Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Història 167
- Raspberry Pi (Computer) 123
- Python (Computer program language) 79
- Historia 78
- Programming 67
- Biografia 58
- Computer input-output equipment 49
- Hardware and Maker 45
- Política 40
- Nacionalisme 37
- Política i govern 37
- Pi i Margall, Francesc 35
- Pi i Sunyer, Carles 35
- Linux 32
- Biblia 29
- Computer programming 28
- Microcomputers 27
- Federalisme 26
- Internet of things 25
- Punts de vista polítics i socials 24
- Bíblia 22
- Application software 21
- Development 21
- Guerra Civil Espanyola, 1936-1939 21
- Descripcions i viatges 20
- Església de Santa Maria del Pi (Barcelona, Catalunya) 20
- Operating systems (Computers) 20
- Polítics 20
- Govern 19
- Arduino (Programmable controller) 17
3321Publicado 2017“…Build an image for the BeagleBone Black, RaspberryPi 3, and Wandboard, and boot it from an SD card. …”
Libro electrónico -
3322Publicado 2017“…Get, install, and use powerful free tools to create modern Python programs Learn key concepts from 170 sample programs, and use them to jumpstart your own Discover exactly what happens when a program runs Approach program development with a professional perspective Learn the core elements of the Python language Build more complex software with classes, methods, and objects Organize programs so they’re easy to build and improve Capture and respond to user input Store and manipulate many types of real-world data Define custom data types to solve specific problems Create interactive games that are fun to play Build modern web and cloud-based applications Use pre-built libraries to quickly create powerful software Get code samples, including complete apps, at: About This Book For absolute beginners who’ve never written a line of code For anyone who’s been frustrated with other beginning programming books or courses For people who’ve started out with other languages and now want to learn Python Works with Windows PC, Apple Mac, Linux PC, or Raspberry Pi Includes mapping of MTA exam objectives that are covered in this book, as well as an appendix with further explanation of some of the topics on the exam…”
Libro electrónico -
3323Publicado 2019“…Use BLE to make interactions between ESP32 and Android Understand how to create connections to interact between ESP32 and mobile applications Learn how to interact between ESP32 boards and cloud servers Build an IoT Application-based ESP32 board Who this book is for This book is for those who want to build a powerful and inexpensive IoT projects using the ESP32.Also for those who are new to IoT, or those who already have experience with other platforms such as Arduino, ESP8266, and Raspberry Pi…”
Libro electrónico -
3324Publicado 2015“…Topics include: The details of object creation and naming Namespace changing features including assignment, del, import, function definition, class definition, and decorators Disassembling CPython bytecode to understand some Python features Iterables, iterators, and the iterator protocol How to use generators to make your code easier to read and understand Monkey patching classes, creating classes dynamically, and how bound methods work Using special methods in classes Several ways other than classes to bind data with functions Python 3 features such as tuple assignment with extended iterable unpacking and keyword-only function arguments Stuart Williams has been teaching Python for over a decade to audiences as diverse as adults in industry and at PyCon, students in university, high school students at a week-long Python summer camp, and grade school students learning Raspberry Pi. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Physics and Math/Computer Science, and a M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington. …”
3325Publicado 2023“…Hasta hoy, los estudios sobre la armada española de 1588, la conocida como «Armada Invencible», se han debatido en disquisiciones técnicas, políticas, estratégicas o arqueológicas pasando de largo sobre el destino final de casi tres mil hombres (ni siquiera contabilizados hasta ahora) que fueron capturados durante la Jornada de Inglaterra.Ahora, por primera vez, Los prisioneros de la Armada Invencible no solo los rescata del olvido, sino que pone nombre y apellidos a casi ochocientos de ellos, las circunstancias de su captura, los lugares donde fueron retenidos y su destino final, en un relato que pone el foco en el aspecto humano y la epopeya que protagonizaron estos hombres al servicio de la Corona Española.La crítica ha dicho:«A través de un relato dinámico, intenso, conmovedor y apasionante, Pedro Luis Chinchilla nos revela por primera vez el destino de los prisioneros de esta batalla naval que tanta controversia ha suscitado a lo largo del tiempo».Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales. Catedrática de Historia Moderna Universidad Complutense de Madrid«Con meticulosidad y cariño, Pedro Luis Chinchilla rescata del olvido a aquellos soldados que cayeron cautivos en su lucha por acabar con las agresiones que estaba perpetrando Isabel I de Inglaterra contra España».Luis Gorrochategui Santos. …”
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3327por Clabaut, Jean-Denis“…C’est donc un patrimoine de premier ordre, le plus ancien de la ville, qui est conservé sous nos pieds, livre ouvert sur le Moyen Âge urbain qui ne demande qu’à être feuilleté…”
Publicado 2019
Electrónico -
3328Publicado 2019“…Apply your new skills to the world of non-web hosts, and create everything from an app running on a Raspberry Pi that controls a lighting system, to a fully-functioning online multiplayer game engine where developers upload their own arena-bound WebAssembly combat modules. …”
Libro electrónico -
3329Publicado 2017“…He is the author and contributor of several publications including titles on building security operations centers (SOC)s, CCNA cyber ops certification, web penetration testing, and hacking with raspberry pi. Follow Joseph at and @SecureBlogger. …”
3330Publicado 2018“…You are going to build solutions that will use a Raspberry Pi 3, a DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor, and a dashboard to visualize the sensor data in real-time. …”
Libro electrónico -
3331Publicado 2017“…Connect standard hardware to enable your projects to see, speak, hear, and move Build advanced capabilities into your projects, such as GPS and sonar sensors Build complex projects that can fly, or go under or on the water In Detail BeagleBone Blue is effectively a small, light, cheap computer in a similar vein to Raspberry Pi and Arduino. It has all of the extensibility of today's desktop machines, but without the bulk, expense, or noise. …”
Libro electrónico -
3332Publicado 2016“…It can be used with a $35 Raspberry Pi to top-notch, thousand-dollar-per-month cloud hardware. …”
Libro electrónico -
3333Publicado 2018“…Aus dem Inhalt: Datentypen, Kontrollstrukturen, Funktionen, Generatoren Modellieren mit Sequenzen, Dictionaries und Mengen Klassen, Objekte, Vererbung, Polymorphie Module nutzen und auf PyPI veröffentlichen Zeichenketten und reguläre Ausdrücke Grafische Benutzungsoberflächen mit tkinter und PyQt Threads und Events, Bildverarbeitung mit PIL Systemfunktionen, Testen und Performance-Analyse XML, CGI- und Internet-Programmierung, Datenbanken Wissenschaftliche Projekte mit NumPy Datenvisualisierung mit Matplotlib und Messwerterfass..…”
Libro electrónico -
3334Publicado 2017“…Further on, you will use Python on a Raspberry Pi 3 board to process commands and Python on Intel Boards (Joule, Edison and Galileo). …”
Libro electrónico -
3335Publicado 2020“…What you will learn Discover the key concepts and architectures used with edge analytics Understand how to use long-distance communication protocols for edge analytics Deploy Microsoft Azure IoT Edge to a Raspberry Pi Create Node-RED dashboards with MQTT and Text to Speech (TTS) Use MicroPython for developing edge analytics apps Explore various machine learning techniques and discover how machine learning is related to edge analytics Use camera and vision recognition algorithms on the sensory side to design an edge analytics app Monitor and audit edge analytics apps Who this book is for If you are a data analyst, data architect, or data scientist who is interes..…”
Libro electrónico -
3336Publicado 2019“…Aus dem Inhalt: Datentypen, Kontrollstrukturen, Funktionen, Generatoren Modellieren mit Sequenzen, Dictionaries und Mengen Klassen, Objekte, Vererbung, Polymorphie Module nutzen und auf PyPI veröffentlichen Zeichenketten und reguläre Ausdrücke Grafische Benutzungsoberflächen mit tkinter und PyQt Threads und Events, Bildverarbeitung mit PIL Systemfunktionen, Testen und Performance-Analyse XML, CGI- und Internet-Programmierung, Datenbanken Wissenschaftliche Projekte mit NumPy Datenvisualisierung..…”
Libro electrónico -
3337Publicado 2022“…What You Need: To complete the Nerves weather station project in this book, you will need the following: A Linux, MacOS, or Windows computer to build and deploy Nerves firmware images A Raspberry Pi Zero W or any other Nerves supported target ( A VEML6030 light sensor An BME680 environmental sensor An SGP30 air quality sensor Qwiic connect cables for weather sensors…”
Libro electrónico -
3338Publicado 1997“…Au moment de l'adolescence, les chemins de l'abandon qui s'offrent aux jeunes lecteurs sont aussi nombreux que divers : il y a les fidèles véritables et ceux qui restent « malgré eux » : ceux qui partent en claquant la porte et ceux qui s'en vont sur la pointe des pieds : ceux qui reviennent « à l'essai » et ceux qui reviennent « pour de bon »...C'est à analyser ce phénomène que s'est attaché Claude Poissenot. …”
Electrónico -
3339por Bémont, Colette“…The volume is a collective work by over forty different archaeologists Defined by a research team pi me CNRS, the work include two complementary sets of contribution: a series of 45 notices, each on dedicated to a particular workshop (some of the workshops have been extensively dug, others have only been prospected); a series of 15 reports, some address problems of general methodology and regional history, others are concerned with the relations with the workshops in Switzerland and the Rhine Valley. …”
Publicado 2021
Electrónico -
3340por Laurent, Boris“…Staline voit le sol se dérober sous ses pieds. Dans le chaos des premières semaines de ce conflit sans commune mesure, Staline exhorte les Américains et les Britanniques à lui venir en aide. …”
Publicado 2020