Mostrando 3,121 - 3,140 Resultados de 3,354 Para Buscar '"PiS"', tiempo de consulta: 0.09s Limitar resultados
  1. 3121
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lichtsteuerung mit FHEMHack: Farbtemperatur bei LEDs; Farbtemperatur quantitativ; LED in der Praxis; Hack: Farbtemperatur einstellen; Hack: Temperatur in Farbe umsetzen; Kapitel 3: Hacks zur Verbrauchsmessung; Hack: Energieverbrauch aus Betriebszeiten bestimmen; Stromfluss detektieren; Umrechnung in den Energieverbrauch; Hack: Stromverbrauch am Zähler messen; Messung an der Ferraris-Drehscheibe; Messung an der Leuchtdiode; Messung am Zählwerk; Hack: Gas- und Wasserverbrauch messen; Hack: Verbrauch am Zähler mit S0-Ausgang messen; S0-Zähler mit einem Raspberry Pi…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 3122
    Publicado 1848
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. - T.XVII: PAV-PHO. - T.XVIII: PI-PON. - T.XIX: POP-QUO. - T.XX: RAB-REG. - T.XXI: REG-RID. - T.XXII: RIE-ROD. - T.XXIII: ROD-ROZ. - T.XXIV: RUA-SAL. - T.XXV: SAL-SAN. …”
  3. 3123
    por Jacobson, Mitch
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; The Super Groups; Digging Deeper; Part 5 Editorial; Chapter 12 Cutting Techniques and Styles; Multicam Editing Styles; Working with Line Cuts; Cheating a Shot; Layering Multiclips for PiP Effects; Ganging Pop-up Monitors; Avid ScriptSync; Chapter 13 Cutting Music; The Symphonic Cut: Classical and Opera Television; Music-Cutting Techniques…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 3124
    por Simpson, John E.
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Combining tokens and delimiters into complete expressionsXPath Data Types; Strings; Numeric Values; Boolean Values; Nodes and Node-Sets; Node Properties; Node names; Document order; Family relationships; Node-Sets; Node Types; The root node; Element nodes; Attribute nodes; PI nodes; Comment nodes; Text nodes; Namespace nodes; XPath node types and the XML Infoset; Node-Set Context; String-Values; String-Value of a Node-Set; Location Steps and Paths; XPath Expressions; The Filesystem Analogy; Points of Similarity, Points of Difference; Location Paths; The Importance of Context…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 3125
    por Abbott, Doug, 1944-
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…C4); Gumstix; Specifications; Raspberry Pi; Specifications; Setting Up the Mini2440…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 3126
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…YARN multitenancy application supportYARN administration; Administrative tools; Adding and removing nodes from a YARN cluster; Administrating YARN jobs; MapReduce job configurations; YARN log management; YARN web user interface; Summary; Chapter 6: Developing and Running a Simple YARN Application; Running sample examples on YARN; Running a sample Pi example; Monitoring YARN applications with web GUI; YARN's MapReduce support; The MapReduce ApplicationMaster; Example YARN MapReduce settings; YARN's compatibility with MapReduce applications; Developing YARN applications…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 3127
  8. 3128
    por Ginther, Antonius
    Publicado 1753
  9. 3129
  10. 3130
  11. 3131
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Computing the value of Pi -- 14. Validating ISBNs -- Solutions -- 1. Sum of naturals divisible by 3 and 5 -- 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 3132
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Emilio Castelar (1832-1899)La investigación literaria; José Amador de los Ríos (1818-1878); Manuel Milá y Fontanals (1818-1884); Francisco Pi y Margall (1824-1901); Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo (1856-1912); 5 LITERATURA MODERNISTA; Panorama histórico hispanoamericano; El panorama literario; El Modernismo; Influencias literarias; CARACTERÍSTICAS; DEL MODERNISMO; El Modernismo en España; Salvador Rueda (1857-1933); Manuel Machado (1874-1947); Francisco Villaespesa (1877-1936); Otros poetas modernistas; 6 LA GENERACIÓN DEL 98; Introducción; Generación del 98 y Modernismo…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 3133
    por Wobeser, Gisela von
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Territorio, recursos naturales y población : Nueva España, hacia 1810 / Thomas Calvo -- Territorio, recursos naturales y población : Nueva España, hacia 1858 / Reynaldo Sordo Cedeño -- Territorio, recursos naturales y población : Nueva España, hacia 1910 / Sandra Kuntz Ficker -- Gobierno, justicia y adminstración hacia 1810 / Felipe Castro Gutiérrez -- Gobierno, justicia y adminstración hacia 1858 / Andrés Lira -- Gobierno, justicia y adminstración hacia 1910 / Alicia Salmerón -- Situación económica de México hacia 1810 : la economía colonial en su ocaso (minería, agricultura, comercio, fiscalidad y finanzas) / Carlos Marichal -- Situación económica de México hacia 1858 / Leonor Ludlow -- Situación económica de México hacia 1910 : alcances y límites del crecimiento económico / Graciela Márquez -- Vida cotidiana en México hacia 1810 / Pilar Gonzalbo Aizpuru -- Vida cotidiana en México hacia 1858 / Anne Staples -- Vida cotidiana en México hacia 1910 / Nora Pérez-Rayón -- Pueblos indígenas de México en 1810 y 1910 : los indígenas en la guerra de Independencia y La Revolución de 1910 / Miguel León Portilla -- Pueblos indígenas de México hacia 1858 / Daniela Marino -- Pueblos indígenas de México hacia 1910 / Federico Navarrete Linares -- Educación en México hacia 1810 : de la expulsión de los jesuitas a la escuela lancasteriana / Dorothy Tanck de Estrada -- Educación en México hacia 1858 : la educación de reforma liberal / Josefina Zoraida Vázquez -- Educación en México hacia 1910 / Valentina Torres Septién -- Iglesia y religiosidad en Nueva España, hacia 1810 : cambios y permanencias / Antonio Rubial García -- Iglesia y religiosidad en México, hacia 1858 / Manuel Ceballos Ramírez -- Iglesia y religiosidad en México, hacia 1910 : raíz y razón de la "cuestión religiosa" por venir / Jean Meyer -- Literatura y periodismo en México hacia 1810 : prensa y independencia / Felipe Garrido -- Literatura y periodismo en México hacia 1858 : la prensa periódica y la literatura histórica al mediar el siglo XIX, 1847-1867 / Antonio Pi-Suñer Llorens -- Literatura y periodismo en México hacia 1910 : periodismo del porfiriato a la Revolución / Florence Touissant -- Crisis y descontento en México hacia 1810 : la Consolidación de Vales Reales como factor determinante de la lucha de Independencia en México, 1804-1808 / Giselda von Wobeser -- Crisis y descontento en México hacia 1858 : de la tragedia de 1848 a la Reforma Liberal / Josefina Zoraida Vázquez -- Crisis y descontento en México hacia 1910 : crisis y diagnóstico de la situación / Alvaro Matute -- La lucha de independencia (1810-1821) / Ana Carolina Ibarra -- Las Guerras de Reforma, 1858-1860 / Silvestre Villegas Revueltas -- La Revolución Mexicana : caracteristicas esenciales y procesos definitorios / Javier Garciadiego…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 3134
    Publicado 1916
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La infecció / per August Pi i Suñer -- v. 28. Com es confecciona un film / per J. …”
  15. 3135
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Per Jordi Bosch i Garcia Les relacions interpirinenques Per Meritxell Mateu i Pi Els programes Interreg IIIA ("Del Puigmal a Canigó: espais d'intercanvi turístic" i "Els camins de la nostra identitat") i la distribució d'aquests ajuts europeus al Pirineu. …”
  16. 3136
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…IoT and AI Solutions for E-health -- Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection Using a Low Cost Three-dimensional Densenet-121 Architecture -- Self-adaptative Early Warning Scoring System for Smart Hospital -- Machine Learning Based Rank Attack Detection for Smart Hospital Infrastructure -- Remote Health Monitoring Systems Based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Communication Systems -- Modeling and Specification of Bootstrapping and Registration Design Patterns for IoT Applications -- Biomedical and Health Informatics -- EEG-based Hypo-vigilance Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network -- Respiratory Activity Classification Based on Ballistocardiogram Analysis -- A Convolutional Neural Network for Lentigo Diagnosis -- Deep Learning-based Approach for Atrial Fibrillation Detection -- Unsupervised Method Based on Superpixel Segmentation for Corpus Callosum Parcellation in MRI Scans -- Behavior and Activity Monitoring -- Using Learning Techniques to Observe Elderly's Behavior Changes Over Time -- Personalized and Contextualized Persuasion System for Older Adults’ Physical Activity Promoting -- Baseline Modelling and Composite Representation of Unobtrusively (IoT) Sensed Behaviour Changes Related to Urban Physical Well-being -- Wellbeing Technology -- Automatic Daily Activity Schedule Planning for Simulating Smart House with Elderly People Living Alone -- A Novel On-wrist Fall Detection System Using Supervised Dictionary Learning Technique -- Combined Machine Learning and Semantic Modelling for Situation Awareness and Healthcare Decision Support -- Improving Access and Mental Health for Youth Through Virtual Models of Care -- Short Contributions: IoT and AI Solutions for E-health -- Study of Middleware for Internet of Healthcare Things and Their Applications -- Uncertainty in IoT for Smart Healthcare: Challenges, and Opportunities -- Secure E-health Platform -- Hybrid and Secure E-health Data Sharing Architecture in Multi-Clouds Environment -- Blockchain for Internet of Medical Things: A technical Review -- Application of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Study -- Trust Execution Environment and Multi-party Computation for Blockchain E-health Systems -- A Fuzzy-ontology Based Diabetes Monitoring System Using Internet of Things -- Short Contributions: Biomedical and Health Informatics -- A Hybrid Approach for Heart Disease Diagnosis and Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques -- Context-aware Healthcare Adaptation Model for COPD Diseases -- Study of Healthcare Professionals’ Interaction in the Patient Records with Annotations -- Multirate ECG Processing and Machine Learning Based Efficient Arrhythmia Diagnosis -- Comparative Study of Relevant Methods for MRI/X Brain Image Registration -- Machine Learning Classification Models with SPD/ED Dataset: Comparative Study of Abstract Versus Full Article Approach -- Evaluation of Stationary Wavelet Transforms in Reconstruction of Pure High Frequency Oscillations (HFOs) -- Ensuring the Correctness and Well Modeling of Intelligent Healthcare Management Systems -- Short Contributions: Wellbeing Technology -- An Embedded ANN Raspberry PI for Inertial Sensor Based Human Activity Recognition -- Human Activities Recognition in Android Smartphone using WSVM-HMM Classifier -- Mobile Assistive Application for Blind People in Indoor Navigation -- Older People’s Needs and Opportunities for Assistive Technologies -- Towards a Formal Context-Aware Workflow Model for Ambient Environment -- The PULSE Project: A Case of Use of Big Data Uses Toward a Cohomprensive Health Vision of City Well Being -- ForeSight - An AI-driven Smart Living Platform, Approach to Add Access Control to openHAB…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 3137
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crystals on the cover 2014 -- Introduction to protein crystallization -- Structural mechanism of DNA recognition by the p202 HINa domain: insights into the inhibition of Aim2-mediated inflammatory signalling -- The structure of endothiapepsin complexed with a Phe-Tyr reduced-bond inhibitor at 1.35 Å resolution -- Structures of adenosine kinase from Trypanosoma brucei brucei -- Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoside diphosphate kinase R80N mutant in complex with citrate -- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a complex of the FOXO1 and Ets1 DNA-binding domains and DNA -- Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a novel keto-deoxy-d-galactarate (KDG) dehydratase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens -- Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of phosphoglycerate mutase from Staphylococcus aureus NCTC8325 -- Cloning, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of HMO2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae -- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of Vibrio cholerae uridine phosphorylase in complex with 6-methyluracil -- Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of an HA17-HA70 (HA2-HA3) complex from Clostridium botulinum type C progenitor toxin -- Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of the N-terminal calmodulin-like domain of the human mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier SCaMC1 -- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a surface mutant of the middle domain of PB2 from human influenza A (H1N1) virus -- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the small subunit of the heterodimeric laccase POXA3b from Pleurotus ostreatus -- Cloning, expression, purification and preliminary X-­ray crystallographic analysis of mouse protein arginine methyltransferase 7 -- Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the novel modular DNA-binding protein BurrH in its apo form and in complex with its target DNA -- Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of thioredoxin glutathione reductase from Schistosoma japonicum in complex with FAD -- Cloning, overexpression, purification and preliminary X-ray analysis of a feast/famine regulatory protein (Rv2779c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv -- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of FabG from Yersinia pestis -- Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of thermostable β-1,4-xylanase from Streptomyces sp. …”
    Revista digital
  18. 3138
    por Turkington, Garry
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Configuring and running HadoopTime for action - using Hadoop to calculate Pi; Three modes; Time for action - configuring the pseudo-distributed mode; Configuring the base directory and formatting the filesystem; Time for action - changing the base HDFS directory; Time for action - formatting the NameNode; Starting and using Hadoop; Time for action - starting Hadoop; Time for action - using HDFS; Time for action - WordCount, the Hello World of MapReduce; Monitoring Hadoop from the browser; The HDFS web UI; Using Elastic MapReduce; Setting up an account on Amazon Web Services…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 3139
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preparing PIRCS for Portable Media -- Step one: wipe the device -- Step two: format the device -- Step three: install PIRCS -- PIRCS Basics -- PIRCS Advanced Capabilities -- Chapter 4 Review -- Chapter 4 Summary Questions -- Additional Resources -- Software Download Instructions -- Chapter 5: Use cases -- Introduction -- General Evidence Collection Guidelines -- Locard's Principle -- Order of Volatility -- Tool Selection and Usage -- Fundamental Digital Evidence Categories -- Full Memory Capture -- Capturing full RAM contents with Mandiant Memoryze -- Initial Host Detail -- Host name -- Windows OS version -- System time -- Current network configuration -- Currently logged on user -- Initial host detail collection recommendation -- Network Connections -- Active connections -- Network connection collection recommendation -- Active Process, Services, and Scheduled Tasks Details -- Windows Prefetch Files -- Web Browser History -- Windows Registry Data Collection -- Windows Event Logs -- File Listings -- Use Case Examples -- Spear Phishing Attack Scenario -- Human resources violation scenario -- Insider Data Exfiltration Scenario -- Summary -- Chapter 5 Review -- Chapter 5 Summary Questions -- Additional Resources -- Chapter 6: Future considerations -- Introduction -- Windows 10.x -- Windows Embedded -- Advanced Automotive Technology -- Raspberry Pi -- Wearable Technology -- New Command Line Applications -- In Closing -- Additional Resources -- Appendix A: Third-party Windows CLI tools -- Introduction -- Appendix B: Windows CLI reference synopsis -- Introduction -- Microsoft TechNet -- Popular Commands for an Examination -- Additional Resources -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 3140
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…List of Symbols and Acronyms IX -- 1 Introduction 1 -- 1.1 State of the Art in Differential Steering 3 -- 1.2 Motivation and Outline of the Thesis 6 -- 2 Vehicle Model with Differential Steering 9 -- 2.1 Model Definition and Kinematics 10 -- 2.2 Nonlinear Equations of Motion 15 -- 2.3 Tyre Models 18 -- 2.3.1 Modelling Considerations and Tyre Model Selection 18 -- 2.3.2 The Magic Formula Tyre Model 19 -- 2.3.3 Bore Torque Modelling 24 -- 2.3.4 Load Distribution and Load Transfer 27 -- 3 Symbolic Linearisation of Equations of Motion 29 -- 3.1 Symbolic Taylor Expansion 30 -- 3.2 State Reduction 34 -- 3.3 Representation in the Frequency Domain 35 -- 3.4 Application to the Vehicle Model 36 -- 3.4.1 Symbolic Manipulations on the Vehicle Model 36 -- 3.4.2 Validation of the Linearised Model 42 -- 4 Control of the Differential Steering System 45 -- 4.1 Full State Feedback Lateral Control for High-Speed Operation 45 -- 4.1.1 Closed-Loop System 46 -- 4.1.2 Feedback Gain Calculation Using the LQ-Principle 47 -- 4.1.3 Feedforward Gain Calculation 48 -- 4.1.4 Reference Model 49 -- 4.1.5 Gain Scheduling Extension 50 -- 4.2 Angle Tracking Controller for Low-Speed Operation 50 -- 4.2.1 PI Control Rule 51 -- 4.2.2 Control Design with Root Locus Method 51 -- 5 Simulations and Steering Characterisation 55 -- 5.1 Simulation Framework 55 -- 5.2 Simulation Studies 56 -- 5.2.1 Step Steer Simulation 56 -- 5.2.2 Steady-State Cornering 59 -- 5.2.3 Double Lane Change 61 -- 5.2.4 Low-Speed Manoeuvring 62 -- 5.3 Steering Performance Characterisation 63 -- 5.3.1 Dynamic Performance in the Time Domain 64 -- 5.3.2 Tracking Performance in the Frequency Domain 65 -- 5.3.3 Steady-State Cornering Performance 68 -- 5.3.4 Low-Speed Manoeuvring Performance 69 -- 6 Multi-Objective Steering Performance Optimisation 71 -- 6.1 Design Parametrisation 72 -- 6.2 Sensitivity Studies 73 -- 6.2.1 Preselection of Control Parameter τd 73 -- 6.2.2 Identification of the Most Influential Parameters 74 -- 6.3 Optimisation Strategy 79 -- 6.3.1 Formulation of the Optimisation Problem 79 -- 6.3.2 Optimisation Assistance by Response Surfaces 80 -- 6.3.3 Optimisation Procedure 82 -- 6.4 Discussion of Optimisation Results 86 -- 7 Disturbance Rejection of the Differential Steering System 91 -- 7.1 Wheel-Curb Collision Model 92 -- 7.2 Simulation Framework for Collision Investigations 96 -- 7.3 Collision Simulations 98 -- 8 Conclusions and Outlook 101 -- Appendix: Detailed Results of Model Derivation 103 -- A.1 Kinematics 103 -- A.2 Equations of Motion 108 -- A.3 Constraints 115 -- List of Figures 117 -- List of Tables 121 -- References 123.…”
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