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  1. 27061
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Taux de chômage et taux d'activité par date d'entrée, région d'origine et sexe -- Graphique 48. Situation des immigrants au regard de l'emploi par type de visa, 1996-97 -- Incidence sur la production et les revenus -- Graphique 49. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 27062
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Le capital social comme instrument de mesure de la performance -- Localisation du capital social -- Place de l'environnement éducatif bâti dans le capital social -- L'incidence des universités sur les régions -- L'utilisation collective des bibliothèques comme indicateur du capital social -- Possibilités de mesure spatiale du capital social -- ... …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 27063
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tourisme récepteur : historique et prévisions par région -- Graphique 12. Arrivées de touristes internationaux dans le monde -- Graphique 13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 27064
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Le soutien apporté à l'agriculture dans la région de l'OCDE a diminué dans son ensemble, mais il ... -- Graphique I.11. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 27065
    por OCDE, OECD /.
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Taux de chômage par comté -- Stimuler la demande de travail peu qualifié, surtout dans les régions défavorisées -- Renforcer les politiques actives du marché du travail -- Améliorer l'enseignement pour répondre aux besoins du marché du travail -- Attirer des immigrés hautement qualifiés -- Remédier aux déséquilibres géographiques -- Encadré 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 27066
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Prix des maisons individuelles au Luxembourg et dans les régions limitrophes -- Tableau 2.2. Prix moyen d'un appartement au m2 (2007-2009) -- Graphique 2.15. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 27067
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Situation des immigrés sur le marché du travail et politiques d'intégration dans les pays de l'OCDE -- Introduction -- Principaux résultats -- Évolutions récentes de la situation des immigrés sur le marché du travail dans la zone OCDE -- Les immigrés ont profité de l'embellie globale enregistrée ces dernières années sur le front économique -- L'analyse de l'évolution des taux d'emploi et de chômage des immigrés depuis 2007 met en évidence des tendances divergentes -- La reprise de l'emploi n'a pas profité à tous les groupes d'immigrés dans la même mesure -- Des évolutions contrastées selon la région de naissance -- Situation sur le marché du travail des immigrés selon la durée de séjour -- Des taux d'emploi plus élevés souvent associés à une hausse de la part de travailleurs pauvres -- Évolutions récentes des politiques d'intégration dans la zone OCDE -- Les interventions précoces restent la clé d'une intégration réussie des nouveaux arrivants -- Les pays continuent de créer des programmes d'intégration pour structurer les activités d'intégration précoce -- Lorsque des programmes d'accueil existent depuis un certain temps, les services sont restructurés…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 27068
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Et limiterait le recours aux crédits à l'exportation -- Le bilan de l'Accord d'Uruguay sur l'agriculture pose de nouveaux défis à l'OMC -- La Chine demeure une incertitude majeure -- De nouveaux efforts sont attendus de la part des gouvernements -- Hypothèses d'ordre économique et politique -- Notes -- Quelques faits marquants des politiques agricoles futures -- Redressement étonnamment rapide de la plupart des régions clés -- L'expansion des États-Unis est remarquable pour sa durée et la modicité des taux d'inflation -- Les prévisions concernant la croissance de l'OCDE sont revues à la hausse -- Graphique 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 27069
    por Abu-Rub, Haithem
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1: Introduction to High Performance Drives 1.1 Preliminary Remarks 1.2 General Overview of High Performance Drives 1.3 Challenges and Requirements for Electric Drives for Industrial Applications 1.4 Organization of the Book References Chapter 2: Mathematical and Simulation Models of AC Machines 2.1 Preliminary Remarks 2.2 DC Motors 2.2.1 Separately Excited DC Motor Control 2.2.2 Series DC Motor Control 2.3 Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 2.3.1 Space vector representation 2.3.2 Per unit model of Induction Motor 2.3.3 Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) 2.4 Mathematical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Problems References Chapter 3: Pulse Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC-AC Converter 3.1 Preliminary Remarks 3.2 Classification of Pulse Width Modulation Schemes for Voltage source inverter 3.3 Pulse Width Modulated Inverters 3.3.1 Single Phase Half Bridge Inverters Matlab/Simulink Model of Half Bridge Inverter 3.3.2 Single Phase Full Bridge Inverters Matlab/Simulink Model of Single-phase Full-Bridge Inverter 3.4 Three-phase PWM voltage source inverter 3.4.1 Carrier based Sinusoidal PWM 3.4.2 Third Harmonic Injection Carrier-based PWM 3.4.3 Carrier-based PWM With Offset Addition 3.4.4 Space Vector PWM 3.4.5 Discontinuous Space Vector PWM 3.4.6 Matlab/Simulink Model for space vector PWM 3.4.7 Space Vector PWM in Over-modulation Region 3.4.8 Artificial Neural Network Based PWM 3.5 Relationship Between Carrier-based PWM and Space Vector PWM 3.6 Multi-level Inverters 3.6.1 Diode Clamped Multi-level Inverters 3.6.2 Flying Capacitor Type Multi-level Inverter 3.6.3 Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-level Inverter 3.7 Impedance Source or Z-Source Inverter 3.7.1 Circuit Analysis 3.7.2 Carrier-based Simple Boost PWM control of a Z-source Inverter 3.7.3 Carrier-based Maximum Boost PWM control of a Z-source Inverter 3.7.4 Matlab/Simulink model of Z-source inverter 3.8 Quasi Impedance Source or qZSI Inverter 3.8.1 Matlab/Simulink model of qZ-source inverter 3.9 Dead Time Effect in a Multi-phase Inverter 3.10 Summary References Chapter 4: Field Oriented Control of AC Machines 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Induction Machines Control 4.2.1 Control of Induction Motor using V/f method 4.2.2 Vector Control of Induction Motor [4.1-4.16] 4.2.3 Direct and Indirect Field Oriented Control 4.2.4 Rotor and stator flux computation 4.2.5 Adaptive flux observer 4.2.6 Stator Flux Orientation 4.2.7 Field Weakening Control 4.3 Vector Control of Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Vector Control of DFIG connected with the Grid (abModel) 4.3.3 Simulation Results 4.4 Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Vector Control of PMSM in dq axis 4.4.3 Vector Control of PMSM in a-baxis using PI controller 4.4.4 Scalar Control of PMSM Exercises Additional tasks Possible tasks for DFIG References Chapter 5: XXXXXXXXXX Chapter 6: Nonlinear Control of Electrical Machines Using Nonlinear Feedback 6.1 Introduction 6.2 dynamic system linearization using non-linear feedback 6.3 Nonlinear Control of Separately Excited DC Motor 6.3.1 Matlab/Simulink Nonlinear Control Model 6.3.2 Nonlinear Control Systems 6.3.3 Speed Controller 6.3.4 Control for variable m 6.3.5 Field Current Controller 6.3.6 Simulation Results 6.4 Multiscalar model (MM) of induction motor 6.4.1 Multiscalar variables 6.4.2 Nonlinear linearization of induction motor fed by voltage controlled VSI 6.4.3 Design of system control 6.4.4 Nonlinear linearization of induction motor fed by current controlled VSI 6.4.5 Stator oriented nonlinear control system (based on Ys,is) 6.4.6 Rotor-Stator Fluxes based Model 6.4.7 Stator Oriented Multiscalar Model 6.4.8 Multiscalar Control of Induction Motor 6.4.9 Induction Motor Model 6.4.10 State Transformation 6.4.11 Decoupled IM Model 6.5 MM of double fed induction machine (DFIM) 6.6 Nonlinear Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 6.6.1 Nonlinear Control of PMSM for a dq motor model 6.6.2 Nonlinear Vector Control of PMSM in a-baxis 6.6.3 PMSM in a-b(x-y) axis 6.6.4 Transformation 6.6.5 Control System 6.6.6 Simulation Results Problems References Chapter 7: Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive System 7.1 Preliminary remarks 7.2 Advantages and Applications of Multi-phase drives 7.3 Modelling and Simulation of a Five-phase Induction motor drive 7.3.1 Five-phase Induction motor model Phase variable model Model transformation Machine model in an arbitrary common reference frame Matlab/Simulink model of main fed five-phase induction motor drive 7.3.2 Five-phase Two-level Voltage source Inverter Model 7.3.2.A Ten-Step Mode of Operation 7.3.2.A.1 Fourier analysis of the five-phase inverter output voltages 7.3.2.A.2 Matlab/Simulink Modelling for Ten-step Mode 7.3.2.A.3 Prototype of a five-phase VSI for ten-step operation 7.3.2.A.4 Experimental Results for Ten-Step mode 7.3.2.A.5 PWM mode of operation of five-phase VSI 7.3.3 PWM Schemes of a Five-phase VSI Carrier-based Sinusoidal PWM scheme Matlab/Simulink simulation of Carrier-based sinusoidal PWM 5th Harmonic Injection Based pulse width modulation scheme Matlab/Simulink simulation of 5th harmonic injection PWM Offset addition based pulse width modulation scheme Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Scheme Matlab/Simulink model of SVPWM 7.4 Indirect Rotor Field Oriented Control of Five-phase induction motor 7.4.1 Matlab/Simulink Model of Field oriented control of five-phase Induction machine 7.5 Field Oriented Control of Five-phase induction motor with current control in the Synchronous reference frame 7.6 Model Predictive Control (MPC) 7.6.1 MPC Applied to a Five-phase Two-Level VSI 7.6.2 Matlab/Simulink of MPC for Five-phase VSI 7.7 Summary 7.8 Bibliography Chapter 8: Sensorless Speed Control of AC Machines 8.1 Preliminary Remarks 8.2 Sensorless Control of Induction Motor 8.2.1 Observer 1 8.2.2 Observer 2 8.2.3 Observer 3 8.2.4 MRAS- (closed loop) speed estimator 8.2.5 The use of power measurements 8.3 Sensorless Control of PMSM 8.3.1 Control system of PMSM 8.3.2 Adaptive backstepping observer 8.3.3 Model Reference Adaptive System for PMSM 8.3.4 Simulation Results 8.4 MRAS-Based Sensorless Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive 8.4.1 MRAS-BASED SPEED ESTIMATOR 8.4.2 Simulation Results References Chapter 9: Selected Problems of Induction Motor Drives with Voltage Inverter and Inverter Output Filters 9.1 Drives and filters - overview 9.2 Three phase to two phase transformations 9.3 Voltage and current common mode component 9.3.1 Matlab/Simulink model of induction motor drive with PWM inverter and common mode voltage 9.4 Induction motor common mode circuit 9.5 Bearing current types and reduction methods 9.5.1 Common mode choke 9.5.2 Common mode transformers 9.5.3 Common mode voltage reduction by PWM modifications 9.6 Inverter output filters 9.6.1 Selected structures of inverter output filters 9.6.2 Inverter output filters design 9.6.3 Motor choke 9.6.4 Matlab/Simulink model of induction motor drive with PWM inverter and differential mode (normal mode) LC filter 9.7 Estimation problems in the drive with filters 9.7.1 Introduction 9.7.2 Speed observer with disturbances model 9.7.3 Simple observer based on motor stator models 9.8 Motor control problems in the drive with filters 9.8.1 Introduction 9.8.2 Field oriented control 9.8.3 Nonlinear field oriented control 9.8.4 Nonlinear multiscalar control 9.9 Predictive current control in the drive system with output filter 9.9.1 Control system 9.9.2 Predictive current controller 9.9.3 EMF estimation technique 9.10 Problems 9.11 Questions 9.12 References Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 27070
    por Ayala Taco, Jaime Paúl
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…RESONANCIA ACÚSTICA -- 1.3.1. REGIONES DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LAS (...) -- 1.3.2. PREDICCIÓN DE LAS FRECUENCIAS DE (...) -- 1.3.3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 27071
    por Luces R., Andrea C.
    Publicado 2016
    Libro electrónico
  12. 27072
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Editor Bios -- Contributor Bios -- Acknowledgments -- Introductory Chapter: Asia Finance: The Emergence of Asia Economy and New Development in Finance -- Banking -- Market Developments and Governance Issues -- Sovereign Wealth Funds -- Summary of Individual Chapters in Volume 1 -- Disclaimers -- Part One: Banking -- 1 Risk Rating in Asian Banks -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 PIT Versus Behavior Modeling -- 1.2.1 Transaction Behavior Data -- 1.2.2 Back-Testing -- 1.3 Transaction Behavior Scoring -- 1.3.1 Scoring Process -- 1.3.2 Validation -- 1.4 Simulation and Conclusion -- References -- 2 Private Wealth Management in Asia -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Global Market Distribution of Private Wealth -- 2.3 Asian Market Distribution of Private Wealth -- 2.4 Asian Private Wealth Management -- 2.5 Asian Centers of Private Wealth Management -- 2.5.1 Hong Kong and Singapore -- 2.5.2 China and India as Emerging Markets -- 2.5.3 Japan's Challenges -- 2.6 Swiss Private Banking Across Asia -- 2.7 Conclusion -- References -- 3 The Banking Networks of Asian Financial Centers -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 The Roots of Asia's Banking Networks -- 3.3 Asia's Leading Financial Centers -- 3.3.1 The View from HSBC -- 3.3.2 The Ranking of Asia's Financial Centers -- 3.4 Asia's Exchanges -- 3.5 China's Financial Centers -- 3.6 Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 4 Dynamics of House Prices and Bank Lending in Korea -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Literature Review -- 4.3 Apartment House Prices and Bank Lending: Stylized Facts in Regional Submarkets of House in Korea -- 4.4 Long-Run Analysis -- 4.5 Short-Run Relationship -- 4.6 Conclusion -- Appendix 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 27073
    por World Health Organization
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  14. 27074
    por OECD
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- La gestion et l'organisation des transitions de la petite enfance font l'objet d'une attention accrue -- Tendances en matière de gestion -- Tendances en matière d'organisation -- Enjeux -- Enjeu 1 : Manque de cohérence des approches transitionnelles entre les régions -- Enjeu 2 : Difficultés à associer tous les acteurs -- Enjeu 3 : Faible collaboration entre les parties prenantes -- Enjeu 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 27075
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Dimension géopolitique - internationale, nationale, locale -- Mondialisation -- Flux migratoires -- Communautés et régions -- Évolution de la gouvernance -- Notes -- Chapitre 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 27076
    por United States.
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hospital Stays in 2016: Variation by Geographic Region -- Geographic Variation in Substance-Related Inpatient Stays Across States and Counties in the United States, 2013-2015 -- Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays and Emergency Department Visits Among Patients Aged 65 Years and Older, 2010 and 2015 -- Trends and Disparities in Delivery Hospitalizations Involving Severe Maternal Morbidity, 2006-2015 -- Overview of Pediatric Emergency Department Visits, 2015 -- Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Myocardial Infarction, and Ischemic Stroke Rates Among Inpatient Stays, 2001-2014 -- Co-occurrence of Physical Health Conditions and Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions Among Adult Inpatient Stays, 2010 Versus 2014 -- Payers of Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays and Emergency Department Visits Nationally and by State, 2010 and 2015 -- Trends in Hospital Emergency Department Visits by Age and Payer, 2006-2015 -- Patient Safety and Adverse Events, 2011 and 2014 -- Inpatient Stays Involving Atrial Fibrillation, 1998-2014 -- Trends in Hospital Inpatient Stays by Age and Payer, 2000-2015 -- Overview of Operating Room Procedures During Inpatient Stays in U.S. …”
    Revista digital
  17. 27077
    por Gucer, Vasfi, Ceylan, Sanver
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tivoli Management Framework basics -- 2.1 Components of the basic Tivoli architecture -- 2.2 Tivoli user interfaces -- 2.2.1 Tivoli Desktop -- 2.2.2 Command line interface -- 2.2.3 Navigating the Tivoli Desktop -- 2.3 Tivoli resources -- 2.4 Authorization roles -- 2.4.1 Scope of authorization roles -- 2.5 Tivoli profiles -- 2.5.1 Profile managers and profile distribution -- 2.6 Multiplexed distribution services -- 2.6.1 MDist and MDist 2 -- 2.6.2 MDist 2 functions -- 2.6.3 MDist2 components -- 2.6.4 wmdist command -- 2.6.5 Using the Distribution Status console -- 2.7 Connecting multiple TMR regions -- 2.7.1 Benefits of connecting TMRs -- 2.7.2 Connection types -- 2.7.3 Name registry -- 2.7.4 Case study: Hub-spoke architecture -- 2.8 Endpoint login sequence -- 2.8.1 Initial login without a select_gateway_policy script -- 2.8.2 Initial login with a select_gateway_policy script -- 2.8.3 Normal login -- 2.8.4 Isolated login -- 2.8.5 Orphan login -- 2.8.6 Implementing policy scripts -- 2.9 Firewall Security Toolbox -- 2.9.1 Tivoli environment with a firewall -- 2.9.2 Tivoli environment with demilitarized zones -- 2.9.3 Sending events across firewalls -- 2.10 Installing Firewall Security Toolbox -- 2.10.1 Installing on UNIX operating systems…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 27078
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 9: Drainage infrastructure for industrial and commercial premises, estates and business parks -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Sustainable Drainage Technology -- 9.2.1 Bringing various objectives into a single technology -- 9.2.2 SUDS in relation to industrial estates -- 9.2.3 Example SUDS features -- Grass filter strips -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Grass swales as source control measures -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Grass swales as conveyance features -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Bioretention -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Green roofs -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Green walls -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Pervious pavements -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Filter drains -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Extended detention basins -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Retention ponds and stormwater wetlands -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- 9.3 Other Drainage Features -- 9.3.1 Inspection chambers -- 9.3.2 Silt traps and oil interceptors -- 9.3.3 Packaged filtration units and vortex separators -- 9.4 Infrastructure Strategy -- 9.4.1 Water quality and pollution risks for industrial premises and estates -- 9.4.2 Spatial application of SUDS -- At source and on site -- Conveyance swales or drains -- Regional (whole estate) features -- 9.4.3 Treatment capability -- 9.5 Discussion -- 9.5.1 Treatment trains -- 9.5.2 Compromise or lateral thinking -- 9.5.3 Technology development for managing design and construction risks -- 9.5.4 Catchment initiatives and retrofits -- 9.6 Conclusions -- 9.7 Acknowledgements -- References…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 27079
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Segmentation -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Histogram-Based Segmentation -- 8.2.1 Otsu's Method -- 8.2.2 Renyi Entropy -- 8.2.3 Adaptive Thresholding -- 8.3 Region-Based Segmentation -- 8.3.1 Watershed Segmentation -- 8.4 Contour-Based Segmentation -- 8.4.1 Chan-Vese Segmentation -- 8.5 Segmentation Algorithm for Various Modalities -- 8.5.1 Segmentation of Computed Tomography Image -- 8.5.2 Segmentation of MRI Image -- 8.5.3 Segmentation of Optical and Electron Microscope Images -- 8.6 Summary -- 8.7 Exercises -- 9. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 27080
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…7.6.2 Major Areas of Negotiations -- 7.6.3 Some Recent Developments -- Summary -- Review Questions -- Objective Type Questions -- Case Study -- Study Topic -- References -- Select Further Readings -- Chapter 8: Regional Economic Integration -- 8.1 Levels of Economic Integration -- 8.2 Benefits and Cost of Economic Integration -- 8.2.1 Trade Creation and Trade Diversion -- 8.2.2 Inter-Commodity Substitution and Consumption Gains -- 8.2.3 Trade Deflection in a Free Trade Area -- 8.2.4 Dynamic Effects -- 8.2.5 Collective Self-reliance -- 8.2.6 Increased Foreign Direct Investment -- 8.2.7 Polarisation of Benefits -- 8.3 Some Economic Integration Schemes -- 8.3.1 The European Case -- 8.3.2 The American and Caribbean Schemes -- 8.3.3 Integration Schemes in Africa and the Middle-East -- 8.3.4 Economic Co-Operation Schemes in Asia and Pacific -- Summary -- Review Questions -- Objective Type Questions -- Case Study -- References -- Select Further Readings -- Chapter 9: Political and Legal Environment -- 9.1 Concept of Political Environment -- 9.1.1 Political Diversity and Political Similarity -- 9.1.2 Democracy Versus Totalitarianism -- 9.2 Home Country Perspective -- 9.3 Host Country Perspective -- 9.3.1 Meaning and Forms of Political Risk -- 9.3.2 Evaluation of Political Risk -- 9.3.3 Management of Political Risk -- 9.4 Legal Environment -- 9.4.1 Legal System -- 9.4.2 Principles of International Business Law -- 9.4.3 Wide Variance in National Business Laws and the Issue of Legal Standardisation -- Summary -- Review Questions -- Objective Type Questions -- Study Topic -- References -- Select Further Readings -- Chapter 10: Economic Environment -- 10.1 Forms of Economic System -- 10.2 Preliminary Economic Indicators -- 10.2.1 Level of Income and Its Distribution -- 10.2.2 Inflation -- 10.2.3 Consumption Behaviour…”
    Libro electrónico