Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Philosophy 424
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 307
- History 299
- Development 292
- Management 275
- Application software 234
- Religion 233
- Web sites 230
- Design 227
- Computer networks 219
- Data processing 206
- Social sciences 194
- Economics 187
- Research 184
- Computer programs 178
- Web site development 174
- Computer Science 167
- Education 158
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 152
- Mathematics 147
- Social aspects 138
- Telecommunications 138
- Ethics 135
- Historia 135
- Business & Economics 124
- Security measures 123
- Economic aspects 118
- Social Sciences 115
- Operating systems (Computers) 110
- Religion and sociology 110
4021por Mednieks, ZigurdTabla de Contenidos: “…""Content Resolvers: The Link between Clients and Providers""""Content Observers: Completing the Loop""; ""IPC: System-Wide Accessibility""; ""The Contract: URIs and Types""; ""Authority""; ""Virtual Table URIs""; ""Return Value MIME Types""; ""Permissions""; ""Publishing the Contract""; ""Implementing the Content Provider""; ""Creating the Content Provider""; ""Return Types and the URI Matcher""; ""Writing the Database""; ""Database Queries""; ""Content Observers (Again)""; ""Permissions and Registration""; ""Content Providers and Files""; ""Summary""…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
4022por Nuclear Energy Agency.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Microscopic inelastic scattering calculations with second order Born approximation.Link with quantum pre-equilibrium modelsNuclear level densities; The nuclear density of states and the role of the residual interaction; An effect of spin distribution in the pre-equilibrium process on cross section calculations; Pre-equilibrium light cluster production in nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies; Direct-semidirect thermal neutron capture calculations; Development of the Photonuclear Activation File (PAF): reaction cross sections,fission fragment and delayed neutrons…”
Publicado 2006
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4023por Lemke, JudyTabla de Contenidos: “…Using Visio Diagrams with the Microsoft Office System; Embedding Copies of Visio Diagrams in Office 2003 Files; Linking Visio Diagrams to Office 2003 Files; Key Points; 10. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4024por Grey, ChristopherTabla de Contenidos: “…Multi Stroboscopic FlashSpeedlites in Studio or Location; Macro Twin Lite; Ring Lite; Camera Accessories; Printers; Other Accessories; Rebel Links; Index…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4025por Grey, ChristopherTabla de Contenidos: “…Multi Stroboscopic FlashSpeedlites in Studio or Location; Macro Twin Lite; Ring Lite; Camera Accessories; Printers; Other Accessories; Rebel Links; Index…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
4026Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; How this Book is Organized; Icon Glossary; How to Use the Book and DVD; Before You Begin; The DVD Menu; Menu Structure; Digital Video and DVD Design; DVD Links and User Operations; The Difference between Still and Motion Menus; Types of Menus; Research, Interaction Design, and Usability; Process; User Research; Design Navigation and Interaction; Interaction Design Deliverables; Tools of the Trade; Helpful Questions; Prototyping; Usability Testing; Design; Graphic Design Principles; Typography…”
Libro electrónico -
4027por Lidwell, WilliamTabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- 80/20 Rule -- Accessibility -- Advance Organizer -- Aesthetic-Usability Effect -- Affordance -- Alignment -- Anthropomorphic Form -- Archetypes -- Area Alignment -- Attractiveness Bias -- Baby-Face Bias -- Biophilia Effect -- Cathedral Effect -- Chunking -- Classical Conditioning -- Closure -- Cognitive Dissonance -- Color -- Common Fate -- Comparison -- Confirmation -- Consistency -- Constancy -- Constraint -- Contour Bias -- Control -- Convergence -- Cost-Benefit -- Defensible Space -- Depth of Processing -- Design by Committee -- Desire Line -- Development Cycle -- Entry Point -- Errors -- Expectation Effect -- Exposure Effect -- Face-ism Ratio -- Factor of Safety -- Feedback Loop -- Fibonacci Sequence -- Figure-Ground Relationship -- Fitts' Law -- Five Hat Racks -- Flexibility-Usability Tradeoff -- Forgiveness -- Form Follows Function -- Framing -- Freeze-Flight-Fight-Forfeit -- Garbage In-Garbage Out -- Golden Ratio -- Good Continuation -- Gutenberg Diagram -- Hick's Law -- Hierarchy -- Hierarchy of Needs -- Highlighting -- Horror Vacui -- Hunter-Nurturer Fixations -- Iconic Representation -- Immersion -- Inattentional Blindness -- Interference Effects -- Inverted Pyramid -- Iteration -- Law of Prägnanz -- Layering -- Legibility -- Life Cycle -- Mapping -- Mental Model -- Mimicry -- Mnemonic Device -- Modularity -- Most Advanced Yet Acceptable -- Most Average Facial Appearance Effect -- Normal Distribution -- Not Invented Here -- Nudge -- Ockham's Razor -- Operant Conditioning -- Orientation Sensitivity -- Performance Load -- Performance Versus Preference -- Personas -- Picture Superiority Effect -- Priming -- Progressive Disclosure -- Propositional Density -- Prospect-Refuge -- Prototyping -- Proximity -- Readability -- Recognition Over Recall -- Red Effect -- Redundancy -- Rosetta Stone -- Rule of Thirds -- Satisficing -- Savanna Preference -- Scaling Fallacy -- Scarcity -- Self-Similarity -- Serial Position Effects -- Shaping -- Signal-to-Noise Ratio -- Similarity -- Stickiness -- Storytelling -- Structural Forms -- Symmetry -- Threat Detection -- Three-Dimensional Projection -- Top-Down Lighting Bias -- Uncanny Valley -- Uncertainty Principle -- Uniform Connectedness -- Veblen Effect -- Visibility -- Visuospacial Resonance -- von Restorff Effect -- Wabi-Sabi -- Waist-to-Hip Ratio -- Wayfinding -- Weakest Link -- Credits -- Acknowledgments -- About the Authors -- Index…”
Publicado 2010
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4028Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Übersicht -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Teil A - Einführung -- 1 - Neue Funktionen in Word 2013 -- 2 - Die Benutzeroberfläche von Word 2013 -- Teil B - Word-Dokumente erstellen -- 3 - Neue Word-Dokumente erstellen -- 4 - Word-Dokumente speichern und öffnen -- 5 - Text eingeben, bearbeiten und mit Designs formatieren -- 6 - Sprachtools verwenden -- 7 - Dokumente drucken, versenden und vorführen -- Teil C - Dokumente formatieren -- 8 - Arbeiten mit Designs -- 9 - Zeichenformatierung - Gestalten mit Schrift -- 10 - Absatzformatierung, Aufzählungen, Linien und Muster -- 11 - Formatvorlagen -- 12 - Seitenlayout -- 13 - Kopf- und Fußzeilen -- 14 - Eigene Vorlagen erstellen -- Teil D - Tabellen und Grafiken -- 15 - Tabellen erstellen -- 16 - Excel-Tabellen in Word verwenden -- 17 - Illustrationen einfügen und positionieren -- 18 - Illustrationen bearbeiten -- 19 - Diagramme erstellen -- 20 - WordArt -- 21 - Arbeiten mit Formularen -- 22 - Textfelder -- 23 - Tabellen und Grafiken beschriften -- Teil E - Mit speziellen Dokumenttypen arbeiten -- 24 - Feldfunktionen verstehen und verwenden -- 25 - Serienbriefe erstellen -- 26 - Briefumschläge und Etiketten -- 27 - Formulare erstellen -- Teil F - Dokumente gemeinsam nutzen -- 28 - Dokumente im Team bearbeiten -- 29 - Änderungen zusammenführen und Dokumente vergleichen -- 30 - Dokumente schützen -- Teil G - Umfangreiche und wissenschaftliche Dokumente erstellen -- 31 - Die Gliederungsfunktion verwenden -- 32 - Mit Zentraldokumenten arbeiten -- 33 - Fuß- und Endnoten -- 34 - Zitate und Literaturverzeichnis erstellen -- 35 - Links, Textmarken und Querverweise -- 36 - Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellen -- 37 - Stichwortverzeichnis erstellen -- Teil H - Word 2013 an eigene Bedürfnisse anpassen -- 38 - Word-Optionen -- 39 - Makro-Programmierung -- 40 - Menüband und Symbolleiste für den Schnellzugriff anpassen…”
Libro electrónico -
4029Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Blip.fmTumblrStats; Zemanta; Missing e; LinkWithin Related Posts; Tumblr Tag Clouds; Pikchur; Postling; Appendix: Tumblr Resources; Using the Help Center; Finding Tumblr Help Online; Index…”
Libro electrónico -
4030por Russell, Matthew A. (Computer scientist)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Discussion1.7 Visualizing a Graph of Retweet Relationships; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.8 Capturing Tweets in Real-time with the Streaming API; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.9 Making Robust Twitter Requests; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.10 Harvesting Tweets; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.11 Creating a Tag Cloud from Tweet Entities; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.12 Summarizing Link Targets; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 1.13 Harvesting Friends and Followers; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also…”
Publicado 2011
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4031Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…1 Contextualizing this volume in the field of glass bead studies -- 2 Glass beads and human pasts -- 3 Characterizing glass recipes for distinctive polychrome glass bead types in Ontario, Canada -- 4 Simple blue (IIa40) beads from 17th century Mission Santa Catalina de Guale: Dating, origins, and elemental composition -- 5 Glass trade bead analysis at Upper Hampton Farm (40RH41): A case study for 17th and 18th century Non-Cherokee habitation in East Tennessee Valley -- 6 Compositional analysis of compound drawn white glass beads from colonial California: Implications for chronology and dispersal -- 7 Glass beads and evidence for early "pre-contact" trade in Northwestern Alaska -- 8 The exchange of beads in Central Thailand in the protohistoric period: Glass objects from Phromthin Tai -- 9 Shifting patterns of glass bead cargo of 15th - 17th century Philippines shipwrecks -- 10 Sources of glass beads from the High Himalayas: 1200 BCE-CE 650 -- 11 Inland from the sea: Rethinking the value of mineral soda alumina drawn glass beads from medieval North India -- 12 Beads from the lowlands of Northwestern Ethiopia -- 13 Inland glass beads in Northeast Tanzania, 8th-17th centuries CE -- 14 Glass beads at Unguja Ukuu in the late 1st millennium CE: Results of the 2018 excavation in Zanzibar -- 15 Chemical analysis of precolonial Indian Ocean glass beads found in the southern African interior: linking global objects to local and regional change -- 16 Morphology and elemental composition: provenancing glass beads from 12th - 13th century Mayotte -- 17 Elemental composition of glass beads from the eastern Mediterranean region: Chronology and provenance of material from Tel Anafa, Israel -- 18 South Asian beads at the site of Kish, Iraq -- 19 Technology, chronology, and exchange examined through glass beads, Appendix Supplementary Materials…”
Libro electrónico -
4032Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 22: Long-Term, Low-Intensity, Heterogeneous Electromagnetic Fields : Influence on Physiotherapy Personnel Morbidity ProfileChapter 23: Nanoelectroporation for Nonthermal Ablation; Chapter 24: Electroporation for Electrochemotherapy and Gene Therapy; Chapter 25: Dirty Electricity within the Intermediate-Frequency Range: The Possible Missing Link Explaining the Increase in Chronic Illness; Chapter 26: Electromagnetic Fields in the Treatment of Tendon Injury in Human and Veterinarian Medicine; Back Cover…”
Libro electrónico -
4033Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Democracy and Community: Exploring a Contested Link in Light of the Populist Resurgence Oliver Schmidtke; 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
4034Publicado 1999Tabla de Contenidos: “…GENERAL DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS""; ""3 Linking Components of Functional Capacity Domains with Work Requirements ""; ""HOWARD GOLDMAN, M.D., PH.D…”
Libro electrónico -
4035Publicado 1990Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Prepanel Process""""Responsibility for Planning""; ""Review of Literature""; ""Review of Current Clinical Practice""; ""Patient Outcome Data""; ""Advance Preparation of Recommendations or Questions""; ""Panel Composition""; ""Panel Size""; ""Panel Chair""; ""Panel Members""; ""Consensus Panel Meeting""; ""Product""; ""Meeting Time""; ""Public Forums""; ""Private Panel Sessions""; ""Definition of Consensus""; ""Decision-Making Process""; ""Sensitivity to Group Process Issues""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Link between Goals and Inputs""; ""Formalizing the Group Process""…”
Libro electrónico -
4036Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lund -- The shareholder-stakeholder alliance : exposing the link between shareholder power and the rise of a corporate social purpose / Lisa M. …”
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4037Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Navar -- Collecting duct renin : a critical link in angiotensin II-dependent hypertension / Minolfa C. …”
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4038por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Organisation and management -Progress in implementing the recommendations of the last peer review -An integrated ministry adjusting to change -Managing and communicating about the changes ahead will be vital -Strengthening the links between field and headquarters -Improving field – headquarters linkages for knowledge sharing and coherent management -The need to create a "learning" and results-orientated organisation and to make better use of evaluations and other evidence -Re-focusing planning and monitoring in order to understand and learn more from results -Making use of a strong base of evidence from evaluations -Ongoing efforts to improve overall knowledge management -Increasing the availability of information on Dutch aid -Getting the most out of the ministry’s human resources and expertise -Future considerations Chapter 5. …”
Publicado 2013
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4039Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Potential of forest restoration to contribute to climate change mitigation -- 6.3 Risks of forest restoration as a mitigation strategy -- 6.4 Climate change adaptation -- 6.5 Linking mitigation and adaptation -- 6.6 Conclusion -- Notes -- 7 Forest restoration, biodiversity, and ecosystem services -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 The role of biodiversity -- 7.3 Recovery of ecosystem services by means of forest restoration -- 7.4 Trade-offs and disservices: One's gain can be another's loss -- 7.5 Restoration across scales of time and space -- 7.6 Opportunities for further research and restoration projects -- 8 Making forest landscape restoration work for livelihoods and well-being of local communities -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 FLR potential to provide local livelihoods and well-being benefits -- 8.3 Challenges and trade-offs in linking restoration to local livelihoods and well-being -- 8.4 Leveraging points and recommendations for FLR to deliver livelihoods and well-being for local communities -- 8.5 Conclusion -- References -- 9 An economic view on the costs and benefits of forest restoration -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Costs and benefits of forest restoration -- 9.3 Economic and financial costs and benefits -- 9.4 Discussion -- 9.5 Conclusion -- 10 Financial, ecological, political, and social feasibility of forest restoration targets -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Context and related studies -- 10.3 What is forest restoration? …”
Libro electrónico -
4040por Curran, TerryTabla de Contenidos: “…Showing item dependencies -- Remapping an item to a new source -- How to remap an item -- Reusing a project -- Model portability -- Moving a model by using the log file -- How to play back actions from a log file -- Running action logs in batch mode -- BmtScriptPlayer syntax -- Multiuser modeling in Framework Manager -- Merge projects -- Segmenting and linking projects -- Creating a segment -- Creating links -- Summary -- 9. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico