Mostrando 25,661 - 25,680 Resultados de 32,993 Para Buscar '"Región"', tiempo de consulta: 0.20s Limitar resultados
  1. 25661
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conclusión: Hacia una agenda de buena gobernanza e integridad en la región -- Referencias -- Anexo I Integridad para el Buen Gobierno en América Latina y el Caribe: Un plan de acción -- 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 25662
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Los continentes, las regiones y los países de origen de los inmigrantes-6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 25663
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Foresight in business -- 2.9.3. Regional prospective -- 2.10. Conclusion -- 2.11. References -- 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 25664
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Network programming with Python -- Breaking a few eggs -- Taking it from the top -- Downloading an RFC -- Looking deeper -- Programming for TCP/IP networks -- Firewalls -- Network Address Translation -- IPv6 -- Summary -- Chapter 2 : HTTP and Working with the Web -- Request and response -- Requests with urllib -- Response objects -- Status codes -- Handling problems -- HTTP headers -- Customizing requests -- Content compression -- Multiple values -- Content negotiation -- Content types -- User agents -- Cookies -- Cookie handling -- Know your cookies -- Redirects -- URLs -- Paths and relative URLs -- Query strings -- URL encoding -- URLs in summary -- HTTP methods -- The HEAD method -- The POST method -- Formal inspection -- HTTPS -- The Requests library -- Handling errors with Requests -- Summary -- Chapter 3 : APIs in Action -- Getting started with XML -- The XML APIs -- The basics of ElementTree -- Pretty printing -- Element attributes -- Converting to text -- The Amazon S3 API -- Registering with AWS -- Authentication -- Setting up an AWS user -- Regions -- S3 buckets and objects -- An S3 command-line client -- Creating a bucket with the API -- Uploading a file -- Retrieving an uploaded file through a web browser -- Displaying an uploaded file in a web browser -- Downloading a file with the API…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 25665
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Function Called As Statements -- Chapter 12: Lookup Tables -- Table Data Structure -- Jagged Array Grids -- Preparing Table Data -- Lookup Table Function -- Input Variables and Data Source -- Control String -- Chapter 13: Small-Signal Functions -- AC Analysis -- AC Stimulus Function -- Noise Analysis -- White Noise Function -- Flicker Noise Function -- Look-Up Table Noise Functions -- Correlated Noise Sources -- Chapter 14: Filters -- Time-Domain Filters -- Absolute Delay Filter -- Transition Filter -- Slew Filter -- Frequency-Domain Filters -- Laplace Transform Filters -- Zero-Pole Filter -- Zero-Denominator Filter -- Numerator-Pole Filter -- Numerator-Denominator Filter -- The Z-Transform Filters -- Zero-Pole Filter -- Zero-Denominator Filter -- Numerator-Pole Filter -- Numerator-Denominator Filter -- Chapter 15: Events -- Event Control Statements -- Global Event Functions -- Monitored Event Functions -- Cross Function -- Last Crossing Function -- Above Function -- Timer Function -- Chapter 16: Runtime Support -- Elaboration Queries -- Port Connections -- Parameter Overrides -- Simulation Queries -- Analysis Type -- Kernel Parameters -- Dynamic Probing -- Solver Support -- Announcing Discontinuity -- Bounding Time Step -- Limiting Iteration Steps -- Simulation Control -- Announcing Severity -- Terminating Simulation -- Chapter 17: Input and Output -- File Management -- Opening Files -- File Positioning -- Error Status -- Detecting End-of-File -- Flushing Output -- Closing Files -- Reading Data -- Reading a Line from a File -- Reading Formatted Data -- Displaying and Writing Data -- Text Output -- File Output -- Writing Data to a String -- Escape Sequences -- Chapter 18: Generative Programming -- Generate Blocks -- Generate Statements -- Generate Regions -- Conditional Generation -- Looping Generation -- Hierarchy Scope and Names…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 25666
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Annual average exchange rate: 1 USD = HUF -- Executive summary -- The DAC's recommendations to Hungary -- Findings and recommendations -- Introduction and context -- Introduction -- Hungary's domestic context: Opportunities to enhance development co-operation in a shifting external environment -- Since joining the DAC, Hungary has invested continuously in development co-operation -- The external environment presents both opportunities and risks -- Policy framework and financing: ODA has expanded significantly in line with priorities -- Guidance would help operationalise the legal and political foundations of Hungary's co-operation -- Hungary has established a solid legal and policy basis for its co-operation -- The next key step would be to develop implementation guidance -- ODA growth has been impressive -- planning and reporting could be improved -- ODA has increased fourfold since 2010 -- Hungary faces challenges in planning and reporting ODA -- ODA allocations are aligned with priorities but dispersed across countries and projects -- Hungary has increased bilateral ODA for its priority sectors and regions -- ...But allocations are geographically dispersed across many projects -- The development co-operation system: Hungary has many opportunities to deepen institutional and stakeholder collaboration -- Hungary's reorganisation could increase the effectiveness and efficiency of its development co-operation -- The various actors and instruments are not fully co-ordinated -- The reorganisation and enhanced role of the agency can strengthen the capacity and co-ordination of the co-operation system -- Hungary could do more on systematic stakeholder and public consultation and greater development awareness -- Hungary can gain from more systematic consultation with stakeholders…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 25667
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Data videos and enhanced visualizations in R -- 18.3. Dual confidence regions -- 18.4. Fast feature selection based on predictive power -- 18.5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 25668
    Publicado 2025
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…., posito quod Sol et alii planete moverentur -- I .7 Utrum motus localis sit causa caloris -- I .8 Utrum aer superior et ignis in suis speris calefiant ex motu celi -- I .9 Utrum lumen in istis inferioribus a corporibus celestibus generetur -- I .10 Utrum quatuor elementa sint continue proportionalia -- I .11 Utrum omne lumen sit calefactivum -- I .12 Utrum omne corpus oppositum luminoso sit calefactibile per lumen -- I .13 Utrum aliquod agens possit agere in passum distans ab eo sine hoc quod agat in intermedium -- I .14 Utrum aliquod agens fortius agat in remotum quam in sibi propinquum -- I .15 Utrum unum contrarium possit movere localiter alterum sibi contrarium -- I .16 Utrum media regio aeris sit semper frigida -- I .17 Utrum flamme apparentes de nocte in aere fiant ibi naturaliter -- I .18 Utrum, serenitate existente, appareant in celo de nocte hiatus, seu aperture, et voragines et sanguinei colores -- I .19 Utrum stelle comate sint de natura celi aut elementari -- I .20 Utrum motus stelle comate sit naturalis -- I .21 Utrum comete significent guerras, mortes principum, pestilentias et huiusmodi -- I .22 Utrum omnes comete sint eiusdem speciei inter se et cum galaxia -- I .23 Utrum impressiones humide fiant a calido -- I .24 Utrum omnes impressiones aquee sint eiusdem speciei -- I .25 Utrum nix et pluvia generentur in media aeris regione -- I .26 Utrum grando debeat magis fieri in hieme vel estate aut in temporibus mediis, sicut in vere aut autumno -- I .27 Utrum nebula sit signum serenitatis -- I .28 Utrum aqua naturaliter ascendat ad orificia fontium -- I .29 Utrum fontes et fluvii veniant ex aqua pluviali vel ex mari vel aliunde -- I .30 Utrum fontes et flumina derivantur a montibus -- I .31 Utrum habitationes terre permutentur -- I .32 Utrum habitatio terre permutetur propter mare -- I .33 Utrum habitatio terre permutetur propter permutationem in qualitatibus secundis -- Liber II -- II .1 Utrum locus naturalis elementi aque sit ubi nunc est mare -- II .2 Utrum mare fluat et refluat -- II .3 Utrum aqua maris sit salsa -- II .4 Utrum fontes et fluvii debeant esse salsi -- II .5 Utrum ventus sit exalatio calida et sicca -- II .6 Utrum Auster veniat a polo antartico e Boreas ab artico -- II .7 Utrum terremotus sit possibilis -- II .8 Utrum terremotus, ventus et tonitruum et similia sint eiusdem nature -- II .9 Utrum fulgur sit exalatio calida et sicca ignita -- Liber III -- III .1 Utrum visus refrangatur a corporibus densis et politis -- III .2 Utrum halo fiat ex refractione radiorum ab ipsa nube ad visum -- III .3 Utrum sit aliquis color spiritualis -- III .4 Utrum colores apparentes in iride sint ibi vere et realiter -- III .5 Utrum iris debeat apparere secundum circuli periferiam -- III .6 Utrum iris possit apparere maior semicirculo -- III .7 Utrum iris quandoque appareat secundum portionem circuli maioris et quandoque secundum portionem minoris -- Appendix I : Three Questions on the Fourth Book of Aristotle’s Meteorology in Manuscript D -- Utrum sint tantum quatuor qualitates prime -- Utrum qualitatum primarum due sint active et due passive, scilicet caliditas et siccitas active, et alie passive -- Utrum caliditas sit magis qualitas activa quam frigiditas -- Appendix II : Two Questions on Aristotle’s Meteorology Interpolated into Oresme’s prima lectura in Manuscript C -- 1 Utrum iris potest fieri a Luna -- 2 ⟨Utrum impressiones ignite que generantur sursum in aere differant materialiter⟩ -- Appendix III : Nicole Oresme, Questiones in Meteorologica de ultima lectura , IV .1 -- Appendix: The Questions and Their Sources -- Bibliography -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 25669
    por Bush, Lee
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Note -- Bibliography -- Chapter 5: Inclusive Digital and Social Media Strategies -- Gaining Insights into Diverse Audiences Through Social Listening and User Testing -- Social Listening and Inclusive Audience Planning -- User Testing for Assessing Diverse Needs -- Applying Inclusive Design to Ensure Digital Accessibility -- Importance of Accessibility to Digital Communication -- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines -- Inclusive Design Tips for Web and Social Media Strategies -- Prioritizing Representation and Diverse Voices in Content Strategy -- Ensuring Representation -- Amplifying Diverse Voices -- Collaborating with Diverse Influencers -- Incorporating Inclusive Hashtags -- Sustaining Brand Safety without Compromising Inclusion -- Impact of Keyword Blocking on Diversity and Inclusion -- Integrating Inclusion into Brand Safety Practices -- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Inclusive Digital Communication Strategies -- Setting Clear Goals and Objectives -- Measures and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Inclusive Digital Strategies -- Methods and Tools for Evaluation -- Bibliography -- Chapter 6: Designing Culturally Sensitive Research -- Research Ethics and Geo-Cultural Contexts -- Regional Ethics Considerations -- Emerging Global Ethics Frameworks -- An Inclusive Approach to Strategic Research -- Conducting Preliminary Research and Developing Research Questions -- Research Instruments: Language and Terminology -- Recruiting Participants and Conducting Your Research -- Consulting with Community Experts -- Representing People with Disabilities -- Analyzing and Reporting Research Results -- Avoiding Harm -- Nontraditional, Collaborative Research Methods -- Focus on Community-Identified Needs -- Participants as Co-Creators of Knowledge…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 25670
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Un estado de la cuestión / Miguel Cortés Sánchez ; Nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de las sociedades tribales comunitarias neolíticas en la región histórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar / José Ramos Muñoz ; El desarrollo de los estudios sobre la Prehistoria Reciente en Andalucía oriental a partir del análisis territorial: Los últimos 25 años / Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano ; El estatuto epistemológico del análisis territorial en la investigación de la Prehistoria Reciente andaluza: Trayectoria y prespectiva / Leonardo García Sanjuán ; La territorialidad y los fenicios occidentales: Estado actual de la investigación y perspectivas / José Luis López Castro ; El origen del modo de vida campesino: La fase final de la macroaldea eneolítica de Marroquíes Bajos (Jaén) / Narciso Zafra de la Torre ; Nuevos actores para viejos escenarios: La sociedad argárica / Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez ; El cuestionamiento históricosocial del Bronce Tardío en Andalucía / Anna Maria Roos ; Poder y subalternidad en las comunidades fenicias de la Andalucía mediterránea / Ana Delgado Hervás ; Las sociedades representadas: Rangos y ritos en los santuarios íberos del Alto Guadalquivir / Carmen Rueda Galán ; La gestión del patrimonio prehistórico: Iniciativas de protección en otras Comunidades Autónomas y en la Unión Europea / María Angeles Querol Fernández ; Aproximación al patrimonio en Andalucía: Desde la protección a la custodia / María Angeles Pazos Bernal ; Los museos andaluces y su relación con la Prehistoria y la Arqueología en los últimos 25 años / Manuel Ramos Lizana ; La tutela del patrimonio arqueológico en ámbitos complejos: Los yacimientos de Valencina de la Concepción- Castilleja de Guzmán y del cerro del Carambolo (Camas), en el área metropolitana de Sevilla / Isabel Santana Falcón ; Marroquíes Bajos, Jaén: Caso y contexto de la Arqueología suburbana / Marcelo Castro López ; Patrimonio arqueológico y conservación / Román Fernández-Baca Casares ; Consolidación, restauración y cerramiento del yacimiento arqueológico del Castellón, Galera (Granada) / Marcelino Martín Montero ; La conservación del patrimonio arqueológico: De la planificación a la intervención / Pedro Salmerón Escobar ; Crónica del fracaso: Tipos y criterios de intervención en monumentos megalíticos / Fernando Carrera Ramírez ; La tutela del arte rupestre en Andalucía: La protección / Julián Martínez García ; La dificultad de conservación del patrimonio arqueológico / Angela Suárez Márquez ; Sitios musealizados de la Prehistoria Reciente: Algunas experiencias en Portugal / Rui Parreira ; Gestión de la difusión en los museos andaluces / Ana Dolores Navarro Ortega ; La tutela estratégica: Principios y herramientas. …”
  11. 25671
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Solar power station, fuel station and regional import -- 5.4. Hydroelectric power station and PHES -- 5.5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 25672
    por Brito, Paula
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ievoli: Detecting Differences in Italian Regional Health Services During Two Covid-19 Waves -- G. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 25673
    por Cannistra, Robert M.
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER 1 Voice Fundamentals for Unified Communication 1 Voice Fundamentals 1 Cisco VoIP Structure 3 Common Topologies 3 CHAPTER 2 Cisco Switch, Router, and Phone Fundamentals for Unified Voice 7 Technology Overview-Device Connections: Router, Switch, IP Phones 7 Topology 8 Configuration 9 Configure the Router's Hostname 9 Configure the Router for InterVLAN Routing 9 Configure the PoE Switch for Basic Connectivity 10 Configure Voice and Data VLANs on the PoE Switch 11 Configure One Interface for the Data VLAN 11 Configure One Interface for the Voice VLAN 11 Configure One Interface for Both the Data VLAN and the Voice VLAN 12 Reset the Cisco 7965G Unified IP Phone to Factory Defaults 13 Verification 13 Troubleshooting 14 Actively Debug Issues When They Arise 14 CHAPTER 3 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express 15 Topology 15 Administration Interfaces 16 Configuration 16 Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express for the First Time 16 Accessing and Using the Cisco Configuration Professional 16 Basic Telephony Settings 23 CHAPTER 4 Cisco Unified CME Features 49 Creating Extensions 49 Modifying Extensions 63 Deleting Extensions 65 Cloning Extensions 66 Creating Phones and Users 67 Modifying Phones and Users 82 Deleting Phones and Users 83 Other Telephony Features 85 CHAPTER 5 Cisco Unifi ed Communications Manager (CUCM) Administration and Management 87 Topology 88 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Interfaces 88 Accessing the Management GUI and CLI Interfaces 89 Accessing and Using the Web GUI 89 Accessing and Using the CLI 91 Changing CUCM Name to IP Address for DNS Independence 93 Configuring a Unified CM Group 97 Configuring a Phone NTP Reference 99 Configuring a Date/Time Group 99 Configuring a Region 101 Configuring Locations 104 Configuring Device Pools 105 Configuring a Partition 106 Configuring a Calling Search Space 108 Activating Services and Features 109 Creating a Phone Button Template 111 Creating a Softkey Template 112 Creating a Common Phone Profile 114 Creating an Application User with Administrative Rights 116 Creating an Application User with Read-Only Rights 118 Creating an End User Manually 118 Adding Users via LDAP Synchronization 119 Configuring LDAP Authentication for End Users 122 Adding an IP Phone to CUCM Manually 123 Adding a Directory Number (DN) to a Phone 125 Adding Phones Using Auto-registration 128 Adding End Users and Phones with the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) 130 Configuring an H.323 Gateway in CUCM 134 Configuring a Route Pattern 135 CHAPTER 6 Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Telephony and Mobility Features 139 Topology 140 Configuring a Hunt Group 140 Configuring a Line Group 140 Configuring a Hunt List 143 Configuring a Hunt Pilot 144 Configuring Shared Lines 145 Configuring Barge and Privacy 147 Configuring Call Forward 149 Configuring Call Pickup 152 Configuring Call Park 154 Configuring Directed Call Park 155 Configuring Native Presence (Busy Lamp Field [BLF] Speed Dial) 156 Configuring Extension Mobility 159 Configuring Intercom 164 Configuring Mobile Connect 167 Configuring Mobile Voice Access (MVA) 172 Summary 175 CHAPTER 7 Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unifi ed Presence 177 Topology 178 Cisco Unity Connection Administration Interfaces 178 Cisco Unity Connection 178 Configuring Class of Service in Cisco Unity Connection 180 Configuring Partitions and Search Spaces in Unity Connection 182 Configuring User Templates in Cisco Unity Connection 184 Managing Users in Cisco Unity Connection 185 Adding Users Manually 185 Importing Users via AXL from CUCM 186 Importing Users with LDAP 189 Importing Users with the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) 191 Configuring Call Handlers in Cisco Unity Connection 195 Cisco Unity Connection Reports 200 Cisco Unified Presence Server Administration Interfaces 201 Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unified Presence Backup and Restore 201 CHAPTER 8 Management, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting CUCM 203 Topology 203 Cisco IP Phone Boot and Restart Processes 204 Cisco IP Phone Boot Process 204 Phone Restart Procedure 205 Troubleshooting Using the Phone Web Page 205 Dialed Number Analyzer 207 Cisco Unified Reporting 210 Cisco Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) 211 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Using CLI Commands 216 Configuring Backup and Recovery 217 Summary 218 CHAPTER 9 Putting It All Together 219 Topology 219 Design 220 Configuration 220 Verification 223 Troubleshooting 223 APPENDIX Create Your Own Journal Here 225…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 25674
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crowding out the usual crowd -- The slow flow from Japan -- 'Housewives of Tokyo' disrupt international finance -- The 'search for yield' drives Japanese banks abroad -- An early global tremor -- Japan's capital exports: still more to come -- Echoes of Japan in the West -- The euro: an exercise in imbalance -- Convergence creates its own challenges -- Opportunity for second-rate banks -- The global meaning of money -- How central banks lost their grip -- Japan's lost decade: prelude to international disorder -- The origins of the Japanese banking crisis -- Influence of 'globalisation' on Japan's economy -- The Asian crisis, bail-out and a regional disaster -- Belated regulation: worse than nothing -- Quantitative easing, its wider impact and the flow of money -- The Fed and the bail-out of Long Term Capital Management -- LTCM: birth and growth -- 'Convergence': politics and profit -- Beginning of the end -- The Fed saves the world -- The Greenspan put -- Greenspan and dot-com -- Greenspan confuses progress with irrationality -- A law for financial expansion -- Greenspan jumps on the Exuberance Express -- Y2K: the crash of optimism version 1.0 -- Downturn in the new century -- ILoveYou: a new disease -- The focus switches -- September 2001 -- Japan's dark presence -- The liquidity generator unleashed -- Long-term faith in an American future -- In Europe: equal rates for unequal countries -- Follow the Fed -- Local imbalances -- Collusion in liquidity -- Going fishing: lessons of financial innovation -- Why innovation is needed -- The dangers of uncritical acceptance of orthodoxy -- The risk revolution: innovation for all -- Efficiency or avoidance? …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 25675
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 12 - Ethnicity, Regionalism, and Nation-Building Challenges in Post-1994 Malawi: Whither a Federal State System? …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 25676
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2 A Company, a Shareholders Bank, and a Spanish Crown Bank -- 3 The Heterogeneous World of Silver Ore Producers and Rescatistas: Azogueros, k'ajchas, Trapicheros, and Metals from Outside the City -- 4 Azogueros: A Unifying and Homogenizing Name -- 5 The k'ajchas, trapiches, and trapicheros -- 6 Reconsidering the Second Boom in Potosí and Its Causes -- 7 Conclusion -- Primary Sources -- Bibliography -- Part 4 Local, Regional and Global Impacts -- Chapter 9 Local Links behind a Global Scandal: The Audiencia de Charcas and the Great Potosí Mint Fraud, ca. 1650 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Audiencia and the Mint Fraud before the Arrival of Nestares Marín -- 3 The Visita General of Nestares Marín and the Audiencia de Charcas -- 4 Merits and Demerits of Pedro de Azaña -- 5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- Primary Sources -- Bibliography -- Chapter 10 The Hangover: Global Consequences of the Great Potosí Mint Fraud, c. 1650-1675 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Total Recall -- 3 Genoa -- 4 Portugal -- 5 France -- 6 Flanders -- 7 The Baltic -- 8 New England -- 9 The Wreck of the Vergulde Draeck -- 10 East and South Asia -- 11 Conclusion -- Primary Sources -- Bibliography -- Chapter 11 From the Ratio to Rothschild: Silver and Quicksilver-Recovering the Past for the Future in Nineteenth-Century Potosí (1800-1858) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 From Colonial Reform to War -- 2.1 From Almadén to Potosí: New Routes -- 2.2 Periodizing the Ratio, 1800-1822 -- 3 The Republic -- 3.1 The Republican Ratio -- 3.2 The visita of the Potosí Rivera, 1837-1838 -- 4 Balance and Projections -- Primary Sources -- Bibliography -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 25677
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Epidemiology and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Leprosy Detection in the State of Bahia, Brazilian Northeast Region, 2001-2014 Reprinted from: Trop. Med. Infect. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 25678
    Publicado 1976
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modernism in Russia - Museums of regional studies in Russia and the Soviet Union -- v. 24. …”
  19. 25679
    por Jodidio, Philip
    Publicado 2001
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Shinro Ohtake: Naoshima Public Baths, Naoshima, Kagawa, Japan; OMA*AMO/Rem Koolhaas: Prada Transformer, Seoul, South Korea; OMA*AMO/Rem Koolhaas: CCTV Television Station and Headquarters, TVCC Television Cultural Center, Beijing, China; Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos: La Olmeda Roman Villa, Pedrosa de la Vega, Palencia, Spain; Dominique Perrault: EWHA Womans University, Seoul, South Korea; Renzo Piano: Emilio and Annabianca Vedova Foundation, Venice, Italy; Plasma Studio: Flowing Gardens, Xi'an World Horticultural Fair 2011, Xi'an, China; Rudy Ricciotti: Villa Navarra, Le Muy, France; Peter Rich: Alexandra Heritage Center, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa; Peter Rich: Mapungubwe Interpretation Center, Mapungubwe National Park, Limpopo, South Africa; Rotor: RDF181, Brussels, Belgium; Hiroshi Sambuichi: Miyajima Office, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan; Sanaa/Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa: Serpentine Pavilion, Kensington Gardens, London, UK; Sanaa/Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa: Rolex Learning Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; Germán del Sol: Termas Geométricas Hot Springs Complex, Coñaripe; Germán del Sol: Villarrica National Park, Los Lagos Region, Chile; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill: Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE; Splitterwerk: Frog Queen, Graz, Austria; Hiroshi Sugimoto: Izu Photo Museum, Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, Japan; Supersudaka: Kiltro House, Talca, Chile; Masaharu Takasaki: Tenchi House, Mono Cosmology, Nagoya, Japan; Yoshioka Tokujin: Swarovski Ginza, Tokyo, Japan; Yoshioka Tokujin: Waterfall, Tokyo, Japan; De Vylder Vinck Taillieu: Production Facilities for Les Ballets C de la B and LOD, Ghent, Belgium…”
  20. 25680
    por Castillo González, Berenice
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cinturón de Fuego o Zona Circumpacífica -- Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico -- Zona Mediterránea Transasiática -- Zona del sistema mundial de dorsales oceánicas -- 3.3 Actividad volcánica: su aprovechamiento -- Erupción volcánica -- 3.3.1 Tipos de erupción volcánica -- Estromboliana -- Vulcaniana -- Peleana o nube ardiente -- Hawaiano -- 3.3.2 Regiones volcánicas -- Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico -- Dorsales oceánicas del océano Atlántico -- Mediterráneo y Archipiélago de Indonesia -- 3.3.3 Aprovechamiento del vulcanismo -- Nota interesante del Popocatépetl, dada la actividad de las últimas semanas (mayo-junio de 2013) -- 4. …”
    Libro electrónico