Mostrando 25,341 - 25,360 Resultados de 32,993 Para Buscar '"Región"', tiempo de consulta: 0.19s Limitar resultados
  1. 25341
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…JFET Biasing -- 8-4. The Ohmic Region -- 8-5. The MOSFET -- 8-6. MOSFET Characteristics and Parameters -- 8-7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 25342
    Publicado 2021
    Libro electrónico
  3. 25343
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Autres indicateurs -- Retards de paiements -- Faillites -- Réponse des pouvoirs publics -- Segmentation régionale -- Mesures prises par les pouvoirs publics -- Région flamande -- Administration fédérale -- Réforme de l'impôt sur le revenu des sociétés -- Notes -- Références -- Canada -- Données essentielles sur le financement des PME -- Les PME dans l'économie nationale -- Prêts aux PME -- Conditions de crédit -- Autres sources de financement des PME -- Crédit-bail -- Apports de fonds propres -- Autres indicateurs -- Réponse des pouvoirs publics -- Références -- France -- Données essentielles sur le financement des PME -- Les PME dans l'économie nationale -- Prêts aux PME -- Conditions de crédit -- Autres sources de financement des PME -- Autre indicateurs -- Réponse des pouvoirs publics -- Deux grandes structures : la Médiation du crédit et Bpifrance -- La Médiation du crédit aide les petites et moyennes entreprises à obtenir ou conserver un crédit bancaire pour faire face à leurs problèmes de trésorerie -- Bpifrance accompagne les PME dans leurs besoins de financement et d'investissement -- Priorités spécifiques des politiques publiques récemment mises en place pour répondre aux difficultés de financement des PME -- Notes -- Références -- Luxembourg -- Données essentielles sur le financement des PME -- Les PME dans l'économie nationale -- Prêts aux PME -- Conditions de crédit -- Autres sources de financement des PME -- Capital-risque -- Affacturage et escompte de factures -- Autre indicateurs -- Réponse des pouvoirs publics -- Références -- Suisse -- Données essentielles sur le financement des PME -- Les PME dans l'économie nationale -- Prêts aux PME -- L'économie suisse -- Le marché du crédit -- Conditions de crédit -- Autres sources de financement des PME -- Capital-risque -- Marché du financement participatif en Suisse -- Autres indicateurs…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 25344
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part 3 - Advanced Topics -- Chapter 10: Consuming REST Services -- Technical requirements -- Using REST Services -- The Forget Me Not API architecture -- Creating the projects -- Fleshing out the models -- Examining the API domain objects -- Reviewing DTOs -- Other DTO files -- Understanding ForgetMeNot.APIClient -- Authentication -- Profile -- The Buddy region -- Using the API -- Creating the account -- Modifying the Login page -- Updating LoginPage -- The AccountService class -- Updating LoginViewModel -- Using AccountService to log in -- Setting up the Create Account page -- Setting up CreateAccountViewModel -- Handling the SignUp command -- What to do if it won't build -- Summary -- Quiz -- You try it -- Chapter 11: Exploring Advanced Topics -- Technical requirements -- Selecting data templates at runtime -- Declaring ItemTemplates as resources -- The DataTemplate selection -- The DataTemplateSelector class -- Adding the template selector to the page's resources -- Adding DataTemplateSelector to CollectionView -- Managing Visual State -- Defining the common visual states -- A button VisualState example -- Utilizing Community Toolkit behaviors -- Taking action with triggers -- Summary -- Quiz -- You try it -- Assessments -- Chapter 1, Assembling Your Tools and Creating Your First App -- Chapter 3, XAML and Fluent C# -- Chapter 4, MVVM and Controls -- Chapter 5, Advanced Controls -- Chapter 6, Layout -- Chapter 7, Understanding Navigation -- Chapter 8, Storing and Retrieving Data -- Chapter 9, Unit Testing -- Chapter 10, Consuming REST Services -- Chapter 11, Exploring Advanced Topics -- Index -- Other Books You May Enjoy…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 25345
    por Wang, Bu-Chin
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.6.1 Graphical Representation of DFT2.6.2 Resampling with Fractional Interpolation Based on DFT; 3 Basics of Antenna Theory; 3.1 Maxwell and Wave Equations; 3.1.1 Harmonic Time Dependence; 3.2 Radiation from an Infinitesimal Current Dipole; 3.2.1 Magnetic Vector Potential Due to a Small but Finite Current Element; 3.2.2 Field Vectors Due to Small but Finite Current Radiation; 3.2.3 Far-Field Region; 3.2.4 Summary of Radiation Fields; 3.3 Radiation from a Half-Wavelength Dipole; 3.4 Radiation from a Linear Array; 3.4.1 Power Radiation Pattern from a Linear Array…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 25346
    por Kumar, Amitabh
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.5 Subscriber Densities in WiMAX4.6 Summary: Features of Mobile WiMax; Chapter 5 Design of WiMAX Transmission Networks; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Link Analysis of WiMAX Systems; 5.3 Frequency Planning in WiMAX; 5.4 Tools for Design of WiMAX Transmission Networks; 5.5 Examples of WiMAX Networks for Specific Applications; 5.6 Timing and Synchronization in WiMAX Networks; Chapter 6 Broadband Wireless Networks: Deployment Status Worldwide; 6.1 Brief History of Wireless Broadband Deployments; 6.2 Region- and Country-Specific Implementations; Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 25347
    Publicado 2014
    “… How and why do strategic perspectives of financial institutions differ by class and region? Strategies of Banks and Other Financial Institutions: Theories and Cases is an introduction to global financial institutions that presents both theoretical and actual aspects of markets and institutions. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 25348
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The main training loop -- Model Initialization -- Do not initialize all weights with zeros -- Initializing with a mean zero distribution -- Xavier-Bengio and the Initializer -- Improving generalization by regularizing -- L2 and L1 regularization -- Dropout -- The batch norm layer -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Object Detection and Segmentation -- Image classification with localization -- Localization as regression -- TensorFlow implementation -- Other applications of localization -- Object detection as classification - Sliding window -- Using heuristics to guide us (R-CNN) -- Problems -- Fast R-CNN -- Faster R-CNN -- Region Proposal Network -- RoI Pooling layer -- Conversion from traditional CNN to Fully Convnets -- Single Shot Detectors - You Only Look Once -- Creating training set for Yolo object detection -- Evaluating detection (Intersection Over Union) -- Filtering output -- Anchor Box -- Testing/Predicting in Yolo -- Detector Loss function (YOLO loss) -- Loss Part 1 -- Loss Part 2 -- Loss Part 3 -- Semantic segmentation -- Max Unpooling -- Deconvolution layer (Transposed convolution) -- The loss function -- Labels -- Improving results -- Instance segmentation -- Mask R-CNN -- Summary -- Chapter 5: VGG, Inception Modules, Residuals, and MobileNets -- Substituting big convolutions -- Substituting the 3x3 convolution -- VGGNet -- Architecture -- Parameters and memory calculation -- Code -- More about VGG -- GoogLeNet -- Inception module -- More about GoogLeNet -- Residual Networks -- MobileNets -- Depthwise separable convolution -- Control parameters -- More about MobileNets -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders, and Generative Adversarial Networks -- Why generative models -- Autoencoders -- Convolutional autoencoder example -- Uses and limitations of autoencoders -- Variational autoencoders…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 25349
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Culture Doesn't Make Us Do Anything -- Myth 3: One Company, One Culture -- Problem 1: Cultural Boundaries Overlap -- Problem 2: Region, Nation, and Language -- Problem 3: Network Size Limits Culture -- Myth 4: Culture Is What We Say We Care About -- Problem 1: Norms Aren't the Whole Story -- Caveat 1: Context Matters -- Caveat 2: Group Membership Matters -- Caveat 3: Task Matters -- The Problem with Culture as Values -- Problem 1: "Values" Means Different Things to Different People -- Problem 2: Values Are Expectations, Not Behaviors -- Problem 3: Values Need to Be Already Socialized to Be Adopted -- Problem 4: Some Values Are Compensations for Deeper Cultural Forces -- Problem 5: Values Cannot Be Instilled by Telling People What to Value -- Lived Culture -- Myth 5: Culture Is Employee Well-Being -- Problem 1: Attitudes and Opinions Are Not Culture -- Problem 2: How We Behave Does Not Reflect How We Feel (or Think) -- Problem 3: Measuring Items Out of Range -- The Gap between Myth and Science -- Notes…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 25350
    Publicado 1995
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…MODEL-DERIVED TROPICAL TEMPERATURES -- EVIDENCE FOR TROPICAL SALINITY DIFFERENCES -- SUMMARY OF TROPICAL CLIMATE EXTREMES -- CLIMATE TOLERANCES OF TROPICAL ORGANISMS -- A MID-CRETACEOUS CASE STUDY -- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 7 Neogene Ice Age in the North Atlantic Region: Climatic Changes, Biotic Effects, and Forcing Factors -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- CLIMATIC EVENTS -- Responses Prior to the Late Pliocene -- The Pliocene Prior to 2.5 Ma -- The First Pulse, 3.2 to 3.1 Ma -- Onset of the Ice Age at 2.5 to 2.4 Ma -- BIOTIC CONSEQUENCES -- Terrestrial Biotas -- Africa -- Europe -- Eastern North America -- Marine Biotas -- FORCING OF LATE CENOZOIC CLIMATIC CHANGES -- Tectonic Forcing of Climate (pre-2.5 Ma) -- Closure of the Straits of Panamanian Isthmus -- Plateau Uplift -- Sea-Floor Spreading and CO2 -- Chemical Weathering and CO2 -- Ice-Sheet Forcing of Climatic Change -- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 8 The Response of Hierarchially Structured Ecosystems to Long-Term Climatic Change: A Case Study using Tropical Peat Swamps... -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- LATE CARBONIFEROUS WETLANDS -- Eco-Taxonomic Patterns -- Peat Swamps -- Clastic Wetlands -- COAL SWAMPS AS HIERARCHICALLY ORGANIZED SYSTEMS -- Organization of Coal-Swamp Ecosystems -- Resolution at 100- to 104-yr Time Scales: Habitats and Species Assemblages -- Resolution at the 103- to 105-yr Time Scale: Landscape Patterns -- Resolution at the 105- to 107-yr Time Scale: Interseam Patterns -- Coal-Swamp Species and Ecomorphs -- Major Intraswamp Habitats -- PATTERNS OF CHANGE IN COAL-SWAMP COMMUNITIES DURING THE PENNSYLVANIAN PERIOD -- Objectives -- Changes at the Landscape Level -- Changes in the Habitat Composition of Landscapes -- Changes in the Species-Level Composition of Habitats -- CLIMATE CHANGE AND CAUSATION -- Evidence for Climatic Variability…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 25351
    Publicado 2023
    “…It highlights the powerful and symbiotic role of state ambition, geostrategic competition, and capitalist market dynamics in driving forward the region's greening efforts. Through an analysis of the ambitious national strategies of China and South Korea, the authors show how state actors have pursued a distinctively East Asian approach to transforming their energy systems, involving first the rapid creation of new green energy industries and then the coordinated destruction of fossil-fuel incumbencies…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 25352
    por Zelic, Tomislav
    Publicado 2024
    “…Die Beiträger*innen beleuchten interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur mehrsprachigen, multikulturellen Region des Austauschs, Handels und Konflikts und bieten so einen profunden Überblick über Sprache, Literatur und Kultur des Mittelmeerraums vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 25353
    Publicado 2024
    “…This book aims to fill a gap in both archaeological scholarship and popular knowledge by providing a platform for local Caribbean voices to speak about the archaeological heritage of their region. To achieve this, each chapter of the book focuses on identifying and developing strategies that academics, heritage practitioners, and non-scholars from the insular Caribbean can adopt to stimulate a necessary dialogue on how archaeological heritage is used and produced on various academic, political, and social levels. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 25354
    por Schröder, Verena
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Paper 4: Pragmatist Animal Geographies: Mensch‐Wolf‐Transaktionen in der schweizerischen Calanda‐Region -- Paper 5: More than words: Comics als narratives Medium für mehr‐als‐menschliche Geographien…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 25355
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….) ; II. Metodología: el Regional Manifestos Project; III. Los programas electorales de las últimas (...)…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 25356
    por Dromi, Roberto
    Publicado 2009
    Libro electrónico
  17. 25357
    Publicado 2010
    Libro electrónico
  18. 25358
    Publicado 2013
    Libro electrónico
  19. 25359
    por Morello, Augusto Mario, 1926-
    Publicado 2003
    Libro electrónico
  20. 25360
    por Lorente, Miguel Angel
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Universalización de los derechos sociales; 4.4. LOS PLANOS REGIONAL-LOCALES; 4.4.1. Tendencias peligrosas; 4.4.2. …”
    Libro electrónico