Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,561
- History 1,159
- Economic conditions 538
- Política regional 514
- Desarrollo regional 487
- Documentales 399
- Economía regional 384
- Politics and government 364
- Economic policy 353
- History & Archaeology 353
- Planificación regional 345
- Economics 291
- Regional planning 273
- Urban, Rural and Regional Development 261
- Development 254
- Economía 251
- Social conditions 249
- Business & Economics 246
- Economic development 243
- Política y gobierno 241
- Geografía 236
- Regionalismo 230
- Desarrollo económico 210
- Economic aspects 207
- Education 206
- Social aspects 203
- Foreign relations 194
- Archaeology 190
- Antiquities 189
- Urbanismo 189
24841por Smith, Anthony. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Adding Users to SharePoint Groups""""Removing Users from a SharePoint Group""; ""Viewing SharePoint Group Permissions""; ""Changing Permission Inheritance for a Site""; ""Managing Permission Levels""; ""Adding Permission Levels""; ""Creating a New Permission Level As a Copy of an Existing Permission Level""; ""Edit Existing Permission Levels""; ""Deleting Existing Permission Levels""; ""Managing Site Collection Administrators""; ""Changing Site Details""; ""Updating the Site Title, Description, Logo, and URL""; ""Configuring Regional Settings for a Site""; ""Defining the Welcome Page""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
24842Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Monolithic Nanoscale Photonics-Electronics Integration in Silicon and Other Group IV Elements; Copyright Page; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Scope and Purpose of Book; 1 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors; Part One: Basics of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors; Surface Space-Charge Regions in MOSFETs; Leakage Components in MOSFETs; Subthreshold Current; Gate-Oxide Leakage; S/D Junction Leakage; MOS Capacitors; Static Characterization of MOSFETs; Transfer from 2D to 3D Nanoscaled Transistors; Gate Integration in FinFETs…”
Libro electrónico -
24843Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Code folding in MonoDevelop with #region and #endregionUsing EventManager; Alternative with delegates; MonoBehaviour events; Mouse and tap events; Application focus and pausing; Summary; Chapter 5: Cameras, Rendering, and Scenes; Camera gizmos; Being seen; Detecting the object visibility; More on the object visibility; Frustum testing - renderers; Frustum testing - points; Frustum testing - occlusion; Camera vision - front and back; Orthographic cameras; Camera rendering and postprocessing; Camera shake; Cameras and animation; Follow cameras; Cameras and curves; Camera paths - iTween; Summary…”
Libro electrónico -
24844por Zadrozny, PeterTabla de Contenidos: “…""Monitoring web sites""""IT Operations""; ""Business""; ""IT Operations""; ""Hits by host""; ""Hits by host without internal access""; ""Traffic with good HTTP status""; ""Traffic with bad HTTP status""; ""Top pages by bad HTTP status""; ""Business""; ""User demographics by region""; ""Bounce rate""; ""Unique visitors""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 7: Using Log Files To Create Advanced Analytics""; ""Traditional Analytics""; ""A Paradigm Change""; ""Semantic Logging""; ""Logging Best Practices""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 8: The Airline On-Time Performance Project""; ""Summary""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
24845por Barker, TomTabla de Contenidos: “…""Parse the Log File""""Geolocation by IP""; ""Output the Fields""; ""Adding Control Logic""; ""Creating a Data Map in R""; ""Mapping Geographic Data""; ""Adding Latitude and Longitude""; ""Displaying Regional Data""; ""Distributing the Visualization""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 6: Visualizing Data Over Time""; ""Gathering Data""; ""Data Analysis with R""; ""Calculating the Bug Count""; ""Examining the Severity of the Bugs""; ""Adding Interactivity with D3""; ""Reading in the Data""; ""Drawing on the Page""; ""Adding Interactivity""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 7: Bar Charts""; ""Standard Bar Chart""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
24846Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The K Through 12 Education SystemThe 2- and 4-Year Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School System; Chapter 8: Industry and Market Structures, Industry and Regional Clusters; Industry and Market Structures: The United States; Industry and Market Structures: China and India; Industry Clusters; The United States; China; India; Chapter 9: Opportunity Areas for Innovation; China; Challenges China Faces; A Large and Widening Gap Between the Rich and the Poor; Aging Population; Urbanization; Pressures to Transform the Manufacturing Sector; Energy Problem; Environmental Pollution…”
Libro electrónico -
24847por National Research Council (U.S.).Tabla de Contenidos: “…-Russian Bioengagement""; ""2 Ensuring Appropriate Use of Biological Assets""; ""3 Advancing the Frontiers of Biological Research""; ""4 Applications of Science in the Public and Private Sectors""; ""5 Programs with Regional and Global Reaches""; ""6 Impacts of Bilateral Programs and Projects""; ""7 Impediments in Carrying Out Approved and Funded Collaborative Projects""; ""8 Lessons Learned""; ""9 Strategies and Coordination""; ""10 Recommendations for Future Bioengagement""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
24848por National Research Council StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…The Search for Life's Origins -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Contents -- Executive Summary -- OVERVIEW -- THE COSMIC HISTORY OF THE BIOGENIC ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS -- EARLY PLANETARY ENVIRONMENTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR CHEMICAL EVOLUTION AND THE ORIGIN OF LIFE -- THE ORIGIN OF LIFE -- THE EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR AND MULTICELLULAR LIFE -- SEARCH FOR LIFE OUTSIDE THE SOLAR SYSTEM -- MAJOR RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS -- Recommendations Requiring Flight Opportunities -- Mars -- Comets and Asteroids -- Titan and the Giant Outer Planets -- The Interstellar Medium and Cosmic Dust Particles -- Recommendations Requiring Ground-Based Studies -- Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life -- Mars-Related Studies -- Studies Related to Comets and Asteroids -- Studies Related to Titan and the Giant Outer Planets -- Studies Related to the Interstellar Medium and Dust -- Studies Related to the Search for Life Outside the Solar System -- SPACE SCIENCE PROGRAM AND POLICY ISSUES -- 1 Overview -- 2 The Cosmic History of the Biogenic Elements and Compounds -- INTRODUCTION -- SYSTEMATIC STUDIES OF INTERSTELLAR CLOUDS -- COMPLEX MOLECULES -- STAR-FORMING REGIONS AND THE SUBMILLIMETER SPECTRAL RANGE -- GRAIN INTERRELATIONSHIPS -- INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY AND ASTRONOMY -- GRAIN INTERACTIONS -- Future Investigations -- ASTEROIDS -- Future Investigations -- METEORITES -- Future Investigations -- COMETS AND INTERPLANETARY DUST PARTICLES -- Comets -- Interplanetary Dust Particles -- Future Investigations -- 3 Early Planetary Environments: Implications for Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life -- INTRODUCTION -- THE OUTER PLANETS -- THE TERRESTRIAL PLANETS -- Earth -- Accretion by Impacts -- Tectonics and the Development of Earth's Early Atmosphere and Hydrosphere -- Impacts and Their Influence on Environmental Conditions for the Origin Maintenance of Life -- Mars -- Aqueous Environments…”
Publicado 1990
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24849por Briscoe, Dennis R., 1945-Tabla de Contenidos: “…International Human Resource Management and Culture; The Nature and Importance of Culture; Country and Regional Cultures; Country Culture versus MNE Culture; Cultural Convergence and/or Divergence; Research in IHRM; Impact of Culture on IHRM; Conclusion; Discussion Questions…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24850Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Creating and destroying threads -- Creating managed threads -- Pausing thread execution -- Destroying managed threads -- Handling threading exceptions -- Synchronizing data across threads -- Synchronizing code regions…”
Libro electrónico -
24851Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The EU and the Asia Pacific Region; Australia, the "Messina Initiative" and the Establishment of the EEC, 1955-1958 (Dr Andrea Benvenuti); Introduction…”
Libro electrónico -
24852por Wennberg, KarlTabla de Contenidos: “…-- References -- Part III: The Entrepreneurial State, Entrepreneurial Universities, and Startups -- Building Local Innovation Support Systems: Theory and Practice -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Umeå Region Innovation System: Organizing Entrepreneurial Judgment…”
Publicado 2022
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24853Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying Local and Regional Citizens Who Have Campaigned for Prevention; C. …”
Libro electrónico -
24854Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Tania Kambourova -- Female donors in thirteenth-century wall paintings in Cappadocia : an overview / Nota Karamaouna -- Auf der Suche nach weiblichem Stiftertum im "Prosopographischen Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit" eine erste Auswertung / Sylvie Herl -- Female patronage in the Palaiologan era : icons, minor arts and manuscripts / Alice-Mary Talbot -- Klostergründungen russischer Fürstinnen im dreizehnten Jahrhundert / Anna Michalowska -- Die Stifterin par excellence : zur Deutung des Stifterbildes in der Marienkirche von Apollonia, Albanien / Galina Fingarova -- Theodora Raoulaina als Stifterin und Patronin / Alexander Riehle -- Women's authority in death : the patronage of aristocratic laywomen in Late Byzantium / Sarah Brooks -- Frauen als Gründerinnen von Doppelklöstern im byzantinischen Reich / Ekaterini Mitsiou -- A late Byzantine patroness : Helena Kantakouzene Palaiologina / Florin Leonte -- Notes on female piety in the hermitages of the Ohrid and Prespa region : the case of Mali Grad / Saška Bogevska -- The Meteora Icon of the Incredulity of Thomas reconsidered / Fani Gargova -- I seek not my own : is there a female mode of charity and patronage? …”
Libro electrónico -
24855por International Conference on Electronics, Communications and NetworksTabla de Contenidos: “…An uplink scheduling mechanism based on user satisfaction in LTE networksBuilding of multilingual software simulation platform based on education network private cloud; Data transmission of deep sea GPS wave buoy based on the BeiDou satellite system; A layered interconnected graph model based algorithm for traffic grooming in optical transport network; "Intelligence aids to navigation cloud" based on cloud computing technology; Multi-objective nodes placement problem in large regions wireless networks…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
24856Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…From centre of excellence to centre of expertise: Regional centres of expertise in education for sustainable developmentZinaida Fadeeva ; Learning about corporate social responsibility from a sustainable development perspective: A Dutch experiment; Jacqueline Cramer and Anne Loeber ; Social learning for sustainable development: embracing technical and cultural change as originally inspired by the natural step; Hilary Bradbury; Corporate social responsibility: Towards a new dialogue?…”
Libro electrónico -
24857Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bartels -- Strengthening government policy to achieve target 3.4 of SDG3 / Rachel Jenkins -- Mental health, disability rights and equal access to employment : global challenges in light of the SDGs / Aart Hendriks -- Prioritising rights-based mental health care in the 2030 agenda / Dainius Puras and Julie Hannah -- Natural and humanitarian disasters, and mental health : lessons from Haiti / Giuseppe Raviola -- Paradigm shift : treatment alternatives to psychiatric drugs, with particular reference to LMICs / Peter Lehmann -- Mental disability, the European Convention on Human Rights and fundamental rights and freedoms, and the sustainable development goals / Peter Bartlett -- The sustainable development goals, psychosocial disability, and the meaning of wellbeing in SDG3 : towards an approach that combines the subjective and objective / David Bilchitz -- International monitoring and enforcement mechanisms for violations of human rights in the global mental health context / Laura Davidson -- The law as sword and shield : realising the rights of those with psychosocial disability through international, national and regional complaints systems / Laura Davidson -- A case study : Colombia, conflict, and the peace process from a user-perspective / Salam A. …”
Libro electrónico -
24858Publicado 1991Tabla de Contenidos: “…Managing Global Genetic Resources -- Copyright -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Executive Summary -- GERMPLASM: A RESOURCE AND A RESPONSIBILITY -- AN OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM -- Collections and Facilities -- Support for the System -- LEADERSHIP AND ADVISORY FUNCTIONS -- FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- Administration -- Options for Achieving National Coordination -- Advisory Groups -- Germplasm Acquisition and Collections -- Facilities and Personnel -- The Mission of the National System -- International Policies and Cooperation -- Information Management -- Research -- 1 Managing Crop Genetic Resources -- GERMPLASM AND GERMPLASM COLLECTIONS -- PRESERVING PLANT GERMPLASM -- THE CHALLENGES OF CONSERVING AND MANAGING PLANT GERMPLASM -- STRUCTURE OF A GERMPLASM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM -- The Diversity and Size of Collections -- Management and Global Responsibility -- PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE UNITED STATES -- The Foundation of Crop Improvement -- Importance to Society and the Environment -- International Exchange -- ORIGINS OF THE NATIONAL SYSTEM -- Development of Germplasm Activities in the United States -- Emergence of the NPGS -- 2 Elements of the National Plant Germplasm System -- GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE UNITED STATES -- ACQUISITION -- Plant Introduction Office -- Plant Exploration -- National Plant Germplasm Quarantine Center -- Interregional Research Project-2 -- CONSERVATION -- Active Collections -- Regional Plant Introduction Stations -- National Clonal Germplasm Repositories -- Interregional Research Project-1 -- National Small Grains Collection -- Other Crop Collections -- Genetic Stock Collections -- National Arboretum -- Base Collections -- National Seed Storage Laboratory -- Vegetatively Propagated Germplasm -- MANAGEMENT -- Seed Viability Testing -- Regeneration and Multiplication -- Distribution…”
Libro electrónico -
24859Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tendências de reformas da atenção primária à saúde em países europeus / Ligia Giovanella [e] Klaus Stegmüller -- Redes de atenção à saúde e os desafios da atenção primária à saúde : um olhar sobre o cenário da Bahia / Marluce Maria Araújo Assis -- Regionalização, integralidade e produção do cuidado no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da FamIlia : pontos para o debate / Aluisio Gomes da Silva Junior, Márcia Guimarães de Mello Alves, Manuela Gobbi Lopes da Costa [e] Ricardo Heber Pinto Lima -- A coordenação do cuidado pela atenção primária à saúde e o programa nacional de melhoria do acesso e da qualidade da atenção básica : contribuições para a análise / Italo Ricardo Santo Aleluia, Erika Rodrigues de Almeida [e] Maria Guadalupe Medina -- Estratégias e métodos da pesquisa sobre atenção primária à saúde na coordenação do cuidado em redes regionalizadas / Mariluce Karla Bomfim de Souza, Patty Fidelis de Almeida, Adriano Maia dos Santos, Djanilson Barbosa dos Santos, Djanilson Barbosa dos Santos [e] Davi Félix Martins Júnior -- Posição da estratégia saúde da familia na coordenação do cuidado no municipio sede de região de saúde : o caso de Feira de Santana / Patty Fideis de Almeida, Adriano Maia dos Santos, Silvânia Sales de Oliveira, Ariádina Herigner [e] Davi Félix Martins Júnior -- Posição da estratégia saúde da familia na coordenação do cuidado no municipio sede de região de saúde : o caso de Santo António de Jesus / Patty Fidelis de Almeida -- Posição da estratégia saúde da familia na coordenação do cuidado no município sede de região de saúde : o caso de Vitória da Conquista / Adriano Maia dos Santos -- Estratégias de regionalizacão para garantia do ciudado integral em saúde : o caso de uma Comissão Intergestores Regional no Estado da Bahia / Valdomiro da Paixão Santos [e] Patty Fidelis de Almeida -- Redes de cuidado : conexão e fluxos para o bom encontro com a saúde / Túlio Batista Franco -- Diálogos em busca de coordenação do cuidado : linha de chegada ou novo itinerário? …”
Libro electrónico -
24860Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Data Driven Model Validation for Closed Loop System -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Model structure validation for closed loop system identification -- 4.3 Non-asymptotic confidence regions in closed loop model validation -- 4.4 Further results on model structure validation -- 4.5 Finite sample properties for closed loop identification -- 4.6 Summary -- 5. …”
Libro electrónico