Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Philosophy 424
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 307
- History 299
- Development 292
- Management 275
- Application software 234
- Religion 233
- Web sites 230
- Design 227
- Computer networks 219
- Data processing 206
- Social sciences 194
- Economics 187
- Research 184
- Computer programs 178
- Web site development 174
- Computer Science 167
- Education 158
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 152
- Mathematics 147
- Social aspects 138
- Telecommunications 138
- Ethics 135
- Historia 135
- Business & Economics 124
- Security measures 123
- Economic aspects 118
- Social Sciences 115
- Operating systems (Computers) 110
- Religion and sociology 110
4721por Campbell, Marc (Writer on technology)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6: Thinking About TextSorting Out Formats; About Headings; About Paragraphs; About Lists; Looking at Appearance Attributes; Considering Fonts; Considering Type Size; Considering Spacing; Looking at line spacing; Looking at word and character spacing; Looking at margins; Looking at padding; Considering Colors and Borders; Looking at text color; Looking at borders; Designing Text Hyperlinks; Looking at Link States; Getting Rid of the Underline; Adding Rollover Effects; Chapter 7: Setting Up Your Site; Defining the Site; Starting with the Basics; Filling in the Gaps…”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
4722por Jepson, BrianTabla de Contenidos: “…PFE precompilationmalloc.h; The System Library: libSystem; Shared Libraries Versus Loadable Modules; Building a Shared Library; Dynamically Loading Libraries; Two-level Namespaces; Library Versions; Creating and Linking Static Libraries; Prebinding; Interesting and Important Libraries; Chapter 6. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
4723Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Defining GenericsSummary; Exercises; Chapter 13: Additional OOP Techniques; The :: Operator and the Global Namespace Qualifier; Custom Exceptions; Events; Expanding and Using CardLib; Summary; Exercises; Part II: Windows Programming; Chapter 14: Basic Windows Programming; Controls; The Button Control; The Label and LinkLabel Controls; The TextBox Control; The RadioButton and CheckBox Controls; The RichTextBox Control; The ListBox and CheckedListBox Controls; The ListView Control; The TabControl Control; Summary; Exercises; Chapter 15: Advanced Windows Forms Features; Menus and Toolbars…”
Libro electrónico -
4724por Wempen, FaitheTabla de Contenidos: “…Hyperlinking to a Web PageUsing Partial Paths and Filenames; Using Relative and Absolute Paths; Setting a Target Window; Hyperlinking to an E-Mail Address; Creating and Hyperlinking to Anchors; Hyperlinking to Other Content; Key Points; Part II Style Sheets and Graphics; Chapter 6 Introduction to Style Sheets; Understanding Styles; Constructing Style Rules; Creating Styles for Nested Tags; Creating Classes and IDs for Applying Styles; Applying Styles to Hyperlinks; Creating and Linking to External Style Sheets; Key Points; Chapter 7 Formatting Text by Using Style Sheets…”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
4725por Hunter, JasonTabla de Contenidos: “…Receiving files using the input streamExtra Attributes; Sending HTML Information; The Structure of a Response; Sending a Normal Response; Using Persistent Connections; Response Buffering; Controlling the Response Buffer; Status Codes; Setting a Status Code; Improving ViewFile Using Status Codes; HTTP Headers; Setting an HTTP Header; Redirecting a Request; Watching Links to Other Sites; Client Pull; When Things Go Wrong; Status Codes; Configuring Error Pages; Logging; Reporting; Exceptions; ServletException; UnavailableException; Configuring Exception Pages; Knowing when no one's listening…”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
4726por Mellor, DavidTabla de Contenidos: “…The art of bluescreen; Rotoscoping; Ultimatte; Motion control; Appendix 1: The science of colour; Light; The eye; Subtractive colour mixing; Additive colour mixing; Colour triangle; Colour temperature; Appendix 2: Timecode: the link between sight and sound; The nature of timecode; Types of timecode; Timecode generation; Sound and picture, working together; Finger sync; Code-only master…”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
4727por Derakhshani, DariushTabla de Contenidos: “…Summary Chapter 8: Introduction to Animation; Keyframe Animation-Bouncing a Ball; Throwing an Axe; Replacing an Object; Animating Flying Text; Rigging the Locomotive, Part One; Animating a Catapult; Summary; Chapter 9: Further Animation Practices; Skeletons and Kinematics; Skeletons: The Hand; Inverse Kinematics; Basic Relationships: Constraints; Basic Relationships: Set Driven Keys; Application: Rigging the Locomotive; Summary; Chapter 10: Maya Lighting; Basic Lighting Concepts; Maya Lights; Light Linking; Adding Shadows; Soft Shadow Maps with mental ray; mental ray Lighting…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
4728por Murray, KatherineTabla de Contenidos: “…Creating Your Office Live Small Business AccountA Look Around the Office Live Small Business Window; Links for Success; Getting Started; Introducing Office Live Small Business Services; The Free Stuff: Core Services; Growing Your Business: Add- On Services; Setting Up Your Web Site Account; Perks and Benefits-and How It All Works; Getting Started on Your Site; Setting Site Permissions; Working with Domains; Registering Your Domain Name; Using Your Existing Domain; Managing Your Domains; Creating E-Mail Accounts; Working with Account Settings; Adding User Accounts; Setting Up Site Alerts…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
4729por Alpern, Naomi J.Tabla de Contenidos: “…The OSI Model and Networking Protocols; The OSI Model; Layer 1: Physical; Layer 2: Data Link; Layer 3: Network; Layer 4: Transport; Layer 5: Session; Layer 6: Presentation…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4730por Cox, JoyceTabla de Contenidos: “…Safely and Efficiently Accessing the Internet; Displaying Web Sites in Internet Explorer 7; Blocking Pop-Up Windows; Changing Your Home Page; Changing the Appearance of Web Content; Finding, Saving, and Returning to Web Sites; Printing Web Pages; Sending Web Pages and Links to Other People…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4731por Padova, TedTabla de Contenidos: “…Setting Initial View AttributesViewing Files with the Window Menu; Viewing Links; Opening PDF Files; Summary; Chapter 6 Searching PDF Files; Setting Up the Work Environment; Using the Find Toolbar; Using the Search Window; Document Descriptions; Full-Text Versus Index Searches; Search Index Procedures; Creating Search Indexes (Acrobat Professional Only); Using Index Files; Working with Embedded Index Files; Summary; Part II Converting Documents to PDF; Chapter 7 Converting Files to PDF; Setting Up the PDF Creation Environment; Understanding How PDFs Are Created…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
4732por Lombard, MattTabla de Contenidos: “…Patterning in a SketchMirroring in a Sketch; Geometry Pattern; Patterning Bodies; Patterning Faces; Patterning Fillets; Understanding Pattern Types; Mirroring in 3D; Tutorial: Creating a Circular Pattern; Tutorial: Mirroring Features; Summary; Chapter 9 Using Equations; Understanding Equations; Using Link Values; Using Global Variables; Using Expressions; Tutorial: Using Equations; Summary; Chapter 10 Working with Part Configurations; Controlling Items with Configurations; Using Design Tables; Tutorial: Working with Configurations and Design Tables; Summary; Chapter 11 Editing and Evaluation…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
4733por Orebaugh, AngelaTabla de Contenidos: “…; Networking and Protocol Fundamentals; Explaining Ethernet; Understanding the Open Systems Interconnection Model; Layer 1: Physical; Layer 2: Data Link; Layer 3: Network; Layer 4: Transport; Layer 5: Session; Layer 6: Presentation; Layer 7: Application; Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD); The Major Protocols: IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP; IP; Internet Control Message Protocol…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
4734por Lombard, MattTabla de Contenidos: “…Mirroring in a SketchExploring the Geometry Pattern Option; Patterning Bodies; Patterning Faces; Patterning Fillets; Understanding Pattern Types; Cosmetic Patterns; Mirroring in 3D; Tutorial: Creating a Circular Pattern; Tutorial: Mirroring Features; Tutorial: Applying a Cosmetic Pattern; Summary; Chapter 9: Using Equations; Understanding Equations; Using Link Values; Using Global Variables; Using Expressions; Tutorial: Using Equations; Summary; Chapter 10: Working with Part Configurations; Controlling Items with Configurations; Using Design Tables; What Can Be Driven by a Design Table?…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
4735por Padova, TedTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 4: Getting Familiar with Adobe ReaderSetting Some Critical Preferences; Using Adobe Reader Tools and Menus; Working with Acrobat. com; Enabling Adobe Reader Usage Rights; Getting Help; Adding More Functionality to Adobe Reader; Summary; Chapter 5: Viewing and Navigating PDF Files; Setting Up the Work Environment; Arranging Toolbars in the Acrobat Window; Navigating PDF Documents; Zooming; Changing Page Views; Setting Initial View Attributes; Viewing Files with the Window Menu; Viewing Links; Opening PDF Files; Summary; Chapter 6: Searching PDF Files; Setting Up the Work Environment…”
Publicado 2008
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4736Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tweeting in UnisonPart III: Twittering in High Gear; Chapter 7: Tricks of the Twitter Gurus; Following Twitter Protocol; Inserting Links into Your Tweets; Using Your Twitter History and Favorites; Your Feeds, My Feeds, Everyone's Feeds; Deciphering Twitter Shorthand Code; Chapter 8: Twitter Minus; Tweeting with Your Cellphone; Using Twitter through Your E-Mail; Swimming Your Twitter Stream with RSS Feeds; Using Third-Party Services; Sharing Tweets All Around the Web; Auto-Tweeting; Chapter 9: Embracing the Twitter Ecosystem; Finding Interesting Twitter Talk with Search Tools…”
Libro electrónico -
4737por Britten-Jones, Mark, 1963-Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.2 State prices5.3 Risk-neutral probabilities; 5.4 Linking state prices and probabilities; 5.5 Multi-period valuation; 5.6 Questions; Chapter 6. …”
Publicado 1998
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4738Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Category: Attack (Web)Category: Crypto; Category: Defense; Category: Defense / Forensics; Category: Evasion; Category: Footprinting; Category: Monitor (Sniffing); Category: Multipurpose; Category: Password Cracking; Category: Password Cracking (Remote); Category: Programming; Category: Scanning; Installing and Using The "Big" Tools; Wireshark; Installing Wireshark on MacOS X from Source; Installing Wireshark on MacOS X Using DarwinPorts; Nessus; Summary; Solutions Fast Track; Links to Sites; Frequently Asked Questions; Chapter 6: WarDriving and Wireless Penetration Testing with OS X…”
Libro electrónico -
4739por Lombard, MattTabla de Contenidos: “…Tutorial: Creating a Wire-Formed PartSummary; Chapter 8 Patterning and Mirroring; Patterning in a Sketch; Mirroring in a Sketch; Geometry Pattern; Patterning Bodies; Patterning Faces; Patterning Fillets; Understanding Pattern Types; Cosmetic Patterns; Mirroring in 3D; Tutorial: Creating a Circular Pattern; Tutorial: Mirroring Features; Tutorial: Applying a Cosmetic Pattern; Summary; Chapter 9 Using Equations; Understanding Equations; Using Link Values; Using Global Variables; Using Expressions; Tutorial: Using Equations; Summary; Chapter 10 Working with Part Configurations…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4740por Cherry, DennyTabla de Contenidos: “…Network address translationNetwork firewalls; Securing your Wi-Fi network; AT&T U-Verse router; D-Link router; NetGear routers; Hiding your wireless network; MAC address filtering; Changing the MAC address in Windows; Changing the MAC address in Apple OS X; Letting others onto your Wi-Fi network; Other devices on the network; Summary; Chapter 4: Securing Your Home Computer; Data encryption for the home user; Native Windows data encryption; Encrypting a disk in Windows; Encrypting a disk in Mac OSX; What do those website security logos mean?…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico