Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Biblia 4,484
- Historia 3,818
- Moral cristiana 2,829
- Teología dogmática 2,423
- Sermones 2,362
- Derecho canónico 2,003
- Iglesia Católica 1,643
- Teología 1,465
- obras anteriores a 1800 1,258
- Obras anteriores a 1800 1,209
- Derecho 898
- Derecho Canónico 867
- Historia eclesiástica 841
- Crítica e interpretación 750
- Història 696
- Filosofía 691
- Tomás de Aquino 681
- Medicina 674
- Església Catòlica 660
- Liturgia 651
- Sermones españoles 613
- Patrística 612
- Derecho civil 593
- Bíblia 571
- Pleitos 561
- Comentarios 559
- Virgen María 526
- Ascetismo 525
- Obres anteriors al 1800 523
- Vida cristiana 510
3421por Roy, Olivier, 1949-“…De quel christianisme parlent donc ceux qui opposent, parfois de façon vindicative, les "valeurs chrétiennes" à deux vagues perçues comme également puissantes et menaçantes : une société très sécularisée et un islam conquérant, signes tangibles de l'effondrement en cours ? Au-delà du constat sans concession, le premier mérite de ce livre est d'éclairer notre condition d'Européens orphelins de leur héritage chrétien aux réalités éclatées. …”
Publicado 2019
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3422por Dhôtel, Laurant“…De la grotte de Lascaux, qui abrite les premiers signes de présence humaine sur nos terres, aux règnes de Charlemagne, François let ou Louis XIV dont les décisions politiques ont marqué le destin de la France, puis à l'abolition de l'esclavage ou de la peine de mort, sans oublier Mai 68 ou la guerre d'Algérie... …”
Publicado 2014
Libro -
3423por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table des matières -- Signes et abréviations conventionnels -- Signes et abréviations -- Groupements principaux de pays -- Sources et méthodes -- Pays déclarants et partenaires : -- Nouvelle base de données équilibrées du commerce international des services -- Tableaux par pays -- Australie -- Tableau 1. …”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
3424por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table des matières -- Signes conventionnels et abréviations -- Signes et abréviations -- Abréviations monétaires ISO -- Classification -- Sources et méthodes -- Tableaux par pays -- Australie -- Tableau I. …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
3425por Sahagún y Villasante, Diego deTabla de Contenidos: “…Probablente impreso en el S. XVI. Sign.: A-I8. CCBE S. XVI, S, 102 Universidad de Salamanca-Tesis y disertaciones académicas. …”
Publicado 1605
Colección -
3426por Gropper, JohannTabla de Contenidos: “… [16], 303, [1] p. ; 8o. Sign.: a8, A-T8. Apostillas marginales Iniciales grabadas CCBE S. …”
Publicado 1559
Colección -
3427Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using research and statistics in health care -- Organizing, displaying, and describing data -- Key principles underlying statistical inference -- Hypothesis testing with inferential statistics -- The independent t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test -- The paired t tests and the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Rank test -- The one way ANOVAS and the Kruskal-Wallis H-test -- Differences among group means : N-way ANOVA and MANOVA -- Comparing the means of three or more related groups : repeated measures ANOVA and Friedman's ANOVA by rank -- Comparing means and controlling for covariates : ANCOVA -- Correlation coefficients -- Examining cross-tabulations -- Statistical model building and logistic regression -- Linear regression -- Exploratory factor analysis -- Path analysis -- Structural equation modeling -- Writing and presenting for publication…”
Libro -
3428por Berry, GrantTabla de Contenidos: “…11 Lifestyle Jewish Evangelism12 Sign Here; About Grant Berry; Bonus Samples…”
Publicado 2013
Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
Click para texto completo desde UPSA
Libro electrónico -
3429Tabla de Contenidos: “…Diagnostic Medical Omens Concerned with Sick Eyes (Diagnostic Handbook, Sakikkû Chapter 5) by Eric Schmidtchen -- Notes -- Glossaries and Logograms with Cuneiform Signs -- Abbreviations and Literature -- Indices -- Plates…”
Libro electrónico -
3430por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recruitment of Foreign Labour in Germany and Switzerland -- Labour Market Measures Related to Foreign Employment in Ireland -- Labour Recruitment for Skill Shortages int he United Kingdom -- Annex 1A -- Conclusions -- Recruitment of Nurses in Romania by the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region in Italy -- Seasonal Labour Migration in the Light of the German-Polish Bilateral Agreement -- Fighting for the Rights of Migrant Workers -- Principal Labour Migration Schemes in the United Kingdom -- Labour Migration to the United States -- Employment of Foreigners in and from the Czech Republic -- Assessment and Evaluation of Bilateral Labour Agreements Signed by Romania -- Annex 2A -- From Labour Emigration to Labour Recruitment -- Bilateral Labour Agreements Concluded by France -- Migration for Employment Policy in Switzerland -- Executive Summary…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
3431Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The “Mahler-Renaissance” between Vienna and New York / Meike Wilfing-Albrecht -- A Death of Two Viennas: Counter-Temporalities in the Radio Live Coverage of the Signing of the Austrian State Treaty / Elias Berner and Birgit Haberpeuntner -- (De)Constructing Austropop: Oral History Interviews about Popular Music from Austria Meet Digital Analysis / Birgit Michlmayer…”
Libro electrónico -
3432Publicado 2025Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Choosing the right transaction type -- Bad news -- Reverse engineering your business -- The art of selling -- Negotiating strategy -- Overcoming inertia -- Documents and deal process -- Tailoring the process -- Keeping the secret -- It's a process -- Seeing where you stand -- Purchase price and terms -- Negotiating and signing the letter of intent -- Playing defense -- Legal documentation and critical elements -- Closing craziness -- Managing your emotions and psychology…”
Libro electrónico -
3433Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hurley -- The Chestertonian City: A Singularly Plural Approach / Lynne Hapgood -- Signs Taken for Wonders: Adverts and Sacraments in Chesterton's London / Mark Knight -- Chesterton, Machen and the Invisible City / Nick Freeman -- The Knight Errant in the Street: Chesterton, Childe Roland and the City / Matthew Beaumont -- Queer Clubs and Queer Trades: G. …”
991005376409706719 -
3434por MacDonald, MatthewTabla de Contenidos: “…The WordPress landscape ; Signing up with ; Installing WordPress on your web host -- Pt. 2: Building a WordPress blog. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
3435Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…A Sceptical Approach to Jewish Tradition and Zionist Utopia inAgnon's A Guest for the Night / Jean Bodin's Universalism and the Twofold Foundations of Natural Religion A New Reading of the Colloquium heptaplomeres / Nancy's Pleasure in Kant's Agitation / Not by Socrates, but by the Splendour of Israel Philosophy and Kabbalah in Abraham Miguel Cardozo's Early Thought / Looking for Signs: Criticism, doubts, and popular belief in Fifteenth-Century Germany…”
Libro electrónico -
3436por Faller, Kathleen CoulbornTabla de Contenidos: “…; 1 - Professional Roles and the Extent of Child Sexual Maltreatment; 2 - Definitions and Signs of Child Sexual Maltreatment; Part II - Collaborating With Institutions Having Mandatory and Legal Obligations; 3 - Working With Protective Services and the Police; 4 - Collaborating With Attorneys and Working With the Courts; PART III: Data Collection and Decision Making; 6 - The Context of Child Interviewing; 7 - Decision Making in Child Sexual Abuse; PART IV: Sexual Abuse in Special Contexts…”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
3437por Andreucci, Andrea Girolamo (1684-1771) (S.I.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…XII, 204 p. ; 4o (24 cm) Sign.: a6, A-Z4, 2A4, 2B6. Port. con grab. xil. …”
Publicado 1766
Biblioteca Episcopal de Plasencia (Otras Fuentes: Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra)Libro -
3438por Royardus, Johannes (O.F.M.) (m. 1547)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Marca tip. en port. Sign.: 3a-3b8, 2a-2y8, 2z3 Texto con apostillas marginales. …”
Publicado 1546
Colección -
3439por Averoult, Antoine d' (1553-1614) (S.I.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…., 1616. 242, [2] en bl., [28] p. ; 4o. Sign. : a4, B-Z4, 2A-2G4, 2H2, 2I-2L4, 2M2. Port. con esc. xil. de la Compañía de Jesús. …”
Publicado 1616
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3440por Aristóteles (384-322 a.C.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Colofón (v. de H6) Marca tip. Sign.: [alfa]8, [beta]8, a-z8, A-F8, G-H6; Texto a dos col. …”
Publicado 1549