Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 8,541
- Computer Science 5,889
- Ciencias sociales 4,336
- Science 3,896
- Social Science 3,438
- Social sciences 2,492
- Technology 2,379
- General 2,209
- Ciencias 2,185
- Historia 2,168
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 2,117
- Tecnología 2,053
- Political Science 2,010
- Ciencia 1,930
- History 1,923
- Filosofía 1,780
- Computer science 1,763
- Telecommunications 1,635
- Social Sciences 1,472
- Information Technology 1,328
- Ciencias políticas 1,322
- Research 1,299
- Political science 1,291
- Computer Science (Hardware & Networks) 1,254
- Education 1,201
- Medicine 1,168
- Philosophy 1,081
- Agriculture 1,002
- Science: general issues 999
- Artificial intelligence 921
8482Publicado 2017“…Data science values languages that provide a fast turnaround. …”
8483Publicado 2018“…Get a clear picture of the salaries and bonuses data science professionals around the world receive, as well as the tools and cloud providers they use, the tasks they perform, and how interpersonal ("soft") skills might affect their pay. …”
Libro electrónico -
8484Publicado 2016“…In this fourth edition of O’Reilly’s Data Science Salary Survey, 983 respondents working across a variety of industries answered questions about the tools they use, the tasks they engage in, and the salaries they make. …”
Libro electrónico -
8486Publicado 2020Materias: “…Social sciences Periodicals…”
Revista digital -
Seriada digital -
8488por Society of Biological PsychiatryTabla de Contenidos: “…Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science-Supporting Open Science and Global Diversity in Research -- Toward Identifying Neurocognitive Processes That Confer Suicidal Behavior -- Task-General Efficiency of Evidence Accumulation as a Computationally Defined Neurocognitive Trait: Implications for Clinical Neuroscience -- Neurophysiological Markers Related to Negative Self-referential Processing Differentiate Adolescent Suicide Ideators and Attempters -- Corticolimbic Circuitry in Chronic Pain Tracks Pain Intensity Relief Following Exposure In Vivo -- Midcingulate Cortical Activations Interrelate Chronic Craving and Physiological Responses to Negative Emotions in Cocaine Addiction -- Investigating Pleiotropy Between Depression and Autoimmune Diseases Using the UK Biobank -- Sex-Specific Stress-Related Behavioral Phenotypes and Central Amygdala Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of 16p11.2 Microdeletion -- Proof-of-Mechanism Study of the Phosphodiesterase 10 Inhibitor RG7203 in Patients With Schizophrenia and Negative Symptoms…”
Publicado 2021
Revista digital -
8489Publicado 2009“…Egyptian academic journal of biological sciences…”
Revista digital -
8491por National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) Committee on the National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science.Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Front Matter""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Contents""; ""Summary""; ""1 The Role of Veterinary Research in Human Society""; ""2 Progress and Opportunities in Veterinary Research""; ""3 Setting and Implementing an Agenda for Veterinary Research""; ""4 Resources for Veterinary Research""; ""5 An Assessment of Current and Projected Resource Needs for Research in Veterinary Science""; ""References""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A Statement of Task""; ""Appendix B Committee Biographies""; ""Appendix C Workshop on National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science""…”
Publicado 2005
Libro electrónico -
8492Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Social and behavioral sciences for national security : a decadal survey statement of task -- Appendix B. …”
Libro electrónico -
8493por National Research Council (U.S.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Appendix D--Workshop Attendees""""Appendix E--Ideas from the Audience Engagement Exercise Community Ideas as Building Blocks""; ""Appendix F--Networks, Hubs, and Resources for Science Communication""…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
8494Publicado 2011“…The science and applications of synthetic and systems biology is organized into sections as a topic-by-topic distillation of the presentations and discussions that took place at the workshop. …”
Libro electrónico -
8495por National Research Council (U.S.).Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I Improving the Allocation Process for Federal Science and Technology -- Determining Principles for Allocating Federal Funds -- Conclusions, Recommendations, and Discussion -- Looking to the Future -- Endnotes -- Part II Supplements: Background and Rationale -- Supplement 1 The Evolution and Impact of Federal Government Support for R& -- D in Broad Outline -- Supplement 2 Federal Funds for R& -- D and FS& -- -- Supplement 3 Current Processes for Allocating Federal R& -- D Funds -- Supplement 4 Interactions Between Federal and Industrial Funding and the Relationship Between Basic and Applied Research -- Endnotes -- Appendix A Senate Report Language for the Prospective Study on Allocation of Federal R& -- D Funding -- Appendix B Committee and Staff Biographical Information -- Appendix C Acknowledgments -- Appendix D List of Commissioned Background Papers -- Appendix E Acronyms…”
Publicado 1995
Libro electrónico -
8496Publicado 1998Tabla de Contenidos: “…""APPENDIX B Origin of and Information on the Chemical Sciences Roundtable""…”
Libro electrónico -
8497Publicado 2019“…The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject. …”
Libro electrónico -
8498Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Reviewers -- Contents -- Preface -- Summary -- 1 Approaches to Decision Making -- 2 Scientific Issues in Environmental Health Decision Making -- 3 Conflicts of Interest, Bias, and Ethics -- 4 Stakeholder Perspectives on Environmental Health Sciences Decision Making -- 5 General Workshop Discussion -- 6 Closing Comments -- References -- Appendix A: Workshop Agenda -- Appendix B: Speakers and Panelists -- Appendix C: Workshop Participants…”
Libro electrónico -
8499por National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences.Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Front Matter""; ""Acknowledgment of Reviewers""; ""Contents""; ""Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Grand Challenges""; ""3 Societal Challenges""; ""4 Common Themes at the Intersection of Biological and Physical Sciences""; ""5 Enabling Technologies and Tools for Research""; ""6 Enabling Research at the Intersection: Promoting Training, Support, and Communication Across Disciplines""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A: Statement of Task""; ""Appendix B: Meeting Agendas""; ""Appendix C: Biographies of Committee Members""…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
8500por Space Science Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research CouncilTabla de Contenidos: “…Space Science in the Twenty-First Century: Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- OVERVIEW -- EXOBIOLOGY -- GLOBAL BIOLOGY/BIOSPHERIC SCIENCE -- CONTROLLED ECOLOGICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM (CELSS) -- SPACE BIOLOGY -- HUMAN BIOLOGY AND SPACE MEDICINE -- IMPLEMENTATION -- 2 Exobiology -- WHAT IS EXOBIOLOGY? …”
Publicado 1988
Libro electrónico