Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Philosophy 424
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 307
- History 299
- Development 292
- Management 275
- Application software 234
- Religion 233
- Web sites 230
- Design 227
- Computer networks 219
- Data processing 206
- Social sciences 194
- Economics 187
- Research 184
- Computer programs 178
- Web site development 174
- Computer Science 167
- Education 158
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 152
- Mathematics 147
- Social aspects 138
- Telecommunications 138
- Ethics 135
- Historia 135
- Business & Economics 124
- Security measures 123
- Economic aspects 118
- Social Sciences 115
- Operating systems (Computers) 110
- Religion and sociology 110
Publicado 2012
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4222Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Working with the web; Introduction; The web and HTML; HTML5; Web 2.0 and social networking; The semantic web; Linked data; Conclusion: the more flexible web; 4. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4223por Project Management InstituteTabla de Contenidos: “…The Highlighted Result of the Research Program: The Outlined Formulation of Project Management Second Order (PM-2) as a New Paradigm in Project ManagementFinal Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; The Logical Framework Approach-Millennium; Introduction; Literature Review; Research Objective; The Logical Framework Approach-Millennium; Case Studies; Conclusion; References; Exploring PMOs Through Community of Practice Theory; Introduction; Missing Links in PMO Performance; Managing Situated Learning: The Governance Challenge; Research Design…”
Publicado 2013
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4224Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The Four True North Metrics In Detail -- Quality Improvement -- Delivery/Lead Time/Flow Improvement -- Cost/Productivity Improvement -- Human Development -- Linking the True North Metrics with Financial Measures -- Summary -- Notes -- Value Stream Analysis Provides the Improvement -- Plan—And Kaizen Events Make It Happen -- Taking a Walk to Create an Initial-State VSA -- Initial-State VSA and the True North Metrics -- Helping You See the Waste -- Brainstorming to Create an Ideal-State Value Stream -- Creating a Future-State Value Stream -- Improvement Goals -- Work Plan and Responsibilities -- The Rule of 5× -- A Model Value Stream -- The Power of Weeklong Kaizen Events -- Summary -- Notes -- Tactical Organizational Practices -- The -- n/10 Rule -- Designing Improvement Teams -- Key Event Failure Mode -- The 3 Percent Guideline -- Selecting People for the Full-Time Improvement Team -- Selecting the Leader for the Dedicated Lean Team -- The Watlow 3 Percent Experience -- Administrative Teams -- Redeployment -- Other Lean Training -- Summary -- Strategic Organizational Practices -- Understanding Governance -- Immersion -- Guiding Coalition -- Communication -- Lean Simulation -- Strategy Deployment -- Antibodies -- Lean Year by Year -- Year One -- Year Two -- Year Three -- Year Four -- Summary -- Building a Lean Culture -- Defining Culture -- The Building Blocks of Lean/Toyota Culture -- Serve the Customer -- Seek What’s Right, Regardless -- Decide Carefully, Implement Quickly -- Candidly Admit Imperfections -- Speak Honestly and with Deep Respect -- Go See and Listen to Learn (Genchi Gembutsu) -- Deliver on Meaningful Challenges -- Be a Mentor and a Role Model -- The Action Plan -- Giving Your Leadership Team Personal Experience -- Daily Improvement -- Challenging Your Team to Build Knowledge -- Summary -- A Final Thought -- Author’s Note -- Note -- Appendices: -- A Lean Tutorial -- Building a Sustainable Lean Culture—The Watlow Way -- Watlow’s Enterprise Visual Management System—Mission Control -- The Origin of Simpler’s Transformation ContinuumSM -- Red River Army Depot—Accelerating Lean through Leadership Immersion -- A New Product Design System That Uses Lean Principles -- Autoliv—Empowered to Solve Problems…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4225Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; About the Editors; Contributors; Preface; 1 The Social Self: Introduction and Overview; Introduction; The Evolutionary Origins of the Self; The Self as a Symbolic Social Construction: The Symbolic Interactionist Tradition; Integrative Themes: Linking the Individual, Relational, and Collective Aspects of the Self; Overview of the Volume; Part I. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4226Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Appendix to Chapter Six: Timeline of Historical Events in the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal Chapter Seven: Comparisons and Implications for Analysis of Strategy; Model Assessment and Comparisons Across Cases; Linking Conclusions to Strategy with a Model of Persuasive Communications; Real-World Events and Messages; Alternate Information Channels; Individual-Level Factors; Macro-, Meso-, and Micro-Level Strategy Options; Macro- or Societal-Level Options; Meso- or Factional-Level Options; Micro- or Individual-Level Options; Suggestions for Applied Analysis of Strategy in a Context…”
Libro electrónico -
4227por Schultz, DanaTabla de Contenidos: “…Prevention and Intervention Effects for Women at Risk for DepressionLink Between Maternal Depression and Early Childhood Development; System Challenges to Addressing Maternal Depression; Maternal Depression Screening; Actions Taken Following Positive Screens; Engagement in Behavioral Health Treatment; The Need for a Cross-System Response to Maternal Depression in Allegheny County; The Helping Families Raise Healthy Children Initiative; Aims and Focus of the Initiative; Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholder Groups; Strategies for Implementation; Initiative Timeline…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
4228Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: A Short History of the Evolution of the Climate Smart Agriculture Approach and its Links to Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture Debates -- Chapter 3:Economics of Climate-Smart Agriculture -- Chapter 4: Innovation in Response to Climate Change -- Chapter 5: Use of Satellite Information on Wetness and Temperature for Decision of Crop Yield Prediction, River Discharge and Planning -- Chapter 6: Early Warning Techniques for Local Climate Resilience: Smallholder Rice in Lao PDE -- Chapter 7 : Farmers' Perceptions of and Adaptations to Climate Change in Southeast Asia: The Case Study from Thailand and Vietnam -- Chapter 8: U.S. …”
Libro electrónico -
4229Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface,Uwe Munzert -- Greeting for the GIZ publication as part of the regional programme “Professional Education and Training in Central Asia”, Volker -- About the contributors -- Part I -- Introduction -- 1 Recent technological challenges in (vocational) education, Thomas Köhler, Jens Drummer -- Part II Project based learning -- 1 Project based learning, Christian Stehling, Uwe Munzert -- 2 Strengthening the Innovative Potential of Project-Based Learning for TVET, Navbahor Sharipova, Matthias Wesseler -- 3 Project-Based Learning to Develop Creative Abilities in Students, Asylbek Isabekov, Gulzat Sadyrova -- Part III Specific didactics of laboratory work -- 1 Laboratory work in education of food technology professionals, Maksudakhon Abdullayeva -- 2 The Theoretical-Practical Cake, Linking theory and practice in food industry education, Horlacher, Franz -- 3 Potential of the task-based learning for the sustainable development of food technology, Manuela Niethammer -- Part IV Media and new technologies in TVET -- 1 The project title: The Virtual Laboratory and Quality of Education, Lafiz Boboev, Zokirhodzha Soliyev, Firuz Asrorkulov -- 2 Application of Modern Educational Technologies for Managing Project Activities of Master of Education, Rimma Masyrova, Victoria Savelieva, Janat Bisenbaeva, Bakhyt Atymtaeva -- 3 The significance of the Media Didactics Course for Masters of Vocational Education, Mamatair Joldoshov, Ainura Bekbolsunova -- 4 The significance of using business simulations in training of bachelors and masters, Mamatair Joldoshov, Jypargul Sayakbaeva -- 5 The use of new teaching and learning technologies for professional qualifications development in the system of the initial and secondary vocational education, Masuma Bashirova, Alymkan Sattarova -- Part V Evaluation and development of competencies -- 1 Technical training of teachers of vocational education in higher educational institutions, Svetlana Udartseva, Tatyana Ikonnikova, Tamara Udartseva, Tatyana Chausova, Gulfarida Samashova -- 2 Approaches of Engineering Pedagogy to improve the quality of teaching in engineering education, Steffen Kersten -- Competency-based exams in professional education, Ekaterina Golubina, Alexander Löser -- 4 Learning Performance in Vocational Secondary Schools: Testing academic achievement in electrical engineering, Metwaly Mabed and Thomas Köhler -- 5 Quality management for projects and workshops, Jens Drummer -- Part VI Research methods in TVET -- 1 The significance of scientific research in the professional development of students, Mukhabbat Ikrami -- 2 Preparing of Masters of Vocational Education for Conducting Research Activities, Gafurjon Hakimov, Kalybek Dykanaliev -- 3 Research Training for Doctoral Candidates in the Field of Education and Technology, Thomas Köhler -- Annex…”
Libro electrónico -
4230Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter Five: The Design of Measures That Link Performance to Incentives…”
Libro electrónico -
4231Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Introduction -- Part I: Global Economic Crisis -- Chapter 2: The Road from Prosperity into the Crisis: The Long Cycle of Post-War Economic, Social and Political Development -- Chapter 3: The Systemic Nature of the Global Crisis and Some Principles for Tackling it -- Part II: Regional Governance and Crisis Management in Europe and Latin America -- Chapter 4: EU’s Double Democratic Deficit -- Chapter 5: European Union’s Democratic Legitimacy after the MoUs: The Political Legacy of an Economic Crisis -- Chapter 6: Finance Capitalism and Democracy: The Case of the Financial Transactions Tax -- Chapter 7: Regional Governance and Macroeconomic Crisis Management in Latin America -- Part III: Impact of the Crisis in Europe and Latin America: National Level -- Chapter 8: Managing the Crisis in Greece: The Missing Link Between External Conditionality and Domestic Political Economy -- Chapter 9: The Crisis, its Management and Impact on Equity and Democracy in Portugal and Possible Consequences for the EU -- Chapter 10: The 2011 Crisis in Italy: A Story of Deep Rooted (and Still Unresolved) Economic and Political Weaknesses -- Chapter 11: Latin American Economic Crises and Populist Bids: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico -- Chapter 12: The Fall of a Giant: Greed, Corruption and Abuse of Power Undermining Democracy in Brazil -- Chapter 13: Venezuela in Crisis - Governance, Equity and Democracy -- Part IV: Impact of the Crisis in Europe and Latin America: Regional Level -- Chapter 14: The Rise of Right-wing Populism in Europe: A Psychoanalytical Contribution -- Chapter 15: European Economic Governance and Rising Sovereignism -- Chapter 16: Eurozone Crisis Management and the Growth of Opposition to European Integration -- Chapter 17: A ‘Pink Tide’ Than a ‘Turn to the Right’: Populisms and Extremism in Latin America in the 21st Century -- Chapter 18: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Latin American Regionalism and Beyond -- Part V: Conclusions -- Chapter 19: Comparing the Crises in Europe and Latin America: Causes, Management and Consequences -- Part VI: Reform Proposals -- Chapter 20: Financial Instability, Climate Change and the ‘Digital Colonization’ of Europe: Some Unconventional Proposals -- Chapter 21: Promoting Investment in the European Union, Evaluating the Junker Plan -- Chapter 22: Proposal for a Pact for National Responsibility Through EU Solidarity within the Present EU Architecture -- Chapter 23: Proposals for Reforms and Democratization of the EMU -- Chapter 24: Operational Proposal for an EU-CELAC Strategic Alliance -- Chapter 25: Epilogue - Financial Crises, Regionalism and Domestic Adjustment…”
Libro electrónico -
4232Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Taking account of land-Sea interactions in MSP; Sue Kidd, Hannah Jones and Stephen Jay -- Chapter 12. Linking ICZM to MSP: The Mediterranean experience; Emiliano Ramieri, Martina Bocci and Marina Markovic -- Chapter 13. …”
Libro electrónico -
4233Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Support Building Basic Administrative StructuresCreate Institutionalized Links Between Police and Justice; Focus on a Police Force That the Haitians Need and Can Afford; CHAPTER SIX: Economic Policy; The Challenges; Impoverishment; Inflation; Poor Business Environment; Appraisal of Plans and Policies for Addressing the Challenges; Monetary Policy; Exchange-Rate Policy; Fiscal Policy; Financial-Sector Policies; Policies to Improve the Business Environment; Recommendations; Assess Whether to Replace the Gourde with the U.S. …”
Libro electrónico -
4234Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Principals' Scores on the Administrators' Performance Standard RubricStudent Data; Analytic Approach; Principal, Coach, and Teacher Survey Data; Factor Analysis; Interviews with Building-Level Staff; District Interviews and Document Review; Rubric, Achievement, and Bonus Data; Method for Linking and Jointly Analyzing Rubric and Achievement Data; Limitations; CHAPTER THREE: District Context and Pittsburgh Principal Incentive Program Theory of Action; District Context and Related Reforms; Theory of Action Overview; Interventions for Building Capacity…”
Libro electrónico -
4235por Gierlack, KeithTabla de Contenidos: “…Develop Policies for LPR Usage, Data Access, and Data StorageThink Outside the Box When Deciding How to Employ LPR; Enhance the Benefits of LPR via Cooperation with Other Agencies and Jurisdictions; Regional Cooperatives Enhance LPR's Utility; Police Departments Need to Link LPR Systems to "Effective" Data Sources; Effective Implementation Frequently Requires Cooperation with Other Agencies; Ensure "Successful" Implementation and Sustainment; Be Prepared and Committed for a Long Learning Curve; It Helps to Have an LPR "Champion"; Do Media Outreach to Facilitate Public Acceptance…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
4236Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…IntroductionHIMT -- compositional characteristics; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion; Glass composition and the addition of manganese; Commodity branding in the primary glass industry; The origins and distribution of HIMT; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 9 Consumption, working and trade of Late Antique glass from north Adriatic Italy: An archaeometric perspective; Introduction; Sites and materials; Sites; Materials; Analytical methods; Results and discussion; Compositional groups; HIMT; Levantine 1; Serie 3.2; Links between types and compositional groups; Isotope analysis…”
Electrónico -
4237Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The need for resilience during and after the pandemic -- Characteristics of resilient work professionals -- The link between resilience and well- being -- taking care of mental, emotional, social and physical health -- Reflection and action points from this chapter -- Chapter 2: The challenges for managers of building resilience in themselves and others -- Introduction -- Case study -- Lack of control Typical causes of stress -- When pressure turns to stress: spotting the signs of a decrease in well- being and resilience -- Self-care -- Coping with stress -- Watch out for signs of stress in others -- The consequences if resilience declines for the manager and for the team -- Reflection and action points from this chapter -- Chapter 3: Assess your own levels of resilience -- Resilience self- assessment inventory -- How to interpret your scores -- The four energies and why they matter -- Reflection and action points from this chapter -- Chapter 4: Tips for physical well-being Activity and mood -- Case study -- Building physical activity into your daily routine -- Eating well -- Quality sleep -- Take regular breaks -- Reflection and action points from this chapter -- Chapter 5: Tips for emotional well-being -- What is emotional well-being? …”
Libro electrónico -
4238Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Routes to information sharing -- Part III Appendices -- Appendix A - Standards -- Cyber security standards -- ISO/IEC 27000 series standards -- Other relevant ISO standards -- Business continuity standards -- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards -- Appendix B - Good Practice Guidelines -- General cyber security advice -- UK government cyber security advice -- Appendix C - Cyber Security Law -- UK Law -- EU Directives and Regulations -- Appendix D - Training and Qualifications -- Generic cyber security training and qualifications -- Specific cyber security training and qualifications -- Appendix E - Links to Other Useful Organisations -- Appendix F - Further Reading -- Appendix G - Abbreviations and Glossary -- Abbreviations -- Glossary -- Index -- Back Cover…”
Libro electrónico -
4239por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- Executive summary -- Building a sound planning system -- Improving the strategic plan's methodology -- Monitoring the strategic plan to promote its delivery -- Creating a sound evaluation system of the strategic plan -- Promoting evidence-informed policy making in Nuevo León -- Assessment and Recommendations -- Toward a sound institutional system for planning, monitoring and evaluation -- Identifying clear policy priorities and setting pathways for implementation -- Monitoring the Strategic Plan as a tool for results Creating capacities for the evaluation of the Plan -- Promoting evidence-informed policy-making in Nuevo León -- 1 Toward a Sound Institutional System for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Nuevo León -- Introduction -- A robust M&E system is key to ensuring effective planning -- Nuevo León's M&E system ranks just above average in comparison with other Mexican states -- Building a sound long-term planning system in Nuevo León -- The Nuevo León Council reflects a whole-of-society effort towards the long term development of the state The council offers an inclusive platform to reflect on key policy initiatives -- The overall planning system in Nuevo León -- A complex interaction between the council and the state public administration -- Responsibilities for strategic planning are blurred between the Executive Office of the Governor and council -- The centre of government has limited capacities for strategic planning, coordination and monitoring in Nuevo Leon -- Recommendations -- References -- 2 The Strategic Plan's Methodology and Structure: Identifying Clear and Sound Policy Priorities for Nuevo León -- Introduction The Strategic Plan reflects a high-level commitment to long-term policies in Nuevo León -- Developing a robust planning methodology in Nuevo León -- The problem analysis phase did not build on lessons learned from previous reforms -- The prioritisation process omitted factors such as sequencing and trade-off between opportunity areas -- Objective setting did not rely on a clear logic model and some objectives are difficult to measure or to understand -- Simplifying the Plan's structure -- The Plan has been broken down into too many layers -- Opportunity areas have been insufficiently prioritised The coherence between thematic areas can be improved -- Planning coherence: aligning policy priorities and identifying pathways for their implementation -- There are some inconsistencies in aligning the methodological framework of the Strategic Plan with the SDGs -- There is no clear methodological framework for articulating the elements of the Strategic Plan with the elements of the State Development Plan (SDP) -- The Strategic Plan and the State Development Plan can be articulated with an action plan -- A clear need to link strategic planning with budgeting --…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
4240por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…SME and entrepreneurship policy in the Slovak Republic -- overall assessment and recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship performance in the Slovak Republic -- The Slovak economy has a relatively large share of micro firms -- The Slovak economy has very high business dynamism -- SME productivity is low and stagnant or falling -- Relatively few small firms export or innovate -- Entrepreneurship rates are high -- Policy recommendations -- The business environment for SMEs and entrepreneurship -- Macro-economic conditions have been favourable but COVID-19 is having a severe impact on SMEs Regulatory reforms need to be continued -- The innovation system does not favour SME innovation -- SME development is hindered by skills shortages -- Some transport and digital infrastructure gaps need to be addressed -- Relatively high social security payments may hinder small firm growth -- Equity finance and alternatives to debt finance are limited -- The spillovers from trade and foreign direct investment openness are currently limited -- Policy recommendations -- Regulatory environment -- Innovation and R&D -- Education/skills -- Taxation -- SME access to finance Trade and foreign direct investment -- Strategic framework and delivery arrangements for SME and entrepreneurship policy -- There is no overarching SME and entrepreneurship policy document -- SME and entrepreneurship policy lacks a lead unit, a cross-government co-ordination mechanism and an SME advisory council -- A policy portfolio examination would help assess the mix of spending -- Use of business identification number information could support evaluation -- A connecting hub would strengthen the policy delivery system -- Policy recommendations -- SME and entrepreneurship programmes A business diagnostic tool and client management approach would strengthen business development services -- SME innovation support should include actions to strengthen university-SME links -- Internationalisation programmes are at a basic level -- Entrepreneurship training and skills programmes lack a co-ordinated approach -- New sector skills councils and changes to the dual training system are strengthening SME skills -- Access to finance programmes are now supporting a wider range of instruments -- The Office for Public Procurement promotes SME participation…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico