Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 5,230
- Biblia 3,525
- Història 2,458
- Crítica e interpretación 1,636
- Església Catòlica 1,625
- Teología 1,440
- Bíblia 1,427
- Filosofía 1,398
- Moral cristiana 1,392
- Derecho canónico 1,202
- Iglesia Católica 1,200
- Teología dogmática 1,171
- Sermones 1,137
- Obres anteriors al 1800 1,049
- Historia- 831
- Medicina 730
- Congressos 700
- Derecho 688
- Teología moral 654
- Economía 639
- Litúrgia 595
- Liturgia 594
- History 593
- Matemáticas 591
- Teologia moral 573
- Biografías 572
- Biografia 548
- Teologia 539
- Meditaciones 524
- Comentarios 508
181661por OCDE, OECD /.Tabla de Contenidos: “…La réglementation des secteurs non manufacturiers a un effet sensible sur le secteur manufacturier -- Graphique 1.11. L'intensité de R-D des entreprises est nettement plus forte dans les pays avancés de l'OCDE -- Groupe 3 : Pays où la durée du travail est faible et où le marché du logement subit des distorsions (Danemark, Norvège, Pays-Bas et Suède) -- Tableau 1.2. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
181662por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Chiffre d'affaires des locations de lignes -- Tableau 3.10. Dépenses de R-D des OTP et des fabricants d'équipements de télécommunications -- Tableau 3.11. …”
Publicado 2003
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181663por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos:
Publicado 2019Libro electrónico -
181664Publicado 2016Libro electrónico
181666Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.3 Equivalence Relation and Partitions -- 3.3.1 Definitions -- 3.3.2 Integers Modulo m -- 3.3.3 Fast Exponentiation -- 3.4 Partial Orders -- 3.4.1 Definitions for Partial Orders -- 3.4.2 Directed Acyclic Graph Definition -- 3.4.3 Hasse Diagrams -- 3.4.4 Partial vs Total Orders -- 3.4.5 Topological Sorting -- 3.4.6 Parallel Task Scheduling -- 3.5 Ordered Pairs -- 3.5.1 Representation of Relation -- 3.5.2 Graph of Relation -- 3.5.3 Composition of Relations -- 3.5.4 Types of Relations -- 3.5.5 Interpretation Using Digraphs -- 3.6 Warshall's Algorithm -- 3.7 Application of Relation -- Chapter 4: Functions and Recursion -- 4.1 Functions -- 4.1.1 Terminology -- 4.1.2 Properties -- 4.2 Recursion -- Chapter 5: Algebraic Structures -- 5.1 Algebra -- 5.1.1 Types of Homomorphism -- 5.2 DeMorgan's Law -- 5.2.1 Properties of Binary Operations -- 5.2.2 Quotient Semigroup: (Factor Semigroup) -- 5.3 Group -- 5.3.1 Isomorphism -- 5.4 Ring -- 5.4.1 Subring of a Ring R -- 5.4.2 Ring Homomorphism -- 5.5 Polish Expressions and Their Compilation -- 5.5.1 Polish Notation -- 5.5.2 Conversion of Infix Expressions to Polish Notation -- 5.6 The Communication Model and Error Correction -- 5.7 Hamming Codes -- 5.8 Error Recovery in Group Codes -- Chapter 6: Graph Theory -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Graph Representation -- 6.3 Topological Sort -- 6.4 Simple Graph Propagation Algorithm -- 6.5 Depth-First Search -- 6.5.1 Biconnected Components -- 6.5.2 Strongly-connected Components -- 6.5.3 An Application -- 6.6 Breadth-First Search -- 6.6.1 Introduction -- 6.6.2 Shortest Paths -- 6.7 Shortest-Path Algorithm -- 6.7.1 Single-source Shortest Path -- 6.8 Directed Acyclic Graphs -- 6.8.1 Matrix Multiplication -- 6.8.2 Floyd-Warshall's Method -- 6.8.3 Other Applications -- Chapter 7: Counting -- 7.1 A Party Problem -- 7.1.1 Sets and the Like -- 7.1.2 The Number of Subsets…”
Libro electrónico -
181667Publicado 2012“…The main topics covered include: Carrier Aggregation; Multiantenna MIMO Transmission, Heterogeneous Networks; Coordinated Multipoint Transmission (CoMP); Relay nodes; 3GPP milestones and IMT-Advanced process in ITU-R; and LTE-Advanced Performance Evaluation. Key features: . …”
Libro electrónico -
181668Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Wave RATs 8 -- 1.5.6 Redesigning Backhaul Links 9 -- 1.5.7 Energy Efficiency 9 -- 1.5.8 Allocation of New Spectrum for 5G 10 -- 1.5.9 Spectrum Sharing 10 -- 1.5.10 RAN Virtualisation 10 -- 1.6 5G in Europe 11 -- 1.6.1 Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 11 -- 1.6.2 5G Infrastructure PPP 12 -- 1.6.3 METIS Project 13 -- 1.6.4 5G Innovation Centre 14 -- 1.6.5 Visions of Companies 14 -- 1.7 5G in North America 15 -- 1.7.1 Academy Research 15 -- 1.7.2 Company R&D 15 -- 1.8 5G in Asia 16 -- 1.8.1 5G in China 16 -- 1.8.2 5G in South Korea 19 -- 1.8.3 5G in Japan 21 -- 1.9 5G Architecture 23 -- 1.10 Conclusion 24 -- Acknowledgements 25 -- References 25 -- 2 The 5G Internet 29 -- 2.1 Introduction 29 -- 2.2 Internet of Things and Context?]…”
Libro electrónico -
181670Publicado 2019Libro electrónico
181671Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.4.10 TTLEM (TopoToolbox Landscape Evolution Model) 1.0 -- 5.5 Other Models -- 5.5.1 DELIM -- 5.5.2 EROS -- 5.5.3 Landscape Evolution Model Using Global Search -- 5.5.4 eSCAPE -- 5.5.5 r.sim.terrain 1.0 -- 5.6 Combined/Application-Specific Models -- 5.7 Machine Learning Models -- 5.8 LEMs Developed for Glaciated Landscapes -- 5.9 Some Significant Glacier Evolution Models -- 5.10 Models Developed for Alpine Regions -- 5.11 Models Developed for the Arctic Regio -- 5.12 Models Developed for the Antarctic Region -- 5.13 Conclusion and Future Prospects -- Acknowledgment -- Declaration of Competing Interest -- References -- 6 Spectral Indices Across Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors Relating to the Three Poles: An Overview of Applications, Challenges, and Future Prospects -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Database and Methodology -- 6.3 Rationale of Different Spectral Indices Across RS Sensors and Platforms -- 6.4 RS Sensors and Platforms: Characteristics (Spatial, Temporal, Spectral, and Radiometric Resolutions) -- 6.5 Most Widely and Popularly Used Spectral Indices -- 6.5.1 Spectral Indices and Lithosphere -- 6.5.2 Spectral Indices and Hydrosphere -- 6.5.3 Spectral Indices and Atmosphere -- 6.5.4 Spectral Indices and Biosphere -- 6.5.5 Spectral Indices and Anthroposphere -- 6.6 Thematic Evolution and Trends -- 6.6.1 Thematic and Network Maps -- 6.7 Summary and Recommendations -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Section II Antarctica: The Southernmost Continent Having the South Pole Environment and Remote Sensing -- 7 Glacier Dynamics in East Antarctica: A Remote Sensing Perspective -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Satellite Remote Sensing of Glacier Dynamics in East Antarctica -- 7.3 Glacier Velocity Estimation Using Remote Sensing -- 7.3.1 Glacier Velocity Estimation Using SAR Interferometry -- 7.3.2 Glacier Velocity Estimation Using Offset Tracking…”
Libro electrónico -
181672por Klein, AndreaTabla de Contenidos: “…6.2.2 Möglichkeiten der Themeneingrenzung -- 6.2.3 Anforderungen an eine gute Fragestellung -- 6.3 Methodensammlung für die Orientierungsphase -- 6.3.1 Freewriting -- 6.3.2 Clustern -- 6.3.3 Themenwürfel -- 6.3.4 Dreischritt -- 6.3.5 Planungsfünfeck -- Teil II: Sammeln und strukturieren -- Kapitel 7: Literaturverwaltung -- 7.1 Literaturverwaltung ohne spezielle Software -- 7.1.1 Händisches Verwalten von Literatur -- 7.1.2 Literaturverwaltung mit dem Quellen-Manager von Word -- 7.2 Spezielle Literaturverwaltungssoftware -- 7.2.1 Vorteile von Literaturverwaltungssoftware -- 7.2.2 Entscheidung für ein bestimmtes Programm -- 7.2.3 Die gängige Literaturverwaltungssoftware im Überblick -- 7.2.4 Praktische Tipps für den Einstieg -- Kapitel 8: Literaturrecherche und -auswertung -- 8.1 Recherchestrategien und -techniken -- 8.1.1 Einstieg in die Recherche -- 8.1.2 Suchstrategien -- 8.1.3 Suchtechniken -- 8.2 Suchorte -- 8.2.1 Recherche im Internet -- 8.2.2 Nutzung der Bibliothek vor Ort -- 8.2.3 Suche mit der Literaturverwaltungssoftware -- 8.3 Literaturauswertung in zwei Stufen -- 8.3.1 Vorauswahl -- 8.3.2 Endgültige Auswahl -- Kapitel 9: Lesen -- 9.1 Aktives Lesen -- 9.1.1 Lesearten -- 9.1.2 Lesetechniken -- 9.1.3 Believing game und doubting game -- 9.1.4 Lesen mit KI-Tools -- 9.2 Verarbeiten der gelesenen Inhalte -- 9.2.1 Lesejournal -- 9.2.2 Markierungen und Randnotizen -- 9.2.3 Exzerpte -- 9.2.4 Visualisierung durch Mindmapping -- Kapitel 10: Einsatz empirischer Methoden -- 10.1 Vorüberlegungen -- 10.2 Datenerhebung und -erfassung -- 10.2.1 Grundsätzliches zu standardisierten Befragungen -- 10.2.2 Online-Befragungs-Tools -- 10.2.3 Aufnehmen von Interviews -- 10.2.4 Transkription von Interviews -- 10.3 Datenauswertung -- 10.3.1 Quantitativ ausgerichtete Auswertung -- 10.3.2 Mixed-Methods-Auswertung…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
181674por Avasthi, SandhyaTabla de Contenidos: “…8.5.5 Encourage Transparency and Involvement -- 8.5.6 Establish Redressal Mechanisms -- 8.6 Developing Local-Level Capacity Across All Education System Levels and Sectors -- 8.7 Education Policies in India to Achieve Decentralization in Education Systems -- 8.7.1 National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 -- 8.7.2 Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) -- 8.7.3 RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan) -- 8.8 Research and Development Policies in India and Promoting Decentralization in R& -- D -- 8.8.1 Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) -- 8.8.2 The National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) -- 8.8.3 National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STI) 2020 -- 8.8.4 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) -- 8.8.5 Department of Science and Technology (DST) -- References -- Chapter 9 Blockchain in Data Security and Transparency in Business Transactions -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Dimensions and Requirements of Data Security -- 9.3 Security Issues in Conventional Data Security -- 9.4 Diversity of Attacks in Conventional Data Security -- 9.5 Blockchain: The Complete Solution -- 9.6 The Decentralized and Immutable Approach -- 9.7 Comparison of ECC and RSA -- 9.8 Digital Signature Algorithm -- 9.9 Blockchain Technology Ensures Transparency -- 9.10 Blockchain Solutions for Traditional Data Security -- 9.11 Blockchain Types -- 9.12 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 10 A Comparative Study of Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Ad Hoc Network -- 10.2.1 Ad Hoc Network Types -- 10.2.2 Ad Hoc Routing Protocol -- 10.2.3 Ad Hoc Security Attack -- 10.3 Wireless Sensor and Network -- 10.3.1 Types of Wireless Network -- 10.3.2 Mobility in WSN -- 10.3.3 Routing Protocol -- 10.4 Challenges, Applications, and Limitations -- 10.5 Conclusion -- References…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
181675Publicado 2024Libro electrónico
181678por Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741
Publicado 1755Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España)Libro -
181679por Toledo (Archidiócesis).
Publicado 1682Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Episcopal de Plasencia, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Jaén, Red de Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Córdoba, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España)Ver edición digitalizada de Google Books
Libro -
181680por Congar, Yves, 1904-1995
Publicado 1976Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de Pastoral Madrid, Biblioteca Diocesana Bilbao, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España, Red de Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Córdoba, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca S.M. e Instituto Teológico «San Xosé» de Vigo, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago, Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Jaén)Libro