Mostrando 1,181 - 1,200 Resultados de 1,435 Para Buscar '"Peste"', tiempo de consulta: 0.08s Limitar resultados
  1. 1181
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Desplazamiento criminológico en tiempos de pandemia / José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho -- Prisiones y Covid-19 en Brasil: de la pandemia al pandemonio / María Palma Wolff -- DESDE CHILE -- Cárcel, pandemia y mujeres privadas de libertad: algunas reflexiones desde la experiencia en Chile / Marcela Aedo Rivera y Laura Romero Rojas -- DESDE COLOMBIA -- Peste, control social y penalidad pos Covid - 19 en Colombia / Camilo Ernesto Bernal Sarmiento -- DESDE COSTA RICA Y MÉXICO -- "Régimen glotaritario y gestión de los afectos en contexto de pandemia de Coronavirus" / Una conversación entre Mónica Vul y Sayak Valencia -- DESDE VENEZUELA -- El Coronavirus como dispositivo: de centros y periferias, de la biopolítica a la necropolítica / Keymer Ávila…”
    >Texto completo en Biblioteca Virtual Tirant
  2. 1182
    por Gallejos Rojas, Alberto
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hacer filosofía sobre la peste, hacer filosofía sobre la muerte; 36. Mendoza; 38. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 1183
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El branding de Pedro Almodóvar: Dolor y gloria y Madres paralelas -- Un caso canónico: la saga de Los juegos del hambre -- El documental avant la lettre: Nevenka -- Cómo promociona Telefónica sus series españolas: La peste y Antidisturbios -- HBO y Patria -- Historias para no dormir o la necesidad de contar con un buen plan de marketing -- Lo más indie: Veneno y los Javis -- Conclusiones -- Referencias bibliográficas -- _Hlk112087827 -- _Hlk103968165…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 1184
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editors vii -- Preface to "Chemistry of Essential Oils and Food Flavours" . ix -- Ian Southwell and Oscar N ́u ̃nez Editorial for the Special Issue, "Chemistry of Essential Oils and Food Flavours" Reprinted from: Foods 2022, , 2182, doi:10.3390/foods11152182 1 -- Mackingsley Kushan Dassanayake, Chien Hwa Chong, Teng-Jin Khoo, Adam Figiel, Antoni Szumny and Chee Ming Choo Synergistic Field Crop Pest Management Properties of Plant-Derived Essential Oils in Combination with Synthetic Pesticides and Bioactive Molecules: A Review Reprinted from: Foods 2021, 10, 2016, doi:10.3390/foods10092016 . 5 -- Ian Southwell Backhousia citriodora F. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 1185
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fixed assets Depreciation; Book value; Authorized and issued share capital; Reserves; The profit and loss account; Turnover; Problems with financial statements and auditors; Conclusion; 3 Factors impacting financial performance; Introduction; Strategic analysis - the external environment; Environmental analysis; PEST analysis; Competitive analysis; Strategic analysis - the value chain; Value chain competition example; Management; Profitability and performance; Return on equity; Net profit margin; Profitability and performance measurement; The profit margin and asset turnover relationship…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 1186
    por Fight, Andrew
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Periodicals Exercises; Questions; Answers; 2 Business risks; Introduction to business risks; Borrower risk; Transaction risk; The 'new economy'; Introduction to non-financial and transactional risks; Borrower risk; Financial risk; Business risk; PEST analysis; SWOT analysis; Porter's risk assessment matrix; Porter's five competitive forces; Transaction risk; Some questioning techniques; Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How; Nature of the obligor; Example A - Memorandum and Articles of Association; Example B - corporate registration fees; Obligors with unlimited liability; Management…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 1187
    por Yong, Kwek Ping
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Other Local PoliciesInternal Controls Systems; Important Points to Note; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 4: Operational, Commercial, Legal, and Other Due Diligence; Operational Due Diligence; Management and Employees; Information Technology Systems; Business Operations; Supply-Chain Management; Commercial Due Diligence; Industry Outlook; PEST Analysis; Legal Due Diligence; Setting the Right Attitude and Mentality; Uncovering Potential Liabilities; Intellectual Property Protection (IP); Management of Company Stamps; Balanced Scorecard (BSC); How to Predict Bankruptcy-Altman Z Scores and Gearing…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 1188
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crop improvement for agricultural transformation in southern Africa -- 12. Integrated Pest Management in Southern Africa: Approaches and Enabling Policy Issues -- 13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 1189
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Desplazamiento criminológico en tiempos de pandemia / José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho -- Prisiones y Covid-19 en Brasil: de la pandemia al pandemonio / María Palma Wolff -- DESDE CHILE -- Cárcel, pandemia y mujeres privadas de libertad: algunas reflexiones desde la experiencia en Chile / Marcela Aedo Rivera y Laura Romero Rojas -- DESDE COLOMBIA -- Peste, control social y penalidad pos Covid - 19 en Colombia / Camilo Ernesto Bernal Sarmiento -- DESDE COSTA RICA Y MÉXICO -- "Régimen glotaritario y gestión de los afectos en contexto de pandemia de Coronavirus" / Una conversación entre Mónica Vul y Sayak Valencia -- DESDE VENEZUELA -- El Coronavirus como dispositivo: de centros y periferias, de la biopolítica a la necropolítica / Keymer Ávila…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 1190
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals -- Copyright -- Note -- Preface -- Contents -- Introduction -- REGULATIONS, POLICIES, AND PRINCIPLES -- EVALUATION CRITERIA -- FARM ANIMALS -- NONTRADITIONAL SPECIES -- FIELD INVESTIGATIONS -- OVERVIEW -- REFERENCES -- 1 Institutional Policies and Responsibilities -- MONITORING THE CARE AND USE OF ANIMALS -- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee -- Animal Care and Use Protocols -- Physical Restraint -- Multiple Major Surgical Procedures -- Food or Fluid Restriction -- VETERINARY CARE -- PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING -- OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL -- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment -- Personnel Training -- Personal Hygiene -- Facilities, Procedures, and Monitoring -- Animal Experimentation Involving Hazards -- Personal Protection -- Medical Evaluation and Preventive Medicine for Personnel -- REFERENCES -- 2 Animal Environment, Housing, and Management -- PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT -- Microenvironment and Macroenvironment -- Housing -- Primary Enclosures -- Sheltered or Outdoor Housing -- Naturalistic Environments -- Space Recommendations -- Temperature and Humidity -- Ventilation -- Illumination -- Noise -- BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT -- Structural Environment -- Social Environment -- Activity -- HUSBANDRY -- Food -- Water -- Bedding -- Sanitation -- Bedding Change -- Cleaning and Disinfection of Primary Enclosures -- Cleaning and Disinfection of Secondary Enclosures -- Assessing the Effectiveness of Sanitation -- Waste Disposal -- Pest Control -- Emergency, Weekend, and Holiday Care -- POPULATION MANAGEMENT -- Identification and Records -- Genetics and Nomenclature -- REFERENCES -- 3 Veterinary Medical Care -- ANIMAL PROCUREMENT AND TRANSPORTATION -- PREVENTIVE MEDICINE -- Quarantine, Stabilization, and Separation…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 1191
    por Straus, Eugene
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…From abandonment to the idea of healing -- The Doctor-patient relationship -- The Hippocratic corpus -- The Discovery of microscopic life -- The Medical encounter and the history of the present illness -- Galenic medicine -- "On the fabric of the human body" by Andreas Vesalius -- The Physical examination -- To see for oneself at the autopsy -- "On the motion of the heart" by William Harvey -- Diagnostic x-ray examinations -- "Observations and experiments on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion" by William Beaumont -- "Nervism" and the integration of the organ systems -- "Chemical messengers" and the discovery of hormones -- The Germ theory of disease -- Smallpox vaccination -- Aspirin -- The Initiation of insulin therapy -- Florence Nightingale and modern nursing -- The Development of sewage systems -- Public works and health -- Paul Ehrlich's "Magic Bullets" -- Eradication of smallpox by the World Health Organization -- Gregor Mendel's discovery of genetics -- Friedrich Miescher discovers DNA in pus -- Oswald Theodore Avery uncovers the function of DNA -- The Structure of DNA is elucidated by James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin -- The Genetic Code -- Tropical Medicine -- Microscopes -- The Fool of pest --…”
  12. 1192
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La cuna, y la sepultura ; Doctrina para morir ; De los remedios de qualquier fortuna ; Introduccion á la vida devota ; Virtud militante contra las quatro pestes del mundo ; Carta del autor declarando cómo puede ser loable, ó reprehensible el temor de la muerte ; Afecto fervoroso del alma agonizante, con las siete palabras que dixo Christo en la cruz ; La fortuna con seso ; Epícteto, y Foocílides en español con consonantes ; Razon de la traduccion ; Prevencion á la pluralidad de los dioses ; vida de Epícteto ; Vida y tiempo de Focílides ; Nombre, origen, intento, recomendacion, y descendencia de la doctrina estoica ; Defensa de Epicuro -- III . …”
  13. 1193
    Publicado 2007
    “…Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanitárias e dos estudos epidemiológicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o cólera, a febre tifóide, a peste bubônica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistirá, quando completa, numa coleção de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Suíça e Brasil (1878-1885); Hanseníase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sumário, glossário e índices. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 1194
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…10.1.2 Mobile base robotic manipulator -- 10.1.3 IoT-based robotic manipulator -- 10.2 Design of the proposed semi-automatic robot manipulator -- 10.3 Proposed model -- 10.3.1 Denavit-Hartenberg parameters -- 10.3.2 Frame Assignment for D-H Parameter Calculation -- 10.4 Robot control -- 10.4.1 Joint space control -- 10.4.2 Task space control -- 10.4.3 Robotic arm simulation using MATLAB GUI -- 10.5 Hardware Implementation -- 10.6 Conclusion and future scope -- References -- Chapter 11: Pest identification and classification using IoT enable technique -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Literature survey -- 11.2.1 Related works -- 11.2.2 Problem statement -- 11.3 A novel deep learning framework for IoT-enabled pest identification and classification -- 11.3.1 Proposed architecture and description -- 11.3.2 IoT-enabled pest detection and smart agriculture -- 11.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 12: Framework for leveraging diagnostic and vehicle data with emphasis on automotive cybersecurity -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Framework -- 12.3 Applications and features of the framework -- 12.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 13: An array of Fibonacci series-based wide-band printed antennas for IoT/5G applications -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Proposed single antenna -- 13.2.1 Formation of the proposed geometry -- 13.2.2 Depiction of single antenna -- 13.2.3 Contour length and surface area computation -- 13.2.4 Time domain analysis -- 13.3 Proposed array -- 13.3.1 Construction of power divider network -- 13.3.2 Development of array -- 13.3.3 Benefits of the Wilkinson power divider -- 13.4 Results and discussion -- 13.5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgement -- References -- Chapter 14: Deep learning IoT platform for dental disease detection -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Literature survey -- 14.3 Suggested design -- 14.3.1 YOLO object detection interpretation…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 1195
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…SOME ASPECTS OF ENHANCING NATURAL PEST CONTROL -- 6.1 Reducing agricultural pollution -- 6.2 All farming systems -- 6.3 Arable farming -- 6.4 Perennial farming -- 6.5 Livestock farming and pasture -- 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 1196
    Publicado 2022
  17. 1197
    por Pulido, Antonio
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Del romanico al gotico, del latin al romance; Conversaciones sobre el padre aniceto; Una visita al campo; Doblas maravedies y otras monedas; El mundo de los negosios; Signo de futuros a finales del siglo XIII; Capítulo 4 Año 1470 Venecia a principios del Renacimiento; Inquisición, pestes y penurias; Venesia, 1470; Entrevistas con Luca Pscioli; El Cairo, 2013; Capítulo 5 Año 1570 Un tour por una España mercantilizada pero moralista: Medina del Campo-Salamanca-Sevilla…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 1198
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Technical priorities and criteria / María Dolores Herrero Fernández-Quesada -- De los tercios de gallegos al regimiento de Galicia: un ejemplo práctico de reformismo militar (1715-1718) = From the Galician tercios to the Galician regiment: a practical example of military reformism (1715-1718) / María del Carmen Saavedra Vázquez -- Combatir la peste de la desafección y la disidencia. El uso de la justicia extraordinaria en la frontera murciana durante la Guerra de Sucesión = Fight against the plague of disaffection and dissidence. …”
  19. 1199
    Publicado 1858
  20. 1200
    por Blanco Infante, Pedro
    Publicado 1647
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Miguel patrón, de una peste, a 8 de julio de 1647 (h . 4 r.-13 r.) . Inc.: Con razón celebra esta iglesia santa (h . 4 r.) . 2 . …”