Publicado 1995
Tabla de Contenidos:
“…Nobody knows the trouble I've seen ; Get away Jordan ; Go tell it on the mountain ; Come to Jesus ; Jesus is with me / Preacher and the bear ; When the saints go marching home ; Rock my soul ; Noah ; Go where I send thee / Motherless child ; My lord what a morning ; What a beautiful city ; There is a balm in Gilead ; Every time I feel the spirit /
Jessye Norman. What are they doing in heaven ; Shine for Jesus ; I saw the light ; Oh the joy that came to me ; Blow ye the trumpet of Zion / The day is past and gone / Swing low sweet chariot ; Joshua fit de battle ob Jericho ; Ol' man river ; Didn't my lord deliver Daniel ; Jacob's ladder / I'm a poor little orphan in this world ; Roll jord'n roll. …”
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