Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,561
- History 1,159
- Economic conditions 538
- Política regional 514
- Desarrollo regional 487
- Documentales 399
- Economía regional 384
- Politics and government 364
- Economic policy 353
- History & Archaeology 353
- Planificación regional 345
- Economics 291
- Regional planning 273
- Urban, Rural and Regional Development 261
- Development 254
- Economía 251
- Social conditions 249
- Business & Economics 246
- Economic development 243
- Política y gobierno 241
- Geografía 236
- Regionalismo 230
- Desarrollo económico 210
- Economic aspects 207
- Education 206
- Social aspects 203
- Foreign relations 194
- Archaeology 190
- Antiquities 189
- Urbanismo 189
24621por Gierlack, KeithTabla de Contenidos: “…Develop Policies for LPR Usage, Data Access, and Data StorageThink Outside the Box When Deciding How to Employ LPR; Enhance the Benefits of LPR via Cooperation with Other Agencies and Jurisdictions; Regional Cooperatives Enhance LPR's Utility; Police Departments Need to Link LPR Systems to "Effective" Data Sources; Effective Implementation Frequently Requires Cooperation with Other Agencies; Ensure "Successful" Implementation and Sustainment; Be Prepared and Committed for a Long Learning Curve; It Helps to Have an LPR "Champion"; Do Media Outreach to Facilitate Public Acceptance…”
Publicado 2014
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24622Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hernández -- Agronegócio e reestruturação urbana e regional no Brasil / Denise Elias -- Economia política do território e logística do agronegócio nos cerrados brasileiros / Samule Frederico e Marina Castro de Almeida -- Polítcas públicas para o financiamento do agronegócio no Brasil : programas, instrumentos e resultados com ênfase no caso de Mato Grosso / Sergio Pereira Leite e Valdemar J. …”
Libro electrónico -
24623Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Future Deployability and Sustainability Challenges Future Prospects; CHAPTER THREE: NATO Europe's Capability for Defense and Power Projection in the Coming Decade; Defense of NATO Territory; Missions in NATO's Immediate Neighborhood; High-Intensity Power-Projection Missions in More-Distant Regions; Long-Range Operations with Small "Conventional" Forces; Long-Range SOF Operations; Conclusion; CHAPTER FOUR: The Broader Strategic Context; The Limits of Smart Defense; Pooling and Sharing; The Impact of the Euro Crisis; The European Defense Industrial Sector…”
Libro electrónico -
24624Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Robert Kenyon -- 16.The Roman Coins from Exeter and its HinterlandAndrew Brown and Sam Moorhead -- 17.The Local, Regional and Other North European Pottery, 900-1550 John Allan, with contributions from Michael Hughes and Roger T. …”
Libro electrónico -
24625Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…2 Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis: Signaling, Genes, and the Control of IdentityIntroduction; Cellular Events; Genes and Signaling - the Global Picture; Coordination of Genes and Cellular Processes: a Role for Hormones; Genes and Pattern; Conclusion and Future Directions; References; 3 Endosperm Development; Introduction; Overview of Endosperm Structure and Development; Endosperm Cell Fate Specification and Differentiation; Transfer Cells; Starchy Endosperm Cells; Aleurone Cells; Embryo-Surrounding Region; Genomic Resources; Transcriptional Profiling of Endosperm Development…”
Libro electrónico -
24626Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Navigating the Platform -- Exercise 1: Introducing Jupyter Notebooks -- Jupyter Features -- Exercise 2: Implementing Jupyter's Most Useful Features -- Converting a Jupyter Notebook to a Python Script -- Python Libraries -- Exercise 3: Importing the External Libraries and Setting Up the Plotting Environment -- Our First Analysis - The Boston Housing Dataset -- Loading the Data into Jupyter Using a Pandas DataFrame -- Exercise 4: Loading the Boston Housing Dataset -- Data Exploration -- Exercise 5: Analyzing the Boston Housing Dataset -- Introduction to Predictive Analytics with Jupyter Notebooks -- Exercise 6: Applying Linear Models With Seaborn and Scikit-learn -- Activity 1: Building a Third-Order Polynomial Model -- Using Categorical Features for Segmentation Analysis -- Exercise 7: Creating Categorical Fields From Continuous Variables and Make Segmented Visualizations -- Summary -- Data Cleaning and Advanced Machine Learning -- Introduction -- Preparing to Train a Predictive Model -- Determining a Plan for Predictive Analytics -- Exercise 8: Explore Data Preprocessing Tools and Methods -- Activity 2: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem -- Training Classification Models -- Introduction to Classification Algorithms -- Exercise 9: Training Two-Feature Classification Models With Scikit-learn -- The plot_decision_regions Function -- Exercise 10: Training K-nearest Neighbors for Our Model -- Exercise 11: Training a Random Forest -- Assessing Models With K-fold Cross-Validation and Validation Curves -- Exercise 12: Using K-fold Cross Validation and Validation Curves in Python With Scikit-learn -- Dimensionality Reduction Techniques…”
Libro electrónico -
24627Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Table of contents; Preface; Keynote Speakers; Emotional intelligence of counseling undergraduates of two Malaysian public universities; The determinants of exports between Malaysia and the OIC member countries: A panel cointegration approach; Development of the theory and practice of competitiveness; Using historical heritage as a factor in tourism development; Historical and cultural heritage and region's economic (by case central and eastern Russia); Experiences of Malaysian enterprises in international strategic alliances in Vietnam…”
Libro electrónico -
24628por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Basic statistics of the Slovak Republic -- Executive summary -- Key findings -- Enterprise scale up and innovation should be key policy priorities -- Regulatory constraints and high labour taxation are affecting SME growth and hiring -- Stronger leadership and co-ordination of SME and entrepreneurship policy are needed -- SMEs lag on digitalisation -- Policy for entrepreneurship should be inclusive across regions and populations 1. SME and entrepreneurship policy in the Slovak Republic -- overall assessment and recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship performance in the Slovak Republic -- The Slovak economy has a relatively large share of micro firms -- The Slovak economy has very high business dynamism -- SME productivity is low and stagnant or falling -- Relatively few small firms export or innovate -- Entrepreneurship rates are high -- Policy recommendations -- The business environment for SMEs and entrepreneurship -- Macro-economic conditions have been favourable but COVID-19 is having a severe impact on SMEs Regulatory reforms need to be continued -- The innovation system does not favour SME innovation -- SME development is hindered by skills shortages -- Some transport and digital infrastructure gaps need to be addressed -- Relatively high social security payments may hinder small firm growth -- Equity finance and alternatives to debt finance are limited -- The spillovers from trade and foreign direct investment openness are currently limited -- Policy recommendations -- Regulatory environment -- Innovation and R&D -- Education/skills -- Taxation -- SME access to finance Trade and foreign direct investment -- Strategic framework and delivery arrangements for SME and entrepreneurship policy -- There is no overarching SME and entrepreneurship policy document -- SME and entrepreneurship policy lacks a lead unit, a cross-government co-ordination mechanism and an SME advisory council -- A policy portfolio examination would help assess the mix of spending -- Use of business identification number information could support evaluation -- A connecting hub would strengthen the policy delivery system -- Policy recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship programmes A business diagnostic tool and client management approach would strengthen business development services -- SME innovation support should include actions to strengthen university-SME links -- Internationalisation programmes are at a basic level -- Entrepreneurship training and skills programmes lack a co-ordinated approach -- New sector skills councils and changes to the dual training system are strengthening SME skills -- Access to finance programmes are now supporting a wider range of instruments -- The Office for Public Procurement promotes SME participation…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
24629por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- Évaluation et Recommandations -- Une croissance dynamique a fait monter le niveau des revenus et réduit la pauvreté, mais des inégalités subsistent -- L'Inde enregistre une croissance rapide, mais l'investissement privé est faible -- Des politiques monétaire, financière et budgétaire adéquates pour jeter les bases d'une croissance plus forte -- Un cadre monétaire efficace -- Améliorer la transmission de la politique monétaire -- Renforcer le cadre budgétaire -- Fixer des objectifs pluriannuels à la politique budgétaire, tout en la laissant jouer un rôle de stabilisation -- Améliorer la crédibilité de la politique budgétaire -- Engager une réforme fiscale globale pour favoriser une croissance inclusive -- Utiliser l'impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et l'impôt sur le patrimoine pour accroître les recettes et favoriser l'inclusion sociale -- Réformer la fiscalité des entreprises afin de soutenir l'investissement en réduisant les distorsions et l'incertitude -- Favoriser une croissance plus forte et plus inclusive -- Renforcer la croissance à long terme en renforçant l'investissement et la productivité -- Faciliter les acquisitions foncières favoriserait une reprise des projets d'investissement, en particulier dans le secteur manufacturier -- Déréglementer l'investissement direct étranger -- Faciliter davantage l'exercice des activités économiques et renforcer le dynamisme des entreprises -- Créer des emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité -- Améliorer l'enseignement et les compétences -- Mieux soutenir les populations pauvres et vulnérables -- La réforme en cours sur les prix subventionnés pourrait servir de modèle à d'autres pays -- L'inclusion financière est en bonne voie -- Parvenir à un développement régional solide et équilibré…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
24630por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Agricultural finance and institutional reforms in transition economies: the 1990s andchallenges ahead (focus on SEE region) - Mr. Ulrich KoesterAgricultural finance and institutional reforms in Bulgaria -Ms. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
24631por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…EU Intermodal freight transport""; ""Qualitative performance indicators""; ""Specific problems concerning intermodal transport""; ""Europe""; ""North America""; ""Japan and the Asia-Pacific region""; ""Chapter 3. Policies, Organisational Structures and Instruments: An Overview""; ""Introduction""; ""Intermodal policy statements""; ""Table 7. …”
Publicado 2001
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24632por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Resultados por países y economíasAnexo B2. Resultados por regiones dentro de los paísesAnexo C. DESARROLLO Y APLICACIÓN DE PISA, UNA INICIATIVA FRUTO DE LA COLABORACIÓN…”
Publicado 2012
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24633por International Energy AgencyTabla de Contenidos: “…Urban electricity and heat supply in the ETP scenarios -- Smarter urban energy networks -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Chapter 7 Policy and Finance Mechanisms for Urban Areas -- Multilevel governance of energy -- Achieving sustainable urban energy systems: The role of local government -- Policy options for sustainable cities -- Financing urban sustainable energy -- Innovative governance and business models -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Chapter 8 Mexico's Sustainable Energy Transition: The Role of Cities -- Mexico's sustainable energy transition and the ETP 2DS -- Relevance of cities for national sustainable development -- Challenges and opportunities of Mexican cities -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Annexes -- Annex A Analytical Approach -- Annex B Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Annex C Definitions, Regional and Country Groupings and Units -- Annex D List of Figures, Tables, Boxes…”
Publicado 2016
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24634por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…; ""Table 2. Trade by region""; ""â€? and domestic demand improvedâ€?""; ""Figure 2. …”
Publicado 2001
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24635por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…; Meeting travel demand: a delicate balancing act; Efforts underway to influence road travel demand; References; Chapter 2 LAND USE AND TRANSPORT PLANNING; Description; Objectives and major impacts; Application of measures; Institutional responsibility for implementation; Effects on travel patterns; Regional structures; Corridor development; Cost-effectiveness; Special problems and issues; Packaging of measures; Conclusions; References; Chapter 3 COMMUNICATION SUBSTITUTES; Description…”
Publicado 2002
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24636por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Comparative Mobility in the Nordic RegionChapter 6. Knowledge Transfer through Labour Mobility in the Nordic Countries: Structure and Dynamics Svein Olav Nås, Anders Ekeland, Christian Svanfeldt and Mikael Åkerblom; Chapter 7. …”
Publicado 2001
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24637Publicado 1994Tabla de Contenidos: “…Some Organochlorine Pollutants in the Water Environment and their Influence on Drinking Water Quality; 21. Regional Contamination of Soil and Biota with Heavy Metals Following an Explosion of an Ammunition Stockpile near Oštarije, Croatia…”
Libro electrónico -
24638por Al Hour, AbdullahTabla de Contenidos: “…; Benefits of effective BCM programs; Emerging risk and threat topologies; BCM and risk management; BCM and compliance; BCM and insurance; Chapter 2: Setting up the BCM Program; Gathering key success factors; Establishing the governance model; Establishing the BCM organizational unit; Organizations with a regional or international presence; Chapter 3: Running the BCM Life Cycle; Running the BCM life cycle for the first time; Business impact analysis…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24639por Brahmbhatt, Samarth. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""GUI Track-Bars and Callback Functions""""Callback Functions""; ""ROIs: Cropping a Rectangular Portion out of an Image""; ""Region of Interest in an Image""; ""Accessing Individual Pixels of an Image""; ""Exercise""; ""Videos""; ""Displaying the Feed from Your Webcam or USB Camera/File""; ""Writing Videos to Disk""; ""Summary""; ""Part 2: Advanced Computer Vision Problems and Coding Them in OpenCV""; ""Chapter 5: Image Filtering""; ""Image Filters""; ""Blurring Images""; ""Resizing Imagesâ€?…”
Publicado 2013
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24640Publicado 1993Tabla de Contenidos: “…OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF INDUCTION MOTORS -- Methods of Starting Cage Motors -- Run-up and Stable Operating Regions -- Torque-Speed Curves - Influence of Rotor Parameters -- Influence of Supply Voltage on Torque-Speed Curve -- Generating and Braking -- Speed Control -- Power-factor Control and Energy Optimisation -- Single-phase Induction Motors -- Questions Arising -- CHAPTER 7. …”
Libro electrónico