Publicado 2013
“…The essay is enriched with the edition of the ladder project, a cast of the professors of the time and, above all, the compilation by Vicente de la Fuente of the obituaries of the first professors in Madrid: Tomás Palacios y Alamín (c 1764 -1841), Pedro Castelló y Roca (1812-1843), Joaquín Lumbreras (1777-1844), Mariano de la Bodega y Merodio (1794-1845), Vicente González Arnao (1766-1845), Prudencio María Berriozábal (1816-1847) ), Andrés Leal y Ruiz (1801-1851), Santiago Martínez Domínguez (1814-1851), Mariano Echavarría (-1851),
Manuel José Pérez (1795-1855)…”
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