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  1. 11901
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conclusions and Some Policy Suggestions""; ""The principal conclusions""; ""Some policy suggestions""; ""Notes""; ""Bibliography""…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 11902
    Libro electrónico
  3. 11903
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPITRE 1 LA FILIERE TPOKAMAK ET LA MACHINE ITER1 La machine Iter; 2 Objectif nominal; 3 Objectif avancé; 4 Objectif technologique; 5 Après Iter; CHAPITRE 2 LA FUSION PAR CONFINEMENT INERTIEL; 1 Principes et motivations; 2 Solutions et projets; 3 Situation actuelle et perspectives; Conclusion; CHAPITRE 3 LES PLASMAS CHAUDS MAGNETISES; 1 Physique des plasmas chauds magnétisés; 2 Stabilité; 3 Turbulence et transport; 4 Chauffage et génération de courant; 5 Di…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 11904
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; ""The Leader With a Thousand Faces""; ""Sharp Turns and Wide Curves""; ""Part One: Drive Change""; ""Section 1: Use Your Blinkers""; ""Chapter 1: Sandy's Rule""; ""Attention + Direction = Change""; ""Chapter 2: Why the Principal Killed the Football Team""; ""Chapter 3: Drivers and Passengers""; ""Chapter 4: The Permission Ceremony, Part 1: The Drama""; ""Issue Number One: One Department, Many Teams""; ""Issue Number Two: "It's Taking Things off Our Plate That's Our Problem"""; ""Section 2: Check Your Mirrors""…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 11905
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Results of empirical tests: exploratory factor analysis in principal components…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 11906
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bauer, Steffen Eckhard, Jörn Ege, and Christoph Knill -- The evolution of internaitonal environemental bureaucracies-how the climate secretariat is loosening its straitjacket / Thomas Hickmann, Oscar Widerberg, Markus Lederer, and Philipp Patterberg -- Environmental treaty secretariats as attention-seeking bureaucracies-the climate and biodiversity secretariats' role in international public policy making / Mareike Well, Helge Jörgens, Barbara Saerbeck, and Nina Kolleck -- Moving beyond mandates-the role of UNDP administrators in organizational expansion / Nina Hall -- Follow the money-secretariat financing as a window on the principal-agent relationship / Lynn Wagner and Pamela Chasek -- More resources-more influence of international bureaucracies? …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 11907
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reconnaître qu'il existe des liens entre les objectifs politiques, sécuritaires et de développement -- Ne pas nuire -- Faire du renforcement de l'état l'objectif fondamental -- Accorder la priorité à la prévention -- Bibliographie -- Glossaire -- Introduction -- Prendre le contexte comme point de départ -- Annexe a. Les principes pour l'engagement international dans les états fragiles et les situations précaires -- Avant-propos et Remerciements -- Acronymes et abréviations -- Annexe c. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 11908
    por Sist, Plinio
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sommaire -- Introduction -- Les forêts tropicales -- Une grande diversité -- Des rôles multiples -- Une exploitation des ressources très ancienne -- Des écosystèmes en voie de disparition -- L’exploitation sélective des forêts tropicales -- Bref historique de la sylviculture tropicale -- Principes de l’exploitation sélective -- L’exploitation sélective : abattre des arbres, certes, mais pas que... -- Exploiter du bois... et des produits forestiers non ligneux -- Statut des forêts tropicales de production dans le monde -- Place des bois tropicaux et de leurs produitssur le marché international -- Économie du secteur forestier des pays tropicaux -- L’impact de l’exploitation -- L’exploitation à faible impact -- Impacts immédiats sur le peuplement forestier -- Impacts à long terme -- Impacts sociaux -- La durabilité en pratique -- La durabilité de la production de bois -- Diversifier la durabilité du système de concession ? …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 11909
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Tomo I: que contiene el libro primero de la fundacion y descripcion de el monasterio y una exposicion de los vaticinios de los reyes de Leon, Castilla y Aragon y principes de Cataluña ; Tomo II: que contiene la primera parte de el libro segundo, esto es la sèrie de abades y progressos que tuvo el monasterio desde su fundacion hasta el año 1251 ; Tomo III: que contiene la segunda parte de el libro II, esto es la serie de abades y progressos que tuvo el monasterio desde el año 1254 hasta el año 1458 ; Tomo IV: que contiene la tercera y ultima parte de el libro II, esto es la serie de abades y los progressos que tuvo el monasterio desde el año 1458 hasta el de 1623 ; Tomo V: que contiene los libros III y IV de la historia, , esto es, la sèrie de los abades quadrienales desde el año 1623, hasta 1752 y algunos apendices conducentes à la historia…”
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    Accés lliure
    Accés lliure
    Accés lliure
  10. 11910
    por Egidio, Romano, 1247-1316
    Publicado 1554
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. ; eiusdem de charactere tractatus ; eiusdem quomodo reges & principes circa bona ad coronam pertinentia possunt liberalitatis opera exercere determinatio -- [V.6]. …”
  11. 11911
    por Ghaffari, Elizabeth
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  12. 11912
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Habits plasticity learning and freedom -- The unity and the stability of human behavior An interdisciplinary approach to habits between philosophy and neuroscience -- The Aristotelian conception of habit and its contribution to human neuroscience -- A genealogical map of the concept of habit -- On habit and the mindbody problem The view of Felix Ravaisson -- The principal sources of William James idea of habit -- Habit and embodiment in MerleauPonty -- bridging the gap between personhood and personal identity -- Conceptual mappings and neural reuse -- The role of consciousness in triggering intellectual habits -- No horizontal numerical mapping in a culture with mixedreading habits -- Behavioral duality in an integrated agent -- Model averaging optimal inference and habit formation -- Procedural skills and neurobehavioral freedom -- linking goaldirected and modelbased behavior -- The liberating dimension of human habit in addiction context -- Habit acquisition in the context of neuronal genomic and epigenomic mosaicism -- Is the philosophical construct of habitus operativus bonus compatible with the modern neuroscience concept of human flourishing through neuroplas ... -- A dynamic systems view of habits -- Modeling habits as selfsustaining patterns of sensorimotor behavior -- Modeling habits as selfsustaining patterns of sensorimotor behavior -- toward a more adequate descriptive framework for the notions of habits learning and plasticity -- allowing human freedom and restoring the social basis of learning -- The Wonder Approach to learning -- Habits as learning enhancers -- Toward a new conception of habit and selfcontrol in adolescent maturation -- ERPevidence for a linear transition -- Back Cover -- Copyright…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 11913
    por Caroselli, Marlene
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 12 - 25 Ways to Make the Subject Matter RelevantChapter 13 - 25 Ways to Review; Chapter 14 - 25 Ways to Encourage Participant-LearningAfter the Course Has Ended; Chapter 15 - 25 Ways to Encourage Managers, Principals, andParents to Continue the Learning; Chapter 16 - 25 Ways to Develop Study Habits; Chapter 17 - 25 Ways to Conduct Non-Threatening Competition; Chapter 18 - 25 Ways to Make Take-Home Assignments Relevant; Chapter 19 - 25 Ways to Think on Your Feet; Chapter 20 - 25 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence; Appendix…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 11914
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- About the Author -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Part 1 Lessons Learned -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Learn from All I Observe -- Chapter 3 Leadership: The Ability to Go from Point A to Point B -- Chapter 4 Point B: Where You Want to Go -- Chapter 5 Point A: Where You Are -- Chapter 6 Between Points A and B: Planning -- Chapter 7 Between Points A and B: Doing -- Chapter 8 Closing Message -- Part 2 Lessons Applied -- Appendix A: Commitment Message at the Inauguration of Chad "Corntassel" Smith as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation-1999 -- Appendix B: 2000 State of the Nation: "Sga du gi," the Community Focus -- Appendix C: 2001 State of the Nation: Embrace and Carry Forward the Great Cherokee Legacy -- Appendix D: 2002 State of the Nation: Building One Fire -- Appendix E: 2003 State of the Nation: Critical Crossroads -- Appendix F: 2004 State of the Nation: Where There Is No Vision, the People Perish -- Appendix G: 2006 State of the Nation: Full Force and Effect -- Appendix H: 2008 State of the Nation: Planting the Seed Corn -- Appendix I: 2009 State of the Nation: Going from Point A to Point B -- Appendix J: 2010 State of the Nation: Happiness and Healthiness Are Found in Maturity -- Conclusion -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 11915
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…De Oquere Osinu a Francisco Rey: un príncipe africano en España / Bernard Vincent -- 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 11916
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Retórica y estrategias discursivas en el discurso político mexicano contemporáneo / Elsa Guardiola -- El "ethos" en el discurso político : la representación de sí y la desacreditación del adversario / Adriana Callegaro -- Estrategias retórico-argumentativas de los discursos golpistas en Brasil (1964) y en Argentina (1966 y 1976) / María Alejandra Vitale -- Análisis de una estela zapoteca / Gloria Hernández, María Adela Hernández Reyes y Salvador Mendiola -- El discurso de Pericles (Tucídides II, 34.8-47.1) : legado polítiico de Grecia / Arturo Ramírez Trejo -- La Relación de Michoacán frente a la tópica cristiana de Diego Valadés / Rodolfo Fernández -- La sonrisa en El príncipe : maquiavelo y la retórica / Gerardo Ramírez Vidal -- Sobre la reconciliación política como actualidad de la retórica / Philippe-Joseph Salazar -- Configuración discursiva de la homoparentalidad : la polémica entre madres lesbianas y la derecha cristiana en la arena política de la Argentina / Emiliano Marello -- Retórica, humor y género / Anna María Fernández Poncela -- Propaganda comerical y retórica / María Rosa Palazón Mayoral…”
  17. 11917
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The birth of the sixth art (1911) / Ricciotto Canudo -- The montage of film attractions (1924) / Sergei Eisenstein -- Provisional instructions to Kino-eye groups (1926) / Dziga Vertov -- First principals of documentary (1932) / John Grierson -- Cinema instrument of poetry (1953) / Luis Buñuel -- An aesthetic of reality: neorealism (extract) (1948) / André Bazin -- 'Six characters in search of auteurs: discussion about the French cinema' (1957) / André Bazin ... …”
  18. 11918
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Empiricism -- Introduction / John Locke -- Essay concerning human understanding / George Berkeley -- Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous in opposition to sceptics and atheists / David Hume -- An enquiry concerning human understanding / David Hume -- A treatise of human nature -- Critics of empiricism -- Intriduction / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz -- New essays concerning human understanding / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Samuel Clarke -- The Leibniz-Clarke correspondence / Thomas Reid -- An inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense -- Kant's critique of rationalism and empiricism -- Introduction / Immanuel Kant -- Prolegomena to any future metaphysics -- Arguments for the existence of God -- Introduction / Samuel Clarke -- A demonstration of the being and attributes of God / William Paley -- Natural theology / David Hume -- Dialogues concerning natural religion / Immanuel Kant -- Critique of pure reason -- Political philosophy -- Introduction / John Locke -- Second treatise on government / David Hume -- Of the original contract / Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- On the social contract -- Moral philosophy -- Introduction / Samuel Clarke -- Discourse concerning the unchangeable obligations of natural religion / David Hume -- A treatise of human nature / Richard Price -- A review of the principal questions in morals / Adam Smith -- The theory of moral sentiments / Immanuel Kant -- Lectures on ethics / Immanuel Kant -- Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals / Thomas Reid -- Essays on the active powers of the human mind / Jeremy Bentham -- An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation / Mary Wollstonecraft -- A vindication of the rights of woman…”
  19. 11919
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Williams -- Si licet et fas est : Ovid's Fasti and the problem of free speech under the principate / Denis Feeney…”
  20. 11920
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Paul Valéry, entre craniométrie et critique / Le principe de sincérité et l'éthique de responsabilité de l'écrivain / Le suicide de Pierre Drieu La Rochelle : stratégie littéraire, stratégie judiciaire? …”