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  1. 705461
    Publicado 2017
  2. 705462
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.5 Measures of Shape 255 -- 8.6 Summary 257 -- Problems 257 -- 9 Estimation 259 -- 9.1 Parameter Estimation 259 -- 9.2 Properties of Point Estimators 260 -- 9.3 Maximum Likelihood Estimators 265 -- 9.4 Bayesian Estimators 270 -- 9.5 Confidence Intervals 272 -- 9.6 Estimation of a Random Variable 274 -- 9.7 Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation 275 -- 9.8 Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation 277 -- 9.9 Linear Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation 279 -- 9.10 Linear MMSE Estimation Using a Vector of Observations 282 -- 9.11 Summary 285 -- Problems 285 -- 10 Hypothesis Testing 287 -- 10.1 Significance Testing 287 -- 10.2 Hypothesis Testing for Mean 291 -- 10.2.1 p-Value 294 -- 10.3 Decision Tests 300 -- 10.4 Bayesian Test 303 -- 10.4.1 Minimum Cost Test 304 -- 10.4.2 Maximum a Posteriori Probability (MAP) Test 305 -- 10.4.3 Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Test 305 -- 10.4.4 Minimax Test 307 -- 10.5 Neyman-Pearson Test 307 -- 10.6 Summary 309 -- Problems 309 -- Part IV Random Processes 311 -- 11 Introduction to Random Processes 313 -- 11.1 Classification of Random Processes 313 -- 11.1.1 State Space 314 -- 11.1.2 Index (Time) Parameter 314 -- 11.2 Characterization of Random Processes 318 -- 11.2.1 Joint Distributions of Time Samples 318 -- 11.2.2 Independent Identically Distributed Random Process 319 -- 11.2.3 Multiple Random Processes 320 -- 11.2.4 Independent Random Processes 320 -- 11.3 Moments of Random Processes 320 -- 11.3.1 Mean and Variance Functions of a Random Process 321 -- 11.3.2 Autocorrelation and Autocovariance Functions of a Random Process 321 -- 11.3.3 Cross-correlation and Cross-covariance Functions 324 -- 11.4 Stationary Random Processes 326 -- 11.4.1 Strict-Sense Stationary Processes 326 -- 11.4.2 Wide-Sense Stationary Processes 327 -- 11.4.3 Jointly Wide-Sense Stationary Processes 329 -- 11.4.4 Cyclostationary Processes 331 -- 11.4.5 Independent and Stationary Increments 331 -- 11.5 Ergodic Random Processes 333 -- 11.5.1 Strict-Sense Ergodic Processes 333.…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 705463
    por Lovelace, Mary
    Publicado 2005
    Libro electrónico
  4. 705464
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…1.13.3 Method 3: Reduction to Normal or Canonical Form by Elementary Transformations -- 1.13.4 Rank of a Product of Matrices -- 1.13.5 Method 4: Reduction of an m × n Matrix to a Normal Form by Finding Nonsingular Matrices P and Q Such That PAQ = N -- 1.13.6 Method 5: Reduction of Matrix A to Echelon Form -- Exercise 1.4 -- 1.14 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of a System of Linear Equations -- 1.14.1 The System of NH Equations: Consistency and Inconsistency -- 1.14.2 Existence of a Unique Solution for NH System of n Equations in n Unknowns -- 1.14.3 Existence of a Solution for NH System of m Equations in n Unknowns -- 1.14.4 Solutions of NH and H Systems of Equations -- 1.15 Methods of Solution of NH and H Equations -- 1.15.1 Method 1: Method of Determinants (Cramer's Rule) -- 1.15.2 Method 2: Method of Matrix Inversion (or Adjoint Method) -- 1.15.3 Method 3: Gauss's Elimination Method -- 1.15.4 Method 4: Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method -- 1.15.5 Method 5: LU Decomposition (Triangular Decomposition) Method -- 1.15.6 Tridiagonal System: Solution by LU Decomposition Method -- 1.16 Homogeneous System of Equations (H) -- Exercise 1.5 -- Chapter 2: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Matrix Polynomial -- 2.2 Linear Transformation -- 2.3 Characteristic Value Problem -- 2.3.1 Characteristic Equation of Matrix A -- 2.3.2 Spectrum of A -- 2.3.3 Procedure for Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors -- Exercise 2.1 -- 2.4 Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors -- 2.4.1 Characteristic Polynomial Pn(l) -- 2.5 Cayley-Hamilton Theorem -- 2.5.1 Inverse of a Matrix by Cayley-Hamilton Theorem -- Exercise 2.2 -- 2.6 Reduction of a Square Matrix to Diagonal Form -- 2.6.1 Diagonalisation-Powers of a Square Matrix A -- 2.6.2 Modal Matrix and Spectral Matrix of a Square Matrix A -- 2.6.3 Similarity of Matrices…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 705465
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.5 Inclusion of electromagnetic interactions via the gauge principle: the Dirac prediction of g = 2 for the electron -- Problems -- 4 Lorentz Transformations and Discrete Symmetries -- 4.1 Lorentz transformations -- 4.1.1 The KG equation -- 4.1.2 The Dirac equation -- 4.2 Discrete transformations: P, C and T -- 4.2.1 Parity -- 4.2.2 Charge conjugation -- 4.2.3 CP -- 4.2.4 Time reversal -- 4.2.5 CPT -- Problems -- II Introduction to Quantum Field Theory -- 5 Quantum Field Theory I: The Free Scalar Field -- 5.1 The quantum field: (i) descriptive -- 5.2 The quantum field: (ii) Lagrange-Hamilton formulation -- 5.2.1 The action principle: Lagrangian particle mechanics -- 5.2.2 Quantum particle mechanics à la Heisenberg-Lagrange-Hamilton -- 5.2.3 Interlude: the quantum oscillator -- 5.2.4 Lagrange-Hamilton classical field mechanics -- 5.2.5 Heisenberg-Lagrange-Hamilton quantum field mechanics -- 5.3 Generalizations: four dimensions, relativity and mass -- Problems -- 6 Quantum Field Theory II: Interacting Scalar Fields -- 6.1 Interactions in quantum field theory: qualitative introduction -- 6.2 Perturbation theory for interacting fields: the Dyson expansion of the S-matrix -- 6.2.1 The interaction picture -- 6.2.2 The S-matrix and the Dyson expansion -- 6.3 Applications to the 'ABC' theory -- 6.3.1 The decay C A + B -- 6.3.2 A + B A + B scattering: the amplitudes -- 6.3.3 A + B A + B scattering: the Yukawa exchange mechanism, s and u channel processes -- 6.3.4 A + B A + B scattering: the differential cross section -- 6.3.5 A + B A + B scattering: loose ends -- Problems -- 7 Quantum Field Theory III: Complex Scalar Fields, Dirac and Maxwell Fields -- Introduction of Electromagnetic Interactions -- 7.1 The complex scalar field: global U(1) phase invariance, particles and antiparticles -- 7.2 The Dirac field and the spin-statistics connection…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 705466
    por Lee, Peter M.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.11.4 Normal mean and variance -- 3.11.5 Technical complications -- 3.12 Exercises on Chapter 3 -- 4 Hypothesis testing -- 4.1 Hypothesis testing -- 4.1.1 Introduction -- 4.1.2 Classical hypothesis testing -- 4.1.3 Difficulties with the classical approach -- 4.1.4 The Bayesian approach -- 4.1.5 Example -- 4.1.6 Comment -- 4.2 One-sided hypothesis tests -- 4.2.1 Definition -- 4.2.2 P-values -- 4.3 Lindley's method -- 4.3.1 A compromise with classical statistics -- 4.3.2 Example -- 4.3.3 Discussion -- 4.4 Point (or sharp) null hypotheses with prior information -- 4.4.1 When are point null hypotheses reasonable? …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 705467
    Publicado 1765
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….-104 v.) . Inc.: La de V.P . de 14 del pasado receví y mucha merced (h . 103 r.) . …”
  8. 705468
    Publicado 1601
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…[en el margen]: Granata 1613 mense maio, praefuit P . Ludovicus Ramirez habuit frater Petrus de Salazar (h . 402 r.-405 r.)…”
  9. 705469
    Publicado 1780
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Diego Ortiz de Zuñiga Puso los el P . dn . Luis Josef de Vrebal, Monge profeso de la Cartuxa de las Cuevas de Sevilla (h . 1 r.-6 v.) . …”
  10. 705470
    Publicado 1700
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…P.P . Predicadores o Presidentes de nuestros Conventos...…”
  11. 705471
    por Martínez Nadal, Apol·lònia
    Publicado 2016
    “…Desde el punto de vista tributario, se analiza un tema de tanta actualidad como la tributación del arrendamiento turístico vacacional mediante plataformas informáticas P2P. Y, finalmente, se abordan aspectos procesales derivados de la celebración de contratos por vía electrónica. …”
    Acceso al texto completo en Aranzadi
  12. 705472
    por Bennett, James T.
    Publicado 2010
    “…Bennett is Eminent Scholar and William P. Snavely Professor of Political Economy and Public Policy at George Mason University, and Director of The John M. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 705473
    Publicado 2015
    “…Representations of option payoffs are too often based on a simpletwo-dimensional approach consisting of P&L versus underlying atexpiry. This is misleading, as the Greeks can make a world ofdifference over the lifetime of a strategy. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 705474
    por Eldred, Gary W.
    Publicado 2012
    “…Discuss why today's prices (contrary to media mis-statements and err-prone commentators) are sure to increase substantially and how to identify the properties and locations that will experience the highest rates of appreciation.In addition to the above (and many other) revisions that are especially crafted to address the new opportunities and challenges that will exist for the next several years, this 7th edition will achieve elevated standards for clarity, application, and time-tested investment principles and practices (p&p which were often forgotten or ignored during the boom years)"--…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 705475
    Publicado 2018
    “…Combining a wide range and variety of engaging coloring activities, exercises, and self-assessments into an all-in-one Study Guide, the Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook helps students simplify their study of A&P. Featuring contributions from new co-author Simone Brito, the 12th edition of this best-selling guide continues to reinforce the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology through a variety of unique, interactive activities. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 705476
    “…Els pacients amb dèficit cognitiu van obtenir pitjors puntuacions en atenció i velocitat de processament de la informació (p=0,001), memòria (p=0,020), llenguatge (p=0,033) i funcionament executiu (p=0,000), comparats amb els pacients preservats. …”
    Accés lliure
  17. 705477
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sermon Panegirico de N . P . Jesus Nazareno en S . Anto Abad, Año de 1859 (h . 427r.-431r.) …”
  18. 705478
    Publicado 2004
    “…However, at a HRT of 6 days, the accumulated VFAs were completely degraded after an adaptation period of about 5 days, whereas the accumulated VFAs at a HRT of 4 days remained constant upon time and could not be degraded during further incubation.The conversion process (acetogenesis and methanogenesis) of VFAs was influenced by the pH in the reactor. Acetate and n-Butyrate were converted faster at neutral or slightly alkaline pH, while propionate was degraded faster at slightly acidic pH-value. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 705479
    Publicado 1972
  20. 705480