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  1. 24621
    por Gierlack, Keith
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Develop Policies for LPR Usage, Data Access, and Data StorageThink Outside the Box When Deciding How to Employ LPR; Enhance the Benefits of LPR via Cooperation with Other Agencies and Jurisdictions; Regional Cooperatives Enhance LPR's Utility; Police Departments Need to Link LPR Systems to "Effective" Data Sources; Effective Implementation Frequently Requires Cooperation with Other Agencies; Ensure "Successful" Implementation and Sustainment; Be Prepared and Committed for a Long Learning Curve; It Helps to Have an LPR "Champion"; Do Media Outreach to Facilitate Public Acceptance…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 24622
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hernández -- Agronegócio e reestruturação urbana e regional no Brasil / Denise Elias -- Economia política do território e logística do agronegócio nos cerrados brasileiros / Samule Frederico e Marina Castro de Almeida -- Polítcas públicas para o financiamento do agronegócio no Brasil : programas, instrumentos e resultados com ênfase no caso de Mato Grosso / Sergio Pereira Leite e Valdemar J. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 24623
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Future Deployability and Sustainability Challenges Future Prospects; CHAPTER THREE: NATO Europe's Capability for Defense and Power Projection in the Coming Decade; Defense of NATO Territory; Missions in NATO's Immediate Neighborhood; High-Intensity Power-Projection Missions in More-Distant Regions; Long-Range Operations with Small "Conventional" Forces; Long-Range SOF Operations; Conclusion; CHAPTER FOUR: The Broader Strategic Context; The Limits of Smart Defense; Pooling and Sharing; The Impact of the Euro Crisis; The European Defense Industrial Sector…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 24624
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Robert Kenyon -- 16.The Roman Coins from Exeter and its HinterlandAndrew Brown and Sam Moorhead -- 17.The Local, Regional and Other North European Pottery, 900-1550 John Allan, with contributions from Michael Hughes and Roger T. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 24625
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2 Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis: Signaling, Genes, and the Control of IdentityIntroduction; Cellular Events; Genes and Signaling - the Global Picture; Coordination of Genes and Cellular Processes: a Role for Hormones; Genes and Pattern; Conclusion and Future Directions; References; 3 Endosperm Development; Introduction; Overview of Endosperm Structure and Development; Endosperm Cell Fate Specification and Differentiation; Transfer Cells; Starchy Endosperm Cells; Aleurone Cells; Embryo-Surrounding Region; Genomic Resources; Transcriptional Profiling of Endosperm Development…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 24626
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Navigating the Platform -- Exercise 1: Introducing Jupyter Notebooks -- Jupyter Features -- Exercise 2: Implementing Jupyter's Most Useful Features -- Converting a Jupyter Notebook to a Python Script -- Python Libraries -- Exercise 3: Importing the External Libraries and Setting Up the Plotting Environment -- Our First Analysis - The Boston Housing Dataset -- Loading the Data into Jupyter Using a Pandas DataFrame -- Exercise 4: Loading the Boston Housing Dataset -- Data Exploration -- Exercise 5: Analyzing the Boston Housing Dataset -- Introduction to Predictive Analytics with Jupyter Notebooks -- Exercise 6: Applying Linear Models With Seaborn and Scikit-learn -- Activity 1: Building a Third-Order Polynomial Model -- Using Categorical Features for Segmentation Analysis -- Exercise 7: Creating Categorical Fields From Continuous Variables and Make Segmented Visualizations -- Summary -- Data Cleaning and Advanced Machine Learning -- Introduction -- Preparing to Train a Predictive Model -- Determining a Plan for Predictive Analytics -- Exercise 8: Explore Data Preprocessing Tools and Methods -- Activity 2: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem -- Training Classification Models -- Introduction to Classification Algorithms -- Exercise 9: Training Two-Feature Classification Models With Scikit-learn -- The plot_decision_regions Function -- Exercise 10: Training K-nearest Neighbors for Our Model -- Exercise 11: Training a Random Forest -- Assessing Models With K-fold Cross-Validation and Validation Curves -- Exercise 12: Using K-fold Cross Validation and Validation Curves in Python With Scikit-learn -- Dimensionality Reduction Techniques…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 24627
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Table of contents; Preface; Keynote Speakers; Emotional intelligence of counseling undergraduates of two Malaysian public universities; The determinants of exports between Malaysia and the OIC member countries: A panel cointegration approach; Development of the theory and practice of competitiveness; Using historical heritage as a factor in tourism development; Historical and cultural heritage and region's economic (by case central and eastern Russia); Experiences of Malaysian enterprises in international strategic alliances in Vietnam…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 24628
    por OECD
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Basic statistics of the Slovak Republic -- Executive summary -- Key findings -- Enterprise scale up and innovation should be key policy priorities -- Regulatory constraints and high labour taxation are affecting SME growth and hiring -- Stronger leadership and co-ordination of SME and entrepreneurship policy are needed -- SMEs lag on digitalisation -- Policy for entrepreneurship should be inclusive across regions and populations 1. SME and entrepreneurship policy in the Slovak Republic -- overall assessment and recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship performance in the Slovak Republic -- The Slovak economy has a relatively large share of micro firms -- The Slovak economy has very high business dynamism -- SME productivity is low and stagnant or falling -- Relatively few small firms export or innovate -- Entrepreneurship rates are high -- Policy recommendations -- The business environment for SMEs and entrepreneurship -- Macro-economic conditions have been favourable but COVID-19 is having a severe impact on SMEs Regulatory reforms need to be continued -- The innovation system does not favour SME innovation -- SME development is hindered by skills shortages -- Some transport and digital infrastructure gaps need to be addressed -- Relatively high social security payments may hinder small firm growth -- Equity finance and alternatives to debt finance are limited -- The spillovers from trade and foreign direct investment openness are currently limited -- Policy recommendations -- Regulatory environment -- Innovation and R&D -- Education/skills -- Taxation -- SME access to finance Trade and foreign direct investment -- Strategic framework and delivery arrangements for SME and entrepreneurship policy -- There is no overarching SME and entrepreneurship policy document -- SME and entrepreneurship policy lacks a lead unit, a cross-government co-ordination mechanism and an SME advisory council -- A policy portfolio examination would help assess the mix of spending -- Use of business identification number information could support evaluation -- A connecting hub would strengthen the policy delivery system -- Policy recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship programmes A business diagnostic tool and client management approach would strengthen business development services -- SME innovation support should include actions to strengthen university-SME links -- Internationalisation programmes are at a basic level -- Entrepreneurship training and skills programmes lack a co-ordinated approach -- New sector skills councils and changes to the dual training system are strengthening SME skills -- Access to finance programmes are now supporting a wider range of instruments -- The Office for Public Procurement promotes SME participation…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 24629
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- Évaluation et Recommandations -- Une croissance dynamique a fait monter le niveau des revenus et réduit la pauvreté, mais des inégalités subsistent -- L'Inde enregistre une croissance rapide, mais l'investissement privé est faible -- Des politiques monétaire, financière et budgétaire adéquates pour jeter les bases d'une croissance plus forte -- Un cadre monétaire efficace -- Améliorer la transmission de la politique monétaire -- Renforcer le cadre budgétaire -- Fixer des objectifs pluriannuels à la politique budgétaire, tout en la laissant jouer un rôle de stabilisation -- Améliorer la crédibilité de la politique budgétaire -- Engager une réforme fiscale globale pour favoriser une croissance inclusive -- Utiliser l'impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et l'impôt sur le patrimoine pour accroître les recettes et favoriser l'inclusion sociale -- Réformer la fiscalité des entreprises afin de soutenir l'investissement en réduisant les distorsions et l'incertitude -- Favoriser une croissance plus forte et plus inclusive -- Renforcer la croissance à long terme en renforçant l'investissement et la productivité -- Faciliter les acquisitions foncières favoriserait une reprise des projets d'investissement, en particulier dans le secteur manufacturier -- Déréglementer l'investissement direct étranger -- Faciliter davantage l'exercice des activités économiques et renforcer le dynamisme des entreprises -- Créer des emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité -- Améliorer l'enseignement et les compétences -- Mieux soutenir les populations pauvres et vulnérables -- La réforme en cours sur les prix subventionnés pourrait servir de modèle à d'autres pays -- L'inclusion financière est en bonne voie -- Parvenir à un développement régional solide et équilibré…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 24630
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Agricultural finance and institutional reforms in transition economies: the 1990s andchallenges ahead (focus on SEE region) - Mr. Ulrich KoesterAgricultural finance and institutional reforms in Bulgaria -Ms. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 24631
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…EU Intermodal freight transport""; ""Qualitative performance indicators""; ""Specific problems concerning intermodal transport""; ""Europe""; ""North America""; ""Japan and the Asia-Pacific region""; ""Chapter 3. Policies, Organisational Structures and Instruments: An Overview""; ""Introduction""; ""Intermodal policy statements""; ""Table 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 24632
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Resultados por países y economíasAnexo B2. Resultados por regiones dentro de los paísesAnexo C. DESARROLLO Y APLICACIÓN DE PISA, UNA INICIATIVA FRUTO DE LA COLABORACIÓN…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 24633
    por International Energy Agency
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Urban electricity and heat supply in the ETP scenarios -- Smarter urban energy networks -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Chapter 7 Policy and Finance Mechanisms for Urban Areas -- Multilevel governance of energy -- Achieving sustainable urban energy systems: The role of local government -- Policy options for sustainable cities -- Financing urban sustainable energy -- Innovative governance and business models -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Chapter 8 Mexico's Sustainable Energy Transition: The Role of Cities -- Mexico's sustainable energy transition and the ETP 2DS -- Relevance of cities for national sustainable development -- Challenges and opportunities of Mexican cities -- Recommended actions for the near term -- References -- Annexes -- Annex A Analytical Approach -- Annex B Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Annex C Definitions, Regional and Country Groupings and Units -- Annex D List of Figures, Tables, Boxes…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 24634
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; ""Table 2. Trade by region""; ""â€? and domestic demand improvedâ€?""; ""Figure 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 24635
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Meeting travel demand: a delicate balancing act; Efforts underway to influence road travel demand; References; Chapter 2 LAND USE AND TRANSPORT PLANNING; Description; Objectives and major impacts; Application of measures; Institutional responsibility for implementation; Effects on travel patterns; Regional structures; Corridor development; Cost-effectiveness; Special problems and issues; Packaging of measures; Conclusions; References; Chapter 3 COMMUNICATION SUBSTITUTES; Description…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 24636
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Comparative Mobility in the Nordic RegionChapter 6. Knowledge Transfer through Labour Mobility in the Nordic Countries: Structure and Dynamics Svein Olav Nås, Anders Ekeland, Christian Svanfeldt and Mikael Åkerblom; Chapter 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 24637
    Publicado 1994
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Some Organochlorine Pollutants in the Water Environment and their Influence on Drinking Water Quality; 21. Regional Contamination of Soil and Biota with Heavy Metals Following an Explosion of an Ammunition Stockpile near Oštarije, Croatia…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 24638
    por Al Hour, Abdullah
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Benefits of effective BCM programs; Emerging risk and threat topologies; BCM and risk management; BCM and compliance; BCM and insurance; Chapter 2: Setting up the BCM Program; Gathering key success factors; Establishing the governance model; Establishing the BCM organizational unit; Organizations with a regional or international presence; Chapter 3: Running the BCM Life Cycle; Running the BCM life cycle for the first time; Business impact analysis…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 24639
    por Brahmbhatt, Samarth. author
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""GUI Track-Bars and Callback Functions""""Callback Functions""; ""ROIs: Cropping a Rectangular Portion out of an Image""; ""Region of Interest in an Image""; ""Accessing Individual Pixels of an Image""; ""Exercise""; ""Videos""; ""Displaying the Feed from Your Webcam or USB Camera/File""; ""Writing Videos to Disk""; ""Summary""; ""Part 2: Advanced Computer Vision Problems and Coding Them in OpenCV""; ""Chapter 5: Image Filtering""; ""Image Filters""; ""Blurring Images""; ""Resizing Imagesâ€?…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 24640
    Publicado 1993
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF INDUCTION MOTORS -- Methods of Starting Cage Motors -- Run-up and Stable Operating Regions -- Torque-Speed Curves - Influence of Rotor Parameters -- Influence of Supply Voltage on Torque-Speed Curve -- Generating and Braking -- Speed Control -- Power-factor Control and Energy Optimisation -- Single-phase Induction Motors -- Questions Arising -- CHAPTER 7. …”
    Libro electrónico