Mostrando 24,861 - 24,880 Resultados de 32,993 Para Buscar '"Región"', tiempo de consulta: 0.19s Limitar resultados
  1. 24861
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Peter Murray -- The borders of bias : rectitude in international arbitration / William Park -- Managing conflicts between rulings of the World Trade Organization and regional trade tribunals : reflections on the Brazil-Tyres case / Julia Ya Qin -- Cross-border bankruptcy as a model for the regulation of international attorneys / Catherine Rogers…”
  2. 24862
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Koparova -- Joint Forum / Kevin Young -- Transnational Policing / Monica den Boer -- Citizen submission process of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation / Thomas Hale -- Independent accountability mechanisms at regional development banks / Daniel D. Bradlow and Andria Naudé Fourie -- Transnational commercial arbitration / Dirk Lehmkuhl -- World Bank Inspection Panel / Thomas Hale -- The Framework Convention Alliance / Ross MacKenzie -- Global Fund to Fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria / Johanna Hanefeld -- Global Polio Eradication Initiative / Mathias Koenig-Archibugi -- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers / Jonathan Koppell -- International Coral Reed Initiative / Radoslav S. …”
  3. 24863
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Simmons 10 Deep Pasts Interconnections and Comparative History in the Ancient World Norman Yoffee 11 Big History Fred Spier 12 Global Scale Analysis in Human History Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D Hall 13 Region in Global History Paul A.Kramer 14 Scales of a Local: The Place of Locality in a Globalizing World Anne Gerritsen Comparing 15 Comparative History and the Challenge of the Grand Narrative Michael Adas 16 The Science of Difference: Race, Indo-European Linguistics, and Eurasian Nomads Xinru Liu 17 Projecting power: empires, colonies, and world history Mrinalini Sinha 18 The Body in/as World History Antoinette Burton 19 Benchmarks of Globalization: the Global Condition, 1850-2010 Charles Bright and Michael Geyer Connecting 20 Networks, Interactions, and Connective History Felipe Fernandez-Armesto with Benjamin Sacks 21 Objects in Motion: The Long History of Globalization Scott C. …”
  4. 24864
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…MÁS ALLÁ DE LA DESAMORTIZACIÓN - La venta de bienes nacionales y el mercado ordinario de fincas (Francia) (Gérard Béaur) ; La venta de bienes nacionales en la región de Vernon: ¿una nueva configuración del mercado de la tierra y sus actores? …”
  5. 24865
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ María Leticia Hernández Hernández -- Impacto del sector forestal de Michoacán en el desarrollo rural regional / Matías Edilberto Hernández San Román -- Crisis agrícola destrucción ambiental y democracia / Raúl Rodarte Garcia -- El sector agropecuario en México: retos y perspectivas para su modernidad -- Sergio G. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 24866
    por Velasco Arregui, Édur
    Publicado 2016
    Libro electrónico
  7. 24867
    Publicado 2021
    Libro electrónico
  8. 24868
    por Forum, International Transport
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5 Freight transport: Bold action can decarbonise movement of goods -- Decarbonising freight transport: The state of play -- Freight's main challenges -- Three steps towards decarbonising freight -- Mastering the pandemic: Challenges and opportunities for freight after Covid-19 -- Recover, Reshape, Reshape+: Three possible futures for freight transport -- Freight transport in the Recover scenario -- Paradigm change: Freight transport in the Reshape scenario -- Reshape+: Reinforcing Reshape -- Demand for freight: Substantial growth at a slower pace -- CO2 emissions from freight transport: Reversing emission growth -- Equitable freight decarbonisation: Avoiding regional imbalances -- More resilience, less carbon and lower costs with the right policy mix -- Policy recommendations -- Design stimulus packages that align to support economic recovery, freight decarbonisation and supply chain resilience -- Align price incentives with freight decarbonisation ambitions for carrier buy-in -- Scale-up ready-to-adopt freight decarbonisation measures quickly to cut costs and emissions -- Strengthen international co-operation to combat freight emissions -- Accelerate standardisation procedures to speed-up the adoption of new clean technologies -- Tailor decarbonisation pathways to regional realities to address gaps in standard solutions -- Broaden access to privately owned data to improve policy design -- References -- Annex A. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 24869
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Évolution récente du chômage -- Graphique 5. Taux de chômage régional -- Graphique 6. Chômage régional et infrastructure routière -- L'inflation recule -- Graphique 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 24870
    por Cusolito, Ana Paula
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Box 3.6 World Bank Group's Engagement in Bangladesh -- Box 3.7 Key Take-Away Messages from Chapter 3 -- Box 4.1 Key Take-Away Messages from Chapter 4 -- Figures -- Figure 1.1 Average Total, Extraregional, and Intraregional GVC Participation across Regions, 2001 and 2011 -- Figure 1.2 Domestic Value Added Embodied in Third Countries' Exports, Selected Countries, 1995 and 2008 -- Figure 2.1 Contribution of SMEs to Gross Manufacturing Direct Exports, 2012 -- Figure 2.2 Export Intensities: Exports-to-Turnover Ratios, 2012 -- Figure 2.3 Share of Top Exporters in Total Export Values, 2012 -- Figure 2.4 Share of Gross Direct Export Value by SMEs, 2012 -- Figure 2.5 Share of Gross Direct Export Value of Small and Large Firms by Destination, 2009 -- Figure 2.6 Export Intensity and Labor Productivity -- Figure 2.7 Share of SMEs in Exports: Total Economy, 2009 -- Figure 2.8 Share of SMEs in Exports: Manufacturing, 2009 -- Figure 2.9 Upstream Exports of SMEs through Large Firms, Share of Total Exports of Value Added by SMEs: Whole Economy, 2009 -- Figure 2.10 SME Share of Total Domestic Value Added of Exports of Motor Vehicles, 2009 -- Figure 2.11 SME Share of Total Domestic Value Added of Exports of Business Services, 2009 -- Figure 2.12 SME Share of Total Domestic Value Added of Exports of Manufacturing, 2009 -- Figure 3.1 What Types of Economic Upgrading? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 24871
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Structure administrative de l'élaboration de la politique des transports et décentralisation -- 6.3.1. Régions loi-cadre…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 24872
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Progressing from management to governance while learning from disasters -- Incentives for low-carbon communities in Shanghai, China -- Social science research on global environmental change in the Asia-Pacific region -- Education, science and climate change in French schools -- Social learning and climate change adaptation in Thailand -- Are Algerian agro-pastoralists adapting to climate change? …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 24873
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Different Types of Calculations -- Order of Processing Steps -- Quick Table Calculations -- Setting Up a Quick Table Calculation -- Duplicate as Crosstab -- Editing Table Calculations -- Customized Table Calculations -- Bump Charts -- Dual Axis Charts -- Adjustable Moving Average -- Level of Detail Expressions -- Keywords and Syntax -- Cohort Analysis -- Regional Averages -- Higher-Level Regions -- Chapter 6 Maps -- Symbol Maps -- Filled Maps -- Density Maps -- Map Layers -- Maps with Pie Charts -- Creating a Pie Chart Map -- Adding a Filter -- Dual Axis Map -- Viz in Tooltip -- Step 1: Create the Second Chart -- Step 2: Embedding the Chart in Tooltips -- Reflection: The Anatomy of a Tableau Map -- Alternative Map Services -- Mapbox Maps -- Mapbox Account and Token -- Mapbox in Tableau -- Using the Background Map -- Spatial Data -- Undersea Communication Cables -- Open Data -- Chapter 7 Advanced Analytics: Trends, Forecasts, Clusters, and other Statistical Tools -- Overview of the Tableau Analytics Pane -- Constant, Average, and Reference Lines -- Trend Lines -- Adding Trend Lines -- Trend Line Options -- Line and Trend Model Description -- Forecasts -- Adding a Forecast Line to the View -- Forecast Settings -- Model Description -- Cluster Analysis -- Clustering in Tableau -- Saving and Working with Clustering Results -- Python, R, and MATLAB Integration -- Getting Started with Python and TabPy -- Connecting Tableau with TabPy -- Python Scripts in Calculated Fields -- Trellis Chart with Python Script -- R Integration -- Security -- Example: Local Regression with R -- MATLAB Integration -- Chapter 8 Interactive Dashboards -- Preliminary Considerations -- Creating a New Dashboard -- The Dashboard Pane -- Placing Charts on the Dashboard -- Dashboard Titles -- Navigation Buttons -- Dashboard Actions -- Filter Actions…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 24874
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Notes on the Use of Terminology -- Abbreviations -- List of Tables, Diagrams, Maps and Illustrations -- Introduction: Scope and Limits of the Study -- Chapter 1 Literature Review -- 1.1 The Linguists -- 1.1.1 While Mapping the Daco-Romanian Dialects: Gustav Weigand -- 1.1.2 Further Mapping: Atlas of Romanian Language II, Emil Petrovici and Ion Gheție -- 1.1.3 The First Description of a Dialect Spoken by Rudari in Romania: Ion Calotă -- 1.1.4 Towards a Comparative Dialectal Description: Nicolae Saramandu -- 1.1.5 The Dialectal Geography of the Rudari: Thede Kahl -- 1.1.6 Conclusions -- 1.2 The Ethnographers, Historians, Anthropologists -- 1.2.1 Paul Bataillard (1816-1894) -- 1.2.2 Martin Block (1891-1972) -- 1.2.3 A Momentum, Ion Chelcea -- 1.2.4 Further Ethnological Investigations in the Muscel Region -- 1.2.5 Recent Fieldwork in Oltenia -- 1.2.6 Conclusion -- 1.3 Sources -- 1.3.1 Cozia Monastery Registers -- Description of the Manuscripts from ANIC -- Previous Research -- 1.3.2 The 1838 Census of Population, Houses and Agriculture -- Chapter 2 Wallachia, from its Rise until the Mid-Nineteenth Century -- Chapter 3 The Time and Space of the Gold-Washers -- 3.1 The Legacy from Antiquity -- 3.2 Renewal of Mining in the Middle Ages and early Modern Era -- 3.3 Conclusions -- Chapter 4 Different Names in Different Times -- 4.1 AURAR, pl. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 24875
    por OECD
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Multilateral development organisations are increasingly incorporating the support to global and regional public goods in their agendas -- 4.2. The contribution of the multilateral development system is critical to meet the challenges of the recovery in developing countries -- 4.2.1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 24876
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Balance de la política social gitana en España / Belén Lorente-Molina, Laura Sevilla-Brenes -- Hombres que matan a las mujeres (aspectos psiquiátricos y psicoanalíticos) / Pablo Fridman -- El concepto de delito de odio y de discurso de odio en el ámbito internacional y regional europeo / Andrés Gascón Cuenca -- La discriminación interseccional en la jurisprudencia de los tribunales internacionales y su relación con los delitos de odio / Magdalena M. …”
  17. 24877
    por Lucea Ayala, Víctor
    Publicado 2010
    “…En sus páginas se describe y analiza la variada panoplia de acciones colectivas de protesta que tuvieron lugar entre 1885 y 1917, desde los motines y algaradas de tipo comunal hasta los primeros ensayos en el uso de la huelga en las ciudades más relevantes de la región, sin dejar de interrogarse por los protagonistas y las causas que intervinieron en cada momento. …”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  18. 24878
    por González Jiménez, Manuel
    Publicado 2015
    Texto completo en Odilo
  19. 24879
    “…Vale la pena recorrer estas páginas que nos acercan a una de las regiones económicas que se ha convertido en un referente nacional en la producción avícola y su industrialización. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 24880
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Siglos XVI al XIX -- Página legal -- Índice -- Presentación -- Introducción -- Prácticas constructivas y de urbanismo -- Las temporalidades en la región de san javier durante el periodo (...) -- Desenterrando un fragmento de la historia de la provincia de sonora en el siglo xvii -- La excavación arqueológica de la iglesia jesuítica de la villa de sinaloa -- La red hidráulica de la ciudad de antequera -oaxaca: un análisis a través de sus planos -- San miguel acocotla: arqueología de una hacienda del siglo xix -- Las fuentes como parte de los acueductos: (...) -- Atezcapan: una casa colonial en teotihuacán -- La arqueohistoria novohispana, la subsunción (...) -- El sureste -- Un camino del siglo xviii asociado a la puerta de tierra (...) -- Vida cotidiana y estrategias de subsistencia de los (...) -- Rancho luch, un asentamiento maya decimonónico en el noroeste de mérida -- Situación actual de la zooarqueología histórica en yucatán, méxico -- Materiales e interpretaciones -- Sistemas identitarios, castas y vasijas en la capital de la nueva españa -- Rescate arqueológico en el monumento a louis pasteur en (...) -- Análisis de hueso animal procedente de un contexto colonial temprano -- Un acercamiento al uso de la concha en la capital de la nueva españa, siglos xvi-xix -- Loza fina blanca y porcelana europea en el canal de la perla: una aproximación a su estudio -- Análisis tecnológico de la producción cerámica a través del (...) -- La huella de las epidemias en el siglo xvi en la ciudad de tula de allende, hidalgo -- Acercamiento de los grupos nómadas de burgos (...) -- ¿a la muerte no se le debe adornar ni engalanar? …”
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