Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 411
- Development 317
- Application software 253
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 244
- Management 236
- Filosofía 228
- Historia 202
- Economics 198
- Philosophy 185
- Social aspects 182
- Business & Economics 171
- Education 161
- Artificial intelligence 160
- Computer Science 158
- Data processing 131
- Economic conditions 125
- Leadership 124
- Design 114
- Computer networks 112
- Computer programming 111
- Computer programs 107
- Medicine 104
- Crítica e interpretación 103
- Environment 103
- History and criticism 103
- Technological innovations 102
- Security measures 98
- Economic policy 97
- Information technology 97
- Photography 96
4801Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Function of the report on energy use, internal conditions and possibilities for improvement 5. The estimate of building energy performance 5.1. …”
Libro electrónico -
4802Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.2.7 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) -- Training of LSTM -- Applications of LSTM -- 5.3 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6 Adding Personal Touches to IoT: A User-Centric IoT Architecture -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Enabling Technologies for BDA of IoT Systems -- 6.3 Personalizing the IoT -- 6.3.1 Personalization for Business -- 6.3.2 Personalization for Marketing -- 6.3.3 Personalization for Product Improvement and Service Optimization -- 6.3.4 Personalization for Automated Recommendations -- 6.3.5 Personalization for Improved User Experience -- 6.4 Related Work -- 6.5 User Sensitized IoT Architecture -- 6.6 The Tweaked Data Layer -- 6.7 The Personalization Layer -- 6.7.1 The Characterization Engine -- 6.7.2 The Sentiment Analyzer -- 6.8 Concerns and Future Directions -- 6.9 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 7 Smart Cities and the Internet of Things -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Development of Smart Cities and the IoT -- 7.3 The Combination of the IoT with Development of City Architecture to Form Smart Cities -- 7.3.1 Unification of the IoT -- 7.3.2 Security of Smart Cities -- 7.3.3 Management of Water and Related Amenities -- 7.3.4 Power Distribution and Management -- 7.3.5 Revenue Collection and Administration -- 7.3.6 Management of City Assets and Human Resources -- 7.3.7 Environmental Pollution Management -- 7.4 How Future Smart Cities Can Improve Their Utilization of the Internet of All Things, with Examples -- 7.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8 A Roadmap for Application of IoT-Generated Big Data in Environmental Sustainability -- 8.1 Background and Motivation -- 8.2 Execution of the Study -- 8.2.1 Role of Big Data in Sustainability -- 8.2.2 Present Status and Future Possibilities of IoT in Environmental Sustainability -- 8.3 Proposed Roadmap -- 8.4 Identification and Prioritizing the Barriers in the Process…”
Libro electrónico -
4803Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Summary -- 10 Using third-party hooks -- 10.1 Accessing state in the URL with React Router -- 10.1.1 Setting up routes to enable nesting -- 10.1.2 Adding nested routes to the Bookables page -- 10.1.3 Accessing URL parameters with the useParams hook -- 10.1.4 Navigating with the useNavigate hook -- 10.2 Getting and setting query string search parameters -- 10.2.1 Getting search parameters from the query string -- 10.2.2 Setting the query string -- 10.3 Streamlining data-fetching with React Query -- 10.3.1 Introducing React Query -- 10.3.2 Giving components access to a React Query client -- 10.3.3 Fetching data with useQuery -- 10.3.4 Accessing data in the query cache -- 10.3.5 Updating server state with useMutation -- Summary -- Part 2 -- 11 Code splitting with Suspense -- 11.1 Importing code dynamically with the import function -- 11.1.1 Setting up a web page to load JavaScript when a button is clicked -- 11.1.2 Using default and named exports -- 11.1.3 Using static imports to load JavaScript -- 11.1.4 Calling the import function to dynamically load JavaScript -- 11.2 Importing components dynamically with lazy and Suspense -- 11.2.1 Converting a component to a lazy component with the lazy function -- 11.2.2 Specifying fallback content with the Suspense component -- 11.2.3 Understanding how lazy and Suspense work together -- 11.2.4 Code splitting an app on its routes -- 11.3 Catching errors with error boundaries -- 11.3.1 Checking out the error boundary example in the React docs -- 11.3.2 Creating our own error boundary -- 11.3.3 Recovering from errors -- Summary -- 12 Integrating data fetching with Suspense -- 12.1 Data fetching with Suspense -- 12.1.1 Upgrading promises to include their status -- 12.1.2 Using the promise status to integrate with Suspense -- 12.1.3 Fetching data as early as possible -- 12.1.4 Fetching new data…”
Libro electrónico -
4804Publicado 2003Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tivoli e-business management solution architecture -- 3.1 Tivoli e-business management overview -- 3.1.1 e-business infrastructure and application systems -- 3.2 Managing e-business applications using Tivoli -- 3.2.1 e-business infrastructure management using Tivoli -- 3.3 Tivoli Web Site Analyzer -- 3.3.1 Complementary data collection methods -- 3.3.2 Open data management -- 3.3.3 Comprehensive e-business analysis possibilities -- 3.3.4 Other feature benefits -- 3.4 Inside Tivoli Web Site Analyzer -- 3.4.1 Base component overview -- 3.4.2 Data flow -- 3.5 Preparing for Web analytics -- Part 2 Deployment and management -- Chapter 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
4805Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- Storage Systems -- Copyright -- Contents -- About the author -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Computer systems after WW II -- 1.2 High level programming languages - Fortran -- 1.2.1 A Programming Language - APL -- 1.2.2 COmmon Business Oriented Language - COBOL -- 1.2.3 IBM's PL/I programming language -- 1.2.4 Some early computer companies -- 1.3 Effect of data representation on storage space requirements -- 1.4 Basic computer arithmetic -- 1.5 Author's experience with IBM computers in 1970s -- 1.5.1 IBM computers at Univ. of Tehran and IBM World Trade Corp. in Tehran, Iran -- 1.5.2 My experiences with IBM computers at Tehran Regional Electric Company -- 1.5.3 Customer billing at TREC utility -- 1.5.4 My experience with IBM computers at UCLA -- 1.6 IBM's System 360 and its successors -- 1.6.1 US lawsuits against IBM and AT& -- T -- 1.6.2 Amdahl Corp. and plug compatible computers -- 1.6.3 Radio Corporation of America - RCA -- 1.6.4 Electronic Data Systems - EDS and Perot Systems -- 1.7 The IBM S/360 computer family -- 1.8 Operating systems associated with IBM mainframes -- 1.9 Early computer companies possibly competing with IBM -- 1.9.1 Burroughs + UNIVAC = UNISYS -- 1.10 My experience at Burroughs Corp. -- 1.10.1 NCR - National Cash Register Corp. -- 1.10.2 Control Data Corporation -- 1.10.3 Honeywell Corp. -- 1.10.4 Hewlett-Packard - HP Corp. -- 1.10.5 Digital Equipment Corp - DEC -- 1.11 Computer company revenue rankings -- 1.12 Computer structures book -- 1.13 Computer family architectures - CFA -- 1.14 Virtual memory and page replacement algorithms -- 1.15 Memory space fragmentation and dynamic storage allocation -- 1.15.1 Page replacement algorithms -- 1.15.2 Simplified analysis of a paging system -- 1.16 Analysis of thrashing in 2-phase locking - 2PL systems…”
Libro electrónico -
4806Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Estimating quantities and qualities (Q& -- Q) of faecal sludge at community to city-wide scales -- 5.1 INTRODUCTION -- 5.2 BACKGROUND -- 5.2.1 Scenario projections for planning and management -- 5.2.2 Mass balance: quantifying loadings of faecal sludge -- Production of excreta and faecal sludge -- Accumulation of faecal sludge -- Fate of faecal sludge -- 5.3 STEPS FOR IMPLEMENTATION -- 5.4 FURTHER RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL POSSIBILITIES -- 5.4.1 Remote sensing -- 5.4.2 Additional spatial analysis -- 5.4.3 Interrelationships between sludge characteristics -- 5.4.4 Evaluating categories of data to evaluate separately -- 5.4.5 Predictive models -- 5.5 OUTLOOK -- REFERENCES -- 6. …”
Libro electrónico -
4807por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Veiller à ce que la législation en matière de protection de l'emploi fixe des coûts de licenciement prévisibles, équilibrés entre les différents types de contrat, et pas trop restrictifs, tout en mettant les travailleurs à l'abri de possibles abus ... -- 4. Faciliter l'adoption de dispositifs d'aménagement du temps de travail pour aider simultanément les entreprises à s'adapter aux variations temporaires de la situation économique et les salariés à concilier activité professionnelle et vie personnelle. -- 5. …”
Publicado 2019
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4808por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Prestations relevant du filet de protection sociale et niveaux de pauvreté parmi les personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans -- Options possibles en matière d'indexation et pressions sur les finances publiques -- Encadré 2.1. …”
Publicado 2016
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4809por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…(Q.3) Scénarios d'évolution possible dans les situations de fragilité -- Graphique 2.5. …”
Publicado 2016
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4810por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Mesures de commerce international et de soutien à l'industrie -- Encadré 1.3. Les effets possibles des mesures de restriction des échanges commerciaux -- Tableau 1.9. …”
Publicado 2010
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4811por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Fusions-acquisitions internationales : évolution récente et effets possibles -- Encadré I.5. Principales caractéristiques des réformes fiscales récentes et prévues dans les pays de l'Union e... -- Encadré IV.1. …”
Publicado 2000
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4812por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Champ d'application possible de la clause de sauvegarde spéciale par pays de l'OCDE et par p... -- I.5. …”
Publicado 2001
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4813Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 7.1.2 Traf c and Performance Measures -- 7.1.3 Characterizing Traf c -- 7.1.4 Average Delay in a Single Link System -- 7.1.5 Nonstationarity of Traf c -- 7.2 Applications' View -- 7.2.1 TCP Throughput and Possible Bottlenecks -- 7.2.2 Bandwidth-Delay Product -- 7.2.3 Router Buffer Size -- 7.3 Traf c Engineering: An Architectural Framework -- 7.4 Traf c Engineering: A Four-Node Illustration -- 7.4.1 Network Flow Optimization -- 7.4.2 Shortest Path Routing and Network Flow -- 7.5 IGP Metric (Link Weight) Determination Problem for the Load Balancing Objective: Preliminary Discussion -- 7.6 Determining IGP Link Weights via duality of MCNF Problems -- 7.6.1 Illustration of Duality Through a Three-Node Network for Minimum Cost Routing -- 7.6.2 Minimum Cost Routing, Duality, and Link Weights -- 7.6.3 Illustration of Duality Through a Three-Node Network for the Load Balancing Objective -- 7.6.4 Load Balancing Problem, duality, and Link Weights -- 7.6.5 A Composite Objective Function, duality, and Link Weights -- 7.6.6 Minimization of Average Delay, duality, and Link Weights -- 7.7 Illustration of Link Weight Determination through Duality -- 7.7.1 Case Study: I -- 7.7.2 Case Study: II -- 7.8 Link Weight Determination: Large Networks -- 7.9 IP Traf c Engineering of PoP-to-DataCenter Networks -- 7.10 Summary -- Further Lookup -- Exercises -- 8 Multicast Routing -- 8.1 Multicast IP Addressing -- 8.2 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) -- 8.3 Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol (MLD) -- 8.4 Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) -- 8.5 Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) -- 8.6 Multicast OSPF -- 8.7 Core Based Trees…”
Libro electrónico -
4814Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Liens entre les entreprises du secteur financiers et des groupes industriels non financiers et prêts à des parties liées -- Effets possibles sur la concurrence -- Cadre réglementaire régissant les prêts aux parties liées -- 5.2.4. …”
Libro electrónico -
4815por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Des pressions peut-être plus fortes qu'on ne le croit généralement, mais toute une série de scénarios de l'avenir possibles -- Graphique 5.1. Ratio retraités/actifs, tendances et scénarios -- L'âge effectif du départ à la retraite est sensible à la conjoncture et augmente -- Graphique 5.2. …”
Publicado 2002
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4816por Prakash, Kolla BhanuTabla de Contenidos: “…-- 9.2 Model Selection Strategies -- 9.3 Types of Model Selection -- 9.3.1 Methods of Re-Sampling -- 9.3.2 Random Separation -- 9.3.3 Time Divide -- 9.3.4 K-Fold Cross-Validation -- 9.3.5 Stratified K-Fold -- 9.3.6 Bootstrap -- 9.3.7 Possible Steps -- 9.3.8 Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) -- 9.3.9 Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) -- 9.3.10 Minimum Definition Length (MDL) -- 9.3.11 Building Risk Reduction (SRM) -- 9.3.12 Excessive Installation (Overfitting) -- 9.4 The Principle of Parsimony -- 9.5 Examples of Model Selection Criterions -- 9.6 Other Popular Properties -- 9.7 Key Considerations -- 9.8 Model Validation -- 9.8.1 Why is Model Validation Important? …”
Publicado 2024
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4817Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Key network architectures -- 9.1.7. The space of possibilities -- 9.2. The limitations of deep learning…”
Libro electrónico -
4818Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.5.3 Proposed Distributed Ledger-Based IoT Cloud IAM -- 3.6 Conclusion -- References -- 4 Automated TSR Using DNN Approach for Intelligent Vehicles -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Literature Survey -- 4.3 Neural Network (NN) -- 4.4 Methodology -- 4.4.1 System Architecture -- 4.4.2 Database -- 4.5 Experiments and Results -- 4.5.1 FFNN -- 4.5.2 RNN -- 4.5.3 CNN -- 4.5.4 CNN -- 4.6 Discussion -- 4.7 Conclusion -- References -- 5 Honeypot: A Trap for Attackers -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.1.1 Research Honeypots -- 5.1.2 Production Honeypots -- 5.2 Method -- 5.2.1 Low-Interaction Honeypots -- 5.2.2 Medium-Interaction Honeypots -- 5.2.3 High-Interaction Honeypots -- 5.3 Cryptanalysis -- 5.3.1 System Architecture -- 5.3.2 Possible Attacks on Honeypot -- 5.3.3 Advantages of Honeypots -- 5.3.4 Disadvantages of Honeypots -- 5.4 Conclusions -- References -- 6 Examining Security Aspects in Industrial-Based Internet of Things -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Process Frame of IoT Before Security -- 6.2.1 Cyber Attack -- 6.2.2 Security Assessment in IoT -- Security in Perception and Network Frame -- 6.3 Attacks and Security Assessments in IIoT -- 6.3.1 IoT Security Techniques Analysis Based on its Merits -- 6.4 Conclusion -- References -- 7 A Cooperative Navigation for Multi-Robots in Unknown Environments Using Hybrid Jaya-DE Algorithm -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Related Works -- 7.3 Problem Formulation -- 7.4 Multi-Robot Navigation Employing Hybrid Jaya-DE Algorithm -- 7.4.1 Basic Jaya Algorithm -- 7.5 Hybrid Jaya-DE -- 7.5.1 Mutation -- 7.5.2 Crossover -- 7.5.3 Selection -- 7.6 Simulation Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Jaya-DE Algorithm -- 7.7 Total Navigation Path Deviation (TNPD) -- 7.8 Average Unexplored Goal Distance (AUGD) -- 7.9 Conclusion -- References -- 8 Categorization Model for Parkinson's Disease Occurrence and Severity Prediction -- 8.1 Introduction…”
Libro electrónico -
4819por Lakner, GaryTabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.4 SSO with Enterprise Identity Mapping -- 1.4.1 Why Kerberos alone is not enough -- 1.4.2 The IBM single signon strategy -- 1.4.3 Possible costs of SSO with EIM -- 1.4.4 Benefits of EIM -- 1.4.5 SSO in the on demand world -- 1.5 Currently enabled iSeries applications -- Chapter 2. …”
Publicado 2004
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4820Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.4 Updating XML documents stored in an XML column -- 5.4.1 Using the SQL UPDATE statement -- 5.4.2 Using the Update() UDF -- 5.5 Deleting XML documents stored in an XML column -- 5.6 Best practices -- 5.6.1 Use side tables as much as possible -- 5.6.2 Where to filter -- 5.6.3 Using location path expressions -- Chapter 6. …”
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