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  1. 21841
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro --Foreword --Acknowledgements --Abbreviations --Executive Summary --1 Potential for mitigation policies in agriculture: Summary insights --The need to reduce agricultural emissions --Technical and economic potential for supply-side mitigation in agriculture --The mitigation potential of demand-side waste reduction measures --Policy progress in mitigating GHG emissions originating from agricultural activities --Possible responses to the mitigation policy challenges for agriculture Managing the trade-offs between mitigation effectiveness and the distributional impacts of mitigation policies --Mitigation policy options for managing the impacts of leakage --The importance of policy coherence and policy certainty --Policy options for MRV and other challenges related to SCS measures --MRV challenges and mitigation policy solutions for agriculture in general --Policy implementation challenges and solutions specific to SCS --Conclusions --Notes --References --2 Global analysis of mitigation policies for agriculture: Impacts and trade-offs The importance of agriculture to global mitigation efforts --Modelling mitigation policies in agriculture for OECD countries and the world --The MAGNET model and scope of analysis --Designing policies to unlock agriculture's mitigation potential --Policies that directly target emissions --Policies that target emission intensive production inputs and consumer products --GHG emission reductions and economic consequences of mitigation policies in agriculture --Summary of findings --Notes --References --3 Farm-level analysis of mitigation policies for agriculture --Introduction A bio-economic framework for dairy and crop production --Overview of the bio-economic framework --Data and model calibration --Results --Baseline scenario --GHG emission constraint: Abatement cost function and marginal abatement costs --GHG emission tax, abatement subsidy, and cap-and-trade --Input taxes on ruminant heads and nitrogen fertiliser --Mitigation policy instruments and the role of sunk investment costs --Ancillary environmental costs and benefits of GHG mitigation policies --Ranking alternative policy instruments by cost effectiveness --Discussion of results and caveats Conclusions --Notes --References --Annex 3.A. …”
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  2. 21842
    Publicado 1994
    Tabla de Contenidos:
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  3. 21843
    por Al-Ali, Nermien
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Analyzing IC Reporting Initiatives-The Two Approaches The First Approach-IC Reporting in Financial Statements; The Second Approach-Separate IC Reporting Models; The US Experience; Science and Technology Indicators; New Economy Index; CHI Research; The Knowledge Scorecard; The European Experience; Swedish Companies; Danish IC Statements; The Canadian Experience; Total Value Creation (TVC) Method; Global Initiatives; The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Suggestions for Developing a Universal IC Reporting Model (UICR)…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 21844
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recommendations from the OECD's assessment of Uzbekistan's readiness for green bond issuances -- 1.2.1. …”
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  5. 21845
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Managing reputational risk -- When banks go wrong: cases of punishments and penalties -- Managing reputational risk: the experience of the MDBs -- The integrity 'red flags' checklist and the due diligence investigation tools -- Practical application -- 6 Suspicion Recognition -- Background and general principles -- Money laundering typologies -- Terrorist financing typologies -- Account analysis examples -- 'Accumulation of evidence' cases -- The 21st century: areas of rising concern -- 7 International Cooperation -- Background -- Modern structures of organised crime and terrorism -- Mechanisms and tools of international cooperation -- International cooperative bodies -- 8 Modern Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Two Case Studies -- Introduction -- Smoke and Mirrors: AlnaBank and the Messengers of God -- Futura Capital Partners: Modern Money Laundering through 'low risk' regulated OECD Financial Institutions -- Discussion Points: Futura Capital Partners Case -- Appendix -- Index -- Back Cover…”
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  6. 21846
    por Forum, International Transport
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mastering the pandemic: Challenges and opportunities for non-urban mobility after Covid-19 -- How Covid-19 has changed travel behaviour -- The impact of Covid-19 on the decarbonisation of non-urban passenger transport -- Recover, Reshape, Reshape+: Three possible futures for non-urban passenger transport -- Non-urban passenger transport in the Recover scenario -- Paradigm change: Non-urban transport in the Reshape scenario -- Reshape+: Reinforcing Reshape -- Demand for non-urban passenger transport: Quick recovery and continued growth -- Air travel will dominate intercity trips -- Global transport activity is shifting to Asia -- CO2 emissions from non-urban passenger transport: Decoupling emissions from demand -- Well-to-tank emissions become more important -- OECD countries have the greatest potential to decarbonise -- Fair decarbonisation: Reducing non-urban passenger emissions in equitable ways -- Environmental equity of transport decisions -- Carbon taxes must not harm the less well-off -- Quantifying the equitability of non-urban transport -- Policy recommendations -- Increase the price of high-carbon non-urban transport to encourage clean alternatives -- Create Covid-19 recovery packages that boost sustainable non-urban transport -- Align decarbonisation policies across the transport and energy sectors to reflect the reliance of zero-carbon transport on clean energy -- Mandate the use of alternative fuels in aviation to encourage long-term innovation -- Incentivise the transition to low-emission non-urban road transport by making it more affordable and through measures that increase consumer confidence in cleaner options -- Invest proactively in technological developments beyond the transport sector to ensure wide-scale availability of new technologies for a comprehensive decarbonisation roll out -- References -- Note…”
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  7. 21847
    “…The data show each country's intake of official development assistance and well as other official and private funds from members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, multilateral agencies and other key donors. …”
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  8. 21848
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.1 Politik des tertiären Bildungswesens und Funktion eines -- 6.2 Merkmale der Tertiärbildung in der Schweiz -- 6.3 Herausforderungen einer Reform der schweizerischen Terti -- 6.4 Optionen der schweizerischen tertiären Bildungspolitik -- 6.4 Das OECD-Examen -- 6.6 Fokus Tertiärbildung -- TEIL II -- Kapitel 7 Umfang und Struktur des tertiären Bildungswesens -- 7.1 Zugang, Bildungswege und Bildungsmöglichkeiten -- 7.2 Tertiärbildung im Ausbau -- 7.3 Diversifizierung und Rolle der unterschiedlichen Institu -- TEIL II -- Kapitel 8 Lehre, Studium und Forschung: Erfolge, Problemstel -- 8.1 Die bedeutende Rolle der Forschung -- 8.2 Erfolge und Reformbedarf in den Kernbereichen der Spitze -- 8.3 Die Rolle anderer Disziplinen und Forschungsgebiete -- 8.4 Beziehungen zu Industrie und Wirtschaft -- 8.5 Internationalisierung der Hochschulbildung -- 8.6 Lehre, Studium und akademische Karrieremöglichkeiten -- 8.7 Evaluation -- 8.8 Die allgemeine Situation -- TEIL II -- Kapitel 9 Von Kontrolle und Verwaltung hin zu Steuerung und -- 9.1 Einleitung -- 9.2 Grundzüge der Reformen -- 9.3 Der schweizerische Föderalismus und die Führungsstruktur -- 9.4 Beziehungen zwischen den Behörden und den Institutionen -- 9.5 Führungsstrukturen innerhalb der Institutionen der Terti -- 9.6 Der Privatsektor und die Rolle marktwirtschaftlicher Anr -- TEIL II -- Kapitel 10 Informationsgrundlagen für die Entscheidungsfindu -- 10.1 Bedarf an Informationen -- 10.2 Heutiger Stand der Informationsbeschaffung zu Statistik -- 10.3 Bildungsforschung im Bereich der Hochschulbildung -- 10.4 Neue Kommunikationsmittel -- TEIL II -- Kapitel 11 Schlussfolgerung und Empfehlung -- 11.1 Einleitung -- 11.2 Umfang und Vielfalt der Tertiärbildung -- 11.3 Lehre, Studium und Forschung in einem dynamischen terti -- 11.4 Führung und Organisation: Anreize und Spielraum für den…”
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  9. 21849
    Publicado 1968
  10. 21850
    por Meier, Lars
    Publicado 2009
    “…The new middle classes of developing countries are held responsible for boosting extremely resource-intensive lifestyles beyond the OECD-world thus thwarting ongoing efforts to attain a more sustainable future. …”
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  11. 21851
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  12. 21852
    Publicado 2020
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  13. 21853
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  14. 21854
  15. 21855
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  16. 21856
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  17. 21857
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  18. 21858
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  19. 21859
    por International Energy Agency.
    Publicado 2000
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  20. 21860