Tabla de Contenidos:
“…Conté: Projects featured: Joy Apartment, New York - Malibu Beach House - 165 Charles Street, New York - On
Prospect Park, New York - Southern Florida House, Palm Beach - Houses in Shenzen - Rickmers House, Hamburg - Fifth Avenue Apartment, New York - Luxembourg House - Bodrum Houses, Yalikavak - Tianjin Villa - Arp Museum, Remagen-Rolandseck - Ara Pacis Museum, Rome - San Jose City Hall - Eli & Edythe Broad Art Center, UCLA - Burda Collection Museum, Baden-Baden - Peek & Cloppenburg Department Store, Mannheim - Weill Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca - ECM City Tower, Prague - Feldmuhleplatz Office Building, Dusseldorf - Jesolo Lido Village, Condominium and Hotel - Saint-Denis Office Development, Paris - United States Courthouse, San Diego - East River Master Plan, New York - Coffee Plaza, Hamburg - 9900 Wilshire, Beverly Hills - Italcementi Innovation and Technology Central Laboratory, Bergamo - Forstmann Little and Co. and IMG Worldwide Headquarteres, New York - Rothschild Tower, Tel Aviv - SoMa Newark Master Plan - Tianjin Hotel - Beethoven Festspielhaus, Bonn…”
Número de Clasificación: