Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 5,230
- Biblia 3,525
- Història 2,458
- Crítica e interpretación 1,636
- Església Catòlica 1,625
- Teología 1,440
- Bíblia 1,427
- Filosofía 1,398
- Moral cristiana 1,392
- Derecho canónico 1,202
- Iglesia Católica 1,200
- Teología dogmática 1,171
- Sermones 1,137
- Obres anteriors al 1800 1,049
- Historia- 831
- Medicina 730
- Congressos 700
- Derecho 688
- Teología moral 654
- Economía 639
- Litúrgia 595
- Liturgia 594
- History 593
- Matemáticas 591
- Teologia moral 573
- Biografías 572
- Biografia 548
- Teologia 539
- Meditaciones 524
- Comentarios 508
179841Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Horcajo Gil -- La violencia sexual como forma de maltrato en el ámbito doméstico / María Ángeles R. -- Las buenas prácticas en la evaluación pericial de personas que sobreviven a la violencia sexual / Jorge González Fernández, Ma Begoña Martínez Jarreta, José Ma Tenías Burillo -- Actuación y acompañamiento desde el trabajo social con mujeres agredidas sexualmente / Antonia Aretio Romero -- La recogida de datos de interés forense / Beatriz Otero Abadín -- La exploración física / Nieves Montero de Espinosa Rodríguez -- La toma de muestras biológicas : los plazos / Jorge González Fernández -- Actuación clínica del médico especialista en ginecología / María Gómez Valdemoro -- La intervención psicológica en crisis como factor de prevención / María Luisa Velasco Junquera -- Protocolos de intervención policial en la atención a víctimas / Pedro Juan Remírez Acín -- Daño psicológico en víctimas adultas de agresiones sexuales / Enrique Echeburúa Odriozola -- Evaluación psicopatológica de la víctima : lesiones y secuelas psíquicas / José Amador Martínez Tejedor -- Evaluación psicopatológica del agresor : imputabilidad, riesgo de reincidencia, tratamientos / José Amador Martínez Tejedor -- La valoración social y familiar: lesiones y secuelas sociales / Marta Simón Gil -- Investigación policial en agresiones sexuales / Víctor Calzas Villaescusa -- Técnicas empleadas en el estudio de ADN sobre muestras en delitos contra la libertad sexual / Araceli Vázquez López -- Las bases de datos en la identificación de delincuentes sexuales / Alex Pifarré Rubbel -- La sumisión química : criterios clínicos orientadores / Nieves Montero de Espinosa Rodríguez -- Técnicas de determinación de drogas facilitadoras de la agresión sexual : sustancias analizadas y su valoración / Cristina Hernando Torrecilla -- Aspectos legales de la violencia sexual contra grupos vulnerables / Santiago Herraiz España -- La exploración física del menor / Rafael Bañón González, Juan Gabriel de la Cruz Rodríguez -- Estudio de la credibilidad del testimonio en menores víctimas de abusos y/o agresiones sexuales / Bernat-N. …”
Accés restringit als usuaris del CCS
Libro -
179842por Mozas, JavierTabla de Contenidos: “…Gallen (Suisse), Baumschlager & Eberle -- Theresienhöhe, Munich (Allemagne), Otto Steidle -- Ganghoferstrasse, Munich (Allemagne), Otto Steidle -- Montreuil (France), Babled, Nouvet, Reynaud -- Darwin Road, Broadway Estate, Tilbury (Royaume-Uni), Sergison Bates -- Junghans, Giudecca, Venise (Italie), Cino Zucchi -- Rua Garrett 54-64 y 66-78, Travessa do Carmo, Chiado, Lisbonne (Portugal), Gonçalo Byrne -- Alcoi, Alicante (Espagne), Manuel de Solà Morales -- Borneo Sporenburg, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), West 8, De Architekten Cie, Frits Van Dongen -- De Landtong, Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), De Architekten Cie, Frits Van Dongen -- Haarlemmerweg, GWL Terrain, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), KCAP -- Calle Xavier, Lakua, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Espagne), Ercilla Campo, Mangado -- Kraftwerk 1, Hardturmstrasse 261-269, Zurich (Suisse), Stücheli, Bünzli & Courvoisier -- Oostzijde, Zaandam (Pays-Bas), Meyer en Van Schooten -- De Commissaris, Mgr, Nolensplein, Venlo (Pays-Bas), KCAP -- Forsita 6, Carabanchel Ensanche 6, Madrid (Espagne), Aranguren-Gallegos -- Grenoble (France), S333 -- Sanchinarro, Madrid (Espagne), MVRDV, Blanca Lleó -- 3800 Benny Street, Montréal (Canada), Saia, Barbarese, Laverdière, Giguère -- City Lofts, Hertha-Firnbergstrasse 10, Vienne (Autriche), Delugan Meissl -- Northwold Road, Londres (Royaume-Uni), Allford Hall Monaghan Morris -- 115 Fucheng Road, V.R., Beijing (Chine), Otto Steidle, Qiu Zhi -- Autopista SE-30, Palmete, Séville (Espagne), Nieto-Sobejano -- Rafael Finat 56, Madrid (Espagne), Matos-Castillo -- Osdorpplein, Osdorp, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), Arons en Gelauff -- Java Eiland, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), Diener & Diener -- Rue de Rieux, Quai Magellan, Nantes (France), Barto + Barto -- Mendez Alvaro 24, Madrid (Espagne), Pizarro-Rueda -- Witteveenplein L., Pincoffstraat, Kop Van Zuid, Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), KCAP -- 76 bis rue de la Colonie, Paris (France), B0B361 -- City building, Binnenrotte, Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), Bosch -- Avenida Ciudad de Barcelona, Madrid (Espagne), Cano Lasso -- Calle las Chafarinas, Trinitat Nova, Barcelone (Espagne), Manuel Ruisánchez -- Berrocal54, Villaverde, Madrid (Espagne), Chipperfield, Santolaya, Fernández-Isla -- Leonard-Bernstein 4-6, Donaucity, Vienne (Autriche), Delugan_Meissl -- 497 Greenwich St., West of Soho, New York (USA), Archi-Tectonics -- 366 West 15th Street, New York (USA), SHoP -- Silodam, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), MVRDV -- Codan, Shinonome, Koutou-Ku, Tokyo (Japon), Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop -- Chaoyang District, Beijing (Chine), Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop -- Mischek Tower, Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 8, Donaucity, Vienne (Autriche), Delugan Meissl -- Zalmhaven, Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), Wiel Arets -- OCLC…”
Publicado 2004
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179843Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vanderhooft -- Two new Hellenistic lead weights of the Tanit series / Samuel R. Wolff and Gerald Finkielsztejn -- Behavioral patterns in transition : eleventh-century B.D.E. innovation in domestic textile production / Assaf Yasur-Landau -- Bedhat esh-Shaʻab : an Iron Age I enclosure in the Jordan valley / Adam Zertal and Dror Ben-Yosef…”
Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
Click para texto completo desde UPSA
Libro electrónico -
179844Publicado 1964Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bernal -- Problemas relativos a la obtención y evaluación de los datos sociales / Jerome F. Scott y R. P. Lynton -- Más allá de la utopía: hacia una nueva orientación del análisis sociológico / Ralf Dahrendorf -- El carácter del pensamiento occidental / F. …”
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179845Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cross-Cultural Congruence in the Cruise Industry: The Impact on Perceived Leadership Style, Goal Clarity and Organizational Satisfaction / Mark R. Testa. Tourism Education in Greece: Characteristics, problems and required changes in the era of internationalisation / Paris Tsartas. …”
Libro electrónico -
179846Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chandler) -- 5 Structure, Function and Phylogenetic Consideration of Calaxin (Kazuo Inaba) -- 6 Cl- Channels and Transporters in Sperm Physiology (Alberto Darszon) -- 7 Equatorin-related Subcellular and Molecular Events During Sperm Priming for Fertilization in Mice (Kiyotaka Toshimori) -- 8 Acrosome Reaction-mediated Motility Initiation that is Critical for the Internal Fertilization of Urodele Amphibians (Akihiko Watanabe) -- 9 Analysis of the Mechanism that Brings Protein Disulfide Isomerase-P5 to Inhibit Oxidative Refolding of Lysozyme (Miho Miyakawa) -- Part 2 Gametogenesis, Gamete Recognition, Activation, and Evolution -- 10 Effect of Relaxin-like Gonad-Stimulating Substance (GSS) on Gamete Shedding and 1-Methyladenine Production in Starfish Ovaries (Masatoshi Mita) -- 11 Incapacity of 1-Methyladenine Production to Relaxin-like Gonad-Stimulating Substance (GSS) in Ca2+-free Seawater-treated Starfish Ovarian Follicle Cells (Masatoshi Mita) -- 12 Novel Isoform of Vitellogenin Expressed in Eggs is a Binding Partner of the Sperm Proteases, HrProacrosin and HrSermosin, in the Ascidian Halocynthia roretzi (Hitoshi Sawada) -- 13 Actin Cytoskeleton and Fertilization in Starfish Eggs (Luigia Santella) -- 14 Focused Proteomics on Egg Membrane Microdomains to Elucidate the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Fertilization in the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis (Ken-ichi Sato) -- 15 Egg Activation in Polyspermy: Its Molecular Mechanisms and Evolution in Vertebrates (Yasuhiro Iwao ) -- 16 ATP Imaging in Xenopus laevis Oocyte (Takashi Ijiri) -- 17 Mitochondrial Activation and Nitric Oxide (NO) Release at Fertilization in Echinoderm Eggs (Tatsuma Mohri) -- 18 Functional Roles of Spe Genes in the Male Germline During Reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans (Hitoshi Nishimura) -- 19 Origin of Female/Male Gender as Deduced by the Mating Type Loci of the Colonial Volvocalean Greens (Hisayoshi Nozaki) -- Part 3 Allorecognition in Male–Female Interaction -- 20 Allorecognition and Lysin Systems During Ascidian Fertilization (Hitoshi Sawada) -- 21 Self-incompatibility in the Brassicaceae (Megumi Iwano) -- 22 Signalling Events in Pollen Acceptance or Rejection in the Arabidopsis Species (Daphne R. Goring) -- 23 Papaver rhoeas S-Determinants and the Signaling Networks they Trigger (Vernonica E. …”
Libro electrónico -
179847Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; About the Editors; List of Contributors; Foreword by Tommi Uitto; Foreword by Karri Kuoppamaki; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Terminology; Chapter 1 Drivers and Motivation for 5G; 1.1 Drivers for 5G; 1.2 ITU-R and IMT 2020 Vision; 1.3 NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks); 1.4 5GPPP (5G Public-Private Partnership); 1.5 Requirements for Support of Known and New Services; 1.5.1 Massive IoT; 1.5.2 Time Critical Communication; 1.5.3 Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB); 1.5.4 Enhanced Vehicular Communications; 1.5.5 Network Operations…”
Libro electrónico -
179848por Hassanein, H.Tabla de Contenidos: “…LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX; Contents; About the Authors; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Evolution of Wireless Networks; 1.2 Why IMT-Advanced; 1.3 The ITU-R Requirements for IMT-Advanced Networks; 1.3.1 Cell Spectral Efficiency; 1.3.2 Peak Spectral Efficiency; 1.3.3 Bandwidth; 1.3.4 Cell Edge User Spectral Efficiency; 1.3.5 Latency; 1.3.6 Rates per Mobility Class; 1.3.7 Handover Interruption Time; 1.3.8 VoIP Capacity; 1.3.9 Spectrum; 1.4 IMT-Advanced Networks; 1.4.1 LTE-Advanced; 1.4.2 IEEE 802.16m; 1.5 Book Overview; References…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
179849Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…CONCLUSIONS -- References -- 3 - Epilogue -- 12 - On the Verge of the Plateau: Epilogue -- References -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y.…”
Libro electrónico -
179850Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.2.8 - Security Control4.3 - General Framework ; 4.3.1 - Basic Functions; 4.3.2 - Queries and Responses: Q-Format and R-Format ; 4.3.3 - Catalogs as Federating Namespaces; 4.3.4 - Data Providers; 4.3.5 - Adding and Removing Data Providers; 4.3.6 - Bus and Subscription Modes; 4.3.7 - Query Processing by Data Providers; 4.3.8 - Query Origination; 4.3.9 - Federative and Native Data Manipulation; 4.3.10 - Query Independence, Scalability, and Security; 4.4 - Data Store Functionality; 4.4.1 - Catalog Management; 4.4.2 - Store Manipulation; Chapter 5 - Introduction to KeySQL; 5.1 - Overview…”
Libro electrónico -
179851Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Słomi ́nska, Barbara Kocha ́nska, Dariusz Swietlik, Jolanta Ochoci ́ ́ nska and Aida Kusiak Influence of Electronic Cigarettes on Antioxidant Capacity and Nucleotide Metabolites in Saliva Reprinted from: Toxics 2021, 9, 263, doi:10.3390/toxics9100263 119 -- Shaiesh Yogeswaran, Thivanka Muthumalage and Irfan Rahman Comparative Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Content among Various Flavored Disposable Vape Bars, including Cool (Iced) Flavored Bars Reprinted from: Toxics 2021, 9, 235, doi:10.3390/toxics9100235 131 -- Connor R. Miller, Hangchuan Shi, Dongmei Li and Maciej L. …”
Libro electrónico -
179852Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Understanding the math behind the LSCP -- Solving LSCPs -- Exploring route-based combinatorial optimization problems -- Understanding the math behind the TSP -- Setting up the Google Maps API -- Solving the TSP -- Exploring a single-vehicle Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) -- Exploring a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Advanced Topics in Spatial Data Science -- Technical requirements -- Efficient operations with spatial indexing -- Implementing R-tree indexing in GeoPandas -- Introducing the H3 spatial index -- Estimating unknowns with spatial interpolation -- Applying Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation -- Introduction to Kriging-based interpolation -- Ethical spatial data science -- Example 1 - Sharpiegate -- Example 2 - Human mobility: The New York Times investigative report -- Example 3 - COVID-19 contact tracing -- Example 4 - United States Census Bureau disclosure avoidance system -- Summary -- Index -- Other Books You May Enjoy…”
Libro electrónico -
179853Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gharavi -- The experience of Egypt at the International Centre for settlement of investment disputes / Antonio R. Parra -- Host state's liability in investment dispute arbitration : the role of domestic laws / Hadi Slim -- The irresponsible national state of the investor : an idea for reform of the investment arbitration treaties / Tullio Treves -- La réforme des Nations Unies / Boutros Boutros-Ghali -- Le droit des victimes de crimes en droit international / Andreas Bucher -- Some reflections on judicial deference in international administrative law / Olufemi Elias & Martin Endicott -- Monde arabe et mondialisation / Ahmed Mahiou -- Global governance and international business : an approach from international human rights law / Mónica Pinto -- The high tide of international adjudication and arbitration / Stephen M. …”
Libro electrónico -
179854Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…94 Migrating to VIX Options 98 Reflections on Figure 4.36 101 Migrating to Different Markets: The V2X 103 Risk-Regime Analysis 104 Conditional Performance of Hedging Strategies 106 Summary 109 CHAPTER 5 The Long and the Short of It 110 Short-Dated Options 110 The Physicists Weigh In 112 Buying Time 117 Long-Dated Options 119 Far from the Madding Crowd 121 R Minus D 122 The Lumberjack Plot 125 Selective Application of the Weekly Options Strategy 126 Summary 127 CHAPTER 6 Trend Following as a Portfolio Protection Strategy 128 What is Trend Following? …”
Libro electrónico -
179855Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.4 Essential Issues Related to Big Data -- References -- Chapter 2 Basic Programs for Analyzing Networks -- 2.1 UCINET -- 2.2 NetMiner -- 2.3 R -- 2.4 Gephi -- 2.5 NodeXL -- References -- Chapter 3 Understanding Network Analysis -- 3.1 Defining Social Network Analysis -- 3.2 Basic SNA Concepts -- 3.2.1 Basic Terminology -- 3.2.2 Representation of a Network -- 3.3 Social Network Data -- 3.3.1 One-Mode and Two-Mode Networks -- 3.3.2 Attributes and Weights -- 3.3.3 Network Data Form -- References -- Chapter 4 Research Methods Using SNA -- 4.1 SNA Research Procedures -- 4.2 Identifying the Research Problem and Developing Hypotheses -- 4.2.1 Identifying the Research Problem -- 4.2.2 Developing Hypotheses -- 4.3 Research Design -- 4.3.1 Defining the Network Model -- 4.3.2 Establishing Network Boundaries -- 4.3.3 Measurement Evaluation -- 4.4 Acquisition of Network Data -- 4.4.1 Survey -- 4.4.2 Interview, Observation, and Experiment -- 4.4.3 Existing Data -- 4.5 Data Cleansing -- 4.5.1 Extraction of the Node and Link -- 4.5.2 Merging and Separation of Data -- 4.5.3 Directional Transformation in the Link -- 4.5.4 Transformation of the Weights in Links -- 4.5.5 Transformation of the Two-Mode Network to a One-Mode Network -- References -- Chapter 5 Position and Structure -- 5.1 Position -- 5.1.1 Degree Centrality -- 5.1.2 Closeness Centrality -- 5.1.3 Betweenness Centrality -- 5.1.4 Prestige Centrality -- 5.1.5 Broker -- 5.2 Cohesive Subgroup -- 5.2.1 Component -- 5.2.2 Community -- 5.2.3 Clique -- 5.2.4 k-Core -- References -- Chapter 6 Connectivity and Role -- 6.1 Connection Analysis -- 6.1.1 Connectivity -- 6.1.2 Reciprocity…”
Libro electrónico -
179856Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…The whole is more than the sum of its parts -- Chapter 10 Learning: Success loves speed -- Learning means course correcting -- Experiments, not assumptions -- Isolating the effect of a strategic initiative -- No failure, only feedback -- The right kind of failure -- Breaking the framework of failure -- Aim high, but without expectation -- Iterate, don't procrastinate -- Fast and focused iterations -- Chapter 11 Start now: Evidence-based leadership starts at the top -- A high-performance culture is an output, not an input -- The first iteration of evidence-based leadership -- Stage 1: Decide to be evidence-based leaders -- Stage 2: Create a measurable corporate strategy -- Stage 3: Cascade the strategy -- Stage 4: Let the cascade flow naturally -- Stage 5: Reflect and learn for the next iteration -- Will you start? -- Appendix: XmR charts give us three signals -- Signal 1: Outlier or special cause -- Signal 2: Long run -- Signal 3: Short run -- Index -- Did this book help you? …”
Libro electrónico -
179857Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Detecting objects with MXNet - Faster R-CNN and YOLO -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Segmenting objects in images with MXNet - PSPNet and DeepLab-v3 -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Chapter 6: Understanding Text with Natural Language Processing -- Technical requirements -- Introducing NLP networks -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Introducing Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) -- Improving RNNs with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) -- Introducing GluonNLP Model Zoo -- Paying attention with Transformers -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Classifying news highlights with topic modeling -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Analyzing sentiment in movie reviews -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Translating text from Vietnamese to English -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- Chapter 7: Optimizing Models with Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning -- Technical requirements…”
Libro electrónico -
179858Publicado 1990Tabla de Contenidos: “…Williams -- Rostro de Cristo, forma de la Iglesia / María-José Baudinet -- Antiréticas / Nicéforo el Patriarca -- El cuerpo femenino y la práctica religiosa en la Baja Edad Media / Carolyne Walker Bynum -- La Hostia consagrada: un maravilloso exceso / Piero Camporesi -- El Cristo muerto de Holbein / Julia Kristeva -- Espíritus hambrientos y hombres hambrientos: corporeidad y racionalidad en el Japón medieval / Willliam R. LaFleur -- Metamorfosis y licantropía en el Franco-Condado, 1521-1643 / Caroline Oates -- La Quimera misma / Ginevra Bompiani -- La inanimado encarnado / Roman Paska -- Sobre el teatro de marionetas / Heinrich von Kleist -- Impresiones sobre el automatismo clásico (siglos XVI-XIX) / Jean-Claude Beaune…”
991003321929706719 -
179859Publicado 1964Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bernal -- Problemas relativos a la obtención y evaluación de los datos sociales / Jerome F. Scott y R. P. Lynton -- Más allá de la utopía: hacia una nueva orientación del análisis sociológico / Ralf Dahrendorf -- El carácter del pensamiento occidental / F. …”
991008544659706719 -
179860Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Authors -- Acknowledgments -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Installing and Managing Hyper-V in Full, Server Core, and Nano Server -- Introduction -- Verifying Hyper-V requirements -- Enabling the Hyper-V role -- Installing Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016, and Nano Server -- Managing a Server Core installation using sconfig -- Remotely managing a Nano Server installation -- Managing Nano Server using PowerShell -- Managing Nano Server using Server Management Tools - SMT -- Configuring Hyper-V post-installation settings -- Chapter 2: Migrating and Upgrading Physical and Virtual Servers -- Introduction -- Performing an in-place upgrade -- from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2016 -- Exporting and importing virtual machines -- Migrating virtual machines and updating their Integration Services -- Migrating virtual machine using Cross Version Shared Nothing Live Migration -- Migrating virtual machine storage using storage migration -- Converting VHD files to VHDX -- Upgrading the VM configuration version -- Converting physical computers to virtual machines -- Chapter 3: Managing Disk and Network Settings -- Introduction -- Creating and adding virtual hard disks -- Configuring IDE and SCSI controllers -- Configuring the Storage Quality of Service -- Configuring and adding Virtual Fibre Channel storage -- Creating resource pools -- Enabling and adding NIC teaming -- Creating and managing virtual switches -- Using advanced virtual machine network settings -- Adding and removing vmNICs -- Chapter 4: Saving Time and Cost with Hyper-V Automation -- Introduction -- Creating virtual machine templates -- Learning and utilizing basic commands in PowerShell -- Using PowerShell commands for daily tasks…”
Libro electrónico