Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Biblia 4,484
- Historia 3,818
- Moral cristiana 2,829
- Teología dogmática 2,423
- Sermones 2,362
- Derecho canónico 2,003
- Iglesia Católica 1,643
- Teología 1,465
- obras anteriores a 1800 1,258
- Obras anteriores a 1800 1,209
- Derecho 898
- Derecho Canónico 867
- Historia eclesiástica 841
- Crítica e interpretación 750
- Història 696
- Filosofía 691
- Tomás de Aquino 681
- Medicina 674
- Església Catòlica 660
- Liturgia 651
- Sermones españoles 613
- Patrística 612
- Derecho civil 593
- Bíblia 571
- Pleitos 561
- Comentarios 559
- Virgen María 526
- Ascetismo 525
- Obres anteriors al 1800 523
- Vida cristiana 510
3461por De Luca, Giovanni Battista Cardenal (1614-1683)Tabla de Contenidos: “….-- Venettis : apud Paulum Balleonium, 1698. 92, [4], 72, [4], 62, [2], 22 p. ; Fol. Sign.: A-P8, Q4, V5. Port. con grab. xil. Texto a dos col. …”
Publicado 1698
Colección -
3462por De Luca, Giovanni Battista. (1614-1683)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Marca tip. en port. Sign.: a6, A-T8, V-X6. Texto a dos col. Derecho Civil. …”
Publicado 1726
Colección -
3463por De Luca, Giovanni Battista. (1614-1683)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Marca tip. en port. Sign.: a<8>, A-Z<8> Texto a dos col. Typographia Balleoniana (Venecia), imp. …”
Publicado 1726
Colección -
3464por Medina, Juan de 1490-1546Tabla de Contenidos: “…. ; Fol. (28 cm) Marca tip. en port. y al v. de la última h. Sign.: a8, b7, A-X8, Y4. Hoja b2 repetida. …”
Publicado 1553
Colección -
3465Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: the infancy of scholarship on the Medieval Christ child / The Christ child as a sacrifice: a medieval tradition and the English cycle plays / The manger as Calvary and altar in the Middle English nativity lyric / Signs of death: the sacrificial Christ child in late-medieval art / The Christ child in the tree: the motif in the thirteenth-century wood-of-the-cross legends and Arthurian romances / Birgitta of Sweden and Christ's clothing / Women wielding knives: the circumcision of Christ by his mother in an illustrated manuscript of the Meditationes vitae Christi (Paris, Bibliothèque national de France ital. 115) / Ihusus is unser!…”
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Libro electrónico -
3466por Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, actiu 1230.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté (segons epígraf i 1es lín. del f. sign. a2): Sphaerae mundi compendium foeliciter inchoat ... …”
Publicado 1490
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Accés lliure
Libro electrónico -
3467Publicado 1959Tabla de Contenidos: “…Non propres abandons et complicités -- Sous le signe de la bête -- "O croux ave, spes unica" -- "Ecce homo" -- "Regnum Christi quod est Ecclesia" -- "Beati" -- Contre la révolution -- Critiques préalables des modes d'action "idéologique" contre la révolution -- Choix d'une formule d'action -- La cité catholique. …”
Libro -
3468Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Acute portal vein thrombosis secondary to hyperhomocysteinemia with folic acid deficiency and methyl tetrahydrofolate reductase mutation: a case report and literature review -- A rare case, diagnosed as calcified callosal lipoma, when the patient presented with acute stroke -- Myocarditis suggesting acute myocardial ischemia, without occlusion of the coronary artery, in a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic vasculitis in the course of cold agglutinin disease -- A rare neurologic deficiency in HaNDL syndrome: cranial neuropathy -- The importance of clinical signs as well as radiological findings in the diagnosis of incomplete locked-in syndrome -- Contrast-induced encephalopathy after coronary angioplasty and stent implantation -- Subclavian artery dissection: a rare complication of transradial coronary angiography -- Update of treatment of heart failure with reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction…”
Seriada digital -
3469Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…PART 1 - BASICS -- Chapter 1: Getting Started -- Chapter 2: Simple patterns -- Chapter 3: Arrays and loops -- Chapter 4: Binary choices -- Chapter 5: Integers -- Chapter 6: Values and variables -- Chapter 7: Strings -- Chapter 8: Data structures -- Chapter 9: The file system -- PART II - TEXT -- Chapter 10: Project Austen -- Chapter 11: Anagrams -- Chapter 12: Palindromes -- Chapter 13: Word switch -- PART III - IMAGES -- Chapter 14: Color pictures -- Chapter 15: Pixel transformations -- Chapter 16: Cropping and resizing images -- Chapter 17: Project Dino -- PART IV - VISION -- Chapter 18: Overview -- Chapter 19: Finding digits -- Chapter 20: Parsing the images -- Chapter 21: Reading speed signs…”
Libro electrónico -
3470por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Accents -- Clauses de responsabilité générale -- Publier à l'OCDE -- Écrire pour l'OCDE -- Trait d'union -- Astuces d'écriture et conseils de style -- Rédaction non sexiste et féminisation -- Expressions et mots étrangers -- Sigles et abréviations -- Bibliographies, références et sources -- Caractères italiques et romains -- Coupure des phrases et des mots -- Organisations internationales -- Majuscules (capitales) -- Pronoms personnels -- Noms de pays, codes et monnaies -- Nombres -- Dates, siècles et périodes -- Notes et appels de note -- Orthographe -- Citations -- Ponctuation -- Dictionnaires et ouvrages de référence -- Comment corriger les épreuves : les signes de correction -- Comment numéroter les éléments d'une publication…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
3471Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…The WordPress landscape ; Signing up with ; Installing WordPress on your web host -- Building a WordPress blog. …”
Libro electrónico -
3472Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reviewing Logs and Monitoring -- 6. Application Signing and Sandbox -- 7. Securing Web Browsers and E-mail -- 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
3473Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- CSA reaches adolescence : small signs of hope -- A surprising turn of events -- Percentages, perception, and profiles -- Putting CSA in perspective -- Systems of care in other states -- When states are ordered to reform -- Local systems of care -- Walking a high wire on a windy day : lessons from the field…”
Libro electrónico -
3474por Chiapusso, JanTabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction : A world without change : Luther to Bach -- Nuture of the spiritual man -- Early years (1684-1703) -- Theology in the classroom -- A Lutheran sense of history -- Music in the schools -- The education of an organist -- Growth of a master of music -- Beginning a music career (1703-1706) -- Bach and Buxtehude -- Ornamentation -- The organ -- Bach in Mühlhausen : encounter with pietism -- The Weimar years (1708-1717) -- Music speculation : Kircher and Werckmeister -- Bach in Köthen (1717-1723) -- Worldly music of the spirit -- Compositions for the keyboard -- Call to Leipzig -- Bach's liturgical art work -- Fulfillment of Lutheran reform -- The chorale -- The contata -- The passions and oratorios -- The culmination of a dying age -- Signs of change -- Enlightenment darkens Bach's horizon -- Wolffian philosophy -- Conflict with an "enlightened" rector -- Musical discipline : And act of worship -- Epilogue…”
Publicado 1969
Libro electrónico -
3475Publicado 1959Tabla de Contenidos: “…Non propres abandons et complicités -- Sous le signe de la bête -- "O croux ave, spes unica" -- "Ecce homo" -- "Regnum Christi quod est Ecclesia" -- "Beati" -- Contre la révolution -- Critiques préalables des modes d'action "idéologique" contre la révolution -- Choix d'une formule d'action -- La cité catholique. …”
991009164449706719 -
3476por Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)Tabla de Contenidos: “…EDITORIAL -- -- SECTION A: ARTICLES -- The implications of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in Ethiopia -- Human rights and access to health care for persons with albinism in Africa -- Conceptualising child youth with disabilities in Africa: The dehumanising disability discourse -- Right to self-representation for people with mental disabilities in Kenya's courts -- The place of sign language in the inclusive education of deaf learners in Zimbabwe amid CRPD (mis)interpretation -- Left in the periphery: An appraisal of voting rights for persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe -- SECTION B: COUNTRY REPORTS -- Tchad -- Mali -- Burundi -- Republic of Congo -- South Sudan -- SECTION C: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS -- Leveraging the international human rights system to advance local change for South African women with disabilities…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
3477Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the author Publisher's acknowledgements Author's acknowledgements Part 1 The beginning 1 Introduction 2 Clunk, click, every trip Part 2 Structure 3 The order of events 4 I've been waiting for a sign 5 Keeping it together 6 Death by PowerPoint: an antidote Part 3 Style 7 Doing what comes naturally 8 Word perfect 9 One thing leads to another 10 What not to write 11 Mythbusting 12 Sound advice Part 4 Magic 13 A spoonful of sugar 14 Painting pictures 15 More sound advice 16 Screenwriting 17 And finally ... …”
Libro electrónico -
3478por Lo, Andrew W.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tabell; 13 Stan Weinstein; 14 Conviction: Countering the Skeptics and the Scoundrels; 15 The Evolution of Technical Analysis; 16 Luck, Astrology, and Other Unsanctioned Signs; 17 Creativity, Talent, and the Art of the Craft; 18 The Challenge of Emotions; 19 The Path to Success…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
3479por Christin, Anne MarieTabla de Contenidos: “…/ The iconography on decorated ware / Intact wine jars with pre-firing potmarks from the Early Dynastic cemetery at Helwan, Egypt / Documenting early Egyptian imagery : analysing past technologies and materialities with the aid of reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) / Categories of control : development of cylinder seal glyptic within the context of Egyptian state formation / Systèmes numériques égyptiens et mésopotamiens : éléments de comparison / L'écriture cunéiforme : autour de l'invention de l'écriture en Mésopotamie / De la figure au signe d'écriture / Les racines de l'écriture hiéroglyphique : apports de l'iconographie prédynastique : Synthèse…”
Publicado 2021
Electrónico -
3480Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: Sleeping and Dreaming in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition -- Pavel Gregoric and Jakob Leth Fink -- 1 Aristotle and Michael of Ephesus on the Deceptive Character of Dreams -- Pavel Gregoric -- 2 Aristotle on Signs in Sleep: Natural Signification and Dream Interpretation -- Filip Radovic -- 3 Avicenna's Dreaming in Context -- David Bennett -- 4 Averroes on Divinatory Dreaming -- Rotraud Hansberger -- 5 How Dreams Are Made: Some Latin Medieval Commentators on Dream Formation in Aristotle's De insomniis -- Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist -- 6 What Does a Scholastic Philosopher Do When He Disagrees with Aristotle? …”
Libro electrónico