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Biblia 4,484
- Historia 3,818
- Moral cristiana 2,829
- Teología dogmática 2,423
- Sermones 2,362
- Derecho canónico 2,003
- Iglesia Católica 1,643
- Teología 1,465
- obras anteriores a 1800 1,258
- Obras anteriores a 1800 1,209
- Derecho 898
- Derecho Canónico 867
- Historia eclesiástica 841
- Crítica e interpretación 750
- Història 696
- Filosofía 691
- Tomás de Aquino 681
- Medicina 674
- Església Catòlica 660
- Liturgia 651
- Sermones españoles 613
- Patrística 612
- Derecho civil 593
- Bíblia 571
- Pleitos 561
- Comentarios 559
- Virgen María 526
- Ascetismo 525
- Obres anteriors al 1800 523
- Vida cristiana 510
4001Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…Liste des signes et des abréviations -- Remerciements -- Introduction -- Première partie. …”
Libro electrónico -
4002por Cirilo , Santo , Patriarca de Alejandría ( ca. 370-ca. 444) ( ca. 370-444)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Aduersus Antropomorphitas liber ; iusdem De adoratione in spiritu et veritate dialogi XVII ad Palladium / Bonauentura Vulcanio brugensi interprete, 14 h., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; D. Cyrilli ... De adoratione in spiritu et veritate ... libri XVII / Bonauentura Vulcanio brugensi interprete ..., [4], 206 h., con port. propia (con pie de imp.: Toleti : apud Ioannem ab Ayala, 1575) y con colofón (Toleti apud Ioannem Ayalam, 1574) ; In D. …”
Publicado 1576
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4003Publicado 1982Tabla de Contenidos: “…Evidence from speech perception and American Sign Language Elissa L. Newport; References; Index…”
Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
4004Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…The speech act of confession : priestly performative utterance in Leviticus 16 and Ezra 9–10 Lament regained in Trito-Isaiah’s penitential prayer The affirmation of divine righteousness in early penitential prayers : a sign of judaism’s entry into the Axial Age When none repents, earth laments : the chorus of lament in Jeremiah and Joel “...why do you let us stray from your paths...” …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso)Libro -
4005Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- Generalized symptoms and signs / Nehad R. Soloman, Steven E. Carsons -- The dry eye / Abu Gulati, Reza Dana -- The salivary glands, ears, nose, and larynx / Robert Lebovics -- A dental perspective of Sjogren's / Ava J. …”
Libro -
4006por Walton, Douglas N.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Arguments and dialogues -- Dialogues -- Arguments -- Questions and statements -- A more detailed looks at arguments in dialogues -- Generalizations -- Chaining of arguments -- Criticizing by questioning or rebuttal -- Criticizing and argument by asking a question -- Disputes and dissents -- Concepts useful for understanding arguments -- Inconsistency -- Three kinds of arguments -- Syllogisms -- Complex propositions -- Some other common forms of deductive argument -- Probability and inductive argument -- Plausible argumentation -- Arguments and explanations -- Argumentation schemes -- Appeal to expert opinion -- Argument from popular opinion -- Argument from analogy -- Argument from correlation to cause -- Argument from consequences and slippery slope -- Argument from sign -- Argument from commitment -- Ad hominem arguments -- Argument from verbal classification -- Argument reconstruction -- Single and linked arguments -- Convergent arguments -- Serial and divergent arguments -- Distinguishing between linked and convergent arguments -- Extended arguments -- Enthymemes -- Cleaning up a text of discourse -- Dialogues -- Persuasion dialogue -- Commitment in dialogue -- Other types of dialogue -- Simple and complex questions -- Loaded questions -- Responding to tricky questions -- Relevance of questions and replies -- Detecting bias -- Loaded terms -- Point of view and burden of proof -- Biased argumentation -- Verbal disputes -- Lexical, stipulative and persuasive definitions -- Philosophical and scientific definitions -- Normal and troublesome bias -- Relevance -- Probative relevance -- Dialectical relevance -- Relevance in meetings and debates -- Relevance in legal argumentation -- Fear appeal arguments -- Threats as arguments -- Appeal to pity -- Shifts and relevance -- Practical reasoning in a dialogical framework -- Practical inferences -- Necessary and sufficient conditions -- Disjunctive reasoning -- Taking consequences into account -- The dilemma -- The closed world assumption -- Lack of knowledge inferences -- Real world situations…”
Publicado 2006
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
4007Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…ENTRIES A TO Z -- chapter Appendix A: Flow Diagram Guide to Statistical Analyses -- chapter Appendix B: Greek Letter Symbols and Their Common Usages -- chapter Appendix C: Metric Symbols and Conversion Values -- chapter Appendix D: Table of Random Numbers and Random Permutations of the Digits 0-9 -- chapter 1 The Standard Normal Curve -- chapter 2 Critical Values of the t Distribution -- chapter 3 Critical Values of the X2 Distribution -- chapter 4 Critical Values of the F Distribution -- chapter 5 The Fmax Statistic -- chapter 6 Critical Values of Cochran's Test for Homogeneity of Variance -- chapter 7 Critical Values of the Studentized Range q -- chapter 8 Critical Values of the Bonferroni t Statistic -- chapter 9 Critical Values of the Duncan Multiple Range Test -- chapter 10 Critical Values of the Dunnett d Statistic -- chapter 11 Critical Values of the Correlation Coefficient -- chapter 12 r to z' Transformation -- chapter 13 Critical Values of the A Test -- chapter 14 Criteria for Testing Outliers -- chapter 15 Critical Values of D in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (One Sample) -- chapter 16 Critical Values of 0 for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two Sample, Two Sided Test -- chapter 17 Critical Values of T in the Signed Rank Test -- chapter 18 Distribution of U in the Mann-Whitney Test -- chapter 19 Critical Values of W in the Wilcoxin Rank Sum Test -- chapter 20 Distribution of Values in the Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test -- chapter 21 Arcsin Transformation Values -- chapter 22 H-values for the Kruskal-Wallis Test -- chapter 23 The Binomial Distribution…”
Libro electrónico -
4008por Tertuliano, Quinto Septimio FlorenteTabla de Contenidos: “…Apologia de Quinto Septimo Florente Tertuliano, presbitero de Cartago : escrita en Roma años doscientos de Christo nuestro señor contra los gentiles, en defensa de los Christianos : dirigida al Senado ; Libro de la Paciencia, de Quinto Septimio Florente Tertuliano ... escrito en Roma, año dozientos de Christo nuestro señor, en la quinta persecución de la Iglesia, que començo el Senado, y despues decretó Lucio Severo Emperador, cada una con pag. y sign. propias…”
Publicado 1789
Institución Colombina (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca S.M. e Instituto Teológico «San Xosé» de Vigo)Libro -
4009por Chalcondylas, LaonicusTabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene con portadilla propia: Le triomphe et victoire de la croix, contre les erreurs de Mahomet : discours auquel les impertinences de l'Alcoran sont demonstrées, & que le signe de nostre Redemption regne encore triomphant sur le trosne de ses ennemis / par Artus Thomas Sieur d'Embry, Parisien ; Obseuations et remarques plus notables de la prouidence de Dieu, en l'accoissement de la domination des princes Othomans, & decadence de l'Emjpire Grec, & autres signeuries qu'ils possedent à present .. . / par Artus Thomas, sieur d'Embry, Parisien ; Continuation de l'Histore des Turcs, depuis qu'ils se furent rendus les maistres de 'Empire Grec, & leur conqueste du Peloponese iusques à present .. . : diuisée en huict liures / par Artus Thomas, sieur d'Embry, Parisien . …”
Publicado 1612
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4010Publicado 1758Tabla de Contenidos: “…El qual dicho traslado fue sacado.. . u fueron testigos a la ver, sacar, correxir y consertar Bartholome de la Mota y Xptobal de la Mota, vezinos de Huelba, el qual dicho traslado fue sacado en virtud de una carta de el señor doctor Paes de la Cadena del Conzexo del Duque mi señor, que ba por principio en estas ordenanzas, y lo firmé y signé en Huelba, en doze de Agosto de mill y seiscientos y diez y nuebe años = En testimonio de verdad Juan de la Mota escribano (h . 176 v.-177 v.) . …”
Manuscrito -
4011Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hands-on lab - creating your GPG keys -- Hands-on lab - symmetrically encrypting your own files -- Hands-on lab - encrypting files with public keys -- Hands-on lab - signing a file without encryption -- Encrypting partitions with Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) -- Disk encryption during operating system installation -- Hands-on lab - adding an encrypted partition with LUKS -- Configuring the LUKS partition to mount automatically -- Hands-on lab - configuring the LUKS partition to mount automatically -- Encrypting directories with eCryptfs -- Hands-on lab - encrypting a home directory for a new user account -- Creating a private directory within an existing home directory -- Hands-on lab - encrypting other directories with eCryptfs -- Encrypting the swap partition with eCryptfs -- Using VeraCrypt for cross-platform sharing of encrypted containers -- Hands-on lab - getting and installing VeraCrypt -- Hands-on lab - creating and mounting a VeraCrypt volume in console mode -- Using VeraCrypt in GUI mode -- OpenSSL and the Public Key Infrastructure -- Commercial certificate authorities -- Creating keys, certificate signing requests, and certificates -- Creating a self-signed certificate with an RSA key -- Creating a self-signed certificate with an Elliptic Curve key -- Creating an RSA key and a Certificate Signing Request -- Creating an EC key and a CSR -- Creating an on-premises CA -- Hands-on lab - setting up a Dogtag CA -- Adding a CA to an operating system -- Hands-on lab - exporting and importing the Dogtag CA certificate -- Importing the CA into Windows -- OpenSSL and the Apache webserver -- Hardening Apache SSL/TLS on Ubuntu -- Hardening Apache SSL/TLS on RHEL 9/AlmaLinux 9 -- Setting FIPS mode on RHEL 9/AlmaLinux 9 -- Hardening Apache SSL/TLS on RHEL 7/CentOS 7 -- Setting up mutual authentication…”
Libro electrónico -
4012Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Technical considerations -- Canvapp - an Android MVP app using Firebase -- Sign up for Firebase -- Layout -- Dependencies -- Models -- Firebase dashboard -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Native, Hybrid, or Cross-Platform -- Who is your audience? …”
Libro electrónico -
4013Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 7.2.4 An Authenticate Method -- 7.3 Better User Views -- 7.3.1 Testing the User Show Page (With Factories) -- 7.3.2 A Name and a Gravatar -- 7.3.3 A User Sidebar -- 7.4 Conclusion -- 7.4.1 Git Commit -- 7.4.2 Heroku Deploy -- 7.5 Exercises -- Chapter 8 Sign Up -- 8.1 Signup Form -- 8.1.1 Using form_for -- 8.1.2 The Form HTML -- 8.2 Signup Failure -- 8.2.1 Testing Failure -- 8.2.2 A Working Form -- 8.2.3 Signup Error Messages…”
Libro electrónico -
4014por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…3 Artificial intelligence and jobs: No signs of slowing labour demand (yet) -- Introduction -- 3.1. …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
4015Publicado 2001Tabla de Contenidos: “…N 10 -11 ; Legal; Índex; Introducció; Magí Morera i Galícia, o «la mel del bell parlar»; Una vida civil escindida; El doble signe de la poesia de Morera i Galícia; Nota sobre l'edició; Nota liminar: contingut i ordenació; La tradició textual de l'obra de Morera i Galícia; Notes sobre la llengua; La present edició; Abreviatures; Taula de signes; Agraïments; Bibliografia; Poesies completes; Lleidatanies; La Catedral de Lleida; Les birbadores; El campanar de Lleida; L'aula del llorer; Mariola ; Camí del cementiri; La planta meravellosa; L'escut dels lliris…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
4016Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Constructing the Codex -- Chapter 14: Risk Management -- Categories of Risk -- Product Risk: How Clearly and Comprehensively the Product Can Be Defined -- Technical Risk: How Clearly and Comprehensively It Is Understood How to Build It -- Market Risk: Any Demand-Side Shift Which Creates an Arbitrage Opportunity for a Quick Feature Pivot -- Business Risk: Any Supply-Side Shift Which Creates an Arbitrage Opportunity for a Quick Feature Pivot -- Today and Tomorrow Risk -- Positive Interactions with Risk -- Risk Quadrants and Risk over Time -- Planning for Resilience -- Conclusion -- Part III: The Agile Codex Practice -- Chapter 15: Building Blocks -- Planned Release -- Epic -- User Story -- Acceptance Criteria -- Tasks -- Dependencies -- Adjacent Teams -- Story Points -- Bug -- All Together -- Chapter 16: Workflow -- Planning -- Release Planning -- Epic Grooming -- User Story Grooming -- Epic Commitment -- Execution -- Setting Up the Tree -- The Board -- Needs Sign-Off -- Signed Off -- In Progress -- Fix Needed -- QE -- PM / UX -- Closed -- External Dependencies -- The Sprint or the Kanban -- Adjusting -- Releasing -- Feature Complete -- QE Complete -- The Terminal Sprint -- Chapter 17: Metrics -- Predicting -- Analyzing -- Adjusting -- Opportunistic and Non-Epic Work -- Multi-release Epics -- Chapter 18: Teaching the Teams -- From Agile to Agile Codex -- Agiling Well with Others When They Don't Agile As Well -- Chapter 19: What Next? …”
Libro electrónico -
4017por Ercegovac, Milos D.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Multioperand Addition; 3.1 Bit-Arrays for Unsigned and Signed Operands; 3.2 Reduction; 3.3 Sequential Implementation…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
4018por OECD PublishingTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of contents -- Conventional signs and abbreviations -- Signs and abbreviations -- Sources and methods -- List of financial instruments -- SNA 1993 -- List of institutional sectors -- SNA 1993 -- List of financial instruments -- SNA 2008 -- Country tables -- Australia -- Table 1.a. …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
4019por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…Foreword; Acronyms and Conventional Signs; Asia/Pacific countries and economies ISO codes; OECD Asia/Pacific countries ISO codes; Conventional signs; OECD/Korea Policy Centre; Table of contents; Chapter 1. …”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
4020por Collier, MarshaTabla de Contenidos: “…; Research for Fun and Profit; eBay's Role in the Action; Features and Fun Stuff; Extra Apps You're Gonna Want; Chapter 2: Ready, Set, Go! Signing Up on eBay; Registering on eBay; Registering Is Free…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico