Mostrando 24,421 - 24,440 Resultados de 32,993 Para Buscar '"Región"', tiempo de consulta: 0.19s Limitar resultados
  1. 24421
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: A Tool for Exercising due Diligence in Life Cycle Management -- Life Cycle Management: Labeling, Declarations and Certifications at the Product Level —Different Approaches -- Mainstreaming the Use of Life Cycle Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Using a Sector Based and Regional Approach -- Part II: Advancing the Implementation of Life Cycle Management in Business Practice -- From Projects to Processes to Implement Life Cycle Management in Business -- How to Make the LCA Team a Business Partner -- Sustainability Improvements and Life Cycle Approaches in Industry Partnerships -- Sustainable Value Creation with Life Cycle Management -- Part III: Life Cycle Management as Part of Sustainable Consumption and Production Strategies and Policies -- Hotspots Analysis: Providing the Focus for Action -- From Sustainable Production to Sustainable Consumption.…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 24422
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Special Issue Editor -- Preface to "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation-ZEMCH 2016" -- Daniel Efurosibina Attoye, Kheira Anissa Tabet Aoul and Ahmed Hassan A Review on Building Integrated Photovoltaic Façade Customization Potentials doi: 10.3390/su9122287 -- Xunmin Ou, Zhiyi Yuan, Tianduo Peng, Zhenqing Sun and Sheng Zhou The Low-Carbon Transition toward Sustainability of Regional Coal-Dominated Energy Consumption Structure: A Case of Hebei Province in China doi: 10.3390/su9071184 -- Khaled Galal Ahmed Designing Sustainable Urban Social Housing in the United Arab Emirates doi: 10.3390/su9081413 -- Nafisa Bhikhoo, Arman Hashemi and Heather Cruickshank Improving Thermal Comfort of Low-Income Housing in Thailand through Passive Design Strategies doi: 10.3390/su9081440 -- Andrea Pianella, Lu Aye, Zhengdong Chen and Nicholas S. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 24423
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…13 | Activist Citizen Science: Building Water Justice in South Africa -- PART IV: Collective Resilience for Climate Justice -- 14 | Conflicting Perspectives in the Global South Just Transition Movement: A Case Study of the Mpumalanga Coal Region in South Africa -- 15 | Saving Our "Common Home": A Critical Analysis of the "For Our Common Home" Campaignin Alberta -- 16 | Action Research for Climate Justice: Challenging the Carbon Market and False Climate Solutions in Mozambique -- 17 | Youth Climate Activism: Mobilizing for a Common Future -- List of Contributors -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 24424
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…De La sociedad anárquica a la escuela inglesa como corriente de las relaciones internacionales: una relectura / Rafael Grasa -- Orden, estatalidad y justicia en la política mundial del siglo XXI / Josep Ibáñez -- El principio de discriminación normativa en La sociedad internacional: La sociedad anárquica frente a la experiencia de Oriente Medio / Jordi Quero Arias -- La influencia de La sociedad anárquica en las teorías de la securitización y de los complejos de seguridad regional de la escuela de Copenhague / Alessandro Demurtas -- Las grandes potencias en La sociedad anárquica: un análisis de actualidad a la luz del caso estadounidense / Juan Tovar Ruiz -- Las grandes potencias en el orden internacional: Rusia desde la perspectiva de La sociedad anárquica / Javier Morales Hernández -- Sociedad internacional y diplomacia: una aproximación crítica / Noé Cornago -- La nueva diplomacia en el entorno de la gobernanza de Internet / Ana Gascón Marcén -- De héroes a villanos: los combatientes extranjeros y la evolución de la sociedad internacional / Inmaculada Marrero Rocha -- La sociedad internacional y la sociedad mundial ante el desafío de la delincuencia transnacional / Juan Pablo Soriano -- La (in)seguridad como sector económico y la privatización de la violencia en el sistema internacional actual / Blanca Camps-Febrer -- Guerra y orden en el pensamiento de Hedley Bull: una relectura de La sociedad anárquica / Yolanda Gamarra Chopo -- Somalia, anatomía de dos instantes, de la guerra de Ogadén a Al-Shabaab / Victor Damian Vasilescu Herescu -- El nuevo espacio de seguridad trans/multi-dominio. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 24425
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Global Processes of Flight and Migration: How Case Studies Help to Understand Their Complex and Heterogeneous Character / Eva BahJohannes Becker -- Complex Flight and Migration Processes Worldwide: Transit, Hubs, Networks Risking It All: Irregular Migration from Ghana through Libya to Europe and Its Impact on the Left-Behind Family Members / Steve Fonah, Emmanuel Codjoe -- Zur Lebenssituation und Zukunftsperspektive von eritreischen Geflüchteten: Geflohen nach Israel deportiert nach Ruanda/Uganda gestrandet in Kampala / Gabriele Rosenthal, Eukas Hofmann -- Von Zentralafrika nach Brasilien und Französisch-Guyana: Transnationale Migration, globale Ungleichheit und das Streben nach Hoffnung / Fabio Santos -- Migrants and Refugees from Ghana and Haiti in Southern Brazil: Familial Constellations and Processes of Escape -- Lucas Ce Sangalli, Maria do Carmo dos Santos Goncalves Zur Verbindung einer transnationalen mit einer biographietheoretischen Perspektive in der Fluchtforschung: Migrationsverläufe im Kontext des syrischen Bürgerkrieges / Arne Worm -- Temporary Migration, Re-Migration and Regional Migration in the Context ofViolence and War Flight Trajectories and Changing Camp Perceptions: Divergent Evidence from Zambia and Angola / Katharina Inhetveen -- Traces and Sediments of Organized Violence in Biographical Narratives in Mexico / Ludger Pries, Christian Schramm, Melanie Wieschalla -- Transformatorische Fluchtverläufe: Migration aus lokalisierten Milieus und Etablierung in einem neuen Kontext am Beispiel irakischer Geflüchteter in Jordanien / Johannes Becker, Hendrik Hinrichsen -- Processes ofArrival: Changing Belongings, Diverging Experiences and Different Lifeworlds (Non-)Belonging in the Context ofWar and Migration: Reconstructing the Self-Examinations of a 1.5 Generation Refugee / Ana Mijic -- Staying Politically Active in Exile: Kurdish Activists in Germany / Sevil Cakir-Kihncoglu -- Building Localities without a Meintat A Biographical Analysis of Migration and Activism in Germany / Victoria Taboada Gorney -- Transnationale Verflechtungen und transgenerationale Folgen von Verfolgung, Flucht und Migration: Familien- und Lebensgeschichten von Roma aus Ex-Jugoslawien / Doreen Blume-Peiffer -- Geflüchtete Yezidinnen aus dem Irak: Leben mit der kollektiven und individuellen VerfolgungsVergangenheit / Christian Jorgow -- About the Author…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 24426
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: Interactive, Online Mapping of the Israeli-Palestinian Region (1840-Present) / Daniel Stein Kokin -- TEXT -- The Digital Humanities and the Ladino Press: Using Machine Learning to Extract and Analyze Visual Content in Historic Ladino Newspapers / Benjamin Charles Germain Lee -- Using Nodegoat to Track Gendered Political Networks: Henrietta Klotz's Influence on Henry Morgenthau Jr.'…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 24427
    por Srinivasan, Sharada
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vijayabaskar, Sharada Srinivasan -- Chapter 9 Becoming/being a young farmer in a fast-transitioning region: The case of Tamil Nadu, M. Vijayabaskar, Radha Varadarajan -- Chapter 10 "I had to bear this burden”: Youth transcending constraints to become farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India, Sudha Narayanan -- Chapter 11 Youth and agriculture in Indonesia, Aprilia Ambarwati, Charina Chazali, Isono Sadoko, Ben White -- Chapter 12 Young farmers’ access to land: Gendered pathways into and out of farming in Nigara and Langkap, West Manggarai, Indonesia, Charina Chazali, Aprilia Ambarwati, Roy Huijsmans, Ben White -- Chapter 13 The long road to becoming a farmer in Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia, Aprilia Ambarwati, Charina Chazali -- Chapter 14 Pluriactive and plurilocal: Young people’s pathways out of and into farming in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Ben White, Hanny Wijaya -- Chapter 15 Conclusion: Youth aspirations, trajectories, and farming futures, A. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 24428
    por Labriet, Maryse
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…On the Fairness and Feasibility of Implementing Low-Energy Demand Scenarios to Achieve Net Zero -- 4. A Global and Regional Energy System Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal as Climate Sustainable Action considering Land and Water Challenges -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 24429
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Morgan, and Peter Nijkamp -- Entrepreneurship in small enterprises and local development / Teresa de Noronha Vaz -- Determinants of structural change in peripheral regions -- Accessibility, innovative milieu and the innovative activity of businesses in EU peripheral and lagging areas / Andrew Copus and Dimitris Skuras -- Human capital as the critical factor for the development of Europe's rural peripheral areas / Lois Labrianidis -- Agri-food districts : theory and evidence / Cristina Brasili and Roberto Fanfani -- The embeddedness of small enterprises within the rural local economy of small and medium sized towns / Eveline S. …”
  10. 24430
    Publicado 2011
    Libro electrónico
  11. 24431
    por Garcia Lobon, Jose Luis
    Publicado 2008
  12. 24432
    por MEDIAactive.
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…11 Dibujar en 3D11.1 Dibujar en 3D; 11.2 Dibujar con el filtro XY; 11.3 Copiar y mover objetos 3D; 12 Manipular objetos 3D; 12.1 El comando de simetría 3D; 12.2 Alinear objetos 3D; 12.3 Combinar objetos; 12.4 El comando Matriz 3D; 13 Regiones y mallas 3D; 13.1 Creación de regiones; 13.2 Mallas regladas; 13.3 Mallas regladas en líneas spline; 13.4 El comando Malla tabulada; 13.5 El comando Malla revolucionada; 13.6 Crear objetos con el comando Malla revolucionada; 13.7 Crear una copa; 13.8 Crear una malla definida por lados; 13.9 El comando Giro 3D en objetos de malla 3D; 14 Dibujo de sólidos…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 24433
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright and Credits -- Dedication -- Packt Upsell -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Understanding Cloud Native Concepts -- Establishing the context -- Rewiring your software engineering brain -- Defining cloud-native -- Powered by disposable infrastructure -- Composed of bounded, isolated components -- Scales globally -- Embraces disposable architecture -- Leverages value-added cloud services -- Welcomes polyglot cloud -- Empowers self-sufficient, full-stack teams -- Drives cultural change -- Summary -- Chapter 2: The Anatomy of Cloud Native Systems -- The cloud is the database -- Reactive Manifesto -- Turning the database inside out -- Bulkheads -- Event streaming -- Polyglot Persistence -- Cloud native database -- Cloud native patterns -- Foundation patterns -- Boundary patterns -- Control patterns -- Bounded isolated components -- Functional boundaries -- Bounded context -- Component patterns -- Data life cycle -- Single responsibility -- Technical isolation -- Regions and availability zones -- Components -- Data -- Accounts -- Providers -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Foundation Patterns -- Cloud-Native Databases Per Component -- Context, problem, and forces -- Solution -- Resulting context -- Example - cloud-native database trigger -- Event Streaming -- Context, problem, and forces -- Solution -- Resulting context -- Example - stream, producer, and consumer -- Event Sourcing -- Context, problem, and forces -- Solution -- Event-First Variant -- Database-First Variant -- Resulting context -- Example - database-first event sourcing -- Data Lake -- Context, problem, and forces -- Solution -- Resulting context -- Example - Data Lake consumer component -- Stream Circuit Breaker -- Context, problem, and forces -- Solution -- Resulting context -- Example - stream processor flow control -- Trilateral API…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 24434
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.5 Win-Win Policy and Politics: the Life-Course Approach -- 1.6 The Book in Brief -- 1.7 Conclusion -- 2 Older People in Europe -- 2.1 Diversity and Inequality -- 2.1.1 Income Insecurity Varies across the European Region, but It Is Better to Be on the Margins in Northern &amp -- Western Europe Than in Eastern Europe -- 2.1.2 Most Older People Are Not in Paid Work but the Odds of Not Working Are Higher in Eastern Europe Than in Northern and Western Europe -- 2.1.3 Older People in Eastern Europe Are Most Likely to Live in Multigenerational Households -- 2.1.4 The Health of Older People Varies across Regions -- 2.2 What Do Commonly Used Data Say about Population Ageing and Its Effects on Society? …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 24435
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Accelerating into the Region Best Positioned to Bounce Back -- Our Employees Came Through for Us -- Uptick Thanks to New Business Models -- Transparency, Even About Uncertainty -- What's Ahead? …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 24436
    por Kersh, Natasha
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Facilitating Active Citizenship Through Adult Education Across Europe and Beyond -- Introduction -- Regional Divergences -- Southern Europe - Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Spain and Portugal -- France, Austria and Germany -- UK, The Netherlands and Ireland -- Turkey -- Northern Europe - Denmark, Finland and Sweden -- Hungary -- Baltic Countries - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania -- Summary -- References…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 24437
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Internal market scoreboard indicators -- Regulatory co-operation in regional trade agreements -- Key sectoral policies to lift potential growth -- Services liberalisation -- Figure 1.19. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 24438
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Koi 85 -Development of displacement damage model in PHITS and comparison with other codes in a high-energy region by Y. Iwamoto, K. Niita, T. Sawai, R.M. Ronningen, T. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 24439
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Prólogo -- Agradecimientos -- Contenido -- Capítulo 1 Introducción -- Se emprendieron reformas ambiciosas para enfrentar grandes y profundos desafíos, pero aún queda mucho por hacer -- Las deficiencias del sector público son el impedimento principal para avanzar, pues obstaculizan la instauración eficaz de políticas públicas -- Avanzar en el tema de la inclusión no sólo es fundamental desde una perspectiva social, también es un prerrequisito para que México desarrolle su potencial económico -- Continuar con las reformas recientes dirigidas a fomentar la competencia es fundamental para aprovechar plenamente los beneficios de la globalización y la digitalización -- El crecimiento económico tiene un costo para el medio ambiente, un elemento importante del bienestar de la población -- Fomentar un crecimiento más fuerte, más verde y más incluyente requiere un conjunto de reformas audaces en áreas complementarias de política pública -- Bibliografía adicional -- Capítulo 2 Fortalecimiento de la política fiscal en México -- Nuevos incrementos de los ingresos fiscales -- Incrementar el efecto redistributivo del sistema fiscal y de transferencias -- Combatir la informalidad mediante la reforma fiscal -- Reformar los impuestos ambientales en favor de la igualdad -- Fortalecer el clima de inversión con la reforma fiscal -- Recomendaciones clave de la OCDE -- Bibliografía adicional -- Capítulo 3 Fortalecer la gobernanza pública -- Fortalecer la integridad del sector público y el sistema anticorrupción -- Una lucha más eficaz contra la inseguridad -- Aprovechar las inversiones pasadas en la reforma del gobierno abierto -- Recomendaciones clave de la OCDE -- Bibliografía adicional -- Capítulo 4 Fomentar el desarrollo regional -- Contribuir a que las ciudades aprovechen íntegramente los beneficios de la aglomeración…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 24440
    por Kaltmeier, Olaf, 1970-
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Academic Advisory Board -- General Introduction -- The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis -- Periods of the Anthropocene's Genealogy in Latin America -- Colonial Period -- From the Mid‐Nineteenth Century to 1950 -- From 1950 to the Present -- Anthropocene Regions in Latin America -- Southern Cone -- Andes -- Amazon -- Mesoamerica -- Caribbean -- Land Use -- Final Words -- Colonial Period -- Introduction: Land Use in Colonial Latin America in the Anthropocene History -- References -- Land Use in the Southern Cone in the Colonial Period -- Demographic Change -- Changes in Land Use from an Indigenous Perspective -- Land Use for Food and Commerce -- Location, Resources, and Imperial Strategy -- Conclusion -- References -- Land Use in the Andes in the Colonial Period -- The Andean Space in History: Geosystems and Cultures -- The Impact of the Conquest and Changes in Land Ownership -- Royal Lands, Grants, Reductions, and Compositions -- Technological Changes and New Products -- The New Livestock Farming -- The Impact of Colonial Mining on the Landscape and the Environment -- The Export Market, Plantation Systems, and Cinchona Extraction -- Conclusions -- References -- Land Use in the Amazon in the Colonial Period -- Representations of the Conquest -- Colonization Projects: Missions and Cities (Seventeenth Century) -- Enlightenment Projects (Eighteenth Century) -- Land Use -- Environmental Impacts -- Conclusions -- References -- Land Use in Mesoamerica in the Colonial Period -- Mesoamerica: Imprints of the Future of a Region in the Long Term -- Land Use at the Time of Conquest -- Land‐use Actors and Transformation Factors -- Land, Property, and Labor: Setting and Implementing Crown Policies -- Resistance and Rebellions in the 300 Years of Colonialism in New Spain…”
    Libro electrónico